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Posts: 13457
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Fri, 9th Feb 2024 23:01    Post subject:

some retextures i've done recently


the originals looks like they're made out of soggy paper, vague colors, and of course resolution is 256x256..
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VIP Member

Posts: 5991

PostPosted: Sat, 10th Feb 2024 11:06    Post subject:
When are you creating your own studio and drag Nightdive into bankruptcy ? Very Happy
Just kidding, never do it.. unless they give you billions and complete freedom, I guess Razz

Your modding work is top-notch as always, thank you !

R5 5600X - 3070FE - 16GB DDR4 3600 - Asus B550 TUF Gaming Plus - BeQuiet Straight Power 11 750W - Pure Base 500DX
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Posts: 13457
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Sat, 10th Feb 2024 15:25    Post subject:
hah, i'm so glad i can do this as a hobby only.

thanks mate!
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Posts: 9614
Location: Transylvania
PostPosted: Sat, 10th Feb 2024 15:51    Post subject:

You must preorder your party before venturing forth.™FOV CalculatorAre you mindful today?Women: Know Your Limits!
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[Moderator] Consigliere

Posts: 64932
Location: Italy
PostPosted: Sat, 13th Apr 2024 23:39    Post subject:
Some Ready or Not, the single-player successor to SWAT and Rainbow Six after decades of failures and sad trombones. It's jankier than necessary (corpses spazzing out ahoy!), the non-lethal approach feels like an afterthought and even after all the patches the AI is still rather bizarre (which becomes a problem when doing the campaign), but the atmosphere is top-notch. Complex level design, satisfying gunplay and an interesting variety of missions, each with its specific theme brimming with attention to detail.

(For the typical TAA vaseline-y blur I applied Reshade's recent cShard.fx sharpen effect - more effective and less performance consuming than the others)


Callisto Protocol, an exercise in futility. Technically solid thanks to the visceral(tm) atmosphere and visuals which received great care, unlike..everything else. What a shame


Tomb Raider I Remustarded, a faithful recreation of the brilliant explorative and hand-holding-free classic Lara 1.0* which is still a joy to play. Although some environmental redesigns are hit and miss and visibility can be an issue because of the proper lighting system, the various patches have fixed most of the incongruences with the effects/textures. Modern controls + mouse are viable as well now despite some general glitchiness.

*the offensive, inappropriate, deeply harmful, and inexcusable one


Deus Ex Human Revolution DC with Rudy's ENB that enhances the lighting by adding pseudo-GI/AO/real-time reflective surfaces + Vulkan .dll to eliminate the stuttering (not completely, but close enough). If there were proper HD textures available, this would essentially be like a modern remaster Razz

As for the game itself, it's still a pleasure with its magnificent atmosphere and tangible sense of immersion, complemented by the solid writing and gameplay. I wish some elements of it were less consolized/streamlined (the expected price to pay for a multiplatform title) such as the takedown animations, the actual shooting and some areas being less open than needed, however, the experience isn't too tarnished by their presence, as opposed to the forever gimped Invisible War.

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Posts: 73193
Location: Ramat Gan, Israel 🇮🇱
PostPosted: Sat, 13th Apr 2024 23:43    Post subject:
ixigia wrote:
the non-lethal approach feels like an afterthought

So it’s very realistic to USA SWAT then? Laughing
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[Moderator] Consigliere

Posts: 64932
Location: Italy
PostPosted: Sun, 14th Apr 2024 00:04    Post subject:
LeoNatan wrote:
ixigia wrote:
the non-lethal approach feels like an afterthought

So it’s very realistic to USA SWAT then? Laughing

Haha indeed Very Happy
To be fair though the general aggressiveness of the suspects in the game is so high that the usual "yell for compliance" action is almost a waste of time - especially since many of them love to play the fake surrender card. It was even worse a few months back when the "1.0" came out, now that was the true USA experience Laughing
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[Moderator] Consigliere

Posts: 64932
Location: Italy
PostPosted: Thu, 27th Jun 2024 01:59    Post subject:
Metro Exodus Enhanced Raymustarded Edition, which brings improvements in how the lighting bounces throughout all the various surfaces/materials, though there are some instances where the effects are either exaggerated or not tuned properly. The result overall is still quite remarkable, except for the signature stiff facial animations with empty breeki eyes that didn't receive any update. As for the game itself, despite the inner consolitis with uneven level design and the characters' tendency to talk for way longer than they should, it is a solid and atmospheric experience in a pretty barren modern big-budget FPS scenario.


Some Ghost of Ubishima, not a compelling game in terms of variety and copypasta'd open-world dynamics but it worked quite well as a time waster. Kudos to the inspired art direction, albeit a tad simplistic.


The super-duper modded Gothic in DX11 + HD textures slapped on it, a genuine golden oldie with all its flaws and rawness, but pleasant and rewarding nonetheless. I'll be starting another modded Gothic 2 run at some point too, to commemorate the dead Piranhamen <3


The Dark Mod (latest version) which comes with some neat features and graphical enhancements such as soft shadows and better diffuse lighting for the ancient idTech 4 Razz
Since unfortunately we never had a Thief 4, this serves us very nicely as the gameplay + interface essentially mirror the good ol' Thief 1/2, and the quality of the user-made missions is high enough to forget for a while that the gaming industry is in ruins.

The top ones are all worth playing:

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Posts: 73193
Location: Ramat Gan, Israel 🇮🇱
PostPosted: Thu, 27th Jun 2024 02:18    Post subject:
What about Thi4f? Rolling Eyes

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[Moderator] Consigliere

Posts: 64932
Location: Italy
PostPosted: Thu, 27th Jun 2024 02:31    Post subject:
Very Happy
Not to mention the terrible level design and the fact that you couldn't even a Thief game! which still baffles me to this day, haha. Also the melodramatic "story" by Pratchett's inept daughter Laughing
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[Moderator] Consigliere

Posts: 64932
Location: Italy
PostPosted: Tue, 26th Nov 2024 01:27    Post subject:
I was going through Deadfire's DLCs and instantly got reminded of how inspired the game is from an artistic standpoint with its attention to detail and finely animated backgrounds. If only the ancient and fundamentally broken Unity Kraken beast underneath it wasn't so poorly performing..Still, [Eothas intensifies]


Some UBOAT, practically the indie remake of Silent Hunter with more accessible controls and pesky micro-management added to the mix (which can be semi-automatized). It's got issues and bugs that I hope will be fixed but the game does a fairly good job at scratching old sub itches:


And the obligatory fully path-traced Kurwapunk collection with some Reshade just for the sharpening/gamma (and no Ray Reconstruction since it merely adds more approximated vaseline), providing extremely sexy visuals despite the image quality that often leaves to be desired when things are in motion:


Random creations of an insane mind / Screens from Bulgaria [Early Access]

Last edited by ixigia on Tue, 17th Dec 2024 15:14; edited 1 time in total
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Posts: 11000

PostPosted: Tue, 26th Nov 2024 03:02    Post subject:
Nice shots, Ixi! What is your current pc setup? Very Happy

1 and 2 are still amazing.
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[Moderator] Consigliere

Posts: 64932
Location: Italy
PostPosted: Tue, 26th Nov 2024 16:20    Post subject:
Yuri wrote:
Nice shots, Ixi! What is your current pc setup? Very Happy

Thanks, I upgraded last year since it was long overdue (i7-13700k/4070/32GB DDR5/990 Pro). To be honest, there have only been a handful of demanding titles that could keep my interest, but that's the state of 202X Gaeming for you Razz

The only one that I was looking forward to this year is STALKER 2 and (as expected) it needs to spend a lot of time in the oven, though at least the potential is there also considering the modding.
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Posts: 13457
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Mon, 3rd Feb 2025 08:40    Post subject:

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[Moderator] Consigliere

Posts: 64932
Location: Italy
PostPosted: Fri, 21st Mar 2025 01:20    Post subject:
Back to revisiting some oldies Very Happy (not many left from the backlog at this point)

Mirror's Edge, with the fix for everything UE3-related + HBAO/AA forced via nvidia inspector (PCGamingWiki has all the details)
A short but packed experience that's pretty much timeless in terms of tight mechanics, art direction, and moody OST. 50x0 Series not allowed Cool Face


Tomb Raider 2 Remustarded, not quite as cohesive and atmospheric as TR1 because of the rather bland wreckage levels + omnipresent bullet spongey enemies, and certainly not as varied as TR3, but still immensely more rewarding than anything Lara has produced in the past 20 years. The highlight is Tibet, especially the iconic Temple of Xian. Although these remasters alter the original lighting more than they should and some levers/buttons become semi-hidden in the process, the unlocked framerate and mouse controls are nice comforts to have.


Soldier of Fortune 2, with the mandatory patch , a couple of mods from Nexus (HD UI and arms) and some faux RTGI from Reshade. It's just as bizarrely unbalanced as I remembered, combining the run & gun formula with scripts borrowed from Half Life and tactical elements (unlike SoF 1 which is essentially Quake set in modern times), but the final result is rewarding in its own way. The dismemberment system is still satisfying, I just wish bodies didn't disappear after ten seconds and enemies didn't have the supernatural ability to shoot through solid surfaces, but John F. Mullins is trained for that!

(Make sure to pick the Custom difficulty setting and turn the silly weapon inaccuracy off so that the game plays a bit more like the first one)


Desperados, locked at 1600x900 (higher resolutions make the characters look way too tiny) and upscaled -> 1440p using Lossless Scaling - still a bit sluggish by default because of the very low base framerate, but playable. The game is more finicky, exploitable and occasionally tedious than Mimimi's modern sequel, but I prefer the original when it comes to atmosphere and its grounded tone:


Random creations of an insane mind / Screens from Bulgaria [Early Access]

Last edited by ixigia on Fri, 21st Mar 2025 15:26; edited 1 time in total
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Posts: 1131

PostPosted: Fri, 21st Mar 2025 14:24    Post subject:
Always a delight going nostalgic with your posts Ixi Smile
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