Kingdom Come: Deliverance / Deliverance II
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Posts: 1130

PostPosted: Fri, 21st Feb 2025 19:20    Post subject:
You guys sure use a lot of time, energy and focus on this.
You sure you guys are comfortable in your sexuality? Just saying.
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Posts: 2533

PostPosted: Fri, 21st Feb 2025 19:27    Post subject:
Photish wrote:
You guys sure use a lot of time, energy and focus on this.
You sure you guys are comfortable in your sexuality? Just saying.

Depends on who is asking J Browman

Hans is that you?
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Posts: 1130

PostPosted: Fri, 21st Feb 2025 19:36    Post subject:
I´m here for you! Me Gusta
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Posts: 2425
Location: USA
PostPosted: Fri, 21st Feb 2025 19:38    Post subject:
Can't they just mute the homosexual tension a smidge? Im thinking ala Top Gun 1987 Laughing
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PostPosted: Fri, 21st Feb 2025 19:48    Post subject:
Photish wrote:
You guys sure use a lot of time, energy and focus on this.
You sure you guys are comfortable in your sexuality? Just saying.
Well it sure seems to be bothering you... everything alright over there? Just saying Laughing

boundle (thoughts on cracking AITD) wrote:
i guess thouth if without a legit key the installation was rolling back we are all fucking then
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Posts: 1130

PostPosted: Fri, 21st Feb 2025 21:05    Post subject:
Good one, Tonzi <3
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PostPosted: Mon, 24th Feb 2025 09:55    Post subject:
Very Happy

May the NFOrce be with you always.
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Posts: 9614
Location: Transylvania
PostPosted: Mon, 24th Feb 2025 10:13    Post subject:
Game looks better.

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Posts: 6417

PostPosted: Mon, 24th Feb 2025 17:31    Post subject:
I really dislike woke in games. I boycott games for being woke.

But KCD2 is easily GOTY. The level of immersion is something I have never seen before. I just love being in this world. Huge congrats to the team. The last game I felt this immersed in were ye olde Piranha Bytes games like gothic 2 or risen.

I also like the slowed down pace (of everything). Made me realize the slower pace adds a lot to the experience.
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Posts: 9614
Location: Transylvania
PostPosted: Mon, 24th Feb 2025 17:49    Post subject:
Radicalus wrote:
I also like the slowed down pace (of everything). Made me realize the slower pace adds a lot to the experience.

Yep, old men like slower paced games.


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Posts: 2503

PostPosted: Mon, 24th Feb 2025 18:32    Post subject:
i don't know men.. i mean i am old as sin (not that sin) and this game tickles me all the right places BUT if you have like an hour playtime to spare per day then games like this really don't come together
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Posts: 163

PostPosted: Mon, 24th Feb 2025 22:00    Post subject:
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Posts: 6417

PostPosted: Mon, 24th Feb 2025 22:13    Post subject:
pho08 wrote:
i don't know men.. i mean i am old as sin (not that sin) and this game tickles me all the right places BUT if you have like an hour playtime to spare per day then games like this really don't come together

This game is for 3/4 hours per session. Phone off.
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Posts: 13457
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Mon, 24th Feb 2025 23:36    Post subject:
sucks we still have 2002 animations in games, pretty much.

That was one thing that impressed me with the latest Horizon, like facial animations in cut scenes etc, looks pretty good.

+ games still don't understand that a head can't go through a wall or a weapon can't clip through a cape, horse etc. so lame that nothing happens in decades, while for something like textures / rendering its developing every year.
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PostPosted: Sat, 1st Mar 2025 16:24    Post subject:

May the NFOrce be with you always.
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PostPosted: Sat, 8th Mar 2025 06:50    Post subject:

May the NFOrce be with you always.
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Posts: 9614
Location: Transylvania
PostPosted: Sat, 8th Mar 2025 18:25    Post subject:
Don't think I'll play this until (all) the DLCs are out.

A high interest I had in this universe is exploring monasteries (like in KCD1 and The Name of The Rose movie) and solve crimes.

Guess what?!

That DLC comes in winter...

You must preorder your party before venturing forth.™FOV CalculatorAre you mindful today?Women: Know Your Limits!
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Posts: 2689

PostPosted: Sat, 8th Mar 2025 19:57    Post subject:
Rayque wrote:

"On another level"? Sure, another level of shit... No motion or body language whatsoever during that row, the 2 men just stand still like pricks. And don't even get me started on the animations and the ice-skating. The VO is good, but it's really painful to look at.

Frant wrote:
Shitass games are ruining piracy.
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Posts: 29167

PostPosted: Sun, 9th Mar 2025 08:00    Post subject:
I am enjoying my time, but I find a few choices puzzling. One is to use the same faces of people again and again. Is it that hard to make more? The miller, I've seen him as a merchant elsewhere (religious fella in green, appears randomly at camps, badges on his hat). Why duplicate a main character? I've seen the clothes merchant as a bandit at Nebakov (same voice too). I've seen the old lady who helps you at the start as someone high up at the wedding. The more you play, the more you notice.

Animation in general is appalling by 2025 standards. You can't go from the likes of RDR2 > KCD2 without noticing it. Horses turn as though they weigh nothing, like a sudden jerk rather than a realistic movement. Try to walk and follow someone, and their heads will turn from side to side like someone psychotic - it's generally better following horses. And I see NPCs getting stuck a lot, typically near wagons. I don't mind this so much, it's a game after all, but it's more noticeable now than it would have been at the time KCD1 came out.

The graphics and techniques used can be pretty old school. The detail and lighting are nice, but it's still doing some things in an archaic way. Someone already mentioned the skybox, but have you noticed how it rains, when it rains? Here's a test - next time it does, get on your horse and run. Look to the side and keep looking. You will notice the rain is moving with you, like this. Same with audio. You can hear a conversation on the other side of any floor, ceiling, wall or walls, clear as day.

There's quite a few things about the UI, but the most annoying is constantly being shown which perk is activated. PLEASE tell me again that 'leshy' is active, I need to see it for the 4,000th time. How is this not a toggle to turn off?

Lots of conversation errors. Eg: I got the book for the miller, he thanked me etc, then I was able to discuss with him the 'lady' from the wedding, and he asks how I will get the book for him now. Um? LOADS of these.

Also, quest errors. The Demons of Trosky quest has you needing to go behind a door that gets permanently closed after a different quest, and you can only complete it by teleporting yourself behind it (then back out again). And Jarda the Great, a random fighter you meet on the roads. I killed him and his mate, but his random encounter keeps popping up, as does his corpse, it seems. You can also accept quests that are no longer available, eg: Handsome Charlie AFTER a key story event - you are given it, and people will keep telling you about it, but it never appears in your journal.

The AI are dumb when it comes to searching, seeing dead bodies, listening to the cries of their companions being attacked, and so on. What doesn't help are things like... how can you tell what is vs isn't out of bounds/trespassing? Or where you can sleep vs can't? It seems like the only way is to step into one of these areas/sleep and THEN find out if it's an issue (sometimes with a penalty applied).

And so far I haven't needed to wear a single piece of armour, just cloth. There's no need when masterstrike will take down anything. Even with cloth, you can take a few wallops before going down.

It really, really needs a bunch of patches and an official hardcore mode again. Topped off with a few mods, it'll be great. It's unbalanced as all hell.

Speaking of balancing, something like using a bow on a horse will let you win any fight, yet there's a perk to decrease stamina usage by 50% when mounted. That's crazy. You can sell the same horses ~60 seconds from the buyer for between 300-400 groschen a pop, over and over. And do I really need to eat 25 apples to restore 50% of hunger? 25?

You pretty much can still steal what you like, so long as you hoard it (plus your money), get a good rep, then sell it all. The deterrent of them being more vigilant means nothing since you can do this. And pickpocketing? This alone unbalances the entire game, it's so easy. I've picked the same 300 groschen gem off the same homeless guy countless times. And before the wedding mission even starts you can be near maxed out in everything. This is the second time they've been unable to balance a game. The exact same issues from the first.

I love this game, but if they approach it like this for a 3rd time, it's really going to show its age. I feel like the 9/10, 10/10s and perfect Steam reviews come far too quickly - you can't digest a game like this and all it has to offer before spending a lot of time with it.
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Posts: 34327
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PostPosted: Wed, 12th Mar 2025 03:26    Post subject:

May the NFOrce be with you always.
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Posts: 2425
Location: USA
PostPosted: Wed, 12th Mar 2025 05:53    Post subject:
Game had a great story/main quest aside from the weirdly hamfisted homo bits IMO but it the world size could have been paired down by 30% at least, too many of the villages get samey and after about 40 hours i found myself ignoring the side quests. Im sure there are some good ones but I just wanted to progress the main quest-after all my homosexual sidekick Hans is captured (how many times during the course of the game? 2x? 3x?) and Henry is supposed to want to get him back. Too much running back and forth in general (the gypsy quests made me want to bludgeon my head into my desk a few times due to all the back and forth, these added almost nothing to the game for me) but hey that's modern open world gaming for you.

One of the game's biggest flaws is the loot is totally unbalanced, as is most of the game in general-i stopped finding armor upgrades by the middle of the game, and of course once you upgrade Sir Radzigs sword that's game over for weapon upgrades, assuming you are using swords (why wouldn't you be? it's the best choice by far due to master strike). Last 8 hours of the game i was 2 shotting everything Laughing I enjoyed the power curve of the first game far more-coming up from a peasant to a killing machine felt far more satisfying, whereas this game i was killing groups of 3 bandits by myself literally 3-4 hours into the game.

Back to the main quest, the ending of this game was one of the best i've seen-laugh out loud funny, I really really enjoyed the performances of both Jan Zizka and Sigismund-2 very badass very memorable characters with great VA.
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Posts: 6417

PostPosted: Wed, 12th Mar 2025 17:18    Post subject:
W123 wrote:
Game had a great story/main quest aside from the weirdly hamfisted homo bits IMO but it the world size could have been paired down by 30% at least, too many of the villages get samey and after about 40 hours i found myself ignoring the side quests. Im sure there are some good ones but I just wanted to progress the main quest-after all my homosexual sidekick Hans is captured (how many times during the course of the game? 2x? 3x?) and Henry is supposed to want to get him back. Too much running back and forth in general (the gypsy quests made me want to bludgeon my head into my desk a few times due to all the back and forth, these added almost nothing to the game for me) but hey that's modern open world gaming for you.

One of the game's biggest flaws is the loot is totally unbalanced, as is most of the game in general-i stopped finding armor upgrades by the middle of the game, and of course once you upgrade Sir Radzigs sword that's game over for weapon upgrades, assuming you are using swords (why wouldn't you be? it's the best choice by far due to master strike). Last 8 hours of the game i was 2 shotting everything Laughing I enjoyed the power curve of the first game far more-coming up from a peasant to a killing machine felt far more satisfying, whereas this game i was killing groups of 3 bandits by myself literally 3-4 hours into the game.

Back to the main quest, the ending of this game was one of the best i've seen-laugh out loud funny, I really really enjoyed the performances of both Jan Zizka and Sigismund-2 very badass very memorable characters with great VA.

I haven't finished it yet. Everything you write is true, and still it is the best game I have played since CP2k77.

I decided to not use the OP sword, just to keep the immersion of improving bit by bit. But it is true, I arrived to Kuttenberg and instantly bought the best armor and had 15k to spare. After that I was basically untouchable, and cleaned map.
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PostPosted: Thu, 13th Mar 2025 17:20    Post subject:
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PostPosted: Sat, 15th Mar 2025 09:27    Post subject:

May the NFOrce be with you always.
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Posts: 2105

PostPosted: Mon, 17th Mar 2025 21:24    Post subject:

chill out man, life is beautifull...
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PostPosted: Wed, 19th Mar 2025 19:47    Post subject:

May the NFOrce be with you always.
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PostPosted: Wed, 19th Mar 2025 23:46    Post subject:
This is just from 1 quest

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Posts: 2425
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PostPosted: Thu, 20th Mar 2025 02:47    Post subject:
Eurojank is eurojank
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Posts: 9324
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PostPosted: Thu, 20th Mar 2025 08:14    Post subject:
Interinactive wrote:
This is just from 1 quest


But what a quest
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