Nice episode, but yeah, this should have been episode 2 or 3 of this season. Everything else between can be ignored and it wouldn't matter. Even Frenchie and Kimiko are a thing again
There must have been a door there in the wall, when I came in.
Truly gone fishing.
Did I miss something or firecracker story got jumbled at the end? She was coming down with a serious illness. Could have been some version of the antisupe virus, or something, yet in the finale we hear her TV speech where she looks fine.
And Ashley having jabbed herself with the supifying serum didn't have her happy ending on-screen too.
If these two events were supposed to be parts of the cliffhanger to the fifth season, they were not presented as such.
Her illness is due to the medicine she is taking to force lactation. I'm not sure why you think this is a cliffhanger as she literally says it herself. Were you doom scrolling while watching?
tv shows need to put in their disclaimer for IQ requirments it seems
tv shows need to put in their disclaimer for IQ requirments it seems
Like you I enjoyed the Acolyte, to a point, at least.
While almost everyone was cursing it. What does this fact say about your IQ?
garus wrote:
Her illness is due to the medicine she is taking to force lactation. I'm not sure why you think this is a cliffhanger as she literally says it herself. Were you doom scrolling while watching?
I presumed her assumption was wrong, and she was sick with something more serious.
Yet still at the very end she looked completely fine, isn't that confusing? Or that is supposed to mean, she no longer takes the drug, no longer feeds Homelander with her milk and completely recovered from the symptoms? If that is so, then what the hell was the point of introducing this story line?
I enjoyed season 4 for what it was. Making fun of the wokes and the anti wokes. I think it was good fun. But as others said, it didnt advance the story.
exactly, last ep was good but should have been a mid season episode, the ideea behind the politics is good but its just too much politics everywhere to then have it in this show for a full season and again sacrifice the rest of the story
to then again release the next season in 2 years...idk why tf it takes so long for this show
This season was like "whatever sticks to the board". It was flashy, fleshy and gorey but lacked coherence. The fact that Firecracker in one scenes looks like she is dying to appear ok in another is the least of its sins. Why not mention Butcher dying in hospital: "call a doctor..." to spawn tentacles out of ass in another "... but not for me". And no one bats an eye - the viewer and in the series. The shapeshifter plot out of ass. The whole script was written by Sage but after she was shot in the head.
sar·casm | \ ˈsär-ˌka-zəm \
1: a sharp and often satirical or ironic utterance designed to cut or give pain
2a: a mode of satirical wit depending for its effect on bitter, caustic, and often ironic language that is usually directed against an individual
b: the use or language of sarcasm
sar·casm | \ ˈsär-ˌka-zəm \
1: a sharp and often satirical or ironic utterance designed to cut or give pain
2a: a mode of satirical wit depending for its effect on bitter, caustic, and often ironic language that is usually directed against an individual
b: the use or language of sarcasm
With the permanent supe-intolerance that I've developed in the past few years, one vial of standard capeBoys for five seasons is more than enough to me
Finally caught up with season 4, what an absolute heap of shit Last episode was the only somewhat interesting one as it actually advanced the story a little. So much wasted potential Gen V on the other hand was much better
My wife watched it and liked it all, it was a bit daft of a show to me when I saw:
them trying to kill the diamond skin guy and brainstorming ways to kill him as no one has thought of a way all these years. Really?
What about the obvious ways in, his mouth, nose, ears, and took this long for someone to think of a way inside him to kill him, and the only way they think of is the least obvious orifice you CANT see anytime you look at his orifice filled face?
You got him in the cage, hold his mouth open, and shoot him..done. 10 seconds.
Democracy Dies in Dumbness.
Sure, but you will quickly find that your extremism makes us unable to agree what a mental patient is. So it is truly no point in doing so. Copy this quote as well, or shall I?
OH no she doesn't do movies or TV shows with me unless it is one of my type (comedies or cartoons )
I can't do drama, suspense or such movies. Plot holes and tension/action that is '..what?' ruin the suspense for me. So I just watch comedies and cartoons to get the humor and fun scenes, without the "Ok that broke my immersion in it, this whole scene for tension makes no sense"
Because I am 100% EXACTLY like this while watching them. She is the one who sent me this video long ago:
Democracy Dies in Dumbness.
Sure, but you will quickly find that your extremism makes us unable to agree what a mental patient is. So it is truly no point in doing so. Copy this quote as well, or shall I?
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