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Posted: Thu, 14th Jul 2011 01:35 Post subject: |
Epsilon wrote: | I'm wondering if I should get this game, been quite a while since I played Panzer General, looks fun though. Maybe I'll just replay Panzer General and see if I can still get hooked by it first.
People who actually played Panzer General, is this worth buying? |
Look what this PG fans guys at Matrix said.
They are all PG fans. I myself am a PG fan, only didn't played since Pacific General, 14 years ago.
The moment I started playing Panzer Corps was like going back in time. The same addictiveness.
If you liked PG I sincerely doubt that you'll not end up liking PzC.
For me it's a dream come true. A modern PG without being spoiled with foolish concessions, like we witness today with 99% of titles. But this is only possible because this is not a AAA title.
I was a beta tester, and witness that they were listening since day 1 to what we have to say. They wanted to please PG fans and improve it if possible. The game is perfect? No. There's room to improvement. The AI is good but it could be better, but at least seems to better than PG.
However if you want to try, and I think you should, why not download Panzer General Forever. The guy who created PGF is the lead dev in Panzer Corps. So you can see what is his pedigree.
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Dr. Strangelove
Posts: 9240
Location: War Room
Posted: Thu, 14th Jul 2011 02:20 Post subject: |
I bought the game, and I've been playing the training missions
Where have I heard that drill sergeants voice before... Anyway on the surface of this and the way it plays it certainly brings back a ton of memories playing Panzer General; it feels like a PG game.
I know what I'll be spending a large part of my vacation doing now 
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Posted: Thu, 14th Jul 2011 03:20 Post subject: |
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Posts: 635
Location: Wanking in hell
Posted: Thu, 14th Jul 2011 22:00 Post subject: |
Bought it as well.
It was pretty cheap until the shit tax appeared.
Good game though.
Hulk to superman: Puny man, who wears his underwear on the outside.
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Posted: Tue, 20th Sep 2011 18:19 Post subject: |
Patch 1.01 released:
Quote: | Changes in v1.01
New features
- "Restart Scenario" option from in game menu
- Window mode from in game menu
- Editor : Reinforcements are configured in unit details popup. Use "Edit trigger" button.
- Editor : AI actions are configured on the Actions tab in Edit->Scenario Params screen. Use "Add AI Action" to create an action that will dynamically change AI behavior.
Technical issues fixed:
- PBEM : Some MP games getting "dead" (the game freezes when trying to load the game).
Note: Existing "dead" games should load with 1.01 too. However, some of such existing games may not be able to show replay of the opponent's turn.
- PBEM : Claim button does not work
- SE units cannot be deployed if deployed last.
- Units with zero ammunition still contribute as mass attackers.
- Forts can be upgraded and given transports.
- On a joint rail/naval port, it is possible to load infinite naval transports under certain conditions.
- Turning supply off allows recon units to move an unlimited amount of hexes.
- Multiple ranged leaders allows half tracks to engage in range combat.
- Recon units with some remaining moves are not indicated with arrow and included in next unit sequence
- Hidden ground units stop moving ships, and vice versa
- Under certain circumstances the AI can assume control of player's units
- A lot of other minor issues (strings, cosmetics etc.)
Graphics/sfx issues fixed
- KV-2 has wrong icon
- Stuka D has wrong icon
- M12 GMC has wrong movement sound
- On ultra high-resolution screens (like 1980x1200) game setup and main screens have horizontal lines
- Italy-Sicily crossing not indicated in any way
Scenario issues fixed
- Stalingrad victory conditions are wrong
- A lot of other minor issues (strings, cosmetics etc.) |
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Posted: Fri, 7th Oct 2011 03:01 Post subject: |
Quote: | Two new Grand Campaigns are joining the fray on the heels of near unanimous acclaim!
Slitherine, Matrix Games and The Lordz Games Studio (www.thelordzgamesstudio.com) are thrilled to announce that two new extra content packs are headed to their famed next generation strategy game, Panzer Corps. Selling as a download version only for $4.99 each, the extra content Grand Campaign ’39 and Grand Campaign ’40 brings loads of new scenarios and the ability to carry your armies from campaign to campaign. Ultimately, several other extra content packs will combine together to create a full Grand Campaign from 1939 to 1945 which will have around 70 scenarios!
Are you interested in getting an early look at the new content? Sign up to join our beta team and test out the new campaigns before anyone else! Sign up here.
Grand Campaign '39
September 1st, 1939.
Germany launches its military invasion of Poland, igniting World War 2. Take command of the Blitzkrieg’s spearhead as you battle your way to the heart of the Polish nation, the Capitol of Warsaw, and beyond. This DLC features 14 all new scenarios, improved artificial intelligence scripting, new campaign features, unique objectives such as protecting vital units, destroying enemy supply trains, and securing vital bridges, and the capacity to save your core force file for use in future campaigns!
The Grand Campaign’s are a series of expansions for Panzer Corps and require Panzer Corps. Each campaign can be started with the core force from the previous Grand Campaign, so you can continue Grand Campaign ’40 with your core force that completed Grand Campaign ’39. Alternatively players can start with a preset core force and play each campaign on its own, or jump in to the Grand Campaign at any year. This expansion starts your core from the very beginning of the war, allowing you maximum flexibility to choose and shape the forces that you will take through the next 6 years. The full Grand Campaign from 1939-1945 will have around 70 scenarios!
Scenario List:
Poznan, Danzig Corridor South, Danzig Corridor North, Lodz, Piatek, Wyszogrod, Kampinoska, Forest, Modlin, Warsaw South, Warsaw North, Spoils of War, Oslo, Lillehammer, Narvik
Grand Campaign '40
May 10th, 1940.
The Maginot Line, shield of France and the battleship on land, was supposed to be impenetrable, but the Germans have a secret and daring plan aimed to topple their old enemy! Import your experienced troops from the first campaign, or start with a pre-generated brand new core and lead your forces to victory. This DLC features 14 all new scenarios, recreating historical battles such as the epic of Eben-Emael and the tank battles of Arras and Stonne, improved artificial intelligence scripting, new campaign features, unique objectives such as capturing a French General and forcing the Dunkirk pocket to surrender, and the capacity to save your core force for use in future campaigns!
The Grand Campaign’s are a series of expansions for Panzer Corps and require Panzer Corps. Each campaign can be started with the core force from the previous Grand Campaign, so you can continue Grand Campaign ’40 with your core force that completed Grand Campaign ’39. Alternatively players can start with a preset core force and play each campaign on its own, or jump in to the Grand Campaign at any year.
Scenario List:
Eben-Emael, Albert Canal, The Hague, Sedan, Maubeuge, Arras, Calais, Stonne, Wassigny, Amiens, Dunkirk, Reims, Dijon, Maginot Line |
Following the current trend of gaming industry, two DLC were announced.
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Posted: Wed, 23rd Nov 2011 10:39 Post subject: |
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Posted: Thu, 12th Apr 2012 17:11 Post subject: |
In case that you didn't notice, Panzer Corps reached the sixth DLC. Grand Campaign '44 East it's the latest in the bunch .
After Grand Campaign '42, the DLC started to cover the Eastern Front exclusively. No announcement so far about the Western Front, Northern Africa or Sicily.
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Posted: Thu, 12th Apr 2012 19:13 Post subject: |
They are going to finish first, the eastern branch. Then they will go for the western.
As for North Africa, they are planning not a DLC but a full expansion.
But take a look at the mods section. There already a lot of good quality mods, even with North Africa.
The mod community is very active.
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Posted: Fri, 13th Apr 2012 12:56 Post subject: |
Thanks for the mods link. There are a few highly underdeveloped nations in the Panzer Corps (though Panzer General had the auxiliary nailed pretty well).
I mean France, Poland, Italy, Hungary, Romania, Finland, Norway, Holland, Belgium had way more equipment than what's in the game right now.
I hope that I'll see new equipment added, just like in PG2.
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Posted: Fri, 3rd Aug 2012 01:57 Post subject: |
Panzer Corps 1.10 patch
20+ new units to be used in existing scenarios and also in user mods, including minefields, gliders, flamethrowing tanks and motorcycle infantry
The game was extended with desert-related graphics and game rules, and is fully compatible with scenarios (both official and usernade) set in Africa theatre.
New weather type: sandstorm.
A new option to disable "Undo Move" command. Available in both single player and multiplayer.
Embarking and immediately disembarking on the same hex is treated as undo and does not spend unit's move.
Planes no longer see enemy units underneath in bad weather.
Heroes are now shown on the map as golden dots on unit's strength plates.
In unit list it is now possible to hover hero portraits and see their bonuses in a tooltip.
Unit info screen shows not only the number of kills the unit scored, but also the number of losses it took in the course of the game.
Scenario briefing, as well as any messages that appear in course of a scenario (new feature, not used in old campaigns), are now included in Message log invoked via UI button of Ctrl+M shortcut.
Library was extended with articles about the most prominent WW2 fighters and bombers.
Added italian heroes and awards, and also 10 new german heroes.
Some general improvements in AI play logic.
The AI can now use more unit orders, in particular drop paratroopers and switch multipurpose units.
The AI supports a number of new settings available to modders via the new editor.
The patch updates the game to version 1.10 which is required to login into Multiplayer server after Afrika Korps release.
The game is updated to be compatible with Afrika Korps engine, so that it is possible to accept challenges and play games against opponents using Afrika Korps.
One more new MP scenario added: Spoils of War
Corrected balance in Iron Cross Red Star map.
Bug fixes
A number of fixes in unit icons and animations
Movement heroes no longer affect units in sea/air/rail transports
Fixed crash when using Mount and Supply hotkeys during deployment
Fixed strategic bombers adding white flag when bombing cities with no flags on them.
And much more
More advanced scripting. Now it is possible to trigger not only single actions but also scripts which can consist of several actions. Each script can run one or several times, and also skip a few runs before it gets executed. Also, it is now possible to run scripts not only at the end of a turn, but immediately when the required condition is met (e. g. you capture a city - this triggers an event), and also at the beginning/end of axis/allies half-turn. There are new types of actions (display message, center on hex, mark or unmark certain hex as victory objective) and conditions. Setting and checking tags allow scripts to exchange information - a certain trigger could depend on one or several scripts running prior to its execution etc.
A number of new AI orders. It is possible to give the units to move to a certain hex via a given trajectory, or to move to one of several hexes randomly; patrol area in different ways, or disembark on one of several given hexes randomly. Also, the AI action allows to assign all these new AI orders based on a certain trigger.
Unit placement randomization. Both preplaced units and reinforcements can now appear at random location - within a given radius from their original hex, or in a given zone. This allows to do pretty tricky randomizations: for example, reinforcements could come from any location on the border of the map.
Heroes configuration. Now it is possible to assign any heroes to any units on the map.
Exit zones. Available via Special Hexes layer, separately for Axis and Allies. A unit which enters such a hex is removed from the map and is placed in Reserve. It is also possible to analyze units in reserve using map condition with "Where" set to "Reserve".
It is now possible to set max strength on a per-unit individual basis.
It is now possible to have several different transports of the same type in the same scenario (e. g. normal air transports and gliders at the same time). They are configured via Transports tab in Scenario Params.
Theatre setting. Any scenario can be set in Europe or Africa. Depending on theatre setting the units will use appropriate camouflage.
In addition to cloudy weather, rain and snow, it is not possible to specify probability of sandstorms in a given scenario.
Share flags setting. If set, units of any nation can be purchased next to flags belonging to allied nations (e. g. german units near italian falgs if germany and italy belong to the same side).
"Special" check box in unit params, allowing to mark mission-critical units (the ones you need to protect, escort, destroy) with a different strength plate.
Generate Tiles command no longer overwrites any tiles set manually by the designer. It is possible to generate tiles on a per-layer basis.
It is possible to change unit type without losing its stats - just select new type and click on the unit twice (first click will select the unit, second will change the type).
Units should no longer lose transports after editing unit params.
French and Russian localizations included with this patch.
It is now possible to reduce the game memory footprint by running it with a /nocache command line switch. This might be useful if you are using heavy mods, or simply have very little memory on your PC.
In Data folder there is a new file called diff.pzdat. This file contains all settings for all difficulty levels. So it is now possible to customize difficulty as you want. Also, the modders can include a custom diff.pzdat with their campaigns, thus making difficulty levels which are more suited to their content.
Movement tables can now use fractional movement costs (with one digit after decimal sign, e. g. 1.1 or 1.5, but not 1.25).
heroes and battle history.
New unit traits: minefield, minesweeper, minekiller, glider, nozoc, reconmove.
It is now possible to configure which transports a unit can use, on a per-unit basis, and also create new transport subclasses within primary transport classes (land, sea, air and rail) in the equipment table.
It is now possible to exclude any unit from any theatre of operation in the equipment table.
Multiple nation campaigns are now supported - just list all nations separated with commas in the campaign.pzdat file.
The game can now play voiceovers not only for pre-scenario, but also for post-scenario briefings.
Switch command should now work between planes (i. e. switch ground to air and vice versa).
Added "kills X" cheat. Allows to set any number of kills on a unit.
Added "reform units" cheat. When this mode is active (entering the cheat code again deactivates it), all killed units move to reserve with zero strength and can be reformed before the next scen. Killed unit loses all experience, but preserves name, awards,
"all eqp" cheat now also allows to purchase bonus and captured units.
Removed "air", "sea' and "rail" cheats.
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Posted: Tue, 7th Aug 2012 11:40 Post subject: |
Afrika Korps expansion was released
A brand-new Afrika Korps campaign with 24 new scenarios.
Several new MP scenarios set in the African theatre.
More than 20+ new units added to the equipment table, like gliders and flamethrowing tanks.
More varied scenario objectives.
Scenario objectives that could change during the course of a battle.
New desert-related weather types.
10 new Afrika Korps heroes.
Improved AI.
New media like: new concept art, music, etc…
New Intro Trailer.
The Library extended with the most prominent WW2 airplanes.
New desert tile-set and desert camouflage units.
All new units and tile-sets are available for use by the modding community through the existing editor
Your core force can now contain allied units, such as Italians.
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Posted: Mon, 8th Oct 2012 11:01 Post subject: |
Panzer Corps Grand Campaign '42 - '43 West DLC coming out on 10.10.2012
Spoiler: | Panzer Corps Grand Campaign ’42-43 West is the latest and highly-anticipated DLC for the award-winning and critically-acclaimed turn-based strategy game Panzer Corps. Produced and developed by a team of experts and brought to perfection by a community of hundreds of fans, the game has evolved over two years to become what can be defined as a modern classic!
Set during WWII on the Western Front, Germany is now facing the Western Allies as they engage in campaigns of hit and run raids to gather intelligence and probe their costal defences for weaknesses. Take command of a newly-formed task force to repel these commando raids and to prepare for the eventual return of the Western Allies to Europe! Fight at Dieppe, Syracuse, repel the Salerno landings, and more to prove yourself as the thorn in the Allies’ side.
The DLC contains 14 all-new scenarios that utilize and expand on the new features implemented with the release of Panzer Corps: Afrika Korps, creating a truly new and unique campaign. Players can use their core forces that completed previous campaigns as it gains experience and new equipment, or alternatively use a preset core force and play each of the campaigns on its own or jump in at any year.
Grand Campaign ’42-43 West is an expansion and requires a copy of Panzer Corps or Panzer Corps: Afrika Korps to play.
Scenario list:
St. Nazaire
Etna Line North
Etna Line South
Salerno Landing
Salerno Counter-Attack
Volturno Line |
There will also be DLC for Grand Campaign set on the western front for year 1944-1945.
There are plans for an Allied Campaign, for a Pacific campaign and for a Soviet campaign. We'll see which ones will come out in the end.
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Posted: Wed, 14th Nov 2012 21:52 Post subject: |
Not recommended though, as the key is already banned.
A better version that has everything released so far is available on two well known forums and a certain less known german forum.
Also Panzer Corps Grand Camapign '44 West is announced for December.
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Posts: 1750
Location: Warren, MN
Posted: Wed, 8th Mar 2017 17:27 Post subject: |
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VIP Member
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Posted: Wed, 8th Mar 2017 17:35 Post subject: |
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Posted: Sat, 11th Mar 2017 21:56 Post subject: |
anyone knows if its possible to enable the dlcs by registry in a steam copy
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Posted: Tue, 18th Mar 2025 11:57 Post subject: |
Full game with latest updates and DLC.
chill out man, life is beautifull...
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