More and more people, less and less people
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Posts: 22995
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Thu, 17th Feb 2022 23:03    Post subject: More and more people, less and less people
More and more people start playing online games 24/7. Every hour in front of the computer is spent doing dailies and hanging around with your online friends or doing menial tasks to absolutely nothing in the worst cases.

Less and less play single player games. You'll see your friends playing these online games and never touch a single single player game for months and months, and when they do, they tire so quickly due to addiction to online gaming they quit.

Sad state of affairs. Fix your addiction.
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Location: Florida, USA
PostPosted: Fri, 18th Feb 2022 00:42    Post subject:
I've been that way since late 90's: Spending 12+ straight hours in duke nukem multiplayer with friends, or my first of many many MMO's, neocron.

Only single player games I play is games like cities skylines, planet coaster, etc.
Maybe I am wired different.

I play games and online games 6+ hours a day, sometimes 8-10. (Some of that is during work when nothing to do).
Best example of me preferring online to offline? Arma 3, Ark and GTA 5. Some of my steam games with 1000+ hours into. I have done zero of the GTA 5 SP campaign out of those 1000 hours other than the tiny bit needed to be able to login to online. And never even opened ARMA 3 singleplayer options and same for ARK.

My view is I can enjoy a game by myself, or I can enjoy a game with my friends that love games and I enjoy playing with too. Seems like a no brainer which is the better option.

-We don't control what happens to us in life, but we control how we respond to what happens in life.
-Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times. -G. Michael Hopf

Disclaimer: Post made by me are of my own creation. A delusional mind relayed in text form.
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Posts: 29151

PostPosted: Fri, 18th Feb 2022 00:53    Post subject:
I dislike MP with a passion, the last MP game I played for any length of time (and enjoyed it) was probably BFBC2. Before that... probably the original Counter Strike at LANs. Even at LANs, I used to bring cracked singleplayer games and install them as my PC at home was too shit. I remember doing that with the first Vietcong game.

Every now and then I try a new Battlefield, but I probably don't crack 20hrs before getting bored.

If it's COOP or against AI then it's better, like Insurgency Sandstorm. PVP is meh. 9 times out of 10 other players will only use the best weapons / powers / strategies / whatever and it becomes boring quickly.

I'll take games like STALKER, Fallout, Kingdom Come, The Witcher, Dishonored (etc) with varied AI over MP games any day.

I've got friends that are constantly playing MMOs, Destiny and other flavours of the month but I never feel the need to want to play with them.

DXWarlock wrote:
Arma 3

Tried this in MP once. Some people take it WAY too seriously. It's always good when you're playing milsims and some fat guy who can barely breathe is using official military phrases and terms over voice chat. So immersive and not off-putting at all Laughing
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Posts: 22995
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Fri, 18th Feb 2022 01:09    Post subject:
Don't get me wrong, i enjoy some online gaming myself, but i can't just endlessly grind some shit or do boring stuff with my friends. Even that gets boring. So i start playing online and i quit after some weeks when i've cleared the important things once or twice.

I absolutely love engrossing myself in a deep-ish plot with good gameplay. Just finished Sword and fairy 7 and Gujian 3 and i absolutely loved them. It's so diferent than what i'm used to and they look so damn good also. Can't say i understood much of the particulars of chinese mythology, but that's' fine.

i find as i've aged that i appreciate a good story over a gameplay focused game with a barebones story in most cases. Dark souls series being an exception at the top of my head.
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Posts: 6248

PostPosted: Fri, 18th Feb 2022 01:25    Post subject:
One of the biggest problems is "OpEnWoRlD" which means half assed story/writing and 500 hours of grinding boring shit and mini-games. Gamers demand 500 hours out of a game, instead of something quality for 10-20 hours.

Best games lately, All Resident evils, Pathfinders (but i never make it past halfway), Nier was fun, the rest is all indies for me rimworld, crosscode (although its content bloated and too long), factorio, vaporum, legend of grimrock, bloodstained, they are billiions, any build engine FPS, Prodeus etc.

The only forced multiplayer game i play is Path of Exile, and for me ARPGS are 100% singleplayer games. This games weakness is that it balances the whole game around multiplayer trading (fucking terrible) and Streamers as they are effective free viral marketing selling the game.
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Posts: 11422
Location: Florida, USA
PostPosted: Fri, 18th Feb 2022 08:24    Post subject:
Good points, might be why Im different than most people and only SP games I play are sandbox storyless ones too.
I dont play games for the story or dialog. A game like that is a movie I have to put effort into making progress Razz To me I'd just watch a movie at that point, less work to get the story.

Think the closest I played in last few years to a game with a story centric gameplay was Far Cry 5, and even that was MP with a friend that bought it for me. And I could not tell you what the story was about. Spammed 'skip' anyplace I could to get back to the actual game. What I got from it: Some crazy dude in a church that later on gets close to the camera with snot running out his nose yelling, is mad at us...for something.

-We don't control what happens to us in life, but we control how we respond to what happens in life.
-Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times. -G. Michael Hopf

Disclaimer: Post made by me are of my own creation. A delusional mind relayed in text form.
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Posts: 13301
Location: I do not belong
PostPosted: Fri, 18th Feb 2022 10:32    Post subject:
As soon as I got aware of the downside of the always online life (mainly due to aging) I started enjoying the sun and offline people time more.
Besides that last online game I was addicted to was siege which I haven't touched in years, PC MP gaming is basically hacking central thanks to 11 year olds. And I'm too old to be dealing with that kinda shit.
And yes as far as SP games we're in hell. And far away from the early days of experimentation with games that focused mainly on innovating new mechanics and ways to have fun with the medium. Max Payne didn't require a 50hr grind to unlock a pistol skin. VR is the new front but if I haven't gotten it for free I can't see a way of justifying its overall cost given the lack of worthy titles.
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Posts: 5991

PostPosted: Fri, 18th Feb 2022 11:05    Post subject:
I'll probably never stop playing Dota 2, which is an absolutely stellar game with never-ending depth and no P2W mechanics. The Hump kinda hates MOBA with a passion so I've given up on trying to convince any of you it's a great game, but it really is. Laughing

I mean, there are very unique and great experiences to be had which are exclusive to solo or multiplayer games, one offering something the other cannot possibly provide. Completely dismissing one or the other entirely is a bit of a shame, imo Razz

It's been a long time since a SP game has tried going for something innovative gameplay-wise too, and it's becoming harder and harder for me to get into games when all I see are the same mechanics copy/pasted over a bazillion games. I can only see the barebones framework holding it all together, and nice shaders and visual effects don't begin to hide it.
Same sentiment as FireMaster really, I just haven't seen anything new for such a long time ; we were probably sort of spoiled during our youth with innovations and new genres coming out left and right every 6 months.. but damn. Then, things stalled, both technically, but mostly creativity-wise. Well, our hobby got mainstream, pretty much Laughing

Good setting/story/characters might still pull me in regardless, but I need the sheer time for it, couple hours ahead of me to get properly immersed.. Fuck Crying or Very sad

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Posts: 3421

PostPosted: Fri, 18th Feb 2022 11:34    Post subject:
I almost don't play SP anymore due to

1) crappy, cringy writing targeting trippy teenagers and confused young adults
2) lack of depth in game mechanics, producing heavy deja vu feeling almost every time (which is, I guess, "normal" after 25+ years of gaming)

I don't play MP due to

1) reflexes getting worse
3) can't invest more than ~1 hour per day in one sitting
2) can't play games which can't be paused at any time, due to various daily obligations and kids

No country for not-so-young men Crying or Very sad
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Posts: 5991

PostPosted: Fri, 18th Feb 2022 11:40    Post subject:
Yeah, getting shittier and shitter at those online games doesn't feel super good Laughing

R5 5600X - 3070FE - 16GB DDR4 3600 - Asus B550 TUF Gaming Plus - BeQuiet Straight Power 11 750W - Pure Base 500DX
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Posts: 14922

PostPosted: Fri, 18th Feb 2022 11:56    Post subject:
I played through all of FF14 main story the past few months, took around 300 hrs, basically playing it as a single player game without planning on doing any further content.
But because I liked it alot more than expected and it actually turned out to be easily the best FF story of all, I stuck with it and now I am doing endgame savage raids.
Even in this case though, its purely PvE endgame stuff without any shitty mmo grind, the challenge of perfecting the boss mechanics and keeping up the damage throughout the battle is just alot of fun to me, even though there are hundreds of wipes at this stage.
As long as the game doesnt force me to grind some shit by killing the same enemy mob over and over again, its fine.

Competitive PvP though is a hard nope, the only online games I play against other people, and not alot, are fighting games, whether via mame or newer ones like guilty gear strive and soon kof 15. I even bought 2 nice arcade sticks last year to replicate some of the old arcade feeling.
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[Moderator] Janitor

Posts: 14081

PostPosted: Fri, 18th Feb 2022 17:00    Post subject:
I usually don't like online gaming, and most of all MMOs.

But since Covid lockdown, I started playing Coop with a friend of mine once per week if possible. And we've had a ton of fun playing some Coop Games like It Takes Two, A way Out, Remnant: From Ashes and Deep Rock Galactic. These last weeks we've been playing Far Cry 6 in Coop, and the game is really fun played in Coop, which is the only reason we bought it. SP, I'd be bored in no time (like with all FC games, I never finished one except the original and FC2).

Coop is just spending a good time with a buddy casually playing while discussing irl stuff and ocasionally having a beer.

When I have time, which isn't a given nowadays, I only play SP. Been going through Archolos (Extremely well done Gothic II mod) and re-re-replaying Satisfactory lately. AAA Sp Games don't really catch my attention these days.

"Enlightenment is man's emergence from his self-imposed nonage. Nonage is the inability to use one's own understanding without another's guidance. This nonage is self-imposed if its cause lies not in lack of understanding but in indecision and lack of courage to use one's own mind without another's guidance. Dare to know! (Sapere aude.) "Have the courage to use your own understanding," is therefore the motto of the enlightenment."
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Posts: 11422
Location: Florida, USA
PostPosted: Fri, 18th Feb 2022 17:16    Post subject:
couleur wrote:
I usually don't like online gaming, and most of all MMOs.

I'm the total opposite. I LOVE a good MMO. I bet I've played, well some just tried, 40+ since 2000.

Sadly since WoW launched there has been very very few that are good to me. WoW brought the "So simple your whole family can play it" market.
While that's great for bringing in the masses, and more people can understand/access them ruins it for me.
I want complex ones like Neocron, Ashrons call, Anarchy online, EvE..etc. (love EvE, but HATE the player base..why I cant play it).

Right now last three weeks me, my son, a few friends of mine, and a few of his are back on the oooold Star Wars Galaxy MMO on the SWGEMU project server (Pre NGE).

-We don't control what happens to us in life, but we control how we respond to what happens in life.
-Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times. -G. Michael Hopf

Disclaimer: Post made by me are of my own creation. A delusional mind relayed in text form.
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Posts: 26759

PostPosted: Fri, 18th Feb 2022 17:44    Post subject:
More and more people think that their personal experience is universal.
Less and less people watch All of us are dead because I really think that this show sucks ass and nobody would continue watching it. Cool Face

I like turtles. (and Pubg and beamng)

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Posts: 32062
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Fri, 18th Feb 2022 18:24    Post subject:
Kinda funny... or ironic. Just before I read this I saw how many pro E-Sports players obove 37 there where; pretty much no one! And i mean, NO ONE! Except some 43 year old pro sega gamer. Laughing

Damn it made me feel old...

When thats said we have people like Ankh

Not that he is a pro gamer, but knowing people 50+ enjoy games like Dying Light 2 is nice to know xD
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