X4: Foundations
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Posts: 315

PostPosted: Wed, 24th Mar 2021 21:28    Post subject:

Version: 4.00 Hotfix 2 Beta 1 (433914) - 2021-03-24
Fixed certain ship models not being claimable in person.
Fixed population information from terraforming getting lost when loading savegame.
Fixed missing description for Sealed Vacuum Tubes.
Fixed Terran Fleet Delivery Missions requesting impossible ship setup.
Fixed Defenders of Sol mission getting stuck on Approach: Erratic Miner objective under specific circumstances.
Fixed Final Debrief mission issues with mission relevant characters potentially dying too soon.
Fixed War of Intervention mission guidance breaking under specific circumstances.
Fixed End of Terrorism objective pointing to station instead of signal leaks.
Fixed various issues in Covert Operations mission.
Fixed War of Intervention mission not containing reward.
Fixed A Pirate's Trail mission getting stuck if enemy ships are defeated before player arrives.
Fixed data leaks sometimes spawning in centre of station during Pioneer gamestart mission.
Fixed target ship in Mutually Assured Destruction mission staying invincible after getting attacked by player.
Fixed Astronauts, Champions, Truth Seekers mission getting stuck if hidden ship is captured before objective is set.
Fixed objective guidance sometimes not appearing for The Meeting mission.
Fixed player getting stuck inside Silverback during Defenders of Sol mission.
Fixed Operation Hyena not progressing when player already owns station in specified Argon space.
Fixed Wartime Economics mission getting stuck in Savage Spur II under specific circumstances.
Fixed cases of Second Assistant mission getting stuck when placing Nav Beacons in hazardous region.
Fixed story getting stuck when escaping out of conversations with Rick Feynman during Double Assistant mission.
Fixed What is Best in Life achievement not being unlocked for players who completed Make War not Peace mission during beta.
Fixed sector trade offer graph in Encyclopedia showing Sell instead of Buy for buy offers in mouse-over texts.
Fixed broken shopping list in Ship Configuration menu after returning from Encyclopedia.
Fixed broken mouse picking on Map after setting trade ware filter.
Fixed Energy Cell production module efficiency claiming sunlight effect as workforce.
Fixed ships of wrong size offered when requesting ships at ship consoles.
Fixed covered ships not showing up in Undock menu.
Fixed Crew Transfer menu for player-owned shipyards.
Fixed dropdown selections appearing to reset to initial value after scrolling.
Fixed main weapon on Asgard being destroyed.
Fixed Terran medium turrets vanishing when destroyed.
Fixed freeze when using Go To Ship on ship belonging to another faction that is docked at object also belonging to another faction.
Fixed freeze when doing Long Range Scan near extremely complex station.
Fixed several causes of crashes.
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Posts: 24322
Location: Geneva
PostPosted: Thu, 1st Apr 2021 16:02    Post subject:
4.00 Hotfix 3 released
We're back with another hotfix for X4: Foundations 4.00 to deal with a couple of remaining issues, so that you can spend more time with the game over the Easter weekend. Here's the changelog for X4: Foundations 4.00 Hotfix 3:
Improved collision detection, especially at high speeds.

Fixed re-tasked NPC traders sometimes holding on to reservations for trades they are not going to complete.
Fixed not seeing assigned trainees on HQ after relocating it to sector without training capabilities.
Fixed player being able to easily board ships they've just sold.
Fixed missile launchers not being available to Terran and Pioneer factions.
Fixed license requirements for missile launchers and turrets.
Fixed automatic buy/sell threshold calculation for intermediate wares with manual storage allocation.
Fixed blacklist entries for certain sectors not being loaded after saving.

Fixed incorrect Torus airlock state if players teleports unexpectedly.
Fixed cases of mission ship being stuck in hazardous region during Second Assistant mission.
Fixed target ship in Mutually Assured Destruction mission stopping for no apparent reason.
Fixed Advanced Satellite deployment not registering in The Meeting story mission.
Fixed From the Ashes mission not accepting Terran ship fabrication modules.
Fixed Save Them From Themselves mission not ending if important character is no longer available when objective is completed.
Fixed Hatikvah mission getting stuck when interrupting Dal during Teladi meeting.
Fixed Operation Hyena Station construction failing to complete.
Fixed Falx asking for impossible equipment loadout in Terran Deliver Fleet missions.
Fixed Oberth not accepting antimatter cells in specific circumstances.
Fixed Final Debrief not continuing when defending Saman from Pirates under specific circumstances.
Fixed issues with Undercover Trader in Zyarth's Coffin story mission.
Fixed NPC in Treacherous Shallows mission getting killed if station is destroyed before player starts conversation.
Fixed Moreya gained in Astronauts, Champions, Truth Seekers mission remaining locked from pilot assignment after end of plot.
Fixed missing reputation reward for A Heart for Pirates mission.

Fixed encyclopedia entry selection when opening sector entries.
Fixed targeting capital ships not unlocking weapon and thruster information in Encyclopedia.
Fixed missing option to resume production if production module is marked for recycling or is hacked.
Fixed Yaki station sometimes having no icon.
Fixed several causes of crashes.
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Posts: 24322
Location: Geneva
PostPosted: Fri, 18th Jun 2021 17:15    Post subject:
The Public Beta of 4.10 starts today
Since the release of the 4.00 update and the second expansion, X4: Cradle of Humanity, we have been busy working on the next big update for X4: Foundations. Today we're kicking off the public beta phase for the upcoming 4.10 update, which you too can take part in. For details on how to join the beta and share your feedback, read on.

In the 4.10 update we will be adding a couple of major new features, as well as improving some existing ones such as terraforming. In response to your feedback on the 4.00 update, we are fixing, among other things, various issues associated with mining, trading and station management. Another improvement we have made is to our graphics engine’s asset management in X4: Foundations. This should result in better use of graphics memory, and help with things like asteroids popping in.

The full changelog for the first beta version of the 4.10 update can be found at the bottom of this news.

Please note that the two key new features mentioned above will not be in the first 4.10 beta release, but are scheduled to be added in later beta versions. Below is a brief summary of what you can look forward to.

Multiverse Team Seasons
With our new ‘Multiverse Team Seasons’ online element, you and your friends will be able to organise yourselves into a team and send your ships into the Multiverse on missions and expeditions. You and your team will represent a coalition for which you will collect points. Will your coalition win at the end of the season? Exciting prizes await you!

In our first episode of the Inside Egosoft Podcast you can learn more about Multiverse Team Seasons.

YouTube™ Video: Inside Egosoft Podcast #01 Multiverse Team Seasons
Views: 6,312
In episode 1 of the Inside Egosoft Podcast, we take a first detailed look at the new and improved online element of X4: Foundations.

Custom Game Start
The new Custom Game Start feature will allow players of X4: Foundations to customise certain starting conditions in the game, within limits that are set in order to maintain game balance. It will be possible, for example, to influence factors such as available starting capital, sectors already explored, and relationships with other factions.

Episode 2 of the Inside Egosoft Podcast includes more details about the Custom Game Start feature.

YouTube™ Video: Inside Egosoft Podcast #02 Custom Game Start
Views: 3,709
This time around, we will be filling you in on what we're doing with the upcoming "Custom Game Start" feature in X4: Foundations.

How do I take part in the Public Beta?
Every player who owns X4: Foundations has the opportunity to download the new 4.10 beta version. In order to ensure that beta participants are aware of the risks and rules involved, we ask all interested players to visit our forum where they will find both the rules and disclaimers, as well as practical instructions for participating in the beta. Follow this link to our forum (no registration required) to find the relevant information.

We would like to thank all our beta testers for their contributions. We hope you enjoy trying out the beta version of the 4.10 update!

4.10 Public Beta 1 - Changelog
Version: 4.10 Beta 1 (447174) - 2021-06-14
Added two new terraforming projects to directly increase or reduce air pressure.
Added Deliver Fleet mission variants that ask for specific ship type but let player choose exact ship and equipment.
Added storage information to active terraforming projects.
Added ware reservation information to trade menu.
Added option to cancel ware reservations at player-owned stations.
Added option to assign ships directly to subordinate group in Object List and Property Owned menus.
Added status info about insufficient funds to Account node in Logical Station Overview.
Added Show Upkeep Missions option to Interact menu.
Added HQ account info to Research menu.
Added mass crew transfer for group trainees with player HQ.
Added Polish localisation
Improved Build Station and Deliver Fleet mission rewards to give return on investment instead of flat reward.
Improved Deliver Fleet mission variants to ask for varying loadouts.
Improved Reflective Cloud Particles and Black Dust terraforming projects by making them repeatable.
Improved Emergency Eject feature.
Improved behaviour of station-based mining ships working for stations that require multiple resources.
Improved behaviour of police ships to sometimes allow player-owned objects to skip inspection if relations with police faction are good enough.
Improved station-based traders to prevent them prioritising resources that are produced by their station even when those resources are in shortage.
Improved faction logic to prevent construction of excessive numbers of stations.
Improved hazardous regions to also work when player is not nearby.
Improved AI pathing to fly around hazardous regions where possible.
Improved flight pathing for small ships docking at Tokyo.
Improved range and force of container magnet for M, L and XL ships.
Improved scanning movement of recon ships and resource scouts.
Improved balancing of relation penalty for destroying stations.
Improved low attention combat involving multiple capital ships.
Improved workforce information in Logical Station Overview.
Improved menu layouts for Hire and Reassign crew.
Improved interface for selecting sector order parameters.
Improved manual trade offer settings to allow buy amount that is higher than sell amount.
Improved visibility of save-related messages.
Improved visibility of station modules in station build menu.
Improved visibility of turrets in scan mode.
Improved Gravidar update rate.
Improved variety of factions seen on dock areas.
Improved appearance of Argon characters.
Improved lighting on Argon L bridge.
Improved asset pre-loading on GPUs with high memory capacity.
Improved asset streaming on GPUs with low memory capacity.
Changed default setting for Alerts in Map to Low for new players
Changed size difference for fleet leader icons from 50% to 25% larger than other objects.
Removed resource yield requirement from mining ship upkeep missions.
Removed ability to drag order lines away from inter-sector connections as they often happened accidentally.
Removed XS dock capacity from Docked Ships info on map.
Fixed Terran and Pioneer introduction missions to HQ being stalled by research ship being destroyed.
Fixed Hatikvah story sometimes getting stuck if dialogs are interrupted.
Fixed player not being able to take control of freighter because it was put into internal storage during Hatikvah story.
Fixed data vault mission not being completable with Cradle of Humanity expansion active.
Fixed rare situation in which Escape Plan mission cannot be completed.
Fixed players getting trapped in Boneyard during Tax Evasion 101 Split story mission.
Fixed Rebellious Thralls Split story mission being stuck if player has bad faction relations towards FRF when asked to dock at Slave Trader 3.
Fixed Rebellious Thralls Split story mission being stuck at undefined Scan guidance.
Fixed objects in Abandoned Asteroid Base in Astronauts, Champions, Truth Seekers mission disappearing while player is absent.
Fixed Astronauts, Champions, Truth Seekers mission getting stuck if conversation with Ellipsis Trouble is started before story dialog could finish.
Fixed indestructible Sweet Jack ship remaining after Covert Operations storyline is completed.
Fixed A Matter of Respect mission getting stuck if Helianthus tries to launch too many drones at once.
Fixed Torus switch riddle to reset all switches on leaving sector.
Fixed Torus switch riddle not behaving correctly if switches are repaired/damaged too quickly.
Fixed Operation Smoke and Mirrors mission not activating properly under certain circumstances.
Fixed A Heart for Pirates mission not getting removed from Mission Manager when aborted by player.
Fixed advanced terraforming projects not being available if Cradle of Humanity is enabled after terraforming is unlocked.
Fixed The Smoking Gun mission not triggering if Amplifier Station is destroyed too quickly.
Fixed Defenders of Sol mission getting stuck if Silverback is destroyed before player arrives at rally point.
Fixed adding gases increasing air pressure on worlds where that stat is not relevant.
Fixed some story missions being abortable.
Fixed player-owned subordinates sometimes not trading with other player property due to lack of funds when they don't actually need to pay.
Fixed looped trade orders not accounting for discounts when looking for trades with matching price thresholds.
Fixed incorrect trade offer price calculation for certain shipyards.
Fixed rebuilt build modules remaining inoperable after being wrecked before hack expired.
Fixed ships undergoing recycling disappearing when stored resulting in no recycled resources being gained.
Fixed modules under construction which are then destroyed not being recycled properly.
Fixed build storage of destroyed stations sometimes remaining in longer than intended.
Fixed more resources being returned to build storage when recycling station loadout upgrades.
Fixed very rare case resulting in broken ship movement when teleporting between ships in same highway.
Fixed automatic storage allocation breaking for stations with extremely large number of production modules.
Fixed subordinate traders sometimes buying then immediately re-selling same wares at commanding station.
Fixed boarding ships not trying to keep their boarding target alive while moving to engage.
Fixed turret control of boarding ships sometimes reacquiring target after target hull is below safe threshold.
Fixed player-owned mining ships finding resources in undiscovered areas of known sectors.
Fixed mining ships not firing on asteroids if any turrets are set to Attack All Enemies.
Fixed ships with turrets set to Attack Capital Ships or Attack Fighters not firing unless at least one turret is also set to Attack all Enemies.
Fixed turrets set to Missile Defence not working.
Fixed ships sometimes not uncovering areas hidden by fog of war.
Fixed player-owned ships finding paths through undiscovered sectors.
Fixed auto-traders not correctly updating when loading certain older savegames.
Fixed some buttons and doors not working after teleporting to station.
Fixed autopilot not working if guidance target is unknown and/or inactive gate or accelerator.
Fixed autopilot not using travel mode when approaching gate or accelerator.
Fixed not being able to call ship from storage if its cover faction is hostile to owner of object at which it is docked.
Fixed ships sometimes starting final dock movement many kilometers from dock.
Fixed never getting docking permission under certain rare circumstances.
Fixed fleeing ships repeatedly docking and undocking.
Fixed cases of ships being permanently unable to undock.
Fixed explosions of large objects not doing damage.
Fixed cases of duplicated HQ research modules.
Fixed Terran solar panels costing more resources than intended.
Fixed Kha'ak weapon platforms sometimes being unarmed.
Fixed Kha'ak outposts no longer appearing over time in certain situations.
Fixed pirate ships plundering objects belonging to friendly factions.
Fixed attacking capital ships staying outside weapon range.
Fixed weapons not shooting under certain circumstances.
Fixed being able to collide with hidden bridge geometry.
Fixed broken collision detection when flying certain ships near large objects.
Fixed map icons of docked ships flickering between two positions under certain circumstances.
Fixed position of icons next to trade offers on Map when view is rotated.
Fixed object select mode in Map not working in gamepad mode.
Fixed certain Xenon stations being invisible in Savage Spur.
Fixed cargo display in ware exchange menu for stations owning mining ships.
Fixed inaccurate text for manual buy/sell offer amount settings in Logical Station Overview.
Fixed several issues with ammo and drone quantities in Logical Station Overview.
Fixed future station construction resources not appearing in Station Configuration menu if build is already in progress.
Fixed Ware Transfer options when docked at another ship.
Fixed Request dock at option not being disabled when already docked at that object.
Fixed option to change Default Behaviour not being disabled under certain circumstances.
Fixed planned Default Behaviour changes getting stuck when changing to another menu tab.
Fixed ships retaining previous Default Behaviour when being set to Repeat Orders.
Fixed station-wide loadout level resetting every time Station Build menu is closed.
Fixed problems with Personnel Management menu if ships get destroyed.
Fixed Sell Ships menu not being displayed or not being scrollable under certain circumstances.
Fixed loadout presets being available for ships with installed equipment mods
Fixed inconsistency between player ship and other player-owned objects regarding whether default orders of subordinates can be changed.
Fixed medium ships incorrectly showing missile turret compatibility in menus.
Fixed missing title text in Interact menu under certain circumstances.
Fixed missing interactions in Crew Info tab for player employees on stations.
Fixed mismatched construction budget estimates in several locations.
Fixed traders adding logbook entries describing purchase after having sold ware.
Fixed Terraforming Expenses stat being too high by factor of 100.
Fixed Terraforming projects showing invalid resources if more was delivered than needed.
Fixed overlapping text in Ship Configuration menu.
Fixed input mapping conflict not being detected when assigning axis.
Fixed various localisation issues.
Fixed Terraforming menu crash.
Fixed Paranid head clipping through cockpit roof in Cerberus.
Fixed NPCs walking over furniture in Faction Representative office and Secret Service Bureau.
Fixed cockpit crew sometimes not interacting with terminals.
Fixed visiting NPCs behaving as though they are local crew.
Fixed Split and Terran NPCs neglecting their air marshalling duties.
Fixed ship crew from player-owned shipyards being random races instead of workforce races.
Fixed Yaki appearing on dock areas where they shouldn't.
Fixed jump effect sometimes not coinciding with destination position on sector transition.
Fixed rare cases where Venture Dock would still appear as if venture was running after ship returned.
Fixed scaling problems in station editor when copying sequences repeatedly.
Fixed looped animations stuttering at very large time values.
Fixed brief incorrect image display in several menus.
Fixed weapon effects being visible in upgrade menu.
Fixed incorrect grouping of turrets on Advanced Electronics production module.
Fixed floating turrets on small Terran Liquid Storage module.
Fixed turrets being rotated wrongly on Argon Defence Disk.
Fixed visual glitch in Microchip production module.
Fixed build modules being offset when wrecked.
Fixed turrets being located on top of player logo on Nomad.
Fixed turrets on Tokyo clipping inside ship hull.
Fixed floating geometry in Manorina gas miner ship.
Fixed misaligned Cerberus spacesuit dock.
Fixed wrong texture on Okinawa bridge window.
Fixed missing holo-instruments on Argon XL bridge.
Fixed mirrored decals in Argon L bridge.
Fixed rotating flack bullets.
Fixed pink faces on male Argon NPCs.
Fixed several causes of crashes.
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Posts: 680

PostPosted: Fri, 26th Nov 2021 04:00    Post subject:
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Posts: 680

PostPosted: Mon, 21st Feb 2022 10:03    Post subject:
Tides Of Avarice and update 5.0 will release on March 14th.
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Posts: 34299
Location: UK
PostPosted: Mon, 14th Mar 2022 18:35    Post subject:

May the NFOrce be with you always.
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Posts: 680

PostPosted: Fri, 23rd Dec 2022 14:04    Post subject:
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[Moderator] Consigliere

Posts: 64926
Location: Italy
PostPosted: Fri, 23rd Dec 2022 16:38    Post subject:
They're really going nuts with the DLCs, haha. Looks nice though. I actually haven't delved into the game yet because I was waiting for all the content/patches to drop, and also because I know that I'll spend way too many hours in it which is an intimidating thought. Maybe next year! maybe
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Posts: 680

PostPosted: Sat, 24th Dec 2022 03:06    Post subject:
With the addition of the Boron this will likely be the last major expansion.

Ye the x series is not one of those where you just put in a few dozen or so hours and be done with it, it tends to consume you and before you know it you have hundreds of hours in game while barely even scratching the surface... Laughing

The Boron have been missed and i look forward to visiting Kingdom End once more.
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Posts: 73193
Location: Ramat Gan, Israel 🇮🇱
PostPosted: Sat, 24th Dec 2022 11:46    Post subject:
The shadow map aliasing at 0:22-0:24 tells me everything there is to know about this godawful turd. Terrible, outdated engine running a terrible, buggy mess of a game, still, years after release.
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Posts: 680

PostPosted: Fri, 20th Jan 2023 03:28    Post subject:
Introducing X TECH 5 and kicking off 6.00 Public Beta.

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Posts: 680

PostPosted: Sat, 21st Jan 2023 13:29    Post subject:
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Posts: 680

PostPosted: Wed, 29th Mar 2023 15:46    Post subject:
X4: Kingdom End and 6.00 Update for X4: Foundations to be released on April 12.

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Posts: 3387

PostPosted: Wed, 29th Mar 2023 17:31    Post subject:

couleur wrote:
Everything I don't understand is a mental disorder. Laughing

couleur wrote:
If the illegals are drowning its their fault for attempting to cross the river in the first place. Especially the children. /s

russ80 wrote:
Who cares about gameplay. It's one of the few next-gen looking titles out there so BRING IT ON.
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Posts: 680

PostPosted: Wed, 5th Apr 2023 13:52    Post subject:
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Posts: 315

PostPosted: Wed, 12th Apr 2023 18:26    Post subject:
X4 Foundations Kingdom End-RUNE
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Posts: 2533

PostPosted: Wed, 12th Apr 2023 21:12    Post subject:
didnt follow either game close enough to answer myself but:

why do star citizen fanatics just drop that crap and play x4 with all of its dlcs instead?
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Posts: 43

PostPosted: Wed, 12th Apr 2023 22:04    Post subject:
lametta wrote:
didnt follow either game close enough to answer myself but:

why do star citizen fanatics just drop that crap and play x4 with all of its dlcs instead?

Wow. Star Citizen is certainly a mess right now with the release of 3.18 but this and SC are very different games allthough they both take place in space.
SC is an MMO that centers on you as a pilot as well as being an FPS. While you can own many ships, you can command only one at a time. You can join up with your friends to pilot a large ship or several small ones. You cannot build or create anything, at least for the forseeable future. There is no story beside the one you create for yourself. We all know how it is supposed to be an alpha and who knows if it will ever release.
X4 is a sinple player 4X space game where you can create stations, build a fleet under your command and rule the galaxy, if you choose. There is a story if you can call it that but it is optional. While you can get out pilot seat and walk around, there is no first person combat at all. The game supports modding and there is a well stocked Steam workshop as well as a thriving Nexus presence.
While they are both very different experiences, I can see why one might want to jump off the SC bandwagon. SC is barely playable now while X4 is released and has several DLC's .
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Posts: 680

PostPosted: Wed, 19th Apr 2023 15:00    Post subject:
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Posts: 680

PostPosted: Thu, 1st Jun 2023 16:27    Post subject:
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Posts: 680

PostPosted: Wed, 20th Dec 2023 16:08    Post subject:
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Posts: 3387

PostPosted: Wed, 20th Dec 2023 16:47    Post subject:
That looks awesome. I stopped for a long time and tried to dive back in a month ago or so and I just forgot how to do a lot of things. I need to research that again and continue where I left off.

The fleet management aspect just throws me off since I know/thought I had assigned some fighters/wings to a particular carrier, but when i view my "assets" they are showing as unassigned. Not all of them, just some.

couleur wrote:
Everything I don't understand is a mental disorder. Laughing

couleur wrote:
If the illegals are drowning its their fault for attempting to cross the river in the first place. Especially the children. /s

russ80 wrote:
Who cares about gameplay. It's one of the few next-gen looking titles out there so BRING IT ON.
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Posts: 680

PostPosted: Thu, 4th Apr 2024 19:16    Post subject:
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Posts: 680

PostPosted: Sat, 1st Jun 2024 03:04    Post subject:
X4: Timelines and X4: Foundations 7.00 Update to be Released on June 20, 2024.

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Posts: 680

PostPosted: Thu, 20th Jun 2024 19:36    Post subject:
X4: Foundations 7.00 Update and X4: Timelines now available.

Some nice features in 7.00 which is free for all players.

New Feature: Reimagined Teladi and Argon capital ships.
New Feature: Redesigned Xenon PE and SE ships.
New Feature: Flyable Xenon ships (selected ships only).
New Feature: Historic Terraformer ships.
New Feature: Observation Deck module for stations.
New Feature: Additional sectors and landmarks.
New Feature: Race-specific managers' offices.
New Feature: Improved AI.
New Feature: Reworked, improved and expanded tutorials.
New Feature: Late-game crisis for advanced players.
New Feature: Customisable radial menu for quick access to actions.
New Feature: Extended input mapping options.
New Feature: Enhanced external camera system.
New Feature: Visual Enhancement Goggles.
New Feature: Improved explosion effects.
New Feature: FOV slider.
New Feature: TAA support.
New Feature: Enhanced shadows.
New Feature: New accessibility options.

Full changelog - https://forum.egosoft.com/viewtopic.php?p=5233225#p5233225
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[Moderator] Consigliere

Posts: 64926
Location: Italy
PostPosted: Thu, 28th Nov 2024 15:10    Post subject:
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Posts: 680

PostPosted: Thu, 20th Feb 2025 20:28    Post subject:
X4: Hyperion Pack & Flight Model Update out now.

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Posts: 2103

PostPosted: Tue, 18th Mar 2025 12:05    Post subject:

Full game with latest updates and DLC.

chill out man, life is beautifull...
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