Ok, im not great at the whole php game, well; lets just say im shite.
I wish to create a private web site with a few fields of data that can be submitted to a mysql database file on the server. The bit where im stuck at is the programming / php side of things.
Maybe a long shot but, is there any sort of cheating application that can assist the generation of code or any simple (e.g. 10 min) tutorial on a basic database and the usage via php.
What are you after? Is it possible to use an opensource/already created solution.. Im a geek, I love to code.. but I have yet to find a situation where I have needed to write any PHP myself ! Let us know what you need and what constraints on liceneses you have !
What are you after? Is it possible to use an opensource/already created solution.. Im a geek, I love to code.. but I have yet to find a situation where I have needed to write any PHP myself ! Let us know what you need and what constraints on liceneses you have !
Well it's sort of erm; what I will do I will create it in html and then I will show you what i'm trying to do. I would be very greatfull to any help I would recieve.
I dont think there is a pre-made script that i've seen that can do what I want but I may be wrong... give me a week and I will be back to harrass you...
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