Also, only 6% of players have finished the game (as of yesterday's achievements data).
It's probably sitting around that for open world games, overall.
Yeah, it's hard to pinpoint exactly what's happening here.
Many people buy games on Steam and not only they don't finish them(!), they aren't even playing those games...
Creating 'collections' (aka buying shit) on Steam is an activity itself.
There are various things that can cause this. Playing game offline won't count in stats, I'm not sure if this fools achievements and other stats as well, but just buying the game then not having the time to play it is a sure thing. I finished BG3 some half an year after I bought it, and I enjoyed it a lot. I simply didn't find the time to play it. Then there are people that buy game and then don't have the hardware to play, and I'm sure that there are many other reasons as well.
Tried playing this but I think imma have to give it the Cyberpunk treatment. This shit is just too jank. Crashes like a motherfucker, need to mod every aspect cause it's so imbalanced.
Tried playing this but I think imma have to give it the Cyberpunk treatment. This shit is just too jank. Crashes like a motherfucker, need to mod every aspect cause it's so imbalanced.
I would say Cyberpunk on release day was in a better state than this game
I'd say the first STALKER was as well.
How can you enjoy something when the most fundamental thing, being the life around you, is broken / non-existent? The spawning in of AI is some Far Cry 2 level shit. IF it was doing something incredible, but it caused a lot of performance issues, fine. But it's a barely functioning system that seems to be extremely basic.
Is this all what anyone hoped for or imagined STALKER2 would be when playing the first game in 2007? There is no progress. It's going backwards but with prettier graphics.
Something tells me this game's performance will never be fully fixed.
The only 'fix' will be brute-forcing through it with nVidia's 5xxx+ solutions.
Maybe that was the plan all along...
Also, 3 patches later and they fail to solve the most minimum feature required for a normal behavior of mouse / keyboard experience: bonked X/Y mouse ratio sensitivity...
Tried playing this but I think imma have to give it the Cyberpunk treatment. This shit is just too jank. Crashes like a motherfucker, need to mod every aspect cause it's so imbalanced.
I would say Cyberpunk on release day was in a better state than this game
I'd say the first STALKER was as well.
How can you enjoy something when the most fundamental thing, being the life around you, is broken / non-existent? The spawning in of AI is some Far Cry 2 level shit. IF it was doing something incredible, but it caused a lot of performance issues, fine. But it's a barely functioning system that seems to be extremely basic.
Is this all what anyone hoped for or imagined STALKER2 would be when playing the first game in 2007? There is no progress. It's going backwards but with prettier graphics.
I agree!
Finished it in ~70 hours. At the end I was so bored walking around for kilometers with no content, no enemies. Same boring loot. So I just rushed trough the game..
Will play again IF they fix A-Life 2.0 and the other issues.
Very nice, the more patches, the better, can't wait to pick it up again and see how it is.
Highly positive reception about it on the Stalker subreddit that was complaining daily, then coming into this thread seeing worse salty bums like wow
I'm confused, are you implying a salty attitude isn't warranted the same day they release a patch fixing ~1800 issues that existed?
Also, when you fix 1800 bugs, there's no humanly possible way to know how many other things have broken
This will be the most patient bear game of all time
1. no but doubling down on the same broken record of complaining even when stuff gets acknowledged and done is just a waste of time, willing to bet none of the people that complained even sent a single report to GSC.
2. none of them even played the patch (granted with that size it's difficult, but they still go ahead and 'assume' it did nothing rather than see it themselves)
3. fixing and breaking stuff are a thing in every game, why bring it up as reasoning here
4. Having patience we can agree on definitely
It gets annoying reading the same shit.
Just funny to me rather than enjoying something else it's better to spend 20 mins on this board on threads about games they hate. Almost as if it was reverse resetera
Cue theme music of 'why are you paying $70 in the first place' vote with your wallet, etc. and no I don't care that it's Australian Dollars, you could've pirated it, null and void.
Ah yes I was truly happy about the shit performance, not mad about it at all!
Also happy having 4-5 enemies spawn behind my back instantly taking me out.
See, it's not hard but there's a fine line when it's appropriate and when it's shouting into the void.
1. no but doubling down on the same broken record of complaining even when stuff gets acknowledged and done is just a waste of time, willing to bet none of the people that complained even sent a single report to GSC.
What's next, you're gonna hit us with a "no legal right to complain"? You know where you're posting this, right?
boundle (thoughts on cracking AITD) wrote:
i guess thouth if without a legit key the installation was rolling back we are all fucking then
Just funny to me rather than enjoying something else it's better to spend 20 mins on this board on threads about games they hate. Almost as if it was reverse resetera
As if you're doing anything different, just complaining about the complainers. I mean, if people weren't complaining, it would all just be Headshot posting yt videos, and not much else around here. Oh, wait... I guess the world news section would still be alive, with people posting their brain-dead opinions on political situations they know little about.
People can enjoy something else, but realistically there's not much to enjoy these days in gaming. Even good games come out unpolished and bug filled. I wish this shit would be illegal. Not like the devs don't know they're releasing unfinished, buggy games.
Developer GSC Game has sold enough copies of STALKER 2 to make the project profitable, company investor Maksym Krippa said in an interview with Forbes.
When asked how many copies of STALKER 2 would need to be sold for it to be a commercially successful project, Krippa replied: "We've already sold enough to make the project profitable."
He would not disclose the amount of investment in the game. "Of course, it's tens of millions of dollars," he said.
boundle (thoughts on cracking AITD) wrote:
i guess thouth if without a legit key the installation was rolling back we are all fucking then
Good news it's much much better:
- I have been running around the map for one hour and i had 0 times when random enemies spawned near me and started attacking me how it was before this patch, now they really don't spawn behind you knowing your location
- i saw a fight in the distance between stalker and mutants and it felt more organic
- npc's are not de-spawning anymore, i saw a fight between bandits and stalkers, they were fighting for some territory inside a building and i decided to run away and come back, after i came back stalkers were still there, they have not disappeared
Bad news:
- Draw distance for npc's is still super close, their 3d models can disappear from your view but they actually not disappearing, only their 3d model until you come close again they will be there
- They still Don't Loot bodies
So far i am super impressed with the patch and now i truly believe A-Life is there and they can make it even better
So, there is actually offline simulation now. Testers in gamma have had groups of mutants spawns online, going out of range and had the groups collide offline to then go in online again and had persistant dead bodies on teh same location. This means that they actually had an outcome offline and simulated.
Only played like twenty minutes and I’ve already encountered two Snorks, a bloodsucker, two stalkers at a campfire, the aftermath of a fight between stalkers and Snorks, and a group of bandits fighting a pack of dogs.
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