Z flip foldable ads target audience
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Posts: 1500
Location: lɘɒɿƨI
PostPosted: Sat, 4th Jan 2025 15:50    Post subject: Z flip foldable ads target audience
Nostalgia driven for my favourite flip phone Motorola StarTac, which I used for about 4 years in the late 90s early 00s, a year ago I bought Samsung's Z Flip 5 foldable. Now I can happily sit in deep chairs without my phone slipping out of my pants pockets. I can bend more freely without the phone poking my ever so growing belly. I still enjoy all the features of modern smartphones when my flip is unfolded.
I don't think I'm going back to regular large flat smartphones.
Whenever I have been watching Samsung ads for this type of phones I have found myself realizing that I am not the target audience for them at all. I am kinda surprised cause in my communication bubble several of my friends and relatives bought those foldables for the same reason I had (nostalgia, portability).

So why do you think Samsung doesn't advertise these phones for middle agers?
Their ads seem to mostly target fashionable young adults and teenage girls in particular.
Am I too niche of a market demographics to be noticed even in a singular commercial?

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Posts: 4061
Location: Pays-Bas
PostPosted: Sat, 4th Jan 2025 17:02    Post subject:
They just advertise these phones for all.
It's an Asian company, you care?
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Posts: 1133

PostPosted: Sat, 4th Jan 2025 20:16    Post subject:
I think its partially because to do so, points out who its for, and by virtue cuts off the lucrative younger market it could also sell to. Best way to not get anyone under 35 to buy something? Explicitly Imply that middle-aged people can enjoy it too, even if it passing Razz

Combining that with advertising to us is hard. Marketing shows people over 40, like it or not. Are stuck in our ways. We like the same music we always did and not much new, the clothes styles we always have and not much new fashion, like the brands we like or are use to and don't do a lot of "What is the new thing? Should we try it?".
That mixed with we are the 'going out' old generation. We are not the continual future sellable market of any lucrative margins worth the advertising. Why (at least in US) all ads for 'old people' are on at 3am. Cheapest time slot.

Hell even McDonalds and Coke. The world's most continually successful advertising departments, don't Include anyone over 35 as a 'target' unless it's in the context of someone younger with them to enjoy it. Every seen an ad for either, of just one or two 40+ people using the product as the ad message? No? That's why Razz

And therefore hard to advertise for. I mean how many ads do you see directed at aged 40+ people for much of anything? If they are included it's USUALLY in a family context and not some random 40-year-old singular person doing the thing in the ad. (Unless it is a thing ONLY for people that age. Then no risk in losing 'young cash' by pointing out 'middle-aged cash' could enjoy it also).

I myself have an unofficial metric of telling what ages are 'too old to influence or advertise to' anymore..At least here in the US. When you see less and less ads for cars, fast food, sodas, and generally used products specifically directed at you, then slowlllly not even including you at all...and more of them for medications, loans, and such. You can lookup where on the "Going out of social and advertisable worth, and power of social influence" chart you are Razz
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Posts: 1500
Location: lɘɒɿƨI
PostPosted: Sat, 4th Jan 2025 21:34    Post subject:
You might be on to it, and I am too toxic for the sellability of the new stuff.
But they do advertize new A series (A55 A35) for grandparents. These two phones are not that much different from s24, s23 flagships of yester years.
Shouldn't Samsung be afraid that this fact will decrease sales of those phones to the younger customers according to the logic you presented?

γɒϱ bnɒ ɘmɒl Ɉi ɘʞɒm ,Ɉi ni ʞɔiʜɔ ɒ ɈυԳ
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Posts: 1133

PostPosted: Sat, 4th Jan 2025 21:52    Post subject:
Do you notice it is still an ad for younger people....to tell them to buy it for older people?
The Best Smartphones for your Grandparents.
Surprise your grandparents with a new smartphone.

It's not even aimed at the people it's for. It's aimed at the younger people to buy it for older people Razz

They know young people don't want it. It's a cheap phone they needed an audience for. And knew 20-somethings wouldn't get appealed to by:
Do you want a slower phone, with no gaming power, less complex and feature-rich UI, and fewer app capabilities, that is not trendy nor impressive? Buy now!

But frame it as: A simple to use, easy to read phone that is not expensive. You can afford one for your older folks!

To me it falls into that: Unless it is a thing ONLY for people that age. Then no risk in losing 'young cash' by pointing out 'middle-aged cash' could enjoy it also.
And does both, aimed at older people with no risk younger people would want it anyway. AND aims to make younger people buy it, FOR older people. Ad doesnt even advertise to old people directly.
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