Thief problems
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Posts: 2

PostPosted: Thu, 3rd Jun 2004 03:29    Post subject: Thief problems
Install goes smooth, copy the crack.
Run the cracked .exe and after a few seconds my mouse disappears. I can let it sit like this for a good while (about 5 minutes is the longest I've let it go) then when I hit cntl+alt+del the system catches up and I get the task manager window, and 2 thief 3 windows (one the main program and the other window is titled "message") both of these windows can only be seen in the task bar. Tried moving then and I get the outline showing them however when I release they disappear again.

1.7 p4
Geforce2 (I know, older than dirt, but it has no problems playing some of the latest games, City of Heroes for example).
Turtle Beach sound
640 ram

All updated drivers.

Appreciate any help at all.
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Posts: 217
Location: Cambodia
PostPosted: Thu, 3rd Jun 2004 03:42    Post subject:
Your Video card is to outdated to run. Thief 3 requires Pixel Shader 1.1 to run. Without it the game will not load. The Geforce 2 does not have Pixel Shader 1.1 so it will not run at all.
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Posts: 30

PostPosted: Wed, 9th Jun 2004 09:19    Post subject: crash to desktop
good mornin to everyone,
i installed thief 3 DS, my video card fx5600 is correct for gaming (i did "check video card" from the autorun menu and it said OK)
I have latest nvidia driver (april), but, after the intro, if i go to the CONTROL SETUP and i try to change the "move ahead" "move back" or the "use item" mapped istantly crash to desktop..
Frankly you can say its not a big problem...but i would like to map kays as for any other game, with arrows, the standard wsad are not good for my habits...
If it happened to anyone else...and its been solved...please give me a reply Wink
thank you very much,

if i just start game it runs very good...only if i try to change binding with key-action crashes...
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Posts: 30

PostPosted: Wed, 9th Jun 2004 09:20    Post subject: crash to desktop
good mornin to everyone,
i installed thief 3 DS, my video card fx5600 is correct for gaming (i did "check video card" from the autorun menu and it said OK)
I have latest nvidia driver (april), but, after the intro, if i go to the CONTROL SETUP and i try to change the "move ahead" "move back" or the "use item" mapped istantly crash to desktop..
Frankly you can say its not a big problem...but i would like to map kays as for any other game, with arrows, the standard wsad are not good for my habits...
If it happened to anyone else...and its been solved...please give me a reply Wink
thank you very much,

if i just start game it runs very good...only if i try to change binding with key-action crashes...
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