Dragon's Dogma 2
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Posts: 4359

PostPosted: Sun, 24th Mar 2024 11:10    Post subject:
h0rnyfavn wrote:
I get the complaints about microtransactions and the poor technical state of the game, but exploration? I think it's perfectly fine. Much better than Elden Ring

Exploration was fun for me at the start, but then when I realized that the chests don't actually have any fancy equipment and it's just usables or materials, and that they didn't add more enemy types from the first game so it's just running around and fighting goblins, bandits, wolves, harpies, or saurians during the daytime with the rare giant monster who you beat the same way by climbing up their head and stabbing, I'm kinda bored with the exploring. There's nothing fun to discover and it feels like a chore.

Gustave the Steel
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Posts: 13457
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Sun, 24th Mar 2024 11:44    Post subject:
sounds like the typical ubisoft exploring then, perhaps worse because at least you can find some cool weapons / armors sometimes there. i was afraid it was going to be like that, i've always wondered why they make games like that when it's supposed to be a RPG and have exploration. n

Elden Ring is really, really fun to explore because it has tons of secrets everywhere, tons of armors and cool weapons, companions and whatever to find, and even new big areas that opens up, super fun bosses to find, some extremely cool levels (big castles etc). So no, i really doubt Elden Ring has worse exploration than this lol. Does this even have big Castles or gigantic underground areas to find? I have never gotten that feeling, it seems very bad in terms of exploration.

Last edited by vurt on Sun, 24th Mar 2024 11:48; edited 1 time in total
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Posts: 7403
Location: Greece by the North Sea
PostPosted: Sun, 24th Mar 2024 11:48    Post subject:
friketje wrote:
Agreed the exploration is fun, that's the appeal of the game.
Somehow games in this genre are always released in a terrible state. It's rare open world RPG's are without problems at release.

And don't mention Horizon forbiden west. That's a PS4 game that's been out for a while. So bugs are ironed out and the tech is less ambitious (although it looks better).
Sure in a perfect world every game is released in such a state, but it is what it is. Alternative is just not to play at release date.

And what's exactly so technically ambitious about this game then? Single cloud saves wooooow Laughing

A PS4 game from 2022 looks and performs better than a game released today. That's still a fact.

There must have been a door there in the wall, when I came in.
Truly gone fishing.
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Posts: 5409
Location: Europe
PostPosted: Sun, 24th Mar 2024 11:49    Post subject:
there's absolutely chests with gear in them and all the stuff you find is useful
random encounters with enemies and half a dozen NPCs involved out in the world are some of the coolest shit I've ever seen

exploration is amazing

Likot Mosuskekim, Woodcutter cancels Sleep: Interrupted by Elephant.
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Posts: 13457
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Sun, 24th Mar 2024 11:50    Post subject:
Surray wrote:
there's absolutely chests with gear in them and all the stuff you find is useful
random encounters with enemies and half a dozen NPCs involved out in the world are some of the coolest shit I've ever seen

exploration is amazing

That sounds good then!
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Posts: 1792

PostPosted: Sun, 24th Mar 2024 12:10    Post subject:
Il_Padrino wrote:
friketje wrote:
Agreed the exploration is fun, that's the appeal of the game.
Somehow games in this genre are always released in a terrible state. It's rare open world RPG's are without problems at release.

And don't mention Horizon forbiden west. That's a PS4 game that's been out for a while. So bugs are ironed out and the tech is less ambitious (although it looks better).
Sure in a perfect world every game is released in such a state, but it is what it is. Alternative is just not to play at release date.

And what's exactly so technically ambitious about this game then? Single cloud saves wooooow Laughing

A PS4 game from 2022 looks and performs better than a game released today. That's still a fact.

Horizon forbidden west needed 1080p to run at 60 FPS at release. So it's kinda samish. The issues with dragon's dogma 2 in cities and during combat will be ironed out for a good part so you'll probably see equal perfomance when the game is optimised. But Horizon forbidden West has a smarter design for eye candy for sure.
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Posts: 7403
Location: Greece by the North Sea
PostPosted: Sun, 24th Mar 2024 12:31    Post subject:
Sure! It looks and feels very Gothic-y, I think, so I'll certainly pick this up down the road.

There must have been a door there in the wall, when I came in.
Truly gone fishing.
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Posts: 9723

PostPosted: Sun, 24th Mar 2024 12:39    Post subject:
so do the console version also have to pay 2 dollars to make a new character ? if not i want to nuke japan proper this time
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Posts: 5409
Location: Europe
PostPosted: Sun, 24th Mar 2024 13:46    Post subject:
PickupArtist wrote:
so do the console version also have to pay 2 dollars to make a new character ? if not i want to nuke japan proper this time

its the same on PC and PS5, as in, you can obtain the DLC items ingame
the 2€ item for changing the entire character can be bought in an ingame shop though you'll have to play a bit to gain enough currency and the shop is in the first big city

I have enough to buy 4 of these after 20~ hours of playing, if I wanted to
If it's anything like DD1 you'll be swimming in this currency after a while since you get more and more for stuff the higher level you are

Likot Mosuskekim, Woodcutter cancels Sleep: Interrupted by Elephant.
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Posts: 9723

PostPosted: Sun, 24th Mar 2024 14:20    Post subject:
fine, then just seeying their hq's total destruction will suffice Laughing
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Posts: 2503

PostPosted: Sun, 24th Mar 2024 15:41    Post subject:
btw family share apparently works


via rin
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Posts: 9723

PostPosted: Sun, 24th Mar 2024 16:15    Post subject:
in before bans for cheating in a single player game Laughing

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Posts: 23007
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Sun, 24th Mar 2024 16:22    Post subject:
Honestly i think in this particular case is more aggressive anti piracy gone overboard.
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Posts: 9326
Location: Romania
PostPosted: Sun, 24th Mar 2024 19:19    Post subject:
friketje wrote:

And don't mention Horizon forbiden west. That's a PS4 game that's been out for a while. So bugs are ironed out and the tech is less ambitious (although it looks better).

I guess the ambitious here was looking like a slightly updated Gothic 3? Reaction
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Posts: 29167

PostPosted: Mon, 25th Mar 2024 06:23    Post subject:
Happens every time. Time passes and slowly people are more forgiving of laziness.

You can't wait out a lot of these games, and saying that's the nature of open world games is silly. Random physics bug? Fine. Broken quests or FPS randomly cut by half? Get fucked. And many issues never get fixed in Bethesda/CDPR/Obsidian/Bioware etc titles. There are some still defending Cyberpunk after all these years, and the game is still broken in various ways to this day.

These aren't $10 games, and they aren't made by indie developers. Why a customer would defend it after paying full price is beyond all logic.


Crazy bad. I wouldn't be surprised if this never gets optimised properly
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Posts: 107

PostPosted: Mon, 25th Mar 2024 07:22    Post subject:
However, always making it an ethical question is wrong, we need to see the substance that a game can offer, not always focusing on graphic problems or bugs, I'm playing Wolfenstein NO at the moment and it's full of graphic problems that have never been completely fixed, but the game it's a spectacle, Cyberpunk at the moment is a highly enjoyable game from many points of view. Open world RPGs are by far the most complex and gigantic games to manage and will increasingly become so, I always take this into account and it's not laziness or giving little value to the money, I simply don't buy it on day one caught up in the hype like millions of people who never learn.

However, I believe that fps drops and problematic quests are usually the first problems to be fixed, I don't know how Capcom behaves though..
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Posts: 29167

PostPosted: Mon, 25th Mar 2024 08:27    Post subject:
That's like saying you need to see the substance of an undercooked steak. Cook it properly and we can check the substance.

I never said those games couldn't be enjoyable, Cyberpunk is a great game (as a whole). DD2 might be as well, but I'm not ruining my experience by playing it in this state

Coming up with excuses, or berating others for having a problem with these issues, is counter productive to the problem we keep facing. It's like the gaming equivalent of a useful idiot.

Sounds like the save system is, as predicted, a bit of a shit show as well:

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Posts: 107

PostPosted: Mon, 25th Mar 2024 08:57    Post subject:
The problem is that this type of game requires many years and a lot of manpower to be made properly, I'm not saying it's an excuse but it's certainly a variable to consider. From what I remember, certain games hardly came out without problems, the choice could only be to have them with problems or not to have them at all...
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Posts: 9326
Location: Romania
PostPosted: Mon, 25th Mar 2024 09:12    Post subject:
Sounds like severe copium to me.

Maybe they shouldn't be into gaming development if it takes them so many years to create a game with generic story set in a bland world filled with repetitive enemies and points of interest which always boil down to looting chests and tokens. Add to these the dated graphics "enhanced" by a pretty bad and unjustified performance. There's also the typical horrendous Japanese UI, questionable save system and a subpar port. Let's not forget the price and the lovely microtransactions.

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Posts: 6248

PostPosted: Mon, 25th Mar 2024 09:16    Post subject:

Capcom are a massive publisher, they can afford to delay and invest more money in a game if necessary to ensure the performance is up to scratch. They've opted not to do that here and toss this PC turd on the market like many others have before them lately. It's seriously 8/10 PC games getting released in flat broken state at the moment.

Why do gamers defend this shit?! If they bought a car that only worked some of the time, could only reach 40 miles an hour and cost $10 to turn the windscreen wipers they would be pissed.. but for games its all "poor Capcom, give Capcom a break, single player MTX is ok guis it's optiONal."
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Posts: 13457
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Mon, 25th Mar 2024 10:56    Post subject:
totally agree Ampeg... the ones defending it are people who bought it, enjoys it but they don't want to hear about how it can be VERY bad if we just let this go, so give them a LIKE!

fuck off, it's never worked liked that, for any game, and that's a very good thing because it's how things can improve.
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Posts: 23007
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Mon, 25th Mar 2024 11:08    Post subject:
That was debatably acceptable behavior as a 16 year old , but as a grown ass man its quite pathetic to defend a game like that Laughing we all waste money now and then, that's life Laughing
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Posts: 9326
Location: Romania
PostPosted: Mon, 25th Mar 2024 11:18    Post subject:
vurt wrote:
totally agree Ampeg... the ones defending it are people who bought it, enjoys it but they don't want to hear about how it can be VERY bad if we just let this go, so give them a LIKE!

fuck off, it's never worked liked that, for any game, and that's a very good thing because it's how things can improve.

I bought it and I'm not defending it at all.

People have a hard time understanding that liking something doesn't mean it's good and that you can enjoy a questionable product. You should also not define yourself by your purchases.

Last edited by Nodrim on Mon, 25th Mar 2024 11:21; edited 1 time in total
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Posts: 5991

PostPosted: Mon, 25th Mar 2024 11:19    Post subject:
AmpegV4 wrote:

Capcom are a massive publisher, they can afford to delay and invest more money in a game if necessary to ensure the performance is up to scratch. They've opted not to do that here and toss this PC turd on the market like many others have before them lately. It's seriously 8/10 PC games getting released in flat broken state at the moment.

Why do gamers defend this shit?! If they bought a car that only worked some of the time, could only reach 40 miles an hour and cost $10 to turn the windscreen wipers they would be pissed.. but for games its all "poor Capcom, give Capcom a break, single player MTX is ok guis it's optiONal."

It's just social media, you see the two sides of an opinion and will naturally focus on those contradicting your point of view.
Hence why social media is shit. "Gamers" don't defend it, some do. Since gamers are a vast population, there will always be enough of them for it to be sustainable.

R5 5600X - 3070FE - 16GB DDR4 3600 - Asus B550 TUF Gaming Plus - BeQuiet Straight Power 11 750W - Pure Base 500DX
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Posts: 107

PostPosted: Mon, 25th Mar 2024 11:24    Post subject:
Well, as always two factions are created, I remain among those who prefer to have these games rather than not having them, and I've been playing great RPGs (Ultima 7, Ultima Underworld) totally infested with bugs and problems since I was 18, but who knows why at the time, since there wasn't all this social media crap, I enjoyed them so much without thinking every 3x2 of having been cheated or treated badly by venting my anger on the forums. It's right to complain, whoever spends has every right to do so, as it is right that the latter understand that there are also people in the world who manage to find the beauty in things, Dd2 has problems but this does not affect the current experience and, as mentioned above, these types of games should never be played on day 1.
It's not sad, it's knowing how to live.
What is the point of comparing the creation of a steak or even a car, they are totally different situations and there is no point in comparing them, the world of software is not perfect and perhaps it never will be, especially the one that in some way dares (and for current costs to make open world RPGs is still daring if currently from memory there has practically never been a third person or first person release of this genre that was free from serious problems). Otherwise, let's all make them story driven with a substantially empty open world like The Witcher 3 and let's all shout for joy (not me, who is looking for absolute gameplay, and who in fact had little fun with the Polish title).

We'll see in a few months what the situation will be, if the game continues to suffer from serious quest or optimization problems then my point of view may also change slightly, at the moment I'm grateful that there are titles of this caliber, old style gameplay, ancient charm, raw, rude but amazing
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Posts: 7403
Location: Greece by the North Sea
PostPosted: Mon, 25th Mar 2024 11:42    Post subject:
But if the steak is undercooked, don't ask 70$ for it and don't be surprised that people take it home and cook it themselves. Very Happy
If this game was 30$, the complaints would be very different than now.

There must have been a door there in the wall, when I came in.
Truly gone fishing.
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Posts: 23007
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Mon, 25th Mar 2024 12:23    Post subject:
Il_Padrino wrote:
But if the steak is undercooked, don't ask 70$ for it and don't be surprised that people take it home and cook it themselves. Very Happy
If this game was 30$, the complaints would be very different than now.

The issue here good sir is that they've almost made it impossible to cook the rest at home. Wether it's the Denuvo implementation or something Capcom has cooked at home. Tempering too much leads to crashes.
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Posts: 9723

PostPosted: Mon, 25th Mar 2024 12:34    Post subject:
this steak has mad cow disease and the whole flock needs to be PURGED Laughing
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Posts: 5991

PostPosted: Mon, 25th Mar 2024 13:43    Post subject:
Very Happy Laughing

R5 5600X - 3070FE - 16GB DDR4 3600 - Asus B550 TUF Gaming Plus - BeQuiet Straight Power 11 750W - Pure Base 500DX
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Posts: 2503

PostPosted: Mon, 25th Mar 2024 13:44    Post subject:
yea i don't see how there should/could be any apologetic notion here

sure open world games often launch with performance problems but can still be GOAT (c.f. Elden Ring).

BUT this is a different kind of shit show:
- abysmal performance
- denuvo
- $70 entry fee
- microtransactions
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