I finally ran into this video again, remember seeing it years and years ago and for the life of me could not find it again.
This whole left/right bullshit of 'what's the world coming to' is not new. Your just old enough to realize it exists.
This is George carlin from 30 years ago (1996), talking about the same stuff people nowadays act like is 'the current generations absurdity'.
it was always an absurdity for decades. Just you was part of the youth then, and/or was unaware, or unconcerned with it for whatever reason at the time.
The only difference now? is the terms we use. Back then he was 'too opinionated on minorities', and too 'brash when using mockery'
Now he would be woke to the right, and offensive to the left. Same same..just we make new terms and pretend its new stuff.
The fiercely unapologetic edges of both sides have always existed. Fighting over the same unapologetic things.
“I’d rather have questions I can’t answer than answers I can’t question.“ Richard Feynman.
...yet you will see the same people complain about it (crime, rapes, gangs, islam spreading, women and children are no longer safe).. But no, you should absolutely continue to vote for parties that thinks its a great idea. My parents and my brother are 100% like that, they hate it, have done for 15+ years at least, and every time they vote they make sure to vote for it. Some people just can't put two and two together, and some are just brainwashed, or often both.
My brother and his ex won't let their 3 daughters go in the same school as the muslims + he just hates them. Yet he votes for the Commie party (V) which are the most pro-muslim party you'll find here. This is super common. Self righteous people who are more concerned with having the right opinion, the same "hip" opinion as movie stars and artists and be 100% in line with what MSM tells them.
Far out
I guess the fashion of calling right leaning or center leaning parties 'far right' has been extablished even on this site.
I'm Sorry what? You're calling AFD or FPÖ "right leaning"? You must be very misinformed or just willfully ignoring things.
The CDU/CSU in Germany is a center-right conservative party.
"Enlightenment is man's emergence from his self-imposed nonage. Nonage is the inability to use one's own understanding without another's guidance. This nonage is self-imposed if its cause lies not in lack of understanding but in indecision and lack of courage to use one's own mind without another's guidance. Dare to know! (Sapere aude.) "Have the courage to use your own understanding," is therefore the motto of the enlightenment."
Far right Party FPÖ won the election in Austria. A couple of weeks ago far right party AfD won the election in the German province of Thuringia.
So yes, history is repeating itself.
And Fratelli god, family, fatherland d'Italia, a party with profound connections to the fascist ideology has been at the helm of our government for the past two years
So far they have:
- pardoned many forms of tax evasion through ridiculous measures to protect their voters
- strongly incentivized the privatization of schools, hospitals and most primary services (i.e. if you need to get checked asap, you're basically forced to pay 'Murica style)
- removed most forms of basic welfare because fuck you, poor people
- criminalized passive resistance and pacific methods of protests
- spent public money to create an automatic anti-piracy system called Piracy Shield that forces all providers to block daily lists of IP addresses (reported by private companies), with jail time involved as well
- done absolutely nothing to address the main reason they were elected in the first place, which is immigration
- done absolutely nothing to counterbalance the insane inflation rates
- done absolutely nothing to raise the stagnant average salaries that are stuck to early 2000s standards
- done absolutely nothing to...[insert promise]
Perhaps, AFD is right wing party, but far from being 'far right'.
FPÖ is right leaning party and even farther (well centerward) from 'far right' than AFD.
All this 'far right' bull crap was invented by leftists commie queer multi-culti press.
"Enlightenment is man's emergence from his self-imposed nonage. Nonage is the inability to use one's own understanding without another's guidance. This nonage is self-imposed if its cause lies not in lack of understanding but in indecision and lack of courage to use one's own mind without another's guidance. Dare to know! (Sapere aude.) "Have the courage to use your own understanding," is therefore the motto of the enlightenment."
Perhaps, AFD is right wing party, but far from being 'far right'.
FPÖ is right leaning party and even farther (well centerward) from 'far right' than AFD.
All this 'far right' bull crap was invented by leftists commie queer multi-culti press.
What IS far right in your right wing world?
Since 2015, AfD's ideology has been characterised by German nationalism, Völkisch nationalism and national conservatism, with policy focus on opposing Islam, opposing immigration, welfare chauvinism and Euroscepticism. The AfD is the only party represented in the Bundestag whose environmental and climate policy is based on the denial of human-caused climate change.
Most of those characteristics aren't far right, they're right wing nationalistic, conservative and populist. However, there's one characteristic that makes them stand out and make them far right, even extremist.
Völkisch movement:
The Völkisch movement was a German ethnic nationalist movement active from the late 19th century through the dissolution of the German Reich in 1945, with remnants in the Federal Republic of Germany afterwards. Erected on the idea of "blood and soil", inspired by the one-body-metaphor, and by the idea of naturally grown communities in unity, it was characterized by organicism, racialism, populism, agrarianism, romantic nationalism and – as a consequence of a growing exclusive and ethnic connotation – by antisemitism from the 1900s onward. Völkisch nationalists generally considered the Jews to be an "alien people" who belonged to a different Volk from the Germans.
In the end your stupid rant about far right being "nvented by leftists commie queer multi-culti press" really shows just how ignorant you are. You sound like a dumb MAGA supporter.
Pure fascism, Ku Klux Klan type and its equivalents. From my POV there are no 'far right' political parties in present day Western Europe (I'm not sure about Eastern Europe). They are extinct, due to WW2 and its consequences.
...AfD's ideology has been characterised by Völkisch nationalism
by whom? Did the party proclaim they still think Jews are inferior aliens?
I'll have you know I got my Jewish relatives living in Eastern Germany who are members of AfD. (they moved to Germany in early 90-s, sadly they do love putin and its regime thou).
Afd in Germany get the same treatment from brainwashed left as National Rally in France.
Oh look some oldies from those parties were nazis or nazi supporters, the current parties must be as bad and as xenophobic.
I think I have already expressed here on nforce, history doesn't actually repeat itself, it's a spiral, every next iteration is different, thou might "seem" identical especially to the "engaged" or naive folks.
In the end your stupid rant about far right being "nvented by leftists commie queer multi-culti press" really shows just how ignorant you are. You sound like a dumb MAGA supporter.
I stand by my rant, and I'm not even sorry you feel the way you feel
Trump is indeed irresponsible wild card. My candidate of choice in US elections would have been Nikki Haley were she to remain in the run.
I do believe that Trump is underappreciated worldwide for his Abrahamic Accords.
If screwups like Barack Hussein Obama or psychotic murderers like Yassir Arafat had Nobel Peace Price, then surely Trump could have gotten one too for those Accords alone.
Pure fascism, Ku Klux Klan type and its equivalents. From my POV there are no 'far right' political parties in present day Western Europe (I'm not sure about Eastern Europe). They are extinct, due to WW2 and its consequences.
...AfD's ideology has been characterised by Völkisch nationalism
by whom? Did the party proclaim they still think Jews are inferior aliens?
I'll have you know I got my Jewish relatives living in Eastern Germany who are members of AfD. (they moved to Germany in early 90-s, sadly they do love putin and its regime thou).
Afd in Germany get the same treatment from brainwashed left as National Rally in France.
Oh look some oldies from those parties were nazis or nazi supporters, the current parties must be as bad and as xenophobic.
I think I have already expressed here on nforce, history doesn't actually repeat itself, it's a spiral, every next iteration is different, thou might "seem" identical especially to the "engaged" or naive folks.
In the end your stupid rant about far right being "nvented by leftists commie queer multi-culti press" really shows just how ignorant you are. You sound like a dumb MAGA supporter.
I stand by my rant, and I'm not even sorry you feel the way you feel
Trump is indeed irresponsible wild card. My candidate of choice in US elections would have been Nikki Haley were she to remain in the run.
I do believe that Trump is underappreciated worldwide for his Abrahamic Accords.
If screwups like Barack Hussein Obama or psychotic murderers like Yassir Arafat had Nobel Peace Price, then surely Trump could have gotten one too for those Accords alone.
I guess you have your very own definition (which still isn't explained or defined) of what far right is.
Adding "far" to a party on the left or right comes from how extreme/radical the political party's ideas are. In turn, whether a party is extreme or radical is partially measured through comparison with other parties on the left<->right scale.
Far-right politics, or right-wing extremism, is a spectrum of political thought that tends to be radically conservative, ultra-nationalist, and authoritarian, often also including nativist tendencies. The name derives from the left–right political spectrum, with the "far right" considered further from center than the standard political right.
As for Völkish nationalism, antisemitism doesn't have to be included. That's something that was included with the antisemitic sentiments that grew during the late 19th and early-to-mid 20th century. And your jewish relatives are stupid just like idiots who vote for far left politics.
In fact, tell me why AfD should NOT be considered a far right party.
I guess from your point of view (from a right wing perspective) there is no "far right", just right wing. Perhaps it's unavoidable to be pushed further to the right when your country is in a state of war that was first about freeing the hostages, then going after Hamas and now going for a full ground assault in Lebanon.
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