With this e-mail we confirm you that we received your request for cancellation of your Instant Ink subscription for your HP ENVY 6020 All-in-One Printer.
You know that if you don't do a print a month, these cartridges break down on you?
inkt is mafia ... i payed 400 eur for a replacement printer head for our company plotter ... its a 3dprinted cheap plastic thing the size of a kiwi with tubes and one chip in it ....
HP is the worst scum on the planet, i tossed them all out
how this is legal, how this is ecological .... all bribed politicians
oh and if ur inkt is empty, u cant scan or copy anymore , and they tried defending that shit in court, SCUMBAGSSSS
just imagine how many old people they are scamming with this convoluted bullshit, they are on the same level als these indian phone scammers, god my blood is boiling right now
All you shit talkers in here, so what's your alternative mens?
Cannon? Brother?
I sport a dumb Brother laser printer with wifi. Still on the first toner No DRMs on ink/toners, either.
so what did that cost? like 200-300 euros if you want it with a scanner?
this may be worth it if you print every day, but for someone who prints once a month or even less it's just not worth it. hp printer costs 50 euro or even less (with scanner) and a original black cartridge for 20 euros which will is enough for a year for me.
there are also cheaper third party cartridges which work fine. i mean it's not like a toner doesn't need to be replaced.
so i can understand people get something better, but people who recommend something like a laser printer should also understand that its overkill for someone who just needs to print 3 DHL labels every month and also needs a scanner.
u can now scam the scammers just buying the cheapest printers and just refilling with cheap ink urselves. A cheap a4 printer is like 60 bux, an a3 printer is like 140 bux , with scanner copier included
they are using the playstation strategy, get their device into ur house at a loss and let the inkt scamming begin
The deal I got on my epson was a bit good to be true, multi with scanning, touch screen and whatnot. And guess who used up my small amount of ink(all colors)... NOT ME. And now its almost empty. Damn family and friends coming over and taking advantage of me!
All you shit talkers in here, so what's your alternative mens?
Cannon? Brother?
I got an epson Eco-tank. Buy 100ml bottles of ink and can pour it into the clear contains for each I can see the actual ink level in the printer.
No cartridges to get ripped off on, no mystery levels of ink, no proprietary ink needed.
Buy whatever ink you want by the bottle full and fill the printer up.
-We don't control what happens to us in life, but we control how we respond to what happens in life.
-Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times. -G. Michael Hopf
Disclaimer: Post made by me are of my own creation. A delusional mind relayed in text form.
Him saying "That's not how it works" for color added to black to make it 'better' black. Is explaining what, but wrong on why.
That is EXACTLY how it works in CMYK printing. [Which a printer is]
It's called "Rich black" and newspapers and magazines do it all the time. Our software at my company I work for that does newspaper workflow and production printing. Has to account for, display, report and produce that all the time.
That is literally how 'true' black is made out of CMYK on white. Usually 100% K, then a mixture of C,M,Y up to 140% total of them. Usually 60% C, 40% M ,40% Y for a neutral rich black.
If you print in anything other than quick draft mode. You are asking for 'actual' black. Not dark dark grey (which black ink on white paper is). So it gives you rich black.
Anymore than that and you get paper stretch/wrinkle from saturated paper. 300% total ink [some combo of color % added to a 300% total across all 4..all 4 at 100% of each would be 400% ink] is the very very limit of usable. More than that smears.
Are printer makers ripping you off? OH yea in all kinds of ways. But why it uses color on B&W prints isnt one of them. Thats just how printing in CMYK works.
-We don't control what happens to us in life, but we control how we respond to what happens in life.
-Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times. -G. Michael Hopf
Disclaimer: Post made by me are of my own creation. A delusional mind relayed in text form.
Last edited by DXWarlock on Sun, 12th Nov 2023 19:58; edited 1 time in total
No. CMYK has always been the default color set for color printing. CMY doesn't make black together. It makes a pale sort of greenish/brownish very dark grey (depending on the paper its print on).
In perfect whitebox world of doing it on a screen like CMYK emulation in software (RGB simulated like CMYK in photoshop for example) on a screen it is black. But not in the real world.
If you printed that CMY dot you made in photoshop, the printer would need to use black to actually make it [perceptual vs actual]
Like in our software we have 'perceptual' and 'actual' preview options:
One is what it actually is on the screen as expected by InDesign software that made the page (black is dead black on screen. no Screen pixels on sort of thing). The other is the slightly 'washed out' real world result of what printing it with water color based inks will do when on white paper.
We have a software addon called "OnColorECO" JUST to convert that rich black to pure black (or change CMY grays to K), for customers that want to save every penny on ink. But its a trade off for less 'quality' looking paper. So not everyone uses it. Some refuse to even enable it. They want the 'fuller' blacks.
[Edit changes analogy to one that is more relatable]
A great example people dont notice or think of. ball point pens. They are 'rich black' and have color added to the black in them. So they seem 'more black' than cheap competitors. Why your current day black pen looks so much more 'solid black' than old time ink pens when you see writing from both. Or that nice middle of the road BiC you have seem to be so much more 'nice looking consistent black' than the cheap gas station pen you got 5 for $1.
-We don't control what happens to us in life, but we control how we respond to what happens in life.
-Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times. -G. Michael Hopf
Disclaimer: Post made by me are of my own creation. A delusional mind relayed in text form.
Not trying to derail a thread with pedantics. Wouldn't really care if it was just a discussion here.
But that video urks me. He is giving one of his points of how Printers are ripping you off that isnt true. And its a very popular video spreading one bit of misinformation in an otherwise solid video.
Are printer makers ripping you off? ALL the fucking time.
But the color one he is misinforming people on, isnt one of the 100 ways they do. It's them following how to make 'good black' standard used by any commercial printing place. So you dont compare it to some other printer (or your expectations of black) and think its a shit printer because it's blacks are 'washed out gray-ish/brown blacks'.
Not a GOOD example, as its trying to convey CMYK subtractive color, using a light based RGB additive color space...(your screen) but it conveys a good approximation.
-We don't control what happens to us in life, but we control how we respond to what happens in life.
-Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times. -G. Michael Hopf
Disclaimer: Post made by me are of my own creation. A delusional mind relayed in text form.
but can casual joe actually see this difference on the myriad of different papers and especially when its purpose is just text like a printed email ? its the standard setting, rich black should NOT be the default then , thats the scam
ive never been given a choice of which black to print in
Yes you can see the difference. It's not much if its for text, for images its a bit more noticable.
The issue comes from: They turned it off at factory at Canon, for example. Average joe doesn't know about how that works. All they know would be: This Canon printer I have sucks, Bobs Epson looks sooo much better when we print photos, it just looks so much more...quality. I'm getting an Epson.
Print in draft mode, and it will be black = black. (or should be unless your printer is really cheap and they use all 4 anyway because their ink is cheap too and thin).
If you pick standard or high. It will print standard rich black, or 'high quality' rich black.
And to be fair, 95% of people if asked which black to print, wouldn't know what it means anyway and would pick: why do I want color in my black? that's dumb. use black for black you stupid printer. (and we loop back to Bobs printer makes better black, so get one like bobs)
-We don't control what happens to us in life, but we control how we respond to what happens in life.
-Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times. -G. Michael Hopf
Disclaimer: Post made by me are of my own creation. A delusional mind relayed in text form.
Depends on the reason, I have it print all kinda shit. Have no option unless I want to pay per print at like kinko's I have to drive to with it on a thumbdrive and wait for them to do it. Fuck that.
-We don't control what happens to us in life, but we control how we respond to what happens in life.
-Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times. -G. Michael Hopf
Disclaimer: Post made by me are of my own creation. A delusional mind relayed in text form.
I swapped providers the other day, and I had to return the modem/router. They provided a return label I could printout. In this town where I live the last copyshop closed shop years ago.
Depends on the reason, I have it print all kinda shit. Have no option unless I want to pay per print at like kinko's I have to drive to with it on a thumbdrive and wait for them to do it. Fuck that.
What are you printing? I mean if these are templates for woodworking you can do it many other ways. Everything I have is digital now, there is no need for a printed piece of paper unless your elderly and cannot use a tablet or phone. I would even use a projector over printing templates if that's your use-case.
If you absolutely must have some hardcode (i had 1 request in the last 5-6 years) it's what office supply and libraries are for > and you don't have to interact with a clerk to use them.
iconized wrote:
I swapped providers the other day, and I had to return the modem/router. They provided a return label I could printout. In this town where I live the last copyshop closed shop years ago.
A conundrum for sure, but there is a solution you may have heard of called a pen, pencil or sharpie for those pesky labelling needs.
What are you printing? I mean if these are templates for woodworking you can do it many other ways. Everything I have is digital now, there is no need for a printed piece of paper unless your elderly and cannot use a tablet or phone. I would even use a projector over printing templates if that's your use-case.
If you absolutely must have some hardcode (i had 1 request in the last 5-6 years) it's what office supply and libraries are for > and you don't have to interact with a clerk to use them.
Some are wood templates (can do them in 30 seconds and glue to wood). Nothing beats whipping up a router template in CAD, printing it out in 10 seconds, spray glue it ot the wood and ready to cut out. Nothing else is NEARLY that fast and accurate to produce
- But others is work related.
- Some doctor visit related (they want hard copies to keep for referrals, digital is the 'backup' as physical folders cannot go offline, or get database corruption) and I go to the doc like 3 times a month for shit I got going on.
- Some of it is prints for my daughters digital art or scans she took of watercolor/ink she can use as display or samples to hand out to people to see if they want to come back and buy the original later at her art booth.
If I had to go to an office supply place every time I needed one of those, I would spend 5-6 hours a month driving and going to the closest one to me (15 minutes away). As well as spending more on gas and the service, than my 500ml of ink bottles for $20, costs me.
- I can spend $20 once a year and do all that 12 inches to my left.
- Or need to get in a car and spend more than $20 a year on gas and paying the place I go to, as well as my time, to do it
-We don't control what happens to us in life, but we control how we respond to what happens in life.
-Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times. -G. Michael Hopf
Disclaimer: Post made by me are of my own creation. A delusional mind relayed in text form.
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