Hogwarts Legacy (Harry Potter RPG)
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Posts: 23008
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Mon, 13th Feb 2023 15:39    Post subject:
Because people are unable to hold 2 simultaneous thoughts at once, this is nothing new. Now trans is what matters and most everything else fades to the background
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Posts: 6248

PostPosted: Mon, 13th Feb 2023 15:52    Post subject:
TheZor wrote:
AmpegV4 wrote:
Here's the bugfix / mod for Sirana's voice, without logging into anything: https://mega.nz/file/BAkSGQ4J#yvjZBKd1fS8mK7Ea4VBwwx59FXJJPQUnMNIbH8V-IWg

FYI, at the last minute the dev-team just took a random female character and pitch shifted the voice down 2 octaves, it's jarring and stupid.

Contrary to many copied/pasted articles that claim she's not credited or that Sirona's voice is just a female one pitched down, this character was voiced by Rebecca Root.


But yea, it's super important to fix this game-breaking "bug" (it was super duper hilarious seeing all the Steam threads featuring the same exact joke, free spirits patting themselves on the back for being so controversial at work Razz).. It's kinda curious nobody is even considering to bring up the school being so ethnically diverse anymore, since the latest point of contention has stolen the spotlight for getting angry at windmills Very Happy I thought being historically accurate regarding ethnicities was very, very important.
This whole ordeal makes it pretty obvious it's more about getting angry at the latest thing to get riled up about, rather than an actual intellectual backbone.

I'm not attacking you personally at all btw (this reply could easily come across as such), could have replied to either of the posts referencing the subject, yours was just the latest trying to be helpful, sorry! Razz

Well color me surprised they actually went to the effort for the voice-actor. In playing the game, it comes across extremely jarring because there is absolutely no context and they didn't model the character like this voice-actor in the slightest. Because the constant hoo harr (which i only really get from nfohump), my reaction was a lazy immersion breaking zero effort maneuver by the dev team. You can select your pitch in-game, and shifting anywhere from + or - 0 sounds processed and crap, like this characters audio in game.

It was linked to the thread, I know it's ignorant but I just don't care enough to go looking for all the important internet diversity/controversies ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ , oh well.
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Posts: 23008
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Mon, 13th Feb 2023 15:58    Post subject:
As if anyone has to look for them as they're regularly flung in our faces Laughing
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Posts: 2324
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Mon, 13th Feb 2023 16:05    Post subject:
Okay so anyone besides me that enjoy the game? Very Happy Never seen a harry potter movie before but I binged them all this weekend because of the game Razz
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Posts: 23008
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Mon, 13th Feb 2023 16:06    Post subject:
This is the humps. Nothng kills a thread quicker than relevant game talk LaughingLaughing

Finished it yesterday. It's not without it's faults but it was very enjoyable
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PostPosted: Mon, 13th Feb 2023 16:18    Post subject:
My daughters playing it, likes it enough. But she's not a 'gamer' as much as just a 21 year old that casually plays games, like an average person that age.
But shes having fun with it.

It looks like a solid game but not my style of game (3rd person action, and story..both things I dont get into), so unfortunately cannot say myself if its enjoyable first hand.

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Posts: 9616
Location: Transylvania
PostPosted: Mon, 13th Feb 2023 16:47    Post subject:
This game has an absolutely fantastic looking world.

This is how a videogame should be created. To transcend reality! I reckon J.K. Rowling's rich imagination and the movies helped immensely to the success of this...

You must preorder your party before venturing forth.™FOV CalculatorAre you mindful today?Women: Know Your Limits!
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Posts: 5991

PostPosted: Mon, 13th Feb 2023 16:47    Post subject:
AmpegV4 wrote:
TheZor wrote:
AmpegV4 wrote:
Here's the bugfix / mod for Sirana's voice, without logging into anything: https://mega.nz/file/BAkSGQ4J#yvjZBKd1fS8mK7Ea4VBwwx59FXJJPQUnMNIbH8V-IWg

FYI, at the last minute the dev-team just took a random female character and pitch shifted the voice down 2 octaves, it's jarring and stupid.

Contrary to many copied/pasted articles that claim she's not credited or that Sirona's voice is just a female one pitched down, this character was voiced by Rebecca Root.


But yea, it's super important to fix this game-breaking "bug" (it was super duper hilarious seeing all the Steam threads featuring the same exact joke, free spirits patting themselves on the back for being so controversial at work Razz).. It's kinda curious nobody is even considering to bring up the school being so ethnically diverse anymore, since the latest point of contention has stolen the spotlight for getting angry at windmills Very Happy I thought being historically accurate regarding ethnicities was very, very important.
This whole ordeal makes it pretty obvious it's more about getting angry at the latest thing to get riled up about, rather than an actual intellectual backbone.

I'm not attacking you personally at all btw (this reply could easily come across as such), could have replied to either of the posts referencing the subject, yours was just the latest trying to be helpful, sorry! Razz

Well color me surprised they actually went to the effort for the voice-actor. In playing the game, it comes across extremely jarring because there is absolutely no context and they didn't model the character like this voice-actor in the slightest. Because the constant hoo harr (which i only really get from nfohump), my reaction was a lazy immersion breaking zero effort maneuver by the dev team. You can select your pitch in-game, and shifting anywhere from + or - 0 sounds processed and crap, like this characters audio in game.

It was linked to the thread, I know it's ignorant but I just don't care enough to go looking for all the important internet diversity/controversies ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ , oh well.

I'm often too curious for my own sake, fucked me over a couple times already Very Happy

R5 5600X - 3070FE - 16GB DDR4 3600 - Asus B550 TUF Gaming Plus - BeQuiet Straight Power 11 750W - Pure Base 500DX
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Posts: 4359

PostPosted: Mon, 13th Feb 2023 17:23    Post subject:
Stormwolf wrote:
This is the humps. Nothng kills a thread quicker than relevant game talk LaughingLaughing

Finished it yesterday. It's not without it's faults but it was very enjoyable

How many hours did you clock in? And was this doing all the side quests?

I probably won't do any of the collectible related stuff I've seen streamers do, not my cup of tea.

Gustave the Steel
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Posts: 23008
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Mon, 13th Feb 2023 17:46    Post subject:
44 hours and all side quests done. I skipped most collectibles other than those relevant to side quests
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Posts: 4359

PostPosted: Mon, 13th Feb 2023 19:34    Post subject:
Cool thanks. Should be a fun weekend playthrough.

Gustave the Steel
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Posts: 455

PostPosted: Mon, 13th Feb 2023 20:03    Post subject:
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Posts: 51067
Location: Portugal, the shithole of Europe.
PostPosted: Mon, 13th Feb 2023 20:18    Post subject:


boundle (thoughts on cracking AITD) wrote:
i guess thouth if without a legit key the installation was rolling back we are all fucking then
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Posts: 225
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PostPosted: Mon, 13th Feb 2023 20:27    Post subject:
So tired of these fools really.
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Posts: 1903
Location: BG
PostPosted: Mon, 13th Feb 2023 22:03    Post subject:
Not that it isn't an obvious troll.
Reminds me of a YouTube comment: "Nice video but you are a French so I disliked." Laughing
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PostPosted: Mon, 13th Feb 2023 22:15    Post subject:
I had no idea who Sirona was or what the fix was for... until I reached that part. All the detail they go into with this game, and they dump that in like anyone would think that sounded human
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PostPosted: Tue, 14th Feb 2023 02:28    Post subject:
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PostPosted: Tue, 14th Feb 2023 02:40    Post subject:
That would explain some things Laughing

And I love how we had an intel 7900X, then the AM5 7900X, and then they release a fucking GPU called a 7900 XT.

It makes searching for '7900X' related content very enjoyable Dude Sad
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Posts: 1434

PostPosted: Tue, 14th Feb 2023 02:50    Post subject:
They already rebuked that themselves in their benchmark video. On Intel the game just stacks more stuff on fewer cores while on AMD the load is more spread out. Both perform as expected.

Link to the relevant part:

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Posts: 6248

PostPosted: Tue, 14th Feb 2023 02:58    Post subject:
Except 5 mins later the same guy tweets directly under that tweet:

"OMG! I solved the issue, it's not a Ryzen bug but rather a menu bug. Although DLSS and all forms of upscaling were disabled & greyed out in the menu, frame generation was on for just the 40 series. I had to enable DLSS, then enabled FG, then disable FG and disable DLSS to fix it! twitter.com/HardwareUnboxe…"

so ?
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Posts: 2309
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PostPosted: Tue, 14th Feb 2023 11:34    Post subject:
Can't trust Hardware Unboxed for shit, they're biased as fuck and always rush their results

They might redo them if they make AMD look too bad tho

I mean who benchmarks 4k RT without FSR or DLSS other than to make sure vram usage explodes even more in an already unoptimized game, just to make the 8gb and 10gb cards by nvidia look bad

Fuckin hell, the reality? Everyone with their 3060tis, 3070s etc. just enjoying the game

At least ever since that .ini fix was released (like Ascendio)

Though the TechPowerUp benchmarks were apparently pretty fucked too

Honestly not sure you can benchmark this game at all until the devs fixed their own mess

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Posts: 1213
Location: Serbia
PostPosted: Tue, 14th Feb 2023 12:33    Post subject:
What .ini fix?
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Posts: 2309
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PostPosted: Tue, 14th Feb 2023 12:51    Post subject:
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Posts: 6248

PostPosted: Tue, 14th Feb 2023 12:52    Post subject:
I have the 3080 10gb and can tell u it ranges 35-40fps more than their results without RT, and 40-50 fps more than their results with RT, except when the game stutters which is too frequently with RT.
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Posts: 18882
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PostPosted: Tue, 14th Feb 2023 13:21    Post subject:

Where's the cracl men, wasn't it supposed to come out soon after release? Cool Face
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Posts: 5624
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PostPosted: Tue, 14th Feb 2023 14:31    Post subject:

I can see your soul at the edges of your eyes..
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PostPosted: Tue, 14th Feb 2023 14:38    Post subject:

May the NFOrce be with you always.
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Posts: 51067
Location: Portugal, the shithole of Europe.
PostPosted: Tue, 14th Feb 2023 14:41    Post subject:
Neon wrote:

Where's the cracl men, wasn't it supposed to come out soon after release? Cool Face
Troon empress BTFO Razz

boundle (thoughts on cracking AITD) wrote:
i guess thouth if without a legit key the installation was rolling back we are all fucking then
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Posts: 2506

PostPosted: Tue, 14th Feb 2023 14:43    Post subject:
StEFaN7 wrote:

that about sums it up nicely Laughing
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Posts: 2309
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PostPosted: Tue, 14th Feb 2023 18:53    Post subject:
AmpegV4 wrote:
I have the 3080 10gb and can tell u it ranges 35-40fps more than their results without RT, and 40-50 fps more than their results with RT, except when the game stutters which is too frequently with RT.

So these are probably more realistic numbers https://www.computerbase.de/2023-02/hogwarts-legacy-benchmark-test/3/
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