Not all mods are compatible, graphical mods should be fine.
These mods are now features in the game, not separate mods. No idea if the creators have decided to still have their mods up, if they do they probably have that info on their page, that the mod is included.
I would never mod any game this close to an update, it's just asking for issues.. Not sure Nexus will put up a Anniversary Edition section, SE and LE are separate pages on Nexus. A third one will be kind of getting really messy...
In an attempt to avert the part of the modpocalpyse that I can control, I've been spending all of my free time for the last week and a half or so getting this ready, and just made it about an hour before the update was pushed. Thanks to Bethesda for giving me early access to AE so I could get this ready.
This is a preliminary build of SKSE64 with support for Skyrim SE 1.6.318, aka the Anniversary Edition. All of the hooks tested as working, the Papyrus extensions seem to be OKish but I don't have complete test coverage. At the very least you can keep using Todd's favorite mod (SkyUI) without problems. The primary feature that is missing is the plugin manager, which is currently disabled until I can rewrite the system that handles plugin compatibility checks. Plugin developers can build local versions with it enabled, but keep in mind that the version check code is going to change.
Due to the large amount of manual code rewrite required for this release, the possibility for bugs is higher than usual. That said, things seem to be working better than expected
boundle (thoughts on cracking AITD) wrote:
i guess thouth if without a legit key the installation was rolling back we are all fucking then
My god how tedious it has gotten to mod this game, even just basic ENB and some graphics...
Downloads mod, mod depends on X,Y,Z
Goes to Mod Y. Mod Y depends on requirement A, B.
Goes to A requires SKSE, some type of special libraries. reads up. installs.
Goes back to first mod to do next step. Mod required set to "hidden". Additional research on forums, comments.
Hours later... 3 mods installed.
Then you realize you need to research LOD's (setting up, files, tools), .ini file edits, ENB edits..
Installing mods for Bethesda games is a game in itself.
You can finish downloading, installing, testing mods in about 4-5 hours and when you are done you can also uninstall the game, as you already had enough.
Installing mods for Bethesda games is a game in itself.
You can finish downloading, installing, testing mods in about 4-5 hours and when you are done you can also uninstall the game, as you already had enough.
Exactly my feelings after 3 hours installing mods and scripts in the correct order for FO:NV
The game of installing mods is a very boring one..
i wanted to install ENB + some graphics because it might inspire me to continue modding it (my own mods, that is).
Grass can now have normal maps (due to a new ENB feature) which is nice, i also saw grass which will move out of the way as you walk through it will be a thing (people are totally blown away.. lol.. we've had that mod for more than 10 years in Morrowind).
My god how tedious it has gotten to mod this game, even just basic ENB and some graphics...
Downloads mod, mod depends on X,Y,Z
Goes to Mod Y. Mod Y depends on requirement A, B.
Goes to A requires SKSE, some type of special libraries. reads up. installs.
Goes back to first mod to do next step. Mod required set to "hidden". Additional research on forums, comments.
Hours later... 3 mods installed.
Then you realize you need to research LOD's (setting up, files, tools), .ini file edits, ENB edits..
Anyone selling meth?
Use Wabbajack, it sorts all of those things for you. You can also install mods on top of it (or remove them) if you know what you're doing. Plenty of lists to choose from. Press maybe 3 buttons and you can download a preconfigured ~100GB mod list with all of the LOD shit etc done.
I suppose you could also use Nexus 'collections' if you want a much shitter version of that
This game feels like it has had the most re-releases of any game ever. vurt's post made me think they released another version of the Skyrim since its been a few years so it seems about the time they would milk it once again.
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