Dragon's Dogma 2
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Posts: 9729

PostPosted: Sat, 23rd Mar 2024 10:09    Post subject:
guess where that missing 6-12 months went into, u got it, MTX cash shop horse shit,

capcom should fucking die for this, fuck em, they are a lost cause

i feel like just buying the game to give them a dogshit review and refund it, FUCK THESE CUNTS
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Posts: 9335
Location: Romania
PostPosted: Sat, 23rd Mar 2024 11:47    Post subject:
I like how they talked about making the world interesting so you don't need to fast travel.

But the world ain't interesting at all, it's actually quite bland. All you do is run around, run out of stamina, get picked by pawns, find chests that will encumber you with random loot, so you get exhausted some more and you get picked up by pawns while you think about how you want to fast travel back to town. It's as if it was designed for you to get temped into buying something.
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Posts: 29175

PostPosted: Sat, 23rd Mar 2024 12:27    Post subject:
One other annoying thing is the vingette. How is there no option to disable it?


Apparently it can be removed with REFramework, however it crashes:

The anti-tamper is pretty annoying to deal with in this one, a bit worse than the previous RE Engine games, which is what's causing the crash. I'll continue to investigate.

Last edited by Interinactive on Sat, 23rd Mar 2024 12:27; edited 1 time in total
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Posts: 1518

PostPosted: Sat, 23rd Mar 2024 12:27    Post subject:
I think that's just them not knowing how to make a compelling game, the vague recollections i have from the first one are the same - endless running through vast nothing, doing nothing of value, broken up now and then by a fight. They just don't know how to make a good game, i don't think there's anything above that

Reading arguments online about these dlc, a ton of people are saying these are small time little shitty dlcs that you can get in the first hour of play without any effort or grind. Seems capcom fills their games with stuff like this since dmc 4, 16 yrs ago. All their games have them. Even read RE4 Remake has a dlc that makes your shotgun smaller, so it occupies less room in your inventory. None of their games felt altered in some way to push you to pay for incentives. Especially if the fast travel dlc in Dogma 2 works as i understood it - it just gives you a single stone that you can use once to fast travel to a single location ? That's the most nothingburger ever then - they messed up their launch PR for literally nothing

The actual issue remains the poor technical state of the game and how this team doesn't seem to have played a computer game in their life looking how m/kb is implemented
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PostPosted: Sat, 23rd Mar 2024 12:41    Post subject:

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Location: Portugal, the shithole of Europe.
PostPosted: Sat, 23rd Mar 2024 12:47    Post subject:

Sadly, I do have one small criticism, although thankfully it is a lot less detrimental than it might initially appear to be. I did run into some performance issues on PC, specifically in regards to some occasional frame droppage. Now, I should note that I never ran into any drops in frames in the open world and managed to run at a pretty consistent 120FPS, so oddly this was never an issue during combat. I only ever experience drops in frames during my time in the two biggest cities in the game, and these drops did seem specific to certain locations within those cities, such as in Vernworth's town square. However, I was running the game with all of the graphical settings at their highest, so I was able to completely offset these drops in frames with some slight tweaks that barely impacted how pretty the game looked - changes I could revert once I left said cities.

Outside of this, Dragon's Dogma 2 ran smoothly, looked incredible, and I honestly can't think of a single bug or glitch I encountered during my playthrough. Considering how beautiful Dragon's Dogma 2's world is, both from a graphical and visual design standpoint, to be frank I'm surprised I didn't experience further performance issues beyond this. During that dragon attack in Melve I spoke of earlier, a mage in my party cast a screen-encompasing blizzard, covering the dragon in a frosty texture as the light from the spell and the dragon's fire reflected off the nearby ocean in tandem - all while 20 or so NPCs helped attack said dragon alongside us. Yet, not a single dip in frames occurred. Hopefully the frame rate issue within certain cities is something Capcom can fix in the near future, because outside of this critique I can confidently say that Dragon's Dogma 2's performance on PC was perfect.

Got a perfect review score, though. Laughing

boundle (thoughts on cracking AITD) wrote:
i guess thouth if without a legit key the installation was rolling back we are all fucking then
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Posts: 9729

PostPosted: Sat, 23rd Mar 2024 12:56    Post subject:
eurotrash, i hope someone is keeping track of all these scum bribed editors , and a reckoning is coming
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Posts: 23024
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Sat, 23rd Mar 2024 13:06    Post subject:
There is little hope for these journos.
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Posts: 481

PostPosted: Sat, 23rd Mar 2024 13:13    Post subject:
Can't give bad scores, god forbid they don't get those sweet early copies. All these game, and fuck games actually, just all media "journalists" are just a cesspool of ass-kissers, serving the corporations.
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Posts: 960

PostPosted: Sat, 23rd Mar 2024 13:28    Post subject:
https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonsdogma2/mods/52 Modders to the rescue i guess.

Ryzen 7 7800X3D, 32GB Kingston Fury Beast @6000MHz, GIGABYTe RTX 4070Ti Eagle OC
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Posts: 4359

PostPosted: Sat, 23rd Mar 2024 15:29    Post subject:
anything else other than goblins saurions and harpies

Gustave the Steel
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Posts: 960

PostPosted: Sat, 23rd Mar 2024 15:58    Post subject:
Skeletons, Trolls, Ghosts, Ghouls / Zombies are others ive seen so far

Ryzen 7 7800X3D, 32GB Kingston Fury Beast @6000MHz, GIGABYTe RTX 4070Ti Eagle OC
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PostPosted: Sat, 23rd Mar 2024 17:05    Post subject:


May the NFOrce be with you always.
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Posts: 2426
Location: USA
PostPosted: Sat, 23rd Mar 2024 18:57    Post subject:
Something something millions of configurations on PC, something something impossible to optimize. Give the developers a break they have an impossible task.

Fuck outta here. You can do better than this and its not even just the PC version. Look at the Xbox X version it's a blurry mess. The xbox S version looks like a PS2 game. PS5 version which is the best version has appalling NPC popup in towns, so they obviously knew it was a big problem and that was their bandaid.
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Posts: 51074
Location: Portugal, the shithole of Europe.
PostPosted: Sat, 23rd Mar 2024 20:30    Post subject:
W123 wrote:
Something something millions of configurations on PC, something something impossible to optimize. Give the developers a break they have an impossible task.

Fuck outta here. You can do better than this and its not even just the PC version. Look at the Xbox X version it's a blurry mess. The xbox S version looks like a PS2 game. PS5 version which is the best version has appalling NPC popup in towns, so they obviously knew it was a big problem and that was their bandaid.
Yeah, poor widdwe capcom lacks resources to test in that multitude of PC configurations, what can we do? Sad Laughing
And they better not show the derps saying that Horizon Forbiden West running on PC Razz

boundle (thoughts on cracking AITD) wrote:
i guess thouth if without a legit key the installation was rolling back we are all fucking then
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Posts: 2426
Location: USA
PostPosted: Sat, 23rd Mar 2024 20:47    Post subject:
https://www.reddit.com/r/DragonsDogma2/comments/1bl7jbz/no_fun_allowed/?share_id=_YSSrnH_xZYvAyEjXRkrE From headshot's link: lmao i spake it into existence.. 3rd post down already starts with that bullshit.
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Posts: 13315
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PostPosted: Sat, 23rd Mar 2024 20:52    Post subject:
I will never understand cucks who justify eating shit product for top dollar with mtx influenced design to boot.
oh my those poor poor multinational corporations
fucking cucks ruining gaming
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Posts: 2426
Location: USA
PostPosted: Sat, 23rd Mar 2024 21:06    Post subject:
And all the way towards the bottom of the post: "[–]TheGojilord 8 points 22 hours ago
Hey by the way, if you tilt your head back a little, you can fit Capcom's dick further down your throat. Don't forget to say "thank you" afterwards!"

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PostPosted: Sat, 23rd Mar 2024 23:25    Post subject:
Dragon Smegma it is

"Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life." ~Berthold Auerbach
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Posts: 4359

PostPosted: Sun, 24th Mar 2024 04:37    Post subject:
headshot wrote:


this meme is always shit because it's always dick riders who post it in the context of dick riding their favourite corpo

Gustave the Steel
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Posts: 14402
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PostPosted: Sun, 24th Mar 2024 05:11    Post subject:
Fuck all those people defending this.

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Posts: 14402
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PostPosted: Sun, 24th Mar 2024 05:12    Post subject:
And fuck all of those assholes call it "Review Bombing" but it's so justified to review bomb shit out of this,,,

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Posts: 6248

PostPosted: Sun, 24th Mar 2024 06:17    Post subject:
Yeah that term sucks, insinuates the game is great and some assholes are just review bombing..

No the game is fucking dogshit and has been refunded. Most of the bad reviewers are typical gamer hypocrits too, create a bAd ReVIew but 25+ hours played and continuing.. this mentality is exactly the problem.
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Posts: 1809

PostPosted: Sun, 24th Mar 2024 08:19    Post subject:
Look this is not a GOTY. more of a 7 or 8 out of then. But I like the genre (casual open world action RPG), so i'm having fun.

Just all this nerd rage, get a life. The game should have been with better performance (not something unique for open world games at release) and it has silly micriotransactions. All microtransactions suck but now people decide to bother. It's not even that bad in this game, you can totally ignore them and it's in no way pay to win, there isn't any reminder about them ingame to persuade you buying them although there is a online shop in the starting screen. IMHO games releasing with ingame cosmetic shops and pre planned season passes are way worse. Like the type of games that casually introduce the paid item shop to you in the tutorial. That's real cancer.
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Posts: 13459
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Sun, 24th Mar 2024 08:37    Post subject:
Uh no. If they're starting to make games annoying and instead releases "fixes" as paid DLC's to remove these annoyances and people don't rage over that, fuck, we are done. It will get worse and other publishers will see "wow, this really works, a million DLC's sold in a week, we must do the same!"

It's very good to see people fighting back this garbage as a warning to others to not do to this.

Cosmetic DLC's? i've never cared, that's not damaging in the same way at all.
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Posts: 107

PostPosted: Sun, 24th Mar 2024 08:41    Post subject:
People fills with hype, overexcited, and think that open world rpg games can be sold at day1 without problems.
Never, never, play this games or buy this games in that way.
They need to be patched, but they need to be sold quickly because the market works in that way.
Buying an open world rpg at day 1 it's like buying a great bottle of wine that needs to be placed away and forgotted for some months, minimum.
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Posts: 13459
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Sun, 24th Mar 2024 08:55    Post subject:
this isn't about the game being really buggy though. i bet the performance isn't even that bad for us who has a good gpu+cpu.. but yes, i personally never play these games at release. witcher 3 (2015) i played in 2019 or so. currently playing: morrowind (2002) Very Happy
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Serial Humper

Posts: 13854

PostPosted: Sun, 24th Mar 2024 09:57    Post subject:
I get the complaints about microtransactions and the poor technical state of the game, but exploration? I think it's perfectly fine. Much better than Elden Ring

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Posts: 320
Location: Shibimibi
PostPosted: Sun, 24th Mar 2024 10:51    Post subject:
ok is that so bad , because i decided to wait with buying Sad
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Posts: 1809

PostPosted: Sun, 24th Mar 2024 10:53    Post subject:
Agreed the exploration is fun, that's the appeal of the game.
Somehow games in this genre are always released in a terrible state. It's rare open world RPG's are without problems at release.

And don't mention Horizon forbiden west. That's a PS4 game that's been out for a while. So bugs are ironed out and the tech is less ambitious (although it looks better).
Sure in a perfect world every game is released in such a state, but it is what it is. Alternative is just not to play at release date.
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