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Posts: 14713

PostPosted: Sat, 20th May 2006 07:45    Post subject:
arw wrote:
Clone Just released..


********** INSTRUCTIONS FOR PLAYING *********

1. Unrar and mount or burn image file using
Alcohol or Daemon Tools 4.

2. Run asr.exe provided into tools rar file.

3. Enjoy the game.

And one from UNLEASHED. They both should be nuked, there was already a official group CLONE release Smile

PC: Yes. Console: No.
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Posts: 180

PostPosted: Sat, 20th May 2006 09:36    Post subject:
whats the code in the mansion (the 2nd one, where u first have to highlight all symbols to be able to decipher the code?)
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Posts: 46

PostPosted: Sat, 20th May 2006 13:34    Post subject:
outofhere wrote:
whats the code in the mansion (the 2nd one, where u first have to highlight all symbols to be able to decipher the code?)


Is this the one?

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Posts: 4
Location: DE-PA, UA-TE
PostPosted: Sat, 20th May 2006 14:26    Post subject:
anybody tried it with gamepad (PS2 usb converter)? Doesn't seem to work, there are bidings in the config but how do I activate the gamepad? Sad
And what's that, 1024x768 max resolution? I have 16x10 widescreen display and it looks really lame on it... setting 1280 instead of 800 in the .cfg doesn't help, the game just crash...
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Posts: 39

PostPosted: Sat, 20th May 2006 18:04    Post subject:
chortya wrote:
anybody tried it with gamepad (PS2 usb converter)? Doesn't seem to work, there are bidings in the config but how do I activate the gamepad? Sad
And what's that, 1024x768 max resolution? I have 16x10 widescreen display and it looks really lame on it... setting 1280 instead of 800 in the .cfg doesn't help, the game just crash...

Gamepad don't work, and the fighting system with mouse s*ck badly.

I run it a 1280x1024. The game is already "widescreen" so normally, just set 1280 and it should be widescreen (you can't select the y rez in cfg)

And finally, how ever think about this damn save system ? I suck at combat and I had ti make 5 time the same fucking puzzle to then get busted later..

uninstalled... It's sad, with a correct save system, and a better balance adventure / combat, it could have been nice. But just in the first level, you have 4 combats for 3 puzzles (probably more, I got sick after that.)

Last edited by vric on Sat, 20th May 2006 18:33; edited 1 time in total
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Posts: 10

PostPosted: Sat, 20th May 2006 18:11    Post subject:
bad wrote:

I thought it would be:


don't work Crying or Very sad i know't WHY!

Last edited by Oddo on Mon, 22nd May 2006 08:05; edited 1 time in total
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Posts: 1528

PostPosted: Sat, 20th May 2006 18:50    Post subject:
Those who cant change the resolution because the game crashes edit with notepad default_pc.cfg in the "engine" folder.
Change res=800 to res=1280 to play 1280x960 for example etc
Dont change the resolution ingame or it may crash
Tried it and it works fine here no need for AA too when 1280x960
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Posts: 10

PostPosted: Mon, 22nd May 2006 10:55    Post subject:
HELp mE!
How I must put 6 statues of gods in mansion?
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Posts: 369

PostPosted: Mon, 22nd May 2006 14:33    Post subject:
Oddo wrote:
HELp mE!
How I must put 6 statues of gods in mansion?

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Posts: 1510

PostPosted: Mon, 22nd May 2006 15:08    Post subject:
Oddo wrote:
HELp mE!
How I must put 6 statues of gods in mansion?

theres a message you decode, it explains it. its pretty simple. :]
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Posts: 5

PostPosted: Mon, 22nd May 2006 16:03    Post subject:
Does someone know the number combination of the lock
at the Normandie mansion?

It's not the fibonaci combination.
Please help me

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Posts: 1510

PostPosted: Mon, 22nd May 2006 16:11    Post subject:
Jagged11 wrote:
Does someone know the number combination of the lock
at the Normandie mansion?

It's not the fibonaci combination.
Please help me


look at the first 2 numbers, then the 3rd... add the first 2 and you get the 3rd. after that, add the 3rd and the 2nd, and thats the 4th. then, add the 4th and the 3rd, etc.
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Posts: 5

PostPosted: Mon, 22nd May 2006 16:21    Post subject:
mike- wrote:
Jagged11 wrote:
Does someone know the number combination of the lock
at the Normandie mansion?

It's not the fibonaci combination.
Please help me


look at the first 2 numbers, then the 3rd... add the first 2 and you get the 3rd. after that, add the 3rd and the 2nd, and thats the 4th. then, add the 4th and the 3rd, etc.

That's the fibanici combination. 1 1 2 3 5 8.. But that's not the correct combination Sad
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Posts: 369

PostPosted: Mon, 22nd May 2006 16:52    Post subject:
Jagged11 wrote:
mike- wrote:
Jagged11 wrote:
Does someone know the number combination of the lock
at the Normandie mansion?

It's not the fibonaci combination.
Please help me


look at the first 2 numbers, then the 3rd... add the first 2 and you get the 3rd. after that, add the 3rd and the 2nd, and thats the 4th. then, add the 4th and the 3rd, etc.

That's the fibanici combination. 1 1 2 3 5 8.. But that's not the correct combination Sad

You have to use next numbers in combination Wink From 13 up
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Posts: 5

PostPosted: Mon, 22nd May 2006 17:26    Post subject:
pablocoo wrote:
Jagged11 wrote:
mike- wrote:

look at the first 2 numbers, then the 3rd... add the first 2 and you get the 3rd. after that, add the 3rd and the 2nd, and thats the 4th. then, add the 4th and the 3rd, etc.

That's the fibanici combination. 1 1 2 3 5 8.. But that's not the correct combination Sad

You have to use next numbers in combination Wink From 13 up

ah thanks now I've got it!
I'm in the mansion and now I see many puzzles haha
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Posts: 2

PostPosted: Tue, 23rd May 2006 01:21    Post subject:
Help please!!
Im in the mansion and i have problems to find vulcan statue ( I have the other ones). I suppose its in a drawer beside the bed, but I cant open it (I tried to use the ring)

Anyone can help me please?

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Posts: 369

PostPosted: Tue, 23rd May 2006 10:57    Post subject:
Lobezno wrote:
Help please!!
Im in the mansion and i have problems to find vulcan statue ( I have the other ones). I suppose its in a drawer beside the bed, but I cant open it (I tried to use the ring)

Anyone can help me please?


The is one statue in a desk drawer next to bed (maybe Vulcan if you say so)
And you can open it with the ring - but you must aim your cursor to the hole, or it won't work
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Posts: 2

PostPosted: Tue, 23rd May 2006 14:09    Post subject:
Thanks pablocoo. It was very simple but I lost a hole day trying to figure out it, hehe

Nice game
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Posts: 541
Location: Cloud City, Bespin
PostPosted: Tue, 23rd May 2006 16:37    Post subject:

Don't mistake lack of talent for genius!
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Posts: 5

PostPosted: Tue, 23rd May 2006 16:46    Post subject:
I'm now at the grotto in the normadie mansion.
But I have to burn al the candles on fire.
What is the combination to set them all on fire so the gate will be open?

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Posts: 498

PostPosted: Tue, 23rd May 2006 21:32    Post subject:
deviance should just stick to other cracks and leave SF and sec7 alone....
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Posts: 2407
Location: Holland
PostPosted: Tue, 23rd May 2006 22:48    Post subject:
who13 wrote:
deviance should just stick to other cracks and leave SF and sec7 alone....

you mean then reloaded will do 90% of the games
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Posts: 6313

PostPosted: Tue, 23rd May 2006 22:58    Post subject:
cnZ wrote:
fuck this game, crashed..
tried with deviance crackfix, as well as team's proper crack - nothing

Yeah, allways blame the game for bad crack!
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Posts: 188

PostPosted: Tue, 23rd May 2006 23:00    Post subject:
how the fibanici combination is related to the anagram(the mona lisa 1)?
are the 13-3-2-21-1-1-8-5 digits should help me to find out "the mona lisa" words?
and if not(i guess it shouldnt,cause there no any logic),how the hell i suppose
to know to enter "the mona lisa" if i wasnt reading the book or something else
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Posts: 498

PostPosted: Tue, 23rd May 2006 23:13    Post subject:
jaapie18 wrote:
who13 wrote:
deviance should just stick to other cracks and leave SF and sec7 alone....

you mean then reloaded will do 90% of the games

we can only wish...Very Happy
if you look back on there history they have had very few nukes...also lots of crack fixs cause of others lack of not complaining but if a group dont know what the hell is up yet..pratice before you release(or at least make a public cry for not gonna win any race when shit gets nuked everywhere..
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Posts: 5

PostPosted: Wed, 24th May 2006 11:48    Post subject:
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Posts: 369

PostPosted: Wed, 24th May 2006 12:54    Post subject:
romul22 wrote:
how the fibanici combination is related to the anagram(the mona lisa 1)?
are the 13-3-2-21-1-1-8-5 digits should help me to find out "the mona lisa" words?
and if not(i guess it shouldnt,cause there no any logic),how the hell i suppose
to know to enter "the mona lisa" if i wasnt reading the book or something else

Well, Fibbonaci numbers are out of order, so you can figure that the letters in "Oh lame saint" are out of order too...
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Posts: 10

PostPosted: Wed, 24th May 2006 14:21    Post subject:
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Posts: 369

PostPosted: Wed, 24th May 2006 18:42    Post subject:
Oddo wrote:
What I must do with it?

You have to find another knight - only one has right "symbols map"
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Posts: 10

PostPosted: Thu, 25th May 2006 09:54    Post subject:
What word on tomb of Henry in Westminster Abbey?
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