Got me a CR-10v2 printer.
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Posts: 9800

PostPosted: Tue, 10th Aug 2021 04:42    Post subject:
Ender 6 arrived today. Core XY, and man this is fast!!!, fuck me!, easily 150mm/s Very Happy What a difference. Replaced the PSU with a Meanwell variant off the bat, but all else stock, so far Wink Klipper running from a Pi next Smile
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Posts: 9800

PostPosted: Thu, 12th Aug 2021 04:24    Post subject:
Nice Hyperpixel 4.0 screen to plug into Pi, lovely, but nightmares getting it to work. Fuck! Klipper was much easier than this shit. Takes up ALL GPIO pins, and does not allow for any active cooling whatsoever. Just piss off!


Fuckin royal pain in the ass.
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Posts: 9800

PostPosted: Tue, 17th Aug 2021 02:25    Post subject:
Hyperpixel 4.0 review

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Posts: 13455
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Fri, 23rd Aug 2024 16:16    Post subject:
ordered a Bambu Lab A1 Mini, will be interesting
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Posts: 34200

PostPosted: Fri, 23rd Aug 2024 17:07    Post subject:

Last edited by garus on Tue, 27th Aug 2024 21:11; edited 1 time in total
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Posts: 23226
Location: Trelleborg
PostPosted: Fri, 23rd Aug 2024 17:23    Post subject:
I've been using a Sonic Mini 8k for about a year now. Love it Smile

shitloads of new stuff in my pc. Cant keep track of it all.
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Posts: 13455
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Fri, 23rd Aug 2024 17:51    Post subject:
garus wrote:
Nice, bambu is great. I have the P1P. Almost maintenance free these ones Very Happy

yeah, that's really important for me.

Resin is a big no-no for me.. i don't have a garage or anything, it'll be in my apartment. Dealing with toxic stuff just sucks imo, it'll involve too much of a hassle.

A bit better quality though, but not to the degree that i think its worth using.

Wonder what i should do first. I hate the boat, i know its probably good to do as a comparison though. i'll probably print out something for my figures. Recently i've been huge into Playmobil haha, would be fun to make something custom for it.
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Posts: 34200

PostPosted: Fri, 23rd Aug 2024 18:14    Post subject:

Last edited by garus on Tue, 27th Aug 2024 21:11; edited 1 time in total
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Posts: 13455
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Fri, 23rd Aug 2024 18:54    Post subject:
my phone case is my "phone holder" works well when im in the tub watching youtube.

i'm already into 3D modelling but i need more stuff to do, and it can't be just messing around or doing a tutorial. I must have projects that leads to stuff i have use for, this will bring me that Smile
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Posts: 23226
Location: Trelleborg
PostPosted: Sat, 24th Aug 2024 16:41    Post subject:
vurt wrote:

Resin is a big no-no for me.. i don't have a garage or anything, it'll be in my apartment. Dealing with toxic stuff just sucks imo, it'll involve too much of a hassle.

A bit better quality though, but not to the degree that i think its worth using.

I live in an apartment aswell. I've got aircleaners and also, it doesnt smell that much and you can always get fans to blow it out of the window. I think i've must have used atleast 10kg of resin so far with no big problem. Love the machine, i just wish i had went for a bigger model. Might upgrade at some point.

Also, you can make an aircleaner that sucks the fumes down into a bucket with like 20% of it full of water aswell...that kind of cleans the air pretty good. And ive got small aircleaners inside the printers case aswell.


Abit like this guy is doing it

shitloads of new stuff in my pc. Cant keep track of it all.
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Posts: 13455
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Sat, 24th Aug 2024 18:54    Post subject:
that doesn't sound very safe, it's very toxic. I have cats too, don't want them near it.

I think a lot of people with resin printers are going to regret it, unfortunately. I did look at it briefly but also read about its toxicity and how you can get allergic to it rather easily and what that will mean.. no, you need to use those printers in a safe environment and with professional protection, IMO!

Just disposing of it is also a hassle, handling it too, super messy stuff.. nah, not for me.

Edit: also there's temperature requirements, 25-30c for best print results it seems. In the summer that will be easy but otherwise not for me.

yeah, those filters they come with are pretty useless. just because things doesn't smell as much doesn't mean it's suddenly not toxic to breathe.
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Posts: 13455
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Sat, 24th Aug 2024 20:32    Post subject:
Color printing is going to be the next big thing i guess. I can do it with mine with a few colors, but those new ones will have thousands of colors.

wonder how long it'll take for consumer prices though. 4-5 years?
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Posts: 13455
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Fri, 30th Aug 2024 16:07    Post subject:
Really happy with the A1 Mini. The surface is really smooth, even with 0.4 nozzle, ordered a 0.2 though to be able to print even smaller details.

It's easy to be a bit deceived by photos of PLA models since the camera acts as a looking glass pretty much, it will never look as good as it does IRL, at least not close-ups.

I was quite surprised by how deceiving photos has been, i shouldn't have because i deal with this crap a lot, taking photos of my small synth modules (when selling/trading) and they look absolutely trashed and grimy in photos! IRL they look brand new and sparkling clean.
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Posts: 13455
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Sat, 31st Aug 2024 19:55    Post subject:

0.4 nozzle.. 0.2 must look like Resin pretty much.
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Posts: 23226
Location: Trelleborg
PostPosted: Sat, 31st Aug 2024 21:01    Post subject:
vurt wrote:

0.4 nozzle.. 0.2 must look like Resin pretty much.

maybe, cos thats not even close to resin results Razz atleast not 8k or 12k Razz

shitloads of new stuff in my pc. Cant keep track of it all.
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Posts: 13455
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Sat, 31st Aug 2024 21:20    Post subject:
...only prints i've seen with PLA is those with rather heavy lines, that's why i've been so impressed. but for smaller details than this, like miniature figures, that will probably not be very detailed in comparison to Resin Smile really not much interest in miniature figures though, mostly 3" and up is what i collect.
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Posts: 23226
Location: Trelleborg
PostPosted: Sat, 31st Aug 2024 22:43    Post subject:
Yeah its good still Smile

shitloads of new stuff in my pc. Cant keep track of it all.
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Posts: 13455
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Wed, 25th Sep 2024 11:47    Post subject:
Such a fun hobby, printing stuff, painting.
I'm not any good at painting yet though, that will take "a while". Bought an airbrush as well so i've got to learn that..

I saw that the Anycubic Photon Mono X 6Ks is 44% off... tempted, would be cool to also be able to print in Resin, but again, dealing with the resin shit... i could install some heating on my (enclosed) balcony i guess.. it seems like Resin printing is quiet so its unlikely to disturb neighbors if printing at night etc.

Would be cool to have a 3D Scanner as well.
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Posts: 23226
Location: Trelleborg
PostPosted: Wed, 25th Sep 2024 17:11    Post subject:
vurt wrote:
Such a fun hobby, printing stuff, painting.
I'm not any good at painting yet though, that will take "a while". Bought an airbrush as well so i've got to learn that..

I saw that the Anycubic Photon Mono X 6Ks is 44% off... tempted, would be cool to also be able to print in Resin, but again, dealing with the resin shit... i could install some heating on my (enclosed) balcony i guess.. it seems like Resin printing is quiet so its unlikely to disturb neighbors if printing at night etc.

Would be cool to have a 3D Scanner as well.

3d scanners are cool - but after talking to people who use them professional i realized that the ones that are good cost as much as a small car Razz
I got myself and my son 3d scanned Smile

Yeah painting is damn fun, im not really good - but i do my best Razz Ive even made my sons old bedroom into a hobby room for 3dprinting and painting.
I also got an airbrush (well, 4 of them tbh - but that cos i had some problems).

I mainly use warpainters stuff even though many people say that Citadels are better.

shitloads of new stuff in my pc. Cant keep track of it all.
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Posts: 13455
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Thu, 26th Sep 2024 03:42    Post subject:
i'm tempted

it's 50% off.. yes there's a version 2, cost is double but the specs are the same, it's just some QoL fixes in v2, like it has a LED light and some stuff.

I've seen some videos, it looks quite good for smaller models etc.

As for paints I use whatever since i'm still learning, i have Citadel, Vallejo + a lot of cheap paint.
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Posts: 3363

PostPosted: Tue, 11th Feb 2025 18:43    Post subject:
I recently bought the A1 combo deal with the AMS Lite (no idea why it's so expensive separately, lol, apple pricing), despite the recent controversies with them closing off their software, and it's just such a wonderful thing to actually print stuff, not fiddle with settings, firmware and bed leveling like on my old Ender 3. Which admittedly started as a pretty budget printer, but it was still shit after bed, belt, mobo, stepper, firmware upgrades, and even after adding the CR Touch.

The A1 meanwhile just works. If it has any problems it will self-diagnose and give me solutions. No bed adhesion problems, no layer shift, 0.2 layer height looks better than 0.8 on Ender 3 Laughing

sin317 wrote:

typical jew comment
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Posts: 3641
Location: Po(o)land
PostPosted: Wed, 12th Feb 2025 08:06    Post subject:
Cool, I was looking to get the A1 mini for the exact same reason, just can't be bothered anymore with fighting the Ender 3 for every print. Got kinda spooked by the mentioned policy shenanigans. And is AMS worth it? Or just a nice gimmick?

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Posts: 3363

PostPosted: Wed, 12th Feb 2025 09:59    Post subject:
Depends on whether or not you want to print in different colors. It does have the option to switch to another spool with the same properties if you run out of filament mid print, which is nice, but I would never buy it separately just for that.

Nice to have, not essential. Very pricey without the combo deal (~660PLN in Combo, 1230 if you buy separately!).

sin317 wrote:

typical jew comment
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Posts: 3641
Location: Po(o)land
PostPosted: Sat, 22nd Feb 2025 09:43    Post subject:
So ppl lost their shit over the Elegoo Centauri Carbon, a full enclosure core xy for like 300$. Ams will be available in Q4. I'm very tempted but shipping date is July 10 Crying or Very sad

Edit: it's actually 330EUR in EU, still very impressive for that price. Decisions decisions decisions Smile

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Posts: 3542
Location: Finland
PostPosted: Sat, 22nd Feb 2025 10:03    Post subject:
konkol84 wrote:
So ppl lost their shit over the Elegoo Centauri Carbon, a full enclosure core xy for like 300$. Ams will be available in Q4. I'm very tempted but shipping date is July 10 Crying or Very sad

Edit: it's actually 330EUR in EU, still very impressive for that price. Decisions decisions decisions Smile

I mean its small and nothing new, nothing special so the price doesnt really come as a surprise, just cause Bambu idiots are happy to pay double for a tiny printer like that doesn't mean it was worth it, Elegoo can atleast make their printers reasonably priced.
And Elegoo isnt a shit company like Bambu is so even better.
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