I've been really enjoying this...but omg..is this Bianca bitch super annoying or what? I'm rooting for the assassin tbh but sadly I don't think he and his beloved will have a happy ending
woke vibe going on... british accent which is disgusting.. ill try first episode but not expecting to go past that. actually reading reviews this is woke +++++.. hard pass
I didn't expect this ending and tbh I'm pleasantly surprised.
The main actress was a miscast for sure and her acting and behaviour irritated me. Thankfully
1) she didn't manage to ruin this otherwise great series
2) she is
Not a fan of the actress but actually liked her character.
What bothered me more was the family/double life crap with the Jackal, would have liked it better if he was a Lone Wolf.
Also made so many mistakes and had to kill shitloads of civilians. Not worthy of the Silent Assassin rating, clearly.
Other than that it was a very good show, also a close 8/10 from me.
I'm half way and it's great. Feels very James Bond, with the opening theme and all. Eddie Redmayne is good too, I'm not a big fan of him otherwise.
Hate the MI6 character, so at least the actress nailed that. If she's supposed to be extremely professional and experienced, then that isn't clear
There must have been a door there in the wall, when I came in.
Truly gone fishing.
not only bianca actress is annoying but her character too, in the beginning like wtf does a real agent behave like that? also her ass is so big for any field work action like wtf...
other than this just an amazing series, very daniel craig james bond like from the intro, redmayne was so good and such high tension moments, not probably since homeland have i seen another series that constantly deliver
that scene where charles dance talks about honor and debt was funny
First episode really good, potential there. Second also good but till the time the village people from Spain decide to become master experts at safe cracking or reading blueprints etc. Specifically:
You mean to tell me the assassin of all assassins has left the blueprints that clearly show a HIDDEN room in them and then his familia (simple people), become expert operatives, find the hidden safe and room, crack it and he doesn't even have one security measure, like a camera, that can alert him someone is breaking in to his stashroom full of sh*t that can instaput him behind bars, to say the least?!?!?
At that point there wasn't a single reason to watch another episode. Fast forwarded to last one (what a laugh that was) and yeah...4/10 just because of episode 1.
he has a camera in there and he's aware of everything
But yeah, better rate it 4/10 without watching to see if your point even makes sense
Also at your
security experts? You mean drilling the safe for hours is somehow proof of their expertise?
Your loss This is the one of the best series in years.
To your first point, I stand corrected, but that makes it even stupider especially when explaining to the wife who he is.
As for your second point...guess it's matter of likes and dislikes. I mean the OG film I really liked (not the 2nd with Willis) but I guess I'm not into this type of series anymore or have the patience for it, especially when I see plot holes left and right (even if they are not there..shhh).
But I will say I didn't expect for:
the Mi5 agent to die, granted she was a PoS, just like most spooks are, but still...that was a nice twist.
Did started to watch The Agency and that's just sloooow. Hope it picks up.
Redmayne i usually don't give a shit about the appearance of male actors, but in this case.. i can't fucking stand to look at this dude. he looks so fucking goofy, i'd take Mark Zuckerberg more seriously in this role than this dude.
I'm halfway there.
It's decent, but with some massively retarded moments...
- Zeroing your rifle INTO the building where your target is going to be at, already with a security detail inside and out, surrounded by a crowd and it's a fucking hospital... right
- "dOeS ThE pROfeSssiONaL aSSAsSiN hAVe a nAmE????"
- submachine gun (which isn't the OMFGBBQ special gunsmith version, but a regular one) with almost 20 seconds of continuous firing on auto
EDIT: and done:
- using the least effort possible disguise on d-day, especially when you know there are multiple governments/agencies on your track.
- immigrant billionaire is totally diferent from the other evul billionaires and will save the world!!!11!1!1
- whatever the fuck that babble was that female (?) comic (??) going on about before D.E.R.P.'s speech... holy millenial/zoomer writing
Best thing about this is Nuria... what a woman, dayum :drool:
Get new writers for S2, preferably someone with a functioning brain.
boundle (thoughts on cracking AITD) wrote:
i guess thouth if without a legit key the installation was rolling back we are all fucking then
The intro is lifted from James Bond movies both visually and musically. Considering that actress Lachanna Lynch comes from the latest James Bond movie, it's just too in your face.
Both Jackal and agent Bianca Pullman are miscast.
Judging by the name and nature of her action pieces the agent was supposed to be white(r) and fit, and not another fat ass latifa. The actress can emote much better than most of the latifas thou, still she is a miscast diversity hire.
Whoever thought - that always and forever awkward thespian Eddie Redmayne is a good match for a sinister action antagonist with the military past - is a moron.
There were quite many jumping the shark in suspension of disbelief moments, but they were bearable compared to other modern day spy thrillers.
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