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Posted: Sat, 9th Dec 2023 03:58 Post subject: |
Asgarion wrote: | I'm not really into warhammer lore, so got a question.
Idira has knocked herself out and injured herself twice now when attacking with staff powers or psychic powers.
Is it because she is an unsanctioned psyker?
I'm not finding this to be explained to the casual player.
Should i only use her buffing skills then? |
When Idira is selected, there is a gauge above her skills bar on the left, which explains the effects of using psyker powers when hovering the cursor over it.
Frant wrote: | Shitass games are ruining piracy. |
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Posts: 9317
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Posted: Sat, 9th Dec 2023 13:24 Post subject: |
@Interinactive These are local stories, most likely from the Rogue Trader RPG. It's possible that there's not much more to them than what you read there. Other similar stories come into focus in various dialogues, so there's no need to spoil them with tags.
I would say that they did a pretty good job with the 40K nomenclature so far.
There are plenty of immersion breaking issues/bugs. Half assed animations like when the characters up or down ladders or las gun shots not being aligned with the barrel.
I've always dreamt of a 40k RPG and it kills me that they didn't have a bigger budget to invest more in production value.
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Posted: Sat, 9th Dec 2023 18:55 Post subject: |
Nodrim wrote: | My problem is with the level of difficulty. I'm playing on daring and I didn't have any issues so far, which worries me. |
I got my ass handed to me by a shitload of lasgun-wielding rebels even on normal difficulty... Or maybe I went to the "wrong" planet first...
Frant wrote: | Shitass games are ruining piracy. |
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Posted: Sat, 9th Dec 2023 22:36 Post subject: |
I feel like I'm far enough in now, on Footfall. It seems like a few things are confirmed
- There's no trading - selling / buying with resources. This is why inventory management is such a breeze, the 1,000 weapons/armour etc that you pick up have no weight (or value?).
- There's nobody to talk to on worlds outside of the quest you're on
- Snipers are OP as hell
- The 'RPG'ness of the game seems to be confined to dialogue choices and what armour / weapons to use
- Doesn't seem to be any variation in world types
I played Wasteland 3 not long ago and that whole experience was far more polished / interactive than this one. There was much more to the tactics of a fight as well.
This game isn't bad, but it does feel cheap
r3dshift wrote: | I got my ass handed to me by a shitload of lasgun-wielding rebels even on normal difficulty... Or maybe I went to the "wrong" planet first... |
Seems the best way to fight anyone is to always be as far away as possible at the beginning, wait for them to come to you and pick them off as they approach
Idira can melt most of them in a single shot (she usually kills 4 at a time)
Cassia can then either give Idira or Argenta (sniper) an extra turn which usually results in multiple more deaths
And if the shit people in your party have grenades, there's even more AOE damage
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Posted: Sat, 9th Dec 2023 23:53 Post subject: |
It works both ways at least! AI snipers often 1 or 2 shot my characters. There was one part where the AI had 5 of them
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Posted: Sun, 10th Dec 2023 00:41 Post subject: |
Interinactive wrote: | I feel like I'm far enough in now, on Footfall. It seems like a few things are confirmed
[list][*]There's no trading - selling / buying with resources. This is why inventory management is such a breeze, the 1,000 weapons/armour etc that you pick up have no weight (or value?).
[*]There's nobody to talk to on worlds outside of the quest you're on
[*]Snipers are OP as hell
[*]The 'RPG'ness of the game seems to be confined to dialogue choices and what armour / weapons to use
[*]Doesn't seem to be any variation in world types[/list:u]
I played Wasteland 3 not long ago and that whole experience was far more polished / interactive than this one. There was much more to the tactics of a fight as well.
This game isn't bad, but it does feel cheap
r3dshift wrote: | I got my ass handed to me by a shitload of lasgun-wielding rebels even on normal difficulty... Or maybe I went to the "wrong" planet first... |
Seems the best way to fight anyone is to always be as far away as possible at the beginning, wait for them to come to you and pick them off as they approach
Idira can melt most of them in a single shot (she usually kills 4 at a time)
Cassia can then either give Idira or Argenta (sniper) an extra turn which usually results in multiple more deaths
And if the shit people in your party have grenades, there's even more AOE damage |
Trading kicks in a bit later. Of course it's in the game, the clue's in the name, ffs.
I don't have Cassia yet, but Pasqual joined the group, and he's an absolute beast. Also, grenades aren't available from the start... The biggest frustration for me is traumas after party members get KO'd, as the penalites are highly substantial, and there's no way to remove them during quests (missions). At least not so far.
I'm suffering the first major bug on my end right now, a battle that plays out very slowly because the AI is fucked and doesn't know wtf to do. It's when you need to blow up the AA battery – letting this know so you guys remember to save beforehand (quicksaving is highly recommended like every 10 minutes, anyway).
I disagree about the game feeling cheap. It sure as hell feels like a beta, though.
Frant wrote: | Shitass games are ruining piracy. |
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Posted: Sun, 10th Dec 2023 02:14 Post subject: |
Interinactive wrote: | One thing I fucked up on, without knowing, was that I progressed through the first map area not knowing when I'd be locked out of exploring. I missed the prison planet, or whatever that was |
Well, that sucks ass, but it's good to know.
Frant wrote: | Shitass games are ruining piracy. |
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Posts: 9317
Location: Romania
Posted: Sun, 10th Dec 2023 03:01 Post subject: |
I hate the fact that respecs start to cost profit factor points.
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Posted: Sun, 10th Dec 2023 03:53 Post subject: |
It kills replayability if the game isn't complex enough.
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Posted: Sun, 10th Dec 2023 09:49 Post subject: |
So how is it? Better than Starfield ?
Another Pathfinder would be an instabuy for me, but with this i'll wait till it's at least 50% off.
The game will be fine, the universe doesn't interest me.
sin317 wrote: |
typical jew comment
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Posted: Mon, 11th Dec 2023 00:03 Post subject: |
Spoiler: | recruiting Cassia was a pain in the ass. That story arc was rather bad. I hope the writing keeps the standard that I am now used to because apart from this sidequest, the story/characters/dialogues are pretty damn good. Is Cassia any good/useful? Because the spoiled brat annoys me, and so far, I've been treating her like shit, and do not feel the urge to let her join my party. |
Frant wrote: | Shitass games are ruining piracy. |
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Posted: Mon, 11th Dec 2023 00:16 Post subject: |
She ist a beast, you will Love her.
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Posted: Mon, 11th Dec 2023 00:46 Post subject: |
Pascal is also a beast, and he isn't a brat. 
Frant wrote: | Shitass games are ruining piracy. |
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Posted: Mon, 11th Dec 2023 00:50 Post subject: |
What do you do with Pascal? I find him pretty useless. Maybe I don't understand how to use him. But Cassia, she turns the tide of most fights
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Posted: Mon, 11th Dec 2023 01:46 Post subject: |
He is a brutal melee fighter, his Omnissiah Axe is ridiculously powerful. I also gave him a lasgun, and he's pretty decent with it if need be. Also, he can buff the party.
And more importantly, his chatter and remarks are quite amusing. Oh, and he's the main tech/logic guy in the party.
What is Cassia's archetype? Edit: nvm, I can see she's an officer. Well, my main is an officer too.
Frant wrote: | Shitass games are ruining piracy. |
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Posts: 9317
Location: Romania
Posted: Mon, 11th Dec 2023 08:40 Post subject: |
@Interinactive Pasqal is also a skills monkey.
@r3dshift Spend points in her origin.
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Posted: Wed, 13th Dec 2023 11:24 Post subject: |
I'm guessing the -30 fellowship debuff from going through the sewer sludge or whatever isn't permanent right? Cause it says so in the debuff at least, so I dunno, kind of don't want to continue playing from there if that is the case.
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Posts: 9317
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Posted: Wed, 13th Dec 2023 12:47 Post subject: |
Permanent = until you visit the ship
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Posts: 7402
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Posted: Wed, 13th Dec 2023 12:54 Post subject: |
Nodrim wrote: |
@r3dshift Spend points in her origin. |
Sorry for the noob question, but do you mean the origin related common talents?
There must have been a door there in the wall, when I came in.
Truly gone fishing.
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Posted: Wed, 13th Dec 2023 18:03 Post subject: |
Il_Padrino wrote: | Nodrim wrote: |
@r3dshift Spend points in her origin. |
Sorry for the noob question, but do you mean the origin related common talents? |
I think all of us are noobs when it comes to Rogue Trader.
He meant that you should spend points in her Origin Talents.
She has actually ended up being a perma member in my party since I tried her out. And I'm not even min/maxing, yet she's still quite powerful (her buffs too). With my main being an offcier too, I basically get at least 2 extra attacks every turn.
Frant wrote: | Shitass games are ruining piracy. |
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