Enshrouded (gave up on it once, got back and enjoy it much more now)
Hunt: Showdown (mainly 3player DM with son and gf)
Diablo IV (not as much though...getting bored)
..got shitloads to do with p&p rpg atm so even though im always infront of my pc, its really not that much gaming (for once).
shitloads of new stuff in my pc. Cant keep track of it all.
I tried playing it 3 times and always stop after a few hours.
Anyway: finishing Secrets of Grindea, because 1.0 is finally out.
Mankind Divided isn't nearly as good as Human Revolution. The setting (and that damn introduction mission in the building is annoying as hell) in Prague is quite boring and we barely leave the place. I still like it to some degree and I've got little else to play anyway.
sar·casm | \ ˈsär-ˌka-zəm \
1: a sharp and often satirical or ironic utterance designed to cut or give pain
2a: a mode of satirical wit depending for its effect on bitter, caustic, and often ironic language that is usually directed against an individual
b: the use or language of sarcasm
Never finished it so i got the remaster as an "excuse" to give it another shot.
I liked it up to a point, i wish the game was spiced up a bit in comparison to the first, especially when it comes to the encounters. It really still plays it super safe with its "dangerous encounter zone" vs "safe exploration zone".
Also the two main characters are very boring in comparison to the more interesting dynamics of the first game, i mean this is just Ellie + another Ellie.
Finished Resident Evil village (much better than 7) and Death stranding dc (zen game imo)
Just started Last Epoch and Metal Gear Solid 3.
Im at the beginning of MGS 3 but till now the levels are pretty small so it kinda shows it's hardware roots (ps2) still fun though.
Playing Chronicles of Myrtana: Archolos (gothic2 mod) and it's been pretty great. 60 hours in and its coming to a close-a bit too long IMO, game needed a bit of trimming. Too much running around, meet a character, do something and they'll tell you meet me here tomorrow at the same time... okkkkk now i have to run around, find a place to rest, then run back. I dunno why gamedevs stretch their games out so long
They also nerfed the teleporter stones so you have to be close to a hub to teleport elsewhere.
Still, i've had a ton of fun with it despite the above, and i had one issue where my quicksaves got corrupted but luckily only lost 2 hours of progress. Then another hurdle at the 55h mark where the game wouldn't launch with a random error. Had to uninstall and reinstall to my other SSD.
Exploration has been good, the faction quests have generally been excellent, and they nailed the early game-it's as good as Gothic ever was.. love the early game progression of these games. I might do another NOTR run after i beat this.
@vurt did you ever do a Archolos mesh set or was that just NOTR?
my mod kind of works with it and will replace some of the trees and textures. i would not recommend it though. i've been thinking about doing a remaster for this mod, like i did for jedi knight and what i'm doing (partially) with Morrowind.
The Painscreek Killings
Mystery/detective, basically walking around town finding keys/codes to open the room/house to find the next clues. It's pretty cool how the story slowly unravels, with twists and turns, as you progress.
Harold Halibut
If Wes Anderson made Bioshock I tried to like it, the visual style is cool, but unfortunately, the story is a real drag. The game just doesn't respect the player's time. It's a 4 hour game, stretched to like 12 hours.
There is some religious bs as well. At one point, you find a letter literally saying "People that critize religion just don't understand it. Bad people will do bad things anyway."
Which was the final nail in its coffin for me
It deliberately misquotes Steven Weinberg, the full quote goes: "With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion.")
The Bookwalker: thief of tales
Another walking sim, but done right. There is some interactivity, but it's all linear. Doesn't outstay its welcome.
Murders on the Yangtze River
If you like the Ace Attorney games, this comes highly recommended.
A real gem.
Started playing Cryptmaster, a kind of 'typing of the dead' RPG, but the way the cryptmaster responds to what you type reminds me of The Stanley Parable. I watched 5 minutes of NL playing, but it got obvious quikcly it's best to know as little about it. Looks hilarious.
Edit: the game starts with the cryptmaster asking "hello? Can you hear me?".
I reply "what?".
He: "Oh we have a comedian" this is gonna be great
There must have been a door there in the wall, when I came in.
Truly gone fishing.
Last edited by Il_Padrino on Sat, 18th May 2024 12:12; edited 3 times in total
FarCry 6
Watch Dogs 2
Elden Ring (just got to the DLC)
i'm really in a gaming mood! Happens maybe once a year these days, where everything is just super fun again. Even enjoying FC6 in its stupidity, highly doubt its a game i will finish though. Surprised of how much i enjoy WD2, might get old eventually though. I put in a mod pack, seems to make the Police and chases really tough, also makes some other parts better i guess.
I also just bought Door Kickers: Action Squad, gonna test out on the arcade machine PC with my gaming buddy, seems like a cool game. Hope it works with the arcade controllers.
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