Nforce World Of Warcraft Community, where are you?
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Posts: 6313

PostPosted: Sun, 11th Jun 2006 20:22    Post subject:
liansk wrote:
funny how people here play it cool and bash mmorpgs while some of them are members in the nforce guild wars club.

Another funny thing is they associate MMO players (in this case WoW's) with no real life and addiction, but probably they play non MMO games (single player and multiplayer) and spend as much time at computer as those who play just WoW. Just check how many posts you see a day after game release with people saying they finished it already. Irony.
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Posts: 12390
Location: England
PostPosted: Sun, 11th Jun 2006 20:47    Post subject:
liansk wrote:
funny how people here play it cool and bash mmorpgs while some of them are members in the nforce guild wars club.

Does that even exist any more?

I just can't get into MMORPG's, i've tried so many because I like the concept but it just isn't any fun for me. The combat feels so uninvolved, the quests are generally pathetic and everything takes too much time.

Unless you play for many hours a day you don't feel like you're making any progress at all, especially when you reach higher levels. I much prefer single player RPG's with an involving story, imaginative quests and real time combat (such as gothic 1/2, or Vampire:Bloodlines).

Also, I don't feel like i'm having any impact on the world at all, everything basically stays the same nothing really changes, no storylines progress. Your character is generic as hell, no matter what character you pick, you can guarantee that there are a few hundred others exactly the same, except they might have a different hairstyle.

I'll guess i'll just keep waiting for that one MMORPG to come along which blows me away.

"Techniclly speaking, Beta-Manboi didnt inject Burberry_Massi with Benz, he injected him with liquid that had air bubbles in it, which caused benz." - House M.D

"Faith without logic is the same as knowledge without understanding; meaningless"
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Posts: 1460

PostPosted: Sun, 11th Jun 2006 20:52    Post subject:
^that's how learned about it.
anyway i NEVER owned a legit mmorpg account nor played this kind more then a week or 2.

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Posts: 208

PostPosted: Sun, 11th Jun 2006 21:03    Post subject:
aw the quoting stoped Sad

I just quoted because it was funny. . .


WoW go boring after a while, it was really fun at the begining thou, I wish I could make myself like the game again, but I can't Sad I think there are a lot of people like me who are just tired of grinding MMOs..

nightlith wrote:
lol pirates pretending to be pirates...oh god the irony...

[quoted from Pirates of the Burning Sea thread]
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Posts: 895
Location: Riket
PostPosted: Sun, 11th Jun 2006 21:07    Post subject:
Warhammer Online will blow WoW out of the water.

jenni <3
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Posts: 1460

PostPosted: Sun, 11th Jun 2006 21:08    Post subject:
same bs with shiny graphics.

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Posts: 408

PostPosted: Sun, 11th Jun 2006 22:13    Post subject:
Demonium wrote:
Warhammer Online will blow WoW out of the water.

there isn't even a beta out, and the feature list is getting shorter every day....Rolling Eyes

I like WoW.
I'm on the server Theradras, name "Takezo"
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Posts: 1127

PostPosted: Mon, 12th Jun 2006 02:17    Post subject:
Iv tried alot of mmorwhatever and WoW gotta be the worst kind EVER! and Iv tried alot!

EvE Online is and was the best Iv ever tried. Please pink gnomes?!? wtf... it IS a kiddy game.
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Posts: 14708

PostPosted: Mon, 12th Jun 2006 07:13    Post subject:
Epsilon wrote:
Tungsten wrote:
Most people have grown up and out of kiddie games like this

PC: Yes. Console: No.
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Posts: 5431

PostPosted: Mon, 12th Jun 2006 09:21    Post subject:
BushDoctor wrote:
WoW should be classed as a drug Laughing I got a few addicted friends..

Hehe thats very true.. im addicted but i cant really say why.. Cos the game became boring after ..maybe 6 months of play, But here i am 16 months of play later and im still on nearly every day.

The only game that had me that addicted was Morrowind.

Also there has not been many games since WOW (except oblivion+ the few good adventures) that i would consider playing for more than a few hours.. I need in depth games not crappy kiddy ones

The absolute worse thing about WOW is the damn annoying idiots (little kids i assume.. but i dont know) constantly askin for a duel.. hey its an RPG! if you wanna do PVP feck off to a PVP realm and give us normal players a bit of peace.
Or play one of the thousands of games 'solely' designed for online PVP..
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Posts: 2722
Location: In Your Illusions
PostPosted: Mon, 12th Jun 2006 11:29    Post subject:
Demonium wrote:
Glottis wrote:
Demonium wrote:

Tell me something I didn't know about.

A guy just asked who and where plays WoW, so if you don't play just STFU and don't post, by doing that you automatically show that you don't play and care about WoW, also by doing that you show your maturity. Now all those who spammed, flamed WoW and those who play it, posted and quoted how childish WoW is, actually are childish themselves.

Now GTFO of this thread, kids. Let us talk about a game we play. KTHNXBYE

You forgot your meds, ADHD kid.

Dont worry about him it seems the straight jacket and the gag is having no effect on him.

Leave the kiddies to enjoy their game, the few that are here lol

Daz99 wrote:
Will I get banned for posting a horse and a nakkid black man?

Godlikez* A Proud Muslim Through And Through.
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Posts: 90

PostPosted: Wed, 14th Jun 2006 15:42    Post subject:
Those kind of games attract mostly people who are in some way unsatisified with their lifes and try to escape it:

- Lonely people unable to find friends in real life
- Unattractive people or people who think they are unattractive and got some complex
- Losers with too much time who dress up in elite gear to be admired by other losers
- Overweighted people looking for relationships, hiding behind a beautiful, thin avatar
- Console Kids with too much time, who like to be that evil rogue, "pwning" others
- Masochists loving to spend 12+ hours in instances being told what to do, just to gain nothing

At the end of the day, they lay in their beds and realize they have accomplished nothing, neglected their real life friends, family and tasks...just to compensate this emptieness with more playing, to be closer to their virtual worlds with all those virtual friends, all having the same problem.

The average RP gamer will trash this game immediately after he understands that "get-me-10-of-this-and-return-to-me" quest scheme.

We are the creators of Time, the victims of Time, and the killers of Time. Time is timeless. You are the clock.
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[Moderator] Elitist

Posts: 8374

PostPosted: Wed, 14th Jun 2006 17:04    Post subject:
grues0me wrote:
Those kind of games attract mostly people who are in some way unsatisified with their lifes and try to escape it:

- Lonely people unable to find friends in real life
- Unattractive people or people who think they are unattractive and got some complex
- Losers with too much time who dress up in elite gear to be admired by other losers
- Overweighted people looking for relationships, hiding behind a beautiful, thin avatar
- Console Kids with too much time, who like to be that evil rogue, "pwning" others
- Masochists loving to spend 12+ hours in instances being told what to do, just to gain nothing

At the end of the day, they lay in their beds and realize they have accomplished nothing, neglected their real life friends, family and tasks...just to compensate this emptieness with more playing, to be closer to their virtual worlds with all those virtual friends, all having the same problem.

The average RP gamer will trash this game immediately after he understands that "get-me-10-of-this-and-return-to-me" quest scheme.

That is utter crap and based soley on assumptions. People play games they enjoy, simple as that. When I play an MMO, I play it because everyone I live with plays, we play for a few hours late at night when everyone else is asleep and the pubs are closed.

I used to play wow but got horribly bored with it when I got to lvl60, so now Im bouncing between games till I find something that settles me, which I imagine will be Age Of Conan.
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Posts: 90

PostPosted: Wed, 14th Jun 2006 21:16    Post subject:
[sYn] wrote:

That is utter crap and based soley on assumptions. People play games they enjoy, simple as that. When I play an MMO, I play it because everyone I live with plays, we play for a few hours late at night when everyone else is asleep and the pubs are closed.

Then you dont belong to the "most people..." i mentioned. You would be shocked how many dont realize that they belong to one of those mentioned groups.

You get addicted to those games because to "show off" in the game is more important than to "show off" in real life (maybe because there is nothing for this person in real life to "show off"), thus pressing real life into the background. People who prefer the virtual world and get addicted have different priorities and just got hurt in one or another way in reality. Those anonymous Avatars make the "other world" much more attractive, because you can stink, be fat or ugly and still show off this epic sword and be admired by people. Especially youngsters who cant yet show off their car, their girlfriend or Calvin Klein Underwear IRL...hey, they can proudly stand in Orgrimmar/Stormwind with their full epic toon and feel important.

I agree that many people just play "to play", but those with problems just dont realize when to jump off the train and deal with their real problems in life. Under the census there is nothing those game can offer to a rational RPG player, except showing off your toon after endless grinding, wasting your time with boring bull.

We are the creators of Time, the victims of Time, and the killers of Time. Time is timeless. You are the clock.
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Posts: 4955
Location: Jerusalem, Israel
PostPosted: Wed, 14th Jun 2006 22:07    Post subject:
Not all wow players are addicts.
We just play it for the fun dude...
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Posts: 3074
Location: San Diego, CA
PostPosted: Wed, 14th Jun 2006 22:08    Post subject:
wow is fun, u dont have to have some complex to play it.
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Posts: 738
Location: Canada
PostPosted: Wed, 14th Jun 2006 22:41    Post subject:
[sYn] wrote:
grues0me wrote:
Those kind of games attract mostly people who are in some way unsatisified with their lifes and try to escape it:

- Lonely people unable to find friends in real life
- Unattractive people or people who think they are unattractive and got some complex
- Losers with too much time who dress up in elite gear to be admired by other losers
- Overweighted people looking for relationships, hiding behind a beautiful, thin avatar
- Console Kids with too much time, who like to be that evil rogue, "pwning" others
- Masochists loving to spend 12+ hours in instances being told what to do, just to gain nothing

At the end of the day, they lay in their beds and realize they have accomplished nothing, neglected their real life friends, family and tasks...just to compensate this emptieness with more playing, to be closer to their virtual worlds with all those virtual friends, all having the same problem.

The average RP gamer will trash this game immediately after he understands that "get-me-10-of-this-and-return-to-me" quest scheme.

That is utter crap and based soley on assumptions. People play games they enjoy, simple as that. When I play an MMO, I play it because everyone I live with plays, we play for a few hours late at night when everyone else is asleep and the pubs are closed.

I used to play wow but got horribly bored with it when I got to lvl60, so now Im bouncing between games till I find something that settles me, which I imagine will be Age Of Conan.

same thing; and still looking for the game lol.
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Posts: 3028

PostPosted: Thu, 15th Jun 2006 00:10    Post subject:
Just did an MC run now Razz

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Posts: 11741

PostPosted: Sat, 17th Jun 2006 00:19    Post subject:

Last edited by Yondaime on Mon, 2nd Dec 2024 16:08; edited 1 time in total
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Posts: 32062
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Sat, 17th Jun 2006 00:30    Post subject:

Very HappyVery HappyVery Happy
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Posts: 262
Location: SlovaKIA
PostPosted: Sat, 17th Jun 2006 03:15    Post subject:
WOW is a great game but i dont wanna pay for it...and the "private" servers are still bugged..I was pissed of of it and i hated when an update comes out and they wiped all accs :angry:

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Posts: 690

PostPosted: Sat, 17th Jun 2006 21:39    Post subject:
been playing wow since it came out and still enjoy it, hate it if you must but dont call it crap or trash till you have at least tried it.


xfire- jbrow
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Posts: 11

PostPosted: Sun, 18th Jun 2006 03:36    Post subject:
I play WoW and Dark Age of Camelot and I have three EVE accounts cause of the way the training is done. I play alot of single-player games and non-mmorpg multi-player games, and from time to time some console. Most of this I do with my friends. I consider myself a gamer and Im proud of it. It takes alot when you get to my age (23) to be able to set aside the time for all of it. Gaming, family, friends, ladies, sports, booze and work or school. I have always had good luck with the ladies in my life and I am pretty confident in myself when it comes to my own knowledge about all kinds of different areas. I have been addicted to games, especially MMORPGs, but I am not anymore.
I just have one thing to say, all these little bitches whining on this forum, especially this thread, about people that play games a whole lot... Im wondering if its not you that really need to get a life.

To the rest of you, have a nice weekend.
Kindest Regards Fred
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Posts: 679
Location: Over there
PostPosted: Sun, 18th Jun 2006 10:32    Post subject:
I've play WoW for about 5 months, stopped playing the summer of last year, was on a good private server, but it was just as addicting.
In the end I just don't have the time maybe the real servers are even better but I refuse to pay for it monthly.
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Posts: 32062
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Sun, 18th Jun 2006 12:26    Post subject:
Define good? iv tried 50-60 private servers ( and done of them are that good. Nice ping, nice, drops higher xp dosn't make it good imo. You feel alone, and its boring.
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Posts: 679
Location: Over there
PostPosted: Sun, 18th Jun 2006 13:22    Post subject:
I was on worldofwonders, it's based in Holland wich was nice.
There were around 40 players on at all times, which is very low, but once you know them it's very easy to hook up and do stuff, the instances were made for small groups of 3-4 and most of them are working.
The xp rate and drops are WoW-like, they try to keep it true to the real servers, also they got the mail system in-game and gryphon rides working which was fun. Also there were PvP tournaments once in awhile were you can win prizes. Quite a tight community, everybody knows each other.
Obviously, it didn't compare to the real servers, but it was a good private server compare to others.
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