[NextGen] Sony PlayStation 5
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Posts: 32672

PostPosted: Tue, 2nd Aug 2022 19:59    Post subject:
The_Zeel wrote:
nah she looks like ellen page, ie. like elliot page used to look.
remember how pissed she was about her "likeness" being used in a game that won all those awards?
then she went and did a vidya project of her own with durrhurr cage the creepy french fuck and it turned into a pile of shit.

both games came out in 2013.
why is cage creepy?

Sin317 wrote:
I win, you lose. Or Go fuck yourself.
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Posts: 34337
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PostPosted: Wed, 24th Aug 2022 18:22    Post subject:
Hell yeah take my £70 Very Happy

May the NFOrce be with you always.
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Posts: 13279

PostPosted: Thu, 25th Aug 2022 09:38    Post subject:
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Posts: 6963

PostPosted: Thu, 25th Aug 2022 19:39    Post subject:
Well as I said before, and I got kinda mocked on this very forum for that, always buy day 1, price hardly ever drop, and now it increases Laughing

“I’ll buy it in 2 years when price drop so I can play better games cheaper”. Yeah right.

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Posts: 13457
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Thu, 25th Aug 2022 19:45    Post subject:
Tell us again when that happened the last time though (i've followed console releases since the 70's)...

I bought mine for around 700 euro and they threw in an extra controller.. over price but it's even worse now, never seen it below 800 euro in Sweden. I don't think this console has been sold for its original price ever here, apart from maybe the absolutely first units?

If i remember correctly it's not even legal for stores to sell it above what Sony has set as a price, but i guess the stores does it anyways because nothing happens if they go against it.
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Posts: 6963

PostPosted: Thu, 25th Aug 2022 21:15    Post subject:
vurt wrote:
Tell us again when that happened the last time though (i've followed console releases since the 70's)...

I bought mine for around 700 euro and they threw in an extra controller.. over price but it's even worse now, never seen it below 800 euro in Sweden. I don't think this console has been sold for its original price ever here, apart from maybe the absolutely first units?

If i remember correctly it's not even legal for stores to sell it above what Sony has set as a price, but i guess the stores does it anyways because nothing happens if they go against it.

Well PS4 price barely dropped (until many years later, and not that much) but the best example is the Nintendo Switch (and Nintendo games). The price remained the exact same to its launch price (299 euros), even increased actually. I preordered it on amazon.fr for 272 euros and regular market price for launch ended up being 299 euros, or even 330 euros for some stores.
Was mocked the same back then for preordering it, not only that but first gen hardware had the NVIDIA fail.
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Posts: 13457
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Thu, 25th Aug 2022 21:27    Post subject:
So in other words : it's super rare, maaaaybe one time before, and overall it's not something anyone should do (if you want to make a good deal, which is not always the case). PS4 was on BIG sales numerous times, i bought both the original and the Pro for really good price in Sweden, the Pro one was an especially good price, perhaps 8'ish months after its release.
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Posts: 6963

PostPosted: Thu, 25th Aug 2022 21:35    Post subject:
Well in France, when price dropped, it was not before years later and only 50 euros at best. Not sure it's worth wasting 2 years to save 50 euros but to each his own.

So for me, not that rare if you consider the drops are not consequent. Maybe sweden had the ps4 drop 100 euros after 1 year then good for you. In France this never happened.

Only Xbox One X dropped price a lot in 2019, but 2019.. That was because Xbox Series X was launching the next year. You don't wanna wait 8 years to buy a console for a good price do you?

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Posts: 13457
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Thu, 25th Aug 2022 22:10    Post subject:
I never wait even a year, there's usually one price drop during the holidays. why care about france? i live in sweden, bought from amazon (pro version only), likely the UK one at the time, or perhaps it was Germany..
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Posts: 2410
Location: Holland
PostPosted: Thu, 25th Aug 2022 22:36    Post subject:
vurt wrote:
Tell us again when that happened the last time though (i've followed console releases since the 70's)...

I bought mine for around 700 euro and they threw in an extra controller.. over price but it's even worse now, never seen it below 800 euro in Sweden. I don't think this console has been sold for its original price ever here, apart from maybe the absolutely first units?

If i remember correctly it's not even legal for stores to sell it above what Sony has set as a price, but i guess the stores does it anyways because nothing happens if they go against it.

Are you that old?
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Posts: 6963

PostPosted: Fri, 26th Aug 2022 01:47    Post subject:
vurt wrote:
I never wait even a year, there's usually one price drop during the holidays. why care about france? i live in sweden, bought from amazon (pro version only), likely the UK one at the time, or perhaps it was Germany..

Then your reasoning only works for Swedish people. The rest of Europe always had overpriced PS4, NSW and ps5 after launch.
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Posts: 13457
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Fri, 26th Aug 2022 04:58    Post subject:
But like i said, there's really no need to order only from your own country, if you live in EU you can order from Germany etc etc

jaapie18 wrote:

Are you that old?

we are quite a few older on this forum i think, i don't even think i'm the oldest here.
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Posts: 225
Location: Random coffeeshop
PostPosted: Fri, 26th Aug 2022 11:08    Post subject:
Anyone any clue when that beta ends? I can barely wait for the 1440p support.
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Posts: 2309
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PostPosted: Fri, 26th Aug 2022 12:38    Post subject:
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Posts: 13457
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Fri, 26th Aug 2022 13:00    Post subject:
Amadeus wrote:

Yep... though there are quite a few games that i much rather play on PS5 than on PS4 due to graphics/FPS..
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Posts: 13457
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Fri, 26th Aug 2022 14:37    Post subject:
headshot wrote:
Hell yeah take my £70 Very Happy

a few days left, why are there no previews? i mean there are zero.
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Posts: 1009

PostPosted: Fri, 26th Aug 2022 20:07    Post subject:
great franchise... the last of us and uncharted, pure gold justifying buying a playstation each generation
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Posts: 34337
Location: UK
PostPosted: Wed, 31st Aug 2022 18:22    Post subject:
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Posts: 34337
Location: UK
PostPosted: Fri, 2nd Sep 2022 05:38    Post subject:
Played the first two hours of The Last of Us Part 1 and wow, the next level visuals are phenomenal and the new cinematics really do add to an already immersive story.
Constantly I find myself exploring and spending time looking around the environments in awe at the detail on display.
The gameplay is as fun and brutal as ever and with the gore system taken straight from The Last of Us Part 2, it’s now just as visceral as the sequel.
It feels great to play through the same game again with the improved AI, much higher fidelity and smooth performance when compared to the PS4 Remastered version.

I absolutely do not regret paying £70 despite having purchased the game on PS3 and PS4 previously.

May the NFOrce be with you always.
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Posts: 797
Location: UK
PostPosted: Fri, 2nd Sep 2022 10:34    Post subject:
It was a tough decision, but I think I'll wait and play the PS7 remaster in 2039.
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Posts: 34337
Location: UK
PostPosted: Fri, 2nd Sep 2022 13:28    Post subject:
Haha the The Last of Us Part 1 Remake Remastered on PS6 is already in the pipeline Laughing

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Posts: 2425
Location: USA
PostPosted: Fri, 2nd Sep 2022 20:57    Post subject:
Just wait for the PS5PRO remake with dat ray tracing support
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Posts: 6963

PostPosted: Sat, 3rd Sep 2022 19:53    Post subject:
headshot wrote:
Played the first two hours of The Last of Us Part 1 and wow, the next level visuals are phenomenal and the new cinematics really do add to an already immersive story.
Constantly I find myself exploring and spending time looking around the environments in awe at the detail on display.
The gameplay is as fun and brutal as ever and with the gore system taken straight from The Last of Us Part 2, it’s now just as visceral as the sequel.
It feels great to play through the same game again with the improved AI, much higher fidelity and smooth performance when compared to the PS4 Remastered version.

I absolutely do not regret paying £70 despite having purchased the game on PS3 and PS4 previously.

Thx to uncle turkey it was worth the price but I don't agree with headshot, it is not worth the 80 euros price tag. For 80 euros you have games that are fresher. Even Uncharted 4 and TLOU2 were cheaper. This is surely overpriced. Plus the gameplay isn't as good as TLOU2 (no diving, no dodge, no shooting under the cars). It is only worth that price if you never finished it on PS3 or PS4 and you are entering unknown territory playing this.

Because I already know the story, and the gameplay, I'm not "wowed" like I was on PS3 back then. Sure it looks better and all but it is still the same game. As much as I like exploring, not sure what headshot is exploring here, but it's definitely more closed than TLOU2 (well it is TLOU1 after all) and a lot more linear.
50 euros at best would have been a better price tag. Don't expect anything special except what you saw on trailers if you already finished this game on PS3.

While this is a full blown remake like FF7 remake, FF7 remake is nothing like FF7, everything changed including the gameplay.
Here, nothing changed, just the graphics. Same gameplay, maybe smoother but that's it.
Great game, great remake, but only get it if you never played the original game OR can get it cheaper.
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Posts: 34337
Location: UK
PostPosted: Sat, 3rd Sep 2022 21:01    Post subject:

May the NFOrce be with you always.
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Posts: 13457
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Sat, 3rd Sep 2022 21:38    Post subject:
The price is way too steep for what it is, and couldn't they offered a 30% price reduction for us who has the old TLOU on our accounts (if we bought a digital version).

It looks fine, better than the old obviously but i don't think it looks better than Uncharted 4 or TLOU2, which i had hoped since this is quite a bit newer. Overall i think Uncharted 4 is the better game, just an overall fresher take on level design for example, probably my favorite game of all time when it comes to that.
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Posts: 8852
Location: England
PostPosted: Sun, 4th Sep 2022 21:14    Post subject:
I refuse to buy a the game again. It’s not the kind of game I’d want to play through a second time. Clear cash grab, fuck them.

Uncharted 4 I never even played, may do so now based on the above comment thoiugh!!

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Posts: 5409
Location: Europe
PostPosted: Mon, 5th Sep 2022 08:06    Post subject:
I have no problem with it. Cool that it exists, don't mind waiting for the price to drop since I played it before a couple times.

Very much looking forward to playing it in a year or so.

Likot Mosuskekim, Woodcutter cancels Sleep: Interrupted by Elephant.
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Posts: 1230

PostPosted: Wed, 7th Sep 2022 07:20    Post subject:
As great as this game is/was, we should all be conditioned by now that when presented with a choice to do the right thing by customers or do the thing that benefits shareholders most, Sony will always, always do the latter. Whether it be releasing a remake for $10 more than anyone ever paid for the original 9 years ago, announcing plans for a library subscription service along with an upgrade path from the existing sub service and then blocking people from redeeming legitimately purchased codes for like 6 weeks, announcing that they are now making profit on hardware sales and then increasing the sales price, selling a PS4 game that comes with a free next gen upgrade for $10 more on PS5, Sony will always, always fuck over the customer.

I say this as someone who owns all 7 Sony consoles before anyone accuses me of being a fanboy.
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Posts: 13457
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Wed, 7th Sep 2022 10:35    Post subject:
Horrordee wrote:
I refuse to buy a the game again. It’s not the kind of game I’d want to play through a second time. Clear cash grab, fuck them.

Uncharted 4 I never even played, may do so now based on the above comment thoiugh!!

I'm not having a ton of fun replaying this. I was looking forward to it but.. meh. The graphics are... nice, but it's not like i've ever stopped in awe like i did so many times in Uncharted 4. Also U4's level design, especially with heights, is so much fun, so creative sometimes, this is nothing like that. It's so exciting to see the next level too, that never got old, here its all the same. It's by far the better game. This was awesome for 1 playthrough i would say, but not for two, even if the graphics are better.

It COULD be that i'm just not into this type of game / atmosphere right now. it does happen sometimes.. might stop it and try it again in some months, maybe even wait for the series and maybe that puts me in mood.. bit of a waste to play and feel meh about it.
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Posts: 522
Location: Absurdia
PostPosted: Fri, 9th Sep 2022 10:37    Post subject:
@Vurt: Worth giving the 2nd one a shot as the level design definitely gets more vertical and while still linear, the arenas are so much wider the illusion is complete.
These being said, the environment stays largely the same all over so it did get tedious by the end. Pair that with the controversial protagonist change and you're in for a polarizing experience.

Uncharted was definitely prettier, but the mediocre platforming got tiresome for me. The shooting was nice, however the stealth was definitely less developed - would argue it's a matter of taste at this point.

I'm on my 3rd playthrough of TLoU (first on the PS3, 2nd on the remastered version about 6 months ago) and i must say i'm quite enjoying it. The AI/game mechanics don't look like they've been upgraded in any way to me, but it is still the same great story with maybe some more eyebrow action now Surprised
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