I'm getting me this supercard thing
just one small question:
what would u recomend?
CF or SD?
I'm almost calling heads or tails, because I'm clueless of the merits of each one.
Well I have a CF- but really there is very little difference. The price of the SD is a few pound more but the performance is the same. I think the size of the SD is smalled but it doesn't matter. If you have any spare CF / SD cards lying around just get the same as that. Otherwise any will do.
Stealth88 and Lod|_Dod| wrote:
"And the winner is.... Sublime!" That fucking kid is always right. Sublime FTW!
question guys!! is this M3 guy is legal thing I mean easy to find or ilegal?! and who knows the price (US$ or UKpounds) ? what exaclly I gonna need beside the NDS (Cables, memories, etc)one more thing I plan to buy a DS lite when it released! do you think it will compatible with DSlite too? (n00b question, I know, Iknow...)
yeah get the mini sd, really small and effecient once you have used flashme, which is easy to do, then you can throw away your keydevice and the nds will be no larger than normal, but with tons of games on.
But theres also a new mini supercard out which is the size of a gba cart .
Too Each there own
sabin1981 wrote:
but you know what Chinese whispers are like; some newbie will read your comment and suddenly run and spread it all over the internet that the new 2010 Banwave disables all your XBLA games when you're banned.
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