there are good parts but pacing is off, u mean mark and cobel finally meet up and they sat in the forrest for many hours and not exchange words? even after she mentions cold harbor and knows about gemma?
just no, ep 6-7 finaly got mark reintegration which seemed to be very important and that part took a big step back for the other things to catch up, this should have been a big reveal before going into the finale
yeah, characters not talking to each other about important things and pushing the story forward is my biggest gripe at this point. There are good moments, but I feel this season wasted a lot of time. The Helley R/Helena storyline took way too long, for example.
There must have been a door there in the wall, when I came in.
Truly gone fishing.
sar·casm | \ ˈsär-ˌka-zəm \
1: a sharp and often satirical or ironic utterance designed to cut or give pain
2a: a mode of satirical wit depending for its effect on bitter, caustic, and often ironic language that is usually directed against an individual
b: the use or language of sarcasm
If only they had more security (at least, some security) on the premises.
If only they had the technology to switch off innies on the severance floor or switch off outies on the outside. Oh wait, they do.
amazing directed and performances and that payoff delivered but while i understand that decision in the end i didnt liked nor hated it, gonna be a long wait again
I've come to the decision I still like this show. It follows the tradition of Twin Peaks and Lost, tradition picked up later on by West World (first couple of seasons) and Devs. The show, especially the first season, has its unique visual style not unlike UK Utopia (2013). I think I like Ben Stiller's directorial work on this one, I was sceptical at first.
The trick is always the same: to make the audience endure inexplicable puzzles and labyrinths, hooking on emotionally understandable characters who are just as perplexedly scratching their heads. "Severance" stands out from the crowd with its original combination of intonations. The nightmare of dystopia is fused here with the frivolity of an office comedy, generously seasoned with absurdity.
This characterisation of the series is snatched from the web, I agree with it.
I still think the conclusion won't be a satisfactory one, at least, not for all. We gonna have another Lost dejavu.
it was OK. some shows dragged on too long. Conclusion was fine. Overall the first season was much better. Third season already green lit, so hopefully its better than last.
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