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Posts: 2313
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PostPosted: Mon, 19th Aug 2019 16:19    Post subject:
Guess the super duper graphics pack made way for this
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Posts: 1086

PostPosted: Mon, 19th Aug 2019 18:47    Post subject:
this really speaks to me of just how shitty rtx is, get fucked nvidia. you can already get mc looking "photorealistic" and you don't need dodgy raycasting to do it.
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Posts: 26759

PostPosted: Tue, 20th Aug 2019 14:15    Post subject:
If this is DXR based, why wouldn't this also work with Radeon cards?

=> NFOrce GIF plugin <= - Ryzen 3800X, 16GB DDR4-3200, Sapphire 5700XT Pulse
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Posts: 11914

PostPosted: Tue, 20th Aug 2019 14:54    Post subject:
PumpAction wrote:
If this is DXR based, why wouldn't this also work with Radeon cards?

Because Nvidia. Whirling cane
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Mostly Cursed

Posts: 87805

PostPosted: Mon, 13th Jan 2020 13:44    Post subject:

Jesus. H. Christ.

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Posts: 1903
Location: BG
PostPosted: Mon, 13th Jan 2020 14:55    Post subject:
"Coming soon" aka "Pre-Alpha in 2030"... Sad
Looks awesome tho. I 'member when someone made the entire Hogwarts back before Minecraft was taken by Microsoft and it looks like a Lego car compared with a real car to this.
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Mostly Cursed

Posts: 87805

PostPosted: Mon, 13th Jan 2020 14:56    Post subject:
Apparently it has been in development for over 3 years and the release is, again, apparently... this month Smile What I love about this is that it's not just a block map, but an entire game Surprised Crazy bastards made a Harry Potter RPG inside Minecraft Very Happy
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Posts: 1903
Location: BG
PostPosted: Mon, 13th Jan 2020 15:14    Post subject:
Yes, looks cool. Reminded me of the first Harry Potter games in the beginning of the 2000's but without beans. Hope they really do it. Surprised
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Mostly Cursed

Posts: 87805

PostPosted: Mon, 13th Jan 2020 15:18    Post subject:
Me too! I've never been interested in Minecraft, but for something like this? Basically a voxel-based HP RPG? I'd check it out Very Happy
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Posts: 5991

PostPosted: Mon, 13th Jan 2020 15:53    Post subject:
Holy shit, this looks awesome.. hope it doesn't get delayed indefinitely because this is really promising.
Reminds me of those Disneyland worlds in which pretty much everything works and is incredibly faithful to the base material (https://www.minedisney.com), but this is even more insane to me - I wouldn't have expected parts of London to be included as well.

I have little clue about how this would play though (would be cool if you could do "campaigns" as in something akin to a school "year", or based off the HP books' events), but I'm interested enough to bother researching it later. Razz

R5 5600X - 3070FE - 16GB DDR4 3600 - Asus B550 TUF Gaming Plus - BeQuiet Straight Power 11 750W - Pure Base 500DX
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Posts: 6967

PostPosted: Tue, 14th Jan 2020 08:00    Post subject:
playing this for the first time right now. survival, no mods/plugins.
wanted to play with some friends on a private server, since all public servers i have found were no real survival servers, or loaded with plugins.

we play for 2 weeks now but sometimes there is pretty bad lag, pretty much because of poor server performance. actually we thought we had chosen a good server provider, but apparently we were wrpng.

so can anyone in here recommend a good and also maybe cheap server hoster for minecraft? im talking about those easy, click, buy, click, host, click, play, servers. i don't want to set up anything with ftp access or so.

region: germany/europe
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Posts: 1086

PostPosted: Wed, 15th Jan 2020 06:51    Post subject:
freiwald wrote:
playing this for the first time right now. survival, no mods/plugins.
wanted to play with some friends on a private server, since all public servers i have found were no real survival servers, or loaded with plugins.

we play for 2 weeks now but sometimes there is pretty bad lag, pretty much because of poor server performance. actually we thought we had chosen a good server provider, but apparently we were wrpng.

so can anyone in here recommend a good and also maybe cheap server hoster for minecraft? im talking about those easy, click, buy, click, host, click, play, servers. i don't want to set up anything with ftp access or so.

region: germany/europe

your server must be pretty shit indeed if you are having trouble with unmodded mc, that is hilarious. modded mc on the other hand needs some serious power so the only decent option is a real dedicated. chances are you're on an awful shared instance here if it's particularly cheap.

of course if you are setting up automated farms everywhere in the game it will drag down any server, vanilla or otherwise so keep that in mind Laughing
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Posts: 6967

PostPosted: Wed, 15th Jan 2020 19:10    Post subject:
jermore wrote:
freiwald wrote:
playing this for the first time right now. survival, no mods/plugins.
wanted to play with some friends on a private server, since all public servers i have found were no real survival servers, or loaded with plugins.

we play for 2 weeks now but sometimes there is pretty bad lag, pretty much because of poor server performance. actually we thought we had chosen a good server provider, but apparently we were wrpng.

so can anyone in here recommend a good and also maybe cheap server hoster for minecraft? im talking about those easy, click, buy, click, host, click, play, servers. i don't want to set up anything with ftp access or so.

region: germany/europe

your server must be pretty shit indeed if you are having trouble with unmodded mc, that is hilarious. modded mc on the other hand needs some serious power so the only decent option is a real dedicated. chances are you're on an awful shared instance here if it's particularly cheap.

of course if you are setting up automated farms everywhere in the game it will drag down any server, vanilla or otherwise so keep that in mind Laughing

yea i guess so, also tried to search for another provider, but they all seem even shittier.
setting up a real dedicated server so minecraft could run, wouldn't even be a huge problem, but all the server security stuff and so on, is too much for me. i don't want to learn all the stuff just to play some minecraft.

was talking to the server support today again, and they said the latest minecraft versions runs like shit. i have read this also in the last days on multiple sites/forums.

now they moved us to another server and tried to change it from vanilla to paperMC.
for now everything runs way better. less ram usage, and cpu hovers around 40%. before that it was around 1gb more ram then now and the cpu was almost all the timte above 90%. no more "cant keep up" errors in the logs etc.

they told us, there isn't really a change to vanilla gameplay, if you use paper. it's pretty much only for better performance and plugin support. (if you want to use it)

maybe someone in here has more information about paperMC, so i know for sure, it's pretty much the same as vanilla.

also we indeed have a auto xp farm and one auto animal farm. but even if they were off, the lag was still there. of course i know that something like this will or can reduce performance.
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Posts: 1903
Location: BG
PostPosted: Mon, 6th Apr 2020 10:57    Post subject:
The Harry Potter map is out now. Or is this an update? Whatever. Just watch it. Looks promising.

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Posts: 13459
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Sun, 17th Apr 2022 05:18    Post subject:
How do you even play this these days? I played it when there was a java version, i got some email about migration and i've done that.


it says java but when you click it, you get to a Windows 10 download.. which supposedly isn't the java version at all.

Anyways, this download starts some installer (MinecraftInstaller.exe) that doesn't work, it just says "starting installation" and after a while it says it "lost communication" (obvious bullshit..) and it wants me to do it via MS store instead (well of course...), so i go to MS store and there it's available via Game Pass. So i have to purchase this game pass BS? no thanks, i have purchased this game once already. what a scam.

Is it even possible to play the java edition? do i need to find some yaaar version?
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VIP Member

Posts: 11741

PostPosted: Sun, 17th Apr 2022 06:36    Post subject:

Last edited by Yondaime on Mon, 2nd Dec 2024 15:28; edited 1 time in total
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Posts: 13459
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Sun, 17th Apr 2022 07:48    Post subject:
ah, thanks. what version should i run (i used GDlauncher), vanilla, forge, fabric, i have no idea what that means. i should say i probably want to mod it heavily Smile
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Posts: 9617
Location: Transylvania
PostPosted: Sun, 17th Apr 2022 11:43    Post subject:
vurt wrote:
How do you even play this these days?

Don't do it, brother... Don't you have already enough gaming addictions?!


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Posts: 11741

PostPosted: Sun, 17th Apr 2022 11:59    Post subject:

Last edited by Yondaime on Mon, 2nd Dec 2024 15:28; edited 1 time in total
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Posts: 13459
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Sun, 17th Apr 2022 15:33    Post subject:
A modpack sounds like the best option. Got any recommendations, if you know any or got any links to some site that links mod packs?

@blackeyedboy i actually do need some more "gaming addictions", rarely i get into games these days Sad i just end up aimlessly browsing youtube or social media instead of playing and having fun.. currently i do love Vampire Survivors though, that's an absolute gem Smile need more stuff though..
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Posts: 9617
Location: Transylvania
PostPosted: Sun, 17th Apr 2022 16:16    Post subject:
Yeah I got exactly what you mean.

Speaking of gaming (pseudo)addictions, I got into Death Stranding DC these days. Feels good to see this happening again, as I thought I am getting old or something... Laughing

But it turned out most games coming out nowadays are simply shit / very unremarkable: indies are way too early access and AAA gaming is corporate formulaic trash.

You must preorder your party before venturing forth.™FOV CalculatorAre you mindful today?Women: Know Your Limits!
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Posts: 315

PostPosted: Sun, 17th Apr 2022 17:59    Post subject:
vurt wrote:
A modpack sounds like the best option. Got any recommendations, if you know any or got any links to some site that links mod packs?

@blackeyedboy i actually do need some more "gaming addictions", rarely i get into games these days Sad i just end up aimlessly browsing youtube or social media instead of playing and having fun.. currently i do love Vampire Survivors though, that's an absolute gem Smile need more stuff though..


As for recomendations... If u want to delve really deep right away - Divine Journey 2. It can take thousand of hours to complete it.
If u want classic and the best - Enigmatica 2 Expert. Very well balanced and polished.
If you want just tech stuff and automating - Omnifactory.
If you want somewhat loose playstyle - MC Eternal.
All of them 1.12.2 versions. And all forge. Not too much good packs for newer versions. Maybe Enigmatica 6 expert and Better Minecraft for 1.16.5
You can use shaders and stuff. Minecraft can look pretty nowadays.

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Posts: 13459
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Sun, 17th Apr 2022 18:21    Post subject:
babioraz wrote:
vurt wrote:
A modpack sounds like the best option. Got any recommendations, if you know any or got any links to some site that links mod packs?

@blackeyedboy i actually do need some more "gaming addictions", rarely i get into games these days Sad i just end up aimlessly browsing youtube or social media instead of playing and having fun.. currently i do love Vampire Survivors though, that's an absolute gem Smile need more stuff though..


As for recomendations... If u want to delve really deep right away - Divine Journey 2. It can take thousand of hours to complete it.
If u want classic and the best - Enigmatica 2 Expert. Very well balanced and polished.
If you want just tech stuff and automating - Omnifactory.
If you want somewhat loose playstyle - MC Eternal.
All of them 1.12.2 versions. And all forge. Not too much good packs for newer versions. Maybe Enigmatica 6 expert and Better Minecraft for 1.16.5
You can use shaders and stuff. Minecraft can look pretty nowadays.


Many thanks!
And yes I must look into how to make it pretty now when i have my 3090.
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Posts: 11422
Location: Florida, USA
PostPosted: Sun, 17th Apr 2022 21:43    Post subject:
Id second @babioraz on getting a launcher with pack options.
Going down the rabbit hole of trying to collect and get working your own set of mods if you add a lot is pretty time consuming and tedious.

Forge/FtB/Curse launcher or such is a good place to start. I myself prefer the FtB (Feed the beast) packs for 'techy' packs.
Or like when me, my son, and our friends play and I host a dedicated server with FtB ultimate since it has all the tech stuff, magic stuff, QoL stuff, computercraft stuff, microblocks, etc. Its a "how many mods do you want?" "...yes" type of pack.

So we all can do the parts we like.
Like I go full tech/automation goal: Eventually get to a point I push a button/tell it to make something and I can make it make any item in the whole pack long as my storage array has the materials and I have enough CPU [ingame] to do a part that complicated. Want 100 high power solar arrays that would take 2 hours to make by hand? Give me 5 minutes Razz Takes weeks to get to that point, but I get satisfaction out of getting there, and a LOT of working out how to run cables/pipes/network cables to all the places you need them, like making a fully automated factory in factorio..but in 3d.
My favorite part to make is the mob spawner room: Push a button for a creature type, watch a pokeball thing go down the tube to the powered spawner, and watch as you get unlimited whatever items that mob drops as the mob killer blocks kills one every second. Or do the same with withers, and use the nether star power generator to run you base. walking around the base as you hear a wither die every few seconds behind blast glass to make RF (power) for my base.

Some of them like going the full magic route, and a couple others go wild with microblock building intricate buildings. So we use a 'Has a bit of everything' Pack.

But all a matter of taste, find a pack from some active mod pack site you like and run with it.
Because it's easier to find a pack that has all the stuff you like, even if it has extra and just ignore using the extra, than it is trying to make sure all mods work with each other, are the right versions, fussing around with config json files in them if they need it to not conflict..etc. Its all done in the pack already for you.

-We don't control what happens to us in life, but we control how we respond to what happens in life.
-Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times. -G. Michael Hopf

Disclaimer: Post made by me are of my own creation. A delusional mind relayed in text form.
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Posts: 3542
Location: Finland
PostPosted: Mon, 13th Mar 2023 19:21    Post subject:
I figured this might be the place to ask:

Can you play together with some yarrr edition or do I need to buy the game for any sort of online gameplay?

Daughter wants to play minecraft with sisters daughter on PCs instead of phones.
Looking for most child friendly way to play etc so I don't have to babysit and launch games for them, connect to servers etc.
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Posts: 6967

PostPosted: Mon, 13th Mar 2023 20:11    Post subject:
there is no ingame server list. one of them opens up the server, the other one connects over the ip, just like they would with a cracked version. no need to babysit.
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Posts: 11422
Location: Florida, USA
PostPosted: Mon, 13th Mar 2023 20:39    Post subject:
You can do that stige. And even though there is no ingame server list. You can add one to her list that she can just click and connect to.

Its like this: MP screen server list is empty. You add one to that list, call it whatever you want it named in the list. and next time you start and go MP, its a button to click and they join.
So just have one start MP, the other add that IP to the server list. And everytime they play its just 'click start MP game" and the other "Connect to the one MP game I have in my list" sort of thing.

-We don't control what happens to us in life, but we control how we respond to what happens in life.
-Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times. -G. Michael Hopf

Disclaimer: Post made by me are of my own creation. A delusional mind relayed in text form.
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Posts: 3644
Location: Po(o)land
PostPosted: Tue, 14th Mar 2023 07:32    Post subject:
For Bedrock edition Win10 keys used to be like 1-2 EUR. You activate it on your MS account and you have yourself a valid copy with online play and everything. This is the version which all devices share. But I no longer see those offers. Maybe MS took care of those. For mods and stuff Java edition is the way to go. As for the yarrrr version, they are available in the usual places, the invading orcs cs forums has nicely structured threads describing how to get it working. But just looking there and seeing what is required to make it run online is be much more hassle than buying a key. Aslo, both Bedrock and Java are available on Xbox PC gamepass.

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PostPosted: Sun, 23rd Mar 2025 10:39    Post subject:

May the NFOrce be with you always.
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Posts: 7465
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PostPosted: Mon, 24th Mar 2025 07:50    Post subject:
It's about fucking mine ... err time !

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Mobile Rig : Asus ROG751 JT | i7-4720HQ | GTX 970m | 16GB DDR3 \ G-Sync
Just for the LUL: PS4 Pro / Nintendo Switch / Wii U
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