Haha yeah, even the most optimistic scenario that I could come up with would still involve some sort of jarring compromise or slimy decision designed to fit EA's corporate vision, there is no escape from Ackbar here
The reason a remake would be bad is not because of EA. It is because BioWare are a completely shit studio already. Full of SJW crap and shit gameplay. If they had the chance and resources to make their dream game today, it would still be a steaming pile of SJW shit.
Why does everyone think Bioware would even have anything to do with it? The most likely scenario (assuming if it is even legit) is that they would farm it out to a different studio.
Nexus mostly only hosts ancient and outdated KOTOR mods. You're better off going to deadlystream.com, which inherited the KOTOR modding HQ mantle once LucasForums eventually died for good.
Big part of my childhood was replaying Kotor1 over the weekend. I started friday after school and ended sunday evening. Like 7 times in 2 years. I really liked this game but never liked 2 (finished only once)
3080, ps5, lg oled
Sin317-"im 31 years old and still surprised at how much shit comes out of my ass actually ..."
SteamDRM-"Call of Duty is the symbol of the true perfection in every aspect. Call of Duty games are like Mozart's/Beethoven's symphonies"
deadpoetic-"are you new to the cyberspace?"
Arent she gonna start cancellation process for the game? Saying shit like predatory male gazes and getting sacked for being female etc. Media and people would probably believe it in this crazy world.
Nah, she was most likely sacked for very specific reasons (being toxic, changing the characters to LGBTQ+ warriors and fucking up the goals of the game while raising hell internally).
Since she publically said "she quit" she can't do anything. If she was sacked and it had been announced it would look bad on her record for future jobs so it was probably a mutual decision.
I was on this project for like 9 months in 2021 and then I quit. You’re gonna be okay. If you e-mail or message me about it, I won’t see it. My filters are really good.
Wow, that's some bitter stuff and says so much about the whole thing. She was sacked or forced to quit and she was probably paid off and signed an NDA. Anyway, good riddance. I'm sick and tired of feminist/lgbtq+/sjw zealots ruining movies, shows and games. I really hope that the power these toxic people have had for the last decade is beginning to wane and we can get back to pre-#metoo media creation.
I have left two full-time jobs in gaming because in large part of what I felt was deep and ingrained sexism and gender bias. I can speak about it because I had the ability to leave these companies before they just straight-up invented some excuse to fire me.
The number of women I know who legally cannot share their stories because they've been wrongfully terminated due to sexism and then received settlements from the company WHICH INCLUDE GAG ORDERS SO THEY CAN NEVER TALK ABOUT THEIR EXPERIENCE... it's a lot. IT'S A LOT.
I'm not under any obligation to remain silent, and yet it feels brutally difficult due to PTSD and fear of retaliation and never working again in this industry to say anything. This shit's really fucking scary, man. I love games and I love SO MANY of my colleagues. It's hard!
"wrongfully terminated due to sexism and then received settlements from the company WHICH INCLUDE GAG ORDERS blablabla"
You could CHOOSE not to accept the settlement and sign that paper you moronic b*tch. But you sold out because you knew you had f*cked up..
What did i say? This type of personality will not be truthful. She'll try playing the cards in her hands that might work in her favour. And in that case online sympathy and attention, and perhaps someone reaches out to her for work.
Perhaps, but at least this game is safe from her zealotry. The game isn't going to be released until 2023 so whatever work she did will most likely be scrubbed or at least pruned to remove any of her toxic shit and keep the game true to the original without turning 75% of the major NPC/companions into female feminist warriors.
Perhaps, but at least this game is safe from her zealotry. The game isn't going to be released until 2023 so whatever work she did will most likely be scrubbed or at least pruned to remove any of her toxic shit and keep the game true to the original without turning 75% of the major NPC/companions into female feminist warriors.
That last part seem to be a gold standard from productions in the US these days, and rising in the west for every year. Norway is getting pitiful also. I'm not sure stronk female warriors would be the part removed as i'm sure thats the case anyway. I'd bet it would be more blatant male hate. And i dont mind strong females anyway as long as i feel no preachy feminist agenda behind it.
Funny thing is no one asked for it, they're in such denial to think that there's an audience who wants this. Comic books pretty much came to an end because of it. "we want to appeal to a new audience, the old fans can fuck off, those fucking nazis". Ok. What if this NEW audience you want to appeal to is just 1000 people on twitter then, in comparison to the millions of fans you told to fuck off. lol. idiots.
they're saying money can fuck off.. then they die off. how very progressive and genius.
I wonder if they will release that Restored content mod as an official DLC on the PC version as well as not everyone on Steam goes through the effort to look into bonus content or mods. It would also just be nice to have it as part of the normal Steam install for the game.
They shouldn't. That mod while its always nice to have more content is quite shite. A lot of dialogues felt senseless and without context. Just slapped in. If they're going to release anything they need to refine it and make it cohesive.
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