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Posts: 22995
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Sat, 1st Jan 2022 20:42    Post subject: Silverfish
These ugly creatures has been in my apartment for a while, it was just a very rare sight. The last 24 hours i've killed 3 of them. Their community seems to have gotten bigger. I need to demolish it. Every man, woman and child. Anyone got experiences and suggestions?
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Posts: 22995
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Sat, 1st Jan 2022 21:01    Post subject:
Something is up with this forum lately. Way too easy making duplicate posts, and now also threads Laughing
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Location: I do not belong
PostPosted: Sat, 1st Jan 2022 21:46    Post subject:
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Posts: 6003
Location: Russia
PostPosted: Sat, 1st Jan 2022 21:55    Post subject:
Have never seen creatures like these before Vomit

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[Moderator] Janitor

Posts: 14081

PostPosted: Sat, 1st Jan 2022 21:59    Post subject:
We don’t have any but we use Lavendar sachets in our wardrobes since it helps against numerous little pests including silverfish.

In any case, they like humidity, so thats something I’d watch. We had issues with some similar crap a few years back when a wall in the bathroom was wet due to a leakage. Fixed it, dried the wall and it was gone.

Completely cleaning out all the drawers in the usual rooms including kitchen and wardrobe in bathroom and bedroom helps too.

"Enlightenment is man's emergence from his self-imposed nonage. Nonage is the inability to use one's own understanding without another's guidance. This nonage is self-imposed if its cause lies not in lack of understanding but in indecision and lack of courage to use one's own mind without another's guidance. Dare to know! (Sapere aude.) "Have the courage to use your own understanding," is therefore the motto of the enlightenment."
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Posts: 13455
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Sat, 1st Jan 2022 22:32    Post subject:
They're fun toys for my cats Very Happy They're usually around vents (which are on floor level), sometimes in the bathroom. Get cats Wink
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Posts: 9020

PostPosted: Sun, 2nd Jan 2022 00:09    Post subject:

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Posts: 22995
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Sun, 2nd Jan 2022 05:01    Post subject:
Cant get cat sadly, but i'll look into traps. Might not remove the infestation, but it might keep the population of adults down
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King's Bounty

Posts: 24433
Location: Your Mom
PostPosted: Sun, 2nd Jan 2022 05:55    Post subject:
Stormwolf wrote:
Cant get cat sadly, but i'll look into traps. Might not remove the infestation, but it might keep the population of adults down

Buy kiselgur and spread along the walls and around the drains wherever you've spotted them. It's non-toxic and you can let the kiselgur stay there for a week or longer to make sure the little critter can't come out at night and eat the crap that stuck in warm damp areas. Kiselgur is basically a dehydrating crystalline powder that will stick to any little critter and ruin their wax protection and scratch their carapace leading to them dying pretty quickly from dehydration. When the kiselgur has done it's job (and absorbed water from the natural air humidity) you can just use a vaccuum cleaner to clean it up and if needed reapply more if there are still more of them alive. Not dangerous to humans or pets.

Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!

"Thank you to God for making me an Atheist" - Ricky Gervais
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Posts: 22995
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Sun, 2nd Jan 2022 10:58    Post subject:
Frant wrote:
Stormwolf wrote:
Cant get cat sadly, but i'll look into traps. Might not remove the infestation, but it might keep the population of adults down

Buy kiselgur and spread along the walls and around the drains wherever you've spotted them. It's non-toxic and you can let the kiselgur stay there for a week or longer to make sure the little critter can't come out at night and eat the crap that stuck in warm damp areas. Kiselgur is basically a dehydrating crystalline powder that will stick to any little critter and ruin their wax protection and scratch their carapace leading to them dying pretty quickly from dehydration. When the kiselgur has done it's job (and absorbed water from the natural air humidity) you can just use a vaccuum cleaner to clean it up and if needed reapply more if there are still more of them alive. Not dangerous to humans or pets.

But see. I've got neither kids nor pets. I can skip these eco friendly/humane/considerate/lovable things that don't really work and go for the good stuff
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Posts: 4060
Location: Pays-Bas
PostPosted: Sun, 2nd Jan 2022 11:09    Post subject:
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Posts: 22995
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Sun, 2nd Jan 2022 12:23    Post subject:
contacting professionals in norway will be a step towards poverty. Dunno how that is in other countries
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Posts: 17725
Location: Croatia
PostPosted: Sun, 2nd Jan 2022 13:43    Post subject:
They must be the anti-Christ, eating old Bibles.
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Posts: 51050
Location: Portugal, the shithole of Europe.
PostPosted: Sun, 2nd Jan 2022 13:44    Post subject:
They wont bite or sting so leave them alone, you pussy! Mad

boundle (thoughts on cracking AITD) wrote:
i guess thouth if without a legit key the installation was rolling back we are all fucking then
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Posts: 22995
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Sun, 2nd Jan 2022 16:41    Post subject:
I would if they left me alone, bathing me in their wondrously ugly presence when i least expect it.
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PDIP Member

Posts: 32062
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Mon, 3rd Jan 2022 10:00    Post subject:
A friend-couple of mine has a brad new house and quite a few of them on the bathroom. I live in an old ass house and have never seen any, ever. Very Happy I live in a basement, so tons of insects in the summer tho Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad
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Posts: 2813

PostPosted: Mon, 3rd Jan 2022 11:27    Post subject:
"Estimated length: 1 cm
Although silverfish have a creepy appearance and are occasionally mistaken for venomous centipedes, silverfish are not known to bite humans and do not carry diseases."

Not so scary after all.

Not as bad as scolopendra:

"Some species of centipedes can be hazardous to humans because of their bite. While a bite to an adult human is usually very painful and may cause severe swelling, chills, fever, and weakness, it is unlikely to be fatal. Bites can be dangerous to small children and those with allergies to bee stings. The venomous bite of larger centipedes can induce anaphylactic shock in such people. Smaller centipedes are generally incapable of piercing human skin."


I live in a house and usually kill one or two of them in the garden every summer. Disgusting creatures. Even my cats run away. Rolling Eyes Embarassed
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PDIP Member

Posts: 32062
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Mon, 3rd Jan 2022 13:06    Post subject:
They are not harmful to humans or animals at all. Just not so nice having in your house Crying or Very sad

Last edited by deelix on Mon, 3rd Jan 2022 18:12; edited 1 time in total
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VIP Member

Posts: 5720
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PostPosted: Mon, 3rd Jan 2022 14:47    Post subject:
silverfish or probably more strongly their cousins can be more than a disgusting annoyance, if they start eating away at the bindings (glue) of books for example

kogel mogel
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Posts: 22995
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Mon, 3rd Jan 2022 15:43    Post subject:
Yeah that's it. Not dangerous, but quite disgusting when they scurry around your floor. But they're getting more and more common in Norway as far as i know.
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Posts: 4060
Location: Pays-Bas
PostPosted: Mon, 3rd Jan 2022 16:40    Post subject:
Climate change probably. Thanks to climate change as well we have the "Eikenprocessierups" here these days. Lovely critters and harmful:

The wiki article doesn't mention it, but these tiny hairs of them can cause blindness if you get in in your eyes.
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VIP Member

Posts: 5720
Location: in a place with fluffy towels
PostPosted: Mon, 3rd Jan 2022 17:51    Post subject:
Also something to celebrate about these creatures

wikipedia wrote:
Silverfish can live for a year or more without eating if water is available.
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Posts: 17725
Location: Croatia
PostPosted: Mon, 3rd Jan 2022 18:27    Post subject:
Name alone makes you want to hate them.
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Posts: 22995
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Mon, 3rd Jan 2022 19:23    Post subject:
iconized wrote:
Climate change probably. Thanks to climate change as well we have the "Eikenprocessierups" here these days. Lovely critters and harmful:

The wiki article doesn't mention it, but these tiny hairs of them can cause blindness if you get in in your eyes.

Most likely not. Rather passengers from vacations etc and spreading.

But i'm happy as long as we don't get those centipedes. I wonder what fucked up mind thought those up. Must be fucked up indeed.
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