Just finished Robocop: Rogue City which is a rarity in itself as I play a lot of games but don’t finish all that many. Anyway I have some thoughts and impressions on it. I saw the first movie back in the late 80’s not long after it released and when I was about 10 years old. Thinking about it, I probably saw a lot of stuff I shouldn’t at that age. Compared to the modern day though it was much easier for movies to get an 18 rating back then but my parents didn’t mind as long as they didnt have much of an impact on me which I don’t think they did. So this game felt like one massive nostalgia trip and I have to say it is some kind of sleeper hit for sure. It was much better than it had any right to be and one of best movie licenced games I think we’ve ever had. Sure the sidequests were a bit boring at times, but I didn’t find the shooting all that repetitive and overall I had a great time with this one.
I played the game in performance mode on PS5, had extremely minor bugs and no crashes. I was impressed with how the game looked and played with some great environmental damage. The gore and explosions are excellent too. I thought the corrupted memory sequences were really well done and the fact that you have choices that matter is pretty cool. The ED-209 fights were fun and the customisable upgrade chip is a nice addition. Walking through fire without taking damage and targeting walls to ricochet bullets is totally bad ass! The final boss fight was a nice but expected encounter and was also fun!
My only criticism is the terrible lip syncing but it is a AA game. The health pickups should have been baby food as well! Also the lack of the original theme song! That should be looping on repeat during every single firefight but it’s barely in the game and plays only in specific high stakes missions. Teyon really stuck close to the source material and did a great job recreating the environments and assets. I also got the digital art book with the game which is really cool.
This could be the best Robocop game we’ll ever get but given how well the game reviewed, maybe they will give us a sequel. I’m hoping it gets some DLC or an expansion at least! Id really like an open world Robocop game with the option to actually drive the patrol car and optional third person gameplay but they’re probably too small a development studio for such an endeavour. It’s really great to play a game without a single microtransaction and after the credits rolled, I was left wanting more!
Considering this is the same team that made the god awful Rambo game and then the Terminator game which was surprisingly good, they did even better with Robocop: Rogue City. I have high hopes for whatever their next title is for sure
I saw Robocop 1-2 back to back on a Saturday afternoon with my parents when I was a kid. It aired uncut on TV here(during daytime no less) and my mom's horrified reaction to Murphy's death made the experience even better.
"I think Call of Duty resonates because it's believable and relatable," Sledgehammer Games cofounder Michael Condrey says.
Believable and relatable...Yep, sounds like Call of Duty
haven't finished this yet but I am loving it so far. The environment destruction, gore and shooting makes for some awesome pew pew as your thumping along as Mr Tin man.
Hell I don't even mind the janky ass face animations and lipsync, just adds to that nostalgia value in this case
proof that if you focus where it matters a game works.
Surely the devs were inspired by real people for the characters.
When I see Soot, I see Keith Flint from The Prodigy lol.
When I see Wendell Antonowsky, I see Hans Gruber from Die Hard lol.
When I see Max Becker, I see Jimmy Smits lol.
I knew Wendell Antonowsky was brother of someone as it’s mentioned in the game but apparently it’s Emil Antonowsky who I didn’t know by name but I now recognise
This is blasphemy but i have yet to see the movies. I dunno how the heck that has happened. Robocop is just someone i've always heard about, just never actually seen it. I do wonder how good be with no nostalgic factor, but i enjoy old movies though.
I quite liked Robocop 2 but yeah that was the last one as far as I’m concerned lol.
There was a pretty awful TV series as well I recall.
The IP is ripe for an ultraviolent anime!
Get on it Netflix!
This is blasphemy but i have yet to see the movies. I dunno how the heck that has happened. Robocop is just someone i've always heard about, just never actually seen it. I do wonder how good be with no nostalgic factor, but i enjoy old movies though.
Watch just the 1st one. Still holds up pretty well, and is just a solid and enjoyable 80's B movie.
"Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life." ~Berthold Auerbach
I quite liked Robocop 2 but yeah that was the last one as far as I’m concerned lol.
There was a pretty awful TV series as well I recall.
The IP is ripe for an ultraviolent anime!
Get on it Netflix!
The series was gr8 (gore is way down and there are kids, but inner drama is hard and gr8 written)... you also had some more dark seque of it with low budget also not bad
The series is a lot better then sequel movies ALSO!
This is blasphemy but i have yet to see the movies. I dunno how the heck that has happened. Robocop is just someone i've always heard about, just never actually seen it. I do wonder how good be with no nostalgic factor, but i enjoy old movies though.
First Robocop has aged like fine wine. I watched it over the summer and couldn't believe how violent it was-when I was a kid I had only watched the cut-for-TV version
not to mention that they turned dick shooting into a game mechanic where the characters reacts to it + it does extra damage, it can be more powerful than headshots actually...
I had high hopes for this game, however it's not that good.
Texture loading is really bad. Cyberpunk like bugs (can't shoot, enemies T posing, quest locks etc..)
Also whats up with the Auto pistol showing up in Robo's hands just like hat. No flippin, no "legs" so you could see how he puts it away or brings it up.
Also picking up weapons. The only time he used a weapon besides his own was when taking down ED at the ocp plaza.
I'm two thirds in it I reckon, enjoying it quite a bit.
As i see it:
Respect to the franchise (Robo 1 & 2),
satyrical sense of humour (however a notch or two lower than the movies),
Peter Weller VA (kinda awkward at the beginning, fond of it right now),
fun skills and auto-9 re-spec (no reload? I'd buy that for a dollar!)
short side quests (well intertwined with the serviceable main story)
and a perfect feeling/feedback of gravity and destruction while mowing down enemies & sceneries
I had high hopes for this game, however it's not that good.
Texture loading is really bad. Cyberpunk like bugs (can't shoot, enemies T posing, quest locks etc..)
Also whats up with the Auto pistol showing up in Robo's hands just like hat. No flippin, no "legs" so you could see how he puts it away or brings it up.
Also picking up weapons. The only time he used a weapon besides his own was when taking down ED at the ocp plaza.
It could have been soo good.
Neah. This and the Terminator game are made with the staff's kid's allowance money. It's immediately clear from the first two minutes, especially in Terminator that the budget was near non existent. They had to pull those little money to the breaking point. Terminator feels almost like a mod made by fans who love T1 and T2 very much. Robocop has a bigger budget, but still peanuts. There's no point in nitpicking that type of small details because there was never money for non esential things. They wont spend time and money on animations and other stuff that are not esential. It again has the feel of a game made with passion for the souce material by gamers. They focused on the ambiance and feel of the movie and the world. There are no money for details or complex side quests. A lof of the engine work is stock ue5. Saw posted a few bits that were lifted verbatim from the Matrix ue5 demo. To save money and time. You cant look at this type of production like you do a big $200 million game from EA and go in angry, looking for faults. Look at it like a bunch of modders with very little money wanted to do a game from a property they're passionate about. I read this game did good for them, so the next should be more fleshed out, bigger budget. Im curios what movie they'll pick next
I had high hopes for this game, however it's not that good.
Texture loading is really bad. Cyberpunk like bugs (can't shoot, enemies T posing, quest locks etc..)
Also whats up with the Auto pistol showing up in Robo's hands just like hat. No flippin, no "legs" so you could see how he puts it away or brings it up.
Also picking up weapons. The only time he used a weapon besides his own was when taking down ED at the ocp plaza.
It could have been soo good.
Neah. This and the Terminator game are made with the staff's kid's allowance money. It's immediately clear from the first two minutes, especially in Terminator that the budget was near non existent. They had to pull those little money to the breaking point. Terminator feels almost like a mod made by fans who love T1 and T2 very much. Robocop has a bigger budget, but still peanuts. There's no point in nitpicking that type of small details because there was never money for non esential things. They wont spend time and money on animations and other stuff that are not esential. It again has the feel of a game made with passion for the souce material by gamers. They focused on the ambiance and feel of the movie and the world. There are no money for details or complex side quests. A lof of the engine work is stock ue5. Saw posted a few bits that were lifted verbatim from the Matrix ue5 demo. To save money and time. You cant look at this type of production like you do a big $200 million game from EA and go in angry, looking for faults. Look at it like a bunch of modders with very little money wanted to do a game from a property they're passionate about. I read this game did good for them, so the next should be more fleshed out, bigger budget. Im curios what movie they'll pick next
Yeah, I knew that. My main dissapointment comes from everyone praising it. Thought it's gonna be awesome.
Also this reviewer is one of the problems with gaming in general.
Full of shit and BS. Starfield: "45 hours in and it feels like im scatching the surface"
Maaan I really wanted to like this but can't get past how blurry it is. Doesn't matter the setting it all looks like shit.
Have you tried disabling TAA and all the usual blurring crap like render resolution below 100%, DLSS, etc? Forced TAA can be disabled in the AppData\Local\RoboCop\Saved\Config\Windows\Engine.ini:
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