I'm not moaning, I dont play it (tabletop/pen and paper RPG is my thing, not cRPG).
Last cRPG I played was Baulers Gate 1, then NWN as a "can we use this with the custom GM created modules&maps for tabletop" aspect. We did none of the game itself or story. We just use/played around with it for the custom 3D remote tabletop aspect.
-We don't control what happens to us in life, but we control how we respond to what happens in life.
-Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times. -G. Michael Hopf
Disclaimer: Post made by me are of my own creation. A delusional mind relayed in text form.
What difficulty are people playing? I started with "Normal" but it was too easy / boring. So now I've switched to "Core" which is more interesting but seems overtuned. Every engagement even with scrub monsters, requires use of all scoll, potions, buffs etc and even then a char will be oneshot occasionally.
That sound about core (P&P RAW rules) consistent
Pathfinder mantra: Any party not carrying potions and|or scrolls/wands and not using buffs is trying to make new characters.
-We don't control what happens to us in life, but we control how we respond to what happens in life.
-Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times. -G. Michael Hopf
Disclaimer: Post made by me are of my own creation. A delusional mind relayed in text form.
Game has some interesting balance, at level 6 i met a monster with +29 BAB and 37 AC, it was pretty hilarious. Obviously meant to come back later but quite the kick in the teeth.
I must be some kind of oblivious god of Pathfinder. Reading around the forums, everybody talking about difficulty spikes and encounters they can't do when first meeting them, and I've seen none of that. Killed the infamous Water Elemental in the maze on first attempt. I didn't even realize it's that hard 'till I read some posts about it. Playing on core rules + extra abilities for monsters enabled. I don't even multiclass my companions. Never had to "come back later".
I think some people are missing how powerful hexes are. Sleep hex is basically instawin against anything that fails the save. I've had some supposedly tough enemies just fold in the first turn when the hex goes through. The one that gives disadvantage to enemies attacking the target is another one.
Worst so far was a boss that did ~400 damage in a round with melee to Regill. My poor characters have ~100hp. It also had an add that did about 200dmg per round. Last Stand saves lives. Then there's also the odd cleric who casts harm or slay living and oneshots anyone who doesn't save.
Protection from energy communal kinda nerfs a lot of supposedly tough demons and wizards that do 80dmg+ AOE but it all gets absorbed by the spell.
Just started act 3. Almost afraid to continue with all the gamebreaking bugs being reported.
Yeah, i think im just stuck in baldur's gate mode where i hasted everything and chopped everything up to pieces. I dont know if i have the patience to spam channeling and touch attack skills. And i damn sure don't have the patience to play this in turn based mode.
One thing I don't much like about either Pathfinder game is that the numbers go kinda crazy around level 10. Starting to see hundreds of damage per round from some characters and mobs while HP pools are only around 100. One of my companions fairly regularly crits for over 100dmg and has 7 attacks hasted. Also started seeing mobs with crazy high AC that can only be hit with a NAT20 even fully buffed. Now that doesn't mean the game is especially difficult, you can work around most things with various spells, but it's swingy and a little offputting to me. There's no reasonable fair combat, always gotta "cancel" enemy stuff with various abilities and spells or you can kiss your tank goodbye in a single from-100%-to-death full-action attack. The only way to tank anything is a combination of mirror image and last stand, which funnily enough makes my rogue companion a better tank than my full plate paladin. AC is useless vs many mobs with their crazy attack bonuses and 8+ attacks. I don't think I've ever seen a ferocious smilodon miss unless it's a NAT1.
ASRock B550M Pro4 * 5800X3D * RTX 3080 * 32gb 3600mhz CL16 * 1TB Adata XPG 8200 Pro * LG 55" B9 OLED * Aune X1S * Sennheiser HD-650 * Asus AP201 * Super Flower 500w Fanless
Yeah, i think im just stuck in baldur's gate mode where i hasted everything and chopped everything up to pieces. I dont know if i have the patience to spam channeling and touch attack skills. And i damn sure don't have the patience to play this in turn based mode.
You'd go mad in actual tabletop where 60 seconds of combat (10 rounds) between a party of 5 vs 6 mobs can take 30-45 minutes Over an hour if players are not on the ball when their turn comes.
-We don't control what happens to us in life, but we control how we respond to what happens in life.
-Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times. -G. Michael Hopf
Disclaimer: Post made by me are of my own creation. A delusional mind relayed in text form.
Yeah, I used to love turn based games like HOMM and Divinity but I can’t help but feel these games go for tedium rather than fun. Probably just getting old and cranky.
i'm at defender's heart , one of my party members is greyed out, cannot heal it or be active to do quests , i read -36/14 , is dead or is another bug? thanks.
i'm at defender's heart , one of my party members is greyed out, cannot heal it or be active to do quests , i read -36/14 , is dead or is another bug? thanks.
Dead more than likely.
In Pathfinder if your negative HP is less than your con score, you are dead. No rolls to do, no saves...just dead.
Say you have a CON of 16.
Exactly 0 HP: Staggered
Negative 1-15: unconscious and dying, do stabilize rolls.
Negative 16+: Dead. Only resurrection (or other means) to get back.
-We don't control what happens to us in life, but we control how we respond to what happens in life.
-Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times. -G. Michael Hopf
Disclaimer: Post made by me are of my own creation. A delusional mind relayed in text form.
i'm at defender's heart , one of my party members is greyed out, cannot heal it or be active to do quests , i read -36/14 , is dead or is another bug? thanks.
Dead more than likely.
In Pathfinder if your negative HP is less than your con score, you are dead. No rolls to do, no saves...just dead.
Say you have a CON of 16.
Exactly 0 HP: Staggered
Negative 1-15: unconscious and dying, do stabilize rolls.
Negative 16+: Dead. Only resurrection (or other means) to get back.
Thanks, so resurrrection is a spell to find or buy or unlock?
Sorry no idea. I dont play the video game, just the pen and paper Pathfinder so know the ruleset.
So my answer would be: find, buy, loot, steal, get gifted, learn from fellow cleric for price (or favor). Granted by a god, a mayor, a king, do a major deed for a church, in exchange for a year of daily handjobs...well any possible way you could fantasize or make up a way to get it
(One of our players got greater dispel magic by beating a sleeping mage with a pillowcase full of door knobs while his teammate stole his spellbook).
But for the video game? Not a clue how you get it.
-We don't control what happens to us in life, but we control how we respond to what happens in life.
-Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times. -G. Michael Hopf
Disclaimer: Post made by me are of my own creation. A delusional mind relayed in text form.
Finished it, took me 96 hours. It's a bit shorter than Kingmaker and, as expected, the chapters that weren't in the Beta are a bit...off.
Nothing gamebreaking, but the plot seemed a bit thin at the end.
Then again, I did not discover the "True" ending, which I saw on youtube (even with the same Mythic path), which could make stuff leading to it more interesting.
The game overall does have bugs, but it's more polished than Kingmaker.
Unless you play as a Lich, in which case you were SOL up until now.
Can't beat the rigged OP cutscene battle with god powers against Minagho > which is retarded given your supposed to be virtually invincible.
If i focus my entire party that are making 5-7 attacks each char on Minagho, maybe 1/60 attacks will hit.
If i try kill the demons, everything just respawns.. here have 3 retarded VRocks at once.
Very RNG as well.. sometimes you can sluimber 5 enemies, easy sauce. Other times the same encounter will wreck half your party.
Ok demons first, they only respawn once (i thought indefinately).
Can't beat the rigged OP cutscene battle with god powers against Minagho > which is retarded given your supposed to be virtually invincible.
If i focus my entire party that are making 5-7 attacks each char on Minagho, maybe 1/60 attacks will hit.
If i try kill the demons, everything just respawns.. here have 3 retarded VRocks at once.
Very RNG as well.. sometimes you can sluimber 5 enemies, easy sauce. Other times the same encounter will wreck half your party.
Ok demons first, they only respawn once (i thought indefinately).
You are supposed to lose.
Had the same thing I even googled for 30 mins to look how you are even supposed to kill it.
I hate that stuff cause I always insta reload after defeat. In this case the battle doesn't feel that OP, you just can't hit Minagho so I felt that i did something wrong. Also the game almost seem to lock up after dying with a very long pause. Poor game design imho. Resdident evil village also had such a sequence, took me an hour and finaly had to google to know I was supposed do die.
So I'm at the end of lost chapel in Core, using a party of 4-5 without the companion split XP, so my characters are likely several levels ahead of other players (lvl8) at this point. I think the game balance is a mess, I don't understand the audience they are balancing for.
if core is supposed to be tabletop style experience, but encounters are way overtuned to satisfy those players, and they didn't port the rules across perfectly
My experience with core, it can't be played in RTwP its a massive disadvantage. You pretty much need to know the game in advance. You need buff scrolls for encounters that are close to impossible if you don't know beforehand and don't buy the right pots and scrolls. There are no easy encounters, in fact groups of scrubs are often worse than boss encounters. certain classes and builds are actually just unviable as well (is this the same in tabletop? Am i supposed to know that and ignore those classes?).
This is not enjoyable for every encounter: blur/ concealment > Mage armor > haste > protect from x > enlarge tank > bear str > mirror image = combat starts, six atks mirror image gone, critical hit, char almost dead.. then char two is hit negative levels or some other bullshit from monsters that spawn from offscreen.. okay reload and encounter til RNG works..'
Core must be played with min/maxed chars using the known OP skills and spells, there isn't little to no room for being unoptimised. So I think I'm parking this game, daring difficulty was too easy / autopilot mode. Core is unfairly punishing where even optimised you will be casting reload quicksave several times every encounter. So its effectively balanced to be no fun, for a single player game.
certain classes and builds are actually just unviable as well (is this the same in tabletop? Am i supposed to know that and ignore those classes?
Kinda, yeah. This is basically the opposite of Josh Sawyer's "everything must be balanced" philosophy. That's where a large part of the fun comes from, finding all the various wacky and broken builds that you would never get in something as bland as Pillars of Eternity. But that's very much munchkinism, so not to everyone's taste.
@AmpegV4 Kingmaker suffered from the same issue and we got to this point because people were so willing to overlook it.
DCB wrote:
AmpegV4 wrote:
certain classes and builds are actually just unviable as well (is this the same in tabletop? Am i supposed to know that and ignore those classes?
Kinda, yeah. This is basically the opposite of Josh Sawyer's "everything must be balanced" philosophy. That's where a large part of the fun comes from, finding all the various wacky and broken builds that you would never get in something as bland as Pillars of Eternity. But that's very much munchkinism, so not to everyone's taste.
It's not fun to play a class that's at a severe disadvantage.
Finished it too after long 150 hours.
Had to replay act 4 and some of act 3 due to one choice breaking the game progress and preventing me from continuing at the end of act 4.
I gave Suture the mythic power in act 3 when taking the lexicon.
Later on I noticed a bug in the fleshmarket with Suture and then with the Hand of Inheritor when he wouldn't speak to me.
This resulted with game breaking bug with Hepzamirah cutscene and it got stuck.
Some smaller bugs were still there, like the game crashing while loading at times and companions getting stuck to obstacles. But once I made different choices in act 3, the game had no more bigger bugs that prevented from finisihing it.
Overall a very good game and will start a second playthrough after some more patches.
Finished it too after long 150 hours.
Had to replay act 4 and some of act 3 due to one choice breaking the game progress and preventing me from continuing at the end of act 4.
I gave Suture the mythic power in act 3 when taking the lexicon.
Later on I noticed a bug in the fleshmarket with Suture and then with the Hand of Inheritor when he wouldn't speak to me.
This resulted with game breaking bug with Hepzamirah cutscene and it got stuck.
Some smaller bugs were still there, like the game crashing while loading at times and companions getting stuck to obstacles. But once I made different choices in act 3, the game had no more bigger bugs that prevented from finisihing it.
Overall a very good game and will start a second playthrough after some more patches.
It's not fun to play a class that's at a severe disadvantage.
So don't play that class then. But from what I've seen there are only a couple of classes that have real issues (in terms of buggy implementation/stuff not working). Just like Kingmaker, most of the "disadvantaged" classes are really just people not knowing how to play them well. Any class can work, and if there's some aspect that feels underpowered then it's typically easy enough to rectify with a splash or two into other classes. That's the power of the system.
And as to difficulty more generally, just play on Custom and tweak the individual settings to get the level of challenge you're after.
People looking for more of a tabletop-faithful experience may want to check out this - https://github.com/Vek17/WrathMods-TabletopTweaks Although it's obviously a bit of a moving target right now with Owlcat putting out patches every few days.
It's not fun to play a class that's at a severe disadvantage.
So don't play that class then.
Mindblowing reply!
DCB wrote:
Nodrim wrote:
It's not fun to play a class that's at a severe disadvantage.
Any class can work, and if there's some aspect that feels underpowered then it's typically easy enough to rectify with a splash or two into other classes. That's the power of the system.
Any class can work in a relatively optimal manner only if you multi-class the shit out of it, a point when it's hardly that class anymore. Playing a heavy armor class is the most hilarious thing, you'll probably end up having less AC than people running around naked. Casters are too strong and pretty much required for most solid builds.
By their own, some of the classes/prestige classes are quite useless and they are outplayed at their own game like Barbarian, Cavalier, Assassin, probably even Rogue.
The balance issues continue with the encounters as well which are designed for fully buffed parties, meaning you should always know beforehand what you are facing.
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