New World (Amazon's MMO)
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PostPosted: Wed, 29th Sep 2021 15:57    Post subject:
You can do that with instancing true, but Id still know/have the nagging feeling not everyone on my server is interactable and part of my 'butterfly effect' of being in the world.

I think its my tabletop roots, if there is one main boss in an area...I want to KNOW there is only one. Not 50 separate parallel universes of people fighting the same boss. Feels less epic to me.
Sure respawning boss don't fit that mold of 'one', But in my head it's a better solution of 'there is only one at a time' than 'there is 50 ones at the same time'.
Sort of along the lines of why I can't do MMO story and spam next on dialog. Star Wars for example: "You are special, you are to be THE jedi"...with 60 people running up behind me waiting to hear the same thing. (But that's a whole different discussion but the same vibe to me of the: you are being lied to, this is not unique, there is a LOT of this being done right now).

Some of my best memories in an MMO is waiting for bosses and rushing to get to it with friends when it spawned to be the first to show up. Or playing a healer in Vanguard and running around [can't remember the area name] with hard to get through caves stumbling on lots of people fighting and doing 'random good deed of the day' of stopping to heal them up and running off to the next group of people. Or doing the same in Neocron as a pure passive psimonk in the canyon caves.

One of my burned in my head memories is of ashrons call, being about 1/2 the level I should going into some are with tuskers (I Think they was called) and stumbling on some other max level dudes corpse that had gear I could only dream of buying and looting it all. If it was instanced I might never have that memory as he could have been in a different instance. I knew I MYSELF was the only one on the whole server that ran into the right spot at the right time to get his gear. (not just the right guy on his instance to).

-We don't control what happens to us in life, but we control how we respond to what happens in life.
-Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times. -G. Michael Hopf

Disclaimer: Post made by me are of my own creation. A delusional mind relayed in text form.
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Posts: 9710

PostPosted: Wed, 29th Sep 2021 16:28    Post subject:
warlock, thats cause back then there was only 2000-5000 people playing at same time on said server, gaming has grown , what u want just doesnt work when scaled to current gaming numbers in the millions
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Location: Florida, USA
PostPosted: Wed, 29th Sep 2021 16:32    Post subject:
WoW at one time had far more people at one time than other MMO's then or now. And they did it without instancing. (well other than when they added raid instancing. But the world itself was all people per server one world)

-We don't control what happens to us in life, but we control how we respond to what happens in life.
-Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times. -G. Michael Hopf

Disclaimer: Post made by me are of my own creation. A delusional mind relayed in text form.
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Posts: 1771

PostPosted: Wed, 29th Sep 2021 16:41    Post subject:

"To ensure everyone can find an open world now, while also finding a home in Aeternum with their community long-term, we’ll offer an opportunity in the next two weeks for all players to relocate their characters to a new server of their choice at no cost."

So I was wandering: why are you server locked. What purpose does it has. It makes things complicated. You'll quicky end up in a situation where you want to change servers. But it isn't allowed. Or is it?
The answer is obvious: they are gonna monetize the shit out of it. This game is pure evil. A full prize game that needs micriotransactions to be enjoyed.
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Posts: 9710

PostPosted: Wed, 29th Sep 2021 16:46    Post subject:
DXWarlock wrote:
WoW at one time had far more people at one time than other MMO's then or now. And they did it without instancing. (well other than when they added raid instancing. But the world itself was all people per server one world)

they had millions divided by hundreds of realms , only over time they managed to increase max pop caps to like 30k on their biggest realms. And thats only after the made instancing happen. Before all realms was just 2000-5k people with some exceptions hitting 10k concurents ( there was no streamer blabla) I dont think u realize how many servers wow acually had divided over all the languages, at one point blizzard had bought up all the blade servers they could get in the whole world and they still needed more

u dont want a million people in one spot, it would be like walking dead zombie horde ...
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Posts: 22995
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Wed, 29th Sep 2021 17:07    Post subject:
DXWarlock wrote:
WoW at one time had far more people at one time than other MMO's then or now. And they did it without instancing. (well other than when they added raid instancing. But the world itself was all people per server one world)

wow had instancing. You just didn't get thrown into instance x. When you traveled you'd meet people from other servers so there was like multiple servers and you'd be stealthily put into one with less people in it same as from other servers in the datacenter.

Cross realm i believe they call/called it. Not sure if it's still there
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Posts: 1771

PostPosted: Wed, 29th Sep 2021 17:17    Post subject:
Stormwolf wrote:
DXWarlock wrote:
WoW at one time had far more people at one time than other MMO's then or now. And they did it without instancing. (well other than when they added raid instancing. But the world itself was all people per server one world)

wow had instancing. You just didn't get thrown into instance x. When you traveled you'd meet people from other servers so there was like multiple servers and you'd be stealthily put into one with less people in it same as from other servers in the datacenter.

Cross realm i believe they call/called it. Not sure if it's still there

It's still there.

It's silly why characters can't switch servers, why no cross play?. Also, why can you only create 2 characters? You paid for the game right? If you wanna create 10 characters go ahead. Hey this game is a walking simulation taking you for long walks while it doesn't seem there is any reason why you should take those long walks over and over again as it doesn't serve any story purpose and the long walks are boring cause you can't do shit but going from a to b cause your sidequests are somewhere else, but there is a fast travel icon that could help you but that is not affordable.
Monetization incomming.
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Posts: 5991

PostPosted: Wed, 29th Sep 2021 17:18    Post subject:
I'm 100% with DX on this, my best MMO memories were very similar, having instanced bosses all around provides a more streamlined experience, more mindful of your time.. but it just sucks to me, guilds clashing constantly for raids was at the heart of good PVP and other shenanigans. The world doesn't feel organic to me in that regard either, such stuff suspends my immersion pretty bad.
I can accept instanced raids if it's justified by having a more fleshed out experience cinematic-wise AND if the MMO is clearly PVE-oriented, but it's much less fun gameplay-wise if said MMO markets itself as PvP-centric.

I'm not really buying the technical justifications as to why it wouldn't be possible in this day and age (I reckon you could make much bigger numbers work), it's just far more convenient for devs and players alike.
"Instancized" server charge doesn't bother me as much though, as long as the population in your instance is big enough for you not to notice it. A truly persistent world with all players all in at once would be pretty damn amazing although it'd be a nightmare to make it work properly (but it existed before, so what gives ?).. I ought to start a Kickstarter Very Happy

I'll just never find another pre-C4 Lineage 2 ever again, will I. Sad

R5 5600X - 3070FE - 16GB DDR4 3600 - Asus B550 TUF Gaming Plus - BeQuiet Straight Power 11 750W - Pure Base 500DX

Last edited by TheZor on Wed, 29th Sep 2021 19:17; edited 1 time in total
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Location: Florida, USA
PostPosted: Wed, 29th Sep 2021 17:33    Post subject:
PickupArtist wrote:
they had millions divided by hundreds of realms , only over time they managed to increase max pop caps to like 30k on their biggest realms. And thats only after the made instancing happen. Before all realms was just 2000-5k people with some exceptions hitting 10k concurents ( there was no streamer blabla) I dont think u realize how many servers wow acually had divided over all the languages, at one point blizzard had bought up all the blade servers they could get in the whole world and they still needed more

True, but at the start (I only played until first expansion) it was still 1 to 1 of if you joined X server, you was locked into the shared experience with others that joined it, and always on the same 'map' as those that made characters on X server [yes, millions people divided into servers, but each server was only one instance server per area: One iron forge, one wasteland, etc for that server].
If you logged into X server out of the 100's of them. You always had the exact same people, and only those people of that server on it, and did not have to worry about which instance of iron forge, or wastelands anyone was on. Everyone on that server if they was out there, was visible and playing with you.

It might be the purist in me. MY favorite server experience was Pluto server on neocron. You got ONE character, that's it. You want a new one? Delete that one and make a new one.
Everyone got one character, shared across the entire server. Your reputation and name followed you. No alts, no realms/shards/instancing to jump to.
You pissed someone off, or had them need to find you for good or bad. If someone saw you in plaza 1 and told them, there was ONLY one plaza 1, and they could come find you. No alts to jump to, no alts to troll with that no one knew was you. No multi-characters for one player to make seperate crafter/fighter/harvester/hacker with, you needed other people.

And no auction house, they are convenient has hell sure.
But I miss having people seek me out for crafting item, repairing them, researching them and having interactions with people playing for my craft. And building trust as a constructor that was fair, didnt steal items, and always gave you back exactly what he made (crafting was chances for better stats).
And not just a nameless face factory producing tons of items to drop on a nameless auction house. Gameplay was as much about meeting people and being a 'part' of the experience of others, as it was the gameplay. And this was in the days only 1000 people was a lot online. I think it would amazing experience when 20,000 are doing that.

Man the old days on Ashron's Call of buff rooms full of people offering buffs you had to go to and ask for a buff and 10 people start buffing you. Many of them you have seen a dozen times taking time to do this and get to know them. OR meeting new friend in SWG while waiting around for the shuttle to come and land to take you somewhere. 1/2 my day sometimes would be going on adventures I never planned because what they was going to do sounded cool.

And none of this "How is endgame???" chat from brand new people in chat, and focus rushing to max level to run raids on a hamster wheel.
(The idea of endgame created content as a goal in an MMO drives me mad. its like rushing to age 80 to ask "OK I rushed and got to the end finally..what is there to do??")

-We don't control what happens to us in life, but we control how we respond to what happens in life.
-Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times. -G. Michael Hopf

Disclaimer: Post made by me are of my own creation. A delusional mind relayed in text form.
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Posts: 1771

PostPosted: Wed, 29th Sep 2021 19:37    Post subject:
This game is dead on arrival.
People are stuck to a server. Player caps above 2k are experimental so this will not give a huge increase in server capacitiy. And for the time being servers have 2-3-4 times server pops in queue. So the queues will not be gone by next week. The only way this is gonne resolve itself if for players to just give up and leave, and they will.
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Posts: 9587
Location: Transylvania
PostPosted: Wed, 29th Sep 2021 19:58    Post subject:
Perhaps we should make a gofundme for Amazon, to support additional server costs.

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Posts: 1771

PostPosted: Wed, 29th Sep 2021 20:12    Post subject:

It's an EU problem though. It's the only region that is capped most of the day.
New EU servers are up btw, I rerolled.
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PostPosted: Wed, 29th Sep 2021 23:56    Post subject:

May the NFOrce be with you always.
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Posts: 5086

PostPosted: Sun, 3rd Oct 2021 12:14    Post subject:

Game is bricking Gfx cards left and right since release hundreds of reports on the New World forums too and on reddit with all kinds of cards not just 3090s anymore like this for example:

Granted i don't really believe the narrative in the video either but something is wrong I've never seen so fucking many reports of a new game bricking cards it's very unusual.
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Posts: 9317
Location: Romania
PostPosted: Sun, 3rd Oct 2021 12:29    Post subject:
Jayzlol Laughing

I posted an analysis a while back from igorslab why this happens.
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Serial Humper

Posts: 13851

PostPosted: Sun, 3rd Oct 2021 12:31    Post subject:
I played a bit the game and the number of players wildly running around just made me so annoyed...It looked ridiculous + it tanked performance Wink ... I guess my days of MMORPGs are over...

I can't wait for Elden Ring to get released..Now that would be proper multiplayer experience... Very Happy

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Posts: 5086

PostPosted: Sun, 3rd Oct 2021 13:20    Post subject:
Nodrim wrote:
Jayzlol Laughing

I posted an analysis a while back from igorslab why this happens.

I know and i read it but that doesn't explain the other card deaths some not even 3xxx and also AMD so no there is something else going on here as well.

There are tons of articles and reports from the last few days this is very unusual no matter what you say.
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Posts: 9317
Location: Romania
PostPosted: Sun, 3rd Oct 2021 13:55    Post subject:
Well, pushing overclocked frequencies without proper safety nets has been the "standard" in the gpu industry for years.

Apparently, the game has an auto-banning system that goes wild and the rules for banning are made by the speech police. Laughing
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Posts: 5086

PostPosted: Sun, 3rd Oct 2021 16:07    Post subject:
Nodrim wrote:

Apparently, the game has an auto-banning system that goes wild and the rules for banning are made by the speech police. Laughing

Oh c'mon
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Posts: 73193
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PostPosted: Sun, 3rd Oct 2021 16:10    Post subject:
Someone type "Bruce Jenner" or "Ellen Page" and see what happens. Cool Face
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Posts: 3566

PostPosted: Sun, 3rd Oct 2021 19:55    Post subject:
It does suck if your video card runs into issues from playing any game but it is better for it to happen while the video card is under warranty so you can get a free replacement then after the warranty ends.

With the amount of people playing New World and streaming it especially with streamers as a large majority of them do have 3080 or better cards and are running the game for 5-15 hours a day during their streams with zero issues it does seem to be that the game is exposing a defect that the cards have and if it was not this game it might have been some other game down the road that could have caused them to fail. I don't think Amazon will even make any acknowledgement of the issue this time because they clearly believe it has nothing to do with the game as they probably think they did their part last time to solve the issue during the beta.
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Posts: 1771

PostPosted: Sun, 3rd Oct 2021 20:44    Post subject:
0wen wrote:
It does suck if your video card runs into issues from playing any game but it is better for it to happen while the video card is under warranty so you can get a free replacement then after the warranty ends.

With the amount of people playing New World and streaming it especially with streamers as a large majority of them do have 3080 or better cards and are running the game for 5-15 hours a day during their streams with zero issues it does seem to be that the game is exposing a defect that the cards have and if it was not this game it might have been some other game down the road that could have caused them to fail. I don't think Amazon will even make any acknowledgement of the issue this time because they clearly believe it has nothing to do with the game as they probably think they did their part last time to solve the issue during the beta.

Very likely that the avarage MMO player hasn't pushed it's hardware untill this game.
But TBH, modern GPU's are just way to power intensive and hot and are just pushing it to hard. The amount of heat that's comming out of my system is insane altough core tems are "allright". I don't like to push it a lot all the time so I often lower setting and FPS capped at 60. And with this GPU shortage I don't realy want to replace my GPU.
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Posts: 5991

PostPosted: Mon, 4th Oct 2021 12:22    Post subject:
So.. how is the actual game ? Very Happy
Trying to get some firsthand impressions before I actually consider jumping in (I just have a very hard time with FF14's artstyle despite all the praise it's getting).

R5 5600X - 3070FE - 16GB DDR4 3600 - Asus B550 TUF Gaming Plus - BeQuiet Straight Power 11 750W - Pure Base 500DX
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Posts: 23226
Location: Trelleborg
PostPosted: Mon, 4th Oct 2021 13:11    Post subject:
I enjoy it alot, however - i've mostly been busy crafting/ i can't say much about the highlevel game yet Razz

shitloads of new stuff in my pc. Cant keep track of it all.
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Posts: 2495

PostPosted: Mon, 4th Oct 2021 15:24    Post subject:
this is 15 bucks via vladi-steam (even cheaper via pedro-steam).

what could possibly go wrong... right?
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Posts: 5409
Location: Europe
PostPosted: Mon, 4th Oct 2021 15:53    Post subject:
yeah is this region locked?
buying arg version is an option for EU servers?

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Posts: 9710

PostPosted: Mon, 4th Oct 2021 15:57    Post subject:
what could go wrong is after u spend two weeks grinding this empty grindfest u realize its empty shell of a game and everyone starts quiting like most of the streamers already have Very Happy
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Posts: 76

PostPosted: Mon, 4th Oct 2021 16:24    Post subject:
Surray wrote:
yeah is this region locked?
buying arg version is an option for EU servers?
No region lock. Playing EU server with arg version righ now.
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Posts: 2495

PostPosted: Mon, 4th Oct 2021 16:45    Post subject:
PickupArtist wrote:
what could go wrong is after u spend two weeks grinding this empty grindfest u realize its empty shell of a game and everyone starts quiting like most of the streamers already have Very Happy

oh well.. i can think of worse...
going to check it out w a couple of mates will report on its soullessness
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Posts: 3542
Location: Finland
PostPosted: Mon, 4th Oct 2021 17:14    Post subject:
PickupArtist wrote:
what could go wrong is after u spend two weeks grinding this empty grindfest u realize its empty shell of a game and everyone starts quiting like most of the streamers already have Very Happy

This sounds fairly accurate from my experience so far.
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