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Posts: 8615

PostPosted: Fri, 9th Jun 2006 12:55    Post subject:
ahh stop postin where you got your sources and then request a file (even if it is only a bwt)

Stealth88 and Lod|_Dod| wrote:
"And the winner is.... Sublime!" That fucking kid is always right. Sublime FTW! <3 you too
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Posts: 12017

PostPosted: Fri, 9th Jun 2006 12:59    Post subject: Re: Sensible.Soccer.2006.BWCLONE-CRIME
Trismogestos wrote:

Laughing wonders me why all big boxes are with DVD logo and this game is on 1 cd Very Happy

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Posts: 1410
Location: Germany
PostPosted: Fri, 9th Jun 2006 14:28    Post subject:
is there a way to switch the graphic in this game
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Posts: 7

PostPosted: Fri, 9th Jun 2006 15:36    Post subject:
This is easily one of the worst pieces of software I've tried recently. Goalkeepers suddenly appearing 2 meters away to grab the ball, no logic in the referee, stupid gameplay, lack of everything a game should have nowadays.

The old sensible is still far better than this one.
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Posts: 384
Location: the Netherlands
PostPosted: Fri, 9th Jun 2006 18:47    Post subject:
Sensible Soccer 2006 (c) Codemasters RELOADED WOOT!!!!!

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Posts: 550
Location: The US of K
PostPosted: Fri, 9th Jun 2006 22:30    Post subject:
drekkard wrote:
This is easily one of the worst pieces of software I've tried recently. Goalkeepers suddenly appearing 2 meters away to grab the ball, no logic in the referee, stupid gameplay, lack of everything a game should have nowadays.

The old sensible is still far better than this one.

I've got to agree with you there, the original was better. This POS looks like it was made by some guy in 2 weeks in his spare time. Codemasters jumping on the World CUp bandwagon trying to make cash out of crap. The game is so bad it's laughable, they even had the cheek to put protection on it. I wouldn't even want this game if they gave it to me for free, it would go straight in the bin where it belongs.
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Posts: 177

PostPosted: Sat, 10th Jun 2006 01:51    Post subject:
oh god no career mode with player values etc, competitions, coach/player..... uninstalled + happy didnt buy this crap. Sensible soccer was all about the career mode... now its just brainlessy play games with 2 buttons and no reason to play...

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Posts: 550
Location: The US of K
PostPosted: Sat, 10th Jun 2006 03:19    Post subject:
It's worth downloading this game just to laugh at how bad it is
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Posts: 118

PostPosted: Sat, 10th Jun 2006 04:22    Post subject:
actually i would score the game 9/10 and i like it better than FIFA or PES5. no kidding. Razz
i know it sounds crazy but i do. im enjoying the game very much because its stray
from the formula with wrong names, Beavis & Butthead graphics and insane gameplay. excellent.
Graphics are great. when i saw the guy fall and turn on the ground i thought it was made with RAGDOLLS or something.

i play 1280x1024 with everything maxed including AA @ max.
nvidia 7800GTX does the job. Very Happy

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Posts: 208

PostPosted: Sat, 10th Jun 2006 05:52    Post subject:
anyone else experiencing slow downs? when I play France as the first match in a tournament everything is smooth, fun gameplay. But when I get to the second match everything slows down and everything is in slow motion...

also, if I play a country like China, the first match will also be really slow... why is this..

other than that I like the fast gameplay Very Happy it's fun, there are some small bugs thou, like how the guy stalls after heading a ball

nightlith wrote:
lol pirates pretending to be pirates...oh god the irony...

[quoted from Pirates of the Burning Sea thread]
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Posts: 688

PostPosted: Sat, 10th Jun 2006 14:22    Post subject:
mini roundup:

- gameplay like sensible soccer: fast, furious, only a couple of buttons. pure fun!
- gfx are from top down like sensible soccer: no fancy stuff but the best suited for the job.

- no multiplayer. this destroys the game longevity totally.
- shareware-like menus. comon..
- sounds, music are very poor. is it a golf game?

the coders have caught the gameplay that made success of the classic predecessor.
unfortunately this is year 2006, new gamers want value for their money, and veterans want respect for their classic game.

make it multiplayer, beef up sounds and music, design proper menus and interface, then you will
pay proper respect to the classic game we were all fond of.
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Posts: 2445
Location: NFOHump
PostPosted: Sat, 10th Jun 2006 18:10    Post subject:
Great game in my opinion Very Happy Pure Arcade! Me likes Smile
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Posts: 1886

PostPosted: Sat, 10th Jun 2006 18:52    Post subject:
tywyn wrote:
It's worth downloading this game just to laugh at how bad it is

Laugh at how bad it is? This is a return of the greatest Footy game ever, with mental aftertouch, fast gameplay etc etc, if you can`t see past the cartoony graphics and enjoy the amazing gameplay, then that`s your problem.
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Posts: 550
Location: The US of K
PostPosted: Sat, 10th Jun 2006 21:50    Post subject:
stemot wrote:
tywyn wrote:
It's worth downloading this game just to laugh at how bad it is

Laugh at how bad it is? This is a return of the greatest Footy game ever, with mental aftertouch, fast gameplay etc etc, if you can`t see past the cartoony graphics and enjoy the amazing gameplay, then that`s your problem.

If you think this game is any good then I think it's you who has the problem. If you want fast gameplay then go and play NHL, this game is pure and utter CRAP. I'd also like to know what the etc etc's are in your prasie of this game and the 'amazing gameplay' that you speak of. The original was good many years ago, but that was then and this version doesn't even come close to it. Like I said a real POS.
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Posts: 1886

PostPosted: Sat, 10th Jun 2006 22:02    Post subject:
tywyn wrote:
stemot wrote:
tywyn wrote:
It's worth downloading this game just to laugh at how bad it is

Laugh at how bad it is? This is a return of the greatest Footy game ever, with mental aftertouch, fast gameplay etc etc, if you can`t see past the cartoony graphics and enjoy the amazing gameplay, then that`s your problem.

If you think this game is any good then I think it's you who has the problem. If you want fast gameplay then go and play NHL, this game is pure and utter CRAP. I'd also like to know what the etc etc's are in your prasie of this game and the 'amazing gameplay' that you speak of. The original was good many years ago, but that was then and this version doesn't even come close to it. Like I said a real POS.

The gameplay is the same as the game from all those years ago, so how can the original be good and this not, when the gameplay is the same.

ETC ETC??? Try the greatest database of teams in any football game and easy controls without the need to remember 9 gimmick buttons, will that do?

Play NHL? I don`t like the sport in the first place, so why on earth would I want to play a computer version of it?

This game is the same game I played and loved on my Amiga, maybe with the management side strpped out, but if this ones succesful, who knows?
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Posts: 118

PostPosted: Sun, 11th Jun 2006 10:31    Post subject:
NHL isnt as nice as football/soccer.

Last edited by AdslCable on Mon, 12th Jun 2006 04:53; edited 1 time in total
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Posts: 426

PostPosted: Sun, 11th Jun 2006 10:56    Post subject:
Gameplay, buttons etc...are the same like previous Sensible games => good, keep it

No multiplayer (WTF???), warping goalkeepers... => AGAIN a hype was created, AGAIN the game is not finished

It just had to be released when the World Cup Soccer started. Everything that's not finished is left out, maybe a patch will solve some bugs, but that's it.

Multiplayer? Maybe in a next Sensible game.....
More ambient sounds? Maybe in the next Sensible game after the one with multiplayer...

You see? They just throw bèta versions, unfinished copies on the market.
Years ago the Devs had room to create all the necessary things in a game + Extra's!
Now they are bound to a deadline. No time to debug the game.
Extra's? Look at Battlefield 2 ==> it are 'Booster packs', but not free, offcourse not.....

The gaming scene is destroying itself. Why would you buy a game in stores? To support the devs? For what? For releasing an unfinished game?

My 2 cents.... Evil or Very Mad
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Posts: 167

PostPosted: Sun, 11th Jun 2006 11:12    Post subject:
Its got the gameplay but lack the atmosphere of earlier Sensible Soccers. I was waiting something like SWOS. With real player names and with nearly every football league. It'd be really great but now it is a decent remake. Nothing more. If you are a SS fan i suggest you to play New Star Soccer. It is much better.
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Posts: 155

PostPosted: Sun, 11th Jun 2006 12:48    Post subject:
This isn't even the same gameplay as it used to be. The ball didn't stick to players foot on the old Sensi. Now it does and that sucks. Also the lack of being able to choose which player you want to play as destroys the playability. I've tried but can't seem to like this game even though i have played SWOS a lot some years ago.
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Posts: 2020

PostPosted: Sun, 11th Jun 2006 17:43    Post subject:
its such a dissapointment, no depth, bad gameplay

play Championship Soccer instead if ur looking for a SWOS throwback. This certainly isnt it
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Posts: 550
Location: The US of K
PostPosted: Sun, 11th Jun 2006 21:32    Post subject:
stemot wrote:
tywyn wrote:
stemot wrote:

Laugh at how bad it is? This is a return of the greatest Footy game ever, with mental aftertouch, fast gameplay etc etc, if you can`t see past the cartoony graphics and enjoy the amazing gameplay, then that`s your problem.

If you think this game is any good then I think it's you who has the problem. If you want fast gameplay then go and play NHL, this game is pure and utter CRAP. I'd also like to know what the etc etc's are in your prasie of this game and the 'amazing gameplay' that you speak of. The original was good many years ago, but that was then and this version doesn't even come close to it. Like I said a real POS.

The gameplay is the same as the game from all those years ago, so how can the original be good and this not, when the gameplay is the same.

ETC ETC??? Try the greatest database of teams in any football game and easy controls without the need to remember 9 gimmick buttons, will that do?

Play NHL? I don`t like the sport in the first place, so why on earth would I want to play a computer version of it?

This game is the same game I played and loved on my Amiga, maybe with the management side strpped out, but if this ones succesful, who knows?

The gameplay is not even close to the original, I think you must be suffering the early onset of dementia.

I'm not an NHL fan either but the video game is really fast, great gfx and controls etc. Anyway you stick with your crappy Sensible Soccer and I'll keep going with PES5 Wink
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Posts: 1

PostPosted: Mon, 12th Jun 2006 13:39    Post subject: Save Error
Please help me. I want change settings and when i click to "Save", I get the message "Save Error" Sad
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Posts: 138
Location: Cambridge / Bratislava
PostPosted: Tue, 13th Jun 2006 01:40    Post subject:
Do you experiencing computer freeze after first match? The after-match, statistics, CONTINUE button appears and thats it... Freeze of application, and I can just finish it from WinSHIT.

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Posts: 129

PostPosted: Wed, 14th Jun 2006 23:18    Post subject:
I don't usually make reviews about games, but i have to make a review about this one. Why?
Cause this one of my favorite games in Amiga 500, i just loved it, i spend hours and hours playing it. So i was very dissapointed when i tried this version, all the good things that made the Amiga version so great some years ago went away...

The graphics are bad...but the Amiga version were also...
There are not licenced teams...the Amiga version had some...
The gameplay is horrible...this arrows are killing me...ouch...i loved the gameplay of the Sensible world of soccer (good Amiga times)...

Well this is for me one of the worst games released this year,,, and the more dissapointing...After i played some minutes i wanted to install my old Amiga and play Sensible world of soccer.

Sorry about this, but i had to say it.
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Posts: 3694

PostPosted: Wed, 14th Jun 2006 23:23    Post subject:
I had some fun with this. But only for like....2 days. After that it became boring, and quite easy. I agree with what said Waxier. 7/10.
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Posts: 1562
Location: Pot Capital of Canada (BC)
PostPosted: Wed, 14th Jun 2006 23:25    Post subject:
same here, in the beginning i had lots of problems scoring (even thoug i played it alot back in the old days). but after about a day it gets too easy. now i score at least 5 goals each game easily...

1F U C4N R34D 7H1S, U R34LLY N33D 70 G37 L41D

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Posts: 13279

PostPosted: Fri, 13th Nov 2015 10:28    Post subject:
Thread Necro time!

Spiritual successor called Sociable Soccer Laughing
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Posts: 12074

PostPosted: Fri, 13th Nov 2015 10:38    Post subject:
pledged of £300,000 goal

days to go


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Posts: 10818
Location: Strawberry fields
PostPosted: Fri, 13th Nov 2015 11:44    Post subject:
too bad. the old games were awesome. although you did at one point master the game and it got too easy. but the 2006 version was much worse. way too easy, too soon.

I remember swos 1996/97, had that romanian Raducioiu, the guy was super fast, and once you mastered the controls, became the best player, as you could outrun and outdrible everyone Very Happy
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PostPosted: Fri, 13th Nov 2015 15:44    Post subject:
madness wrote:
Thread Necro time!

Spiritual successor called Sociable Soccer Laughing

well even the prototype looks much better than abomination what SS2006 was

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