Devil may cry low framerate
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PostPosted: Tue, 27th Jun 2006 07:47    Post subject:
what is your driver ? and what level are you ?
thanks !
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PostPosted: Tue, 27th Jun 2006 11:20    Post subject:
i think it could be a sound problem (sound acceleration may have impact on fps)
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PostPosted: Tue, 27th Jun 2006 17:03    Post subject:
The sound actually does seem to be the problem, just by moving all the music beginning with boss/battle/stage (including t_boss*) to another directory you gain at least double the framerate (mine jumped from 20 to 45 during the first fight with the nasty Hell Vanguard... During the 2-3 seconds of silence when the damned creature is not screaming (the devil's probably crying? Smile) the framerate even jumps to 55+). You might as well listen to the soundtrack before removing it just to see what you'll be missing during gameplay (files are encoded with vorbis, try staffroll.bin(.ogg), which contains the game's theme song Devils Never Cry... Yeah, I bet they don't... At least not before they meet your huge sword Wink). Too bad all audio can't be disabled that easily, the effects seem to be packed up pretty tightly in the AFS file data/GData.pak (btw, anybody noticed all the files inside of GData have time stamps around 5/8/2005? Seems only the content of data2 folder has been added/modified for the PC version).
For those concerned their CPU might be the cause of the slowdown - the game's using between 20% and 35% of CPU time on my P4 3.0 GHz (the good ol' Northwood).
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PostPosted: Tue, 27th Jun 2006 17:37    Post subject:
SycoShaman what is your cpu ???

yes it is the sound !! you have right darko_jolic !
i try without sound (i delete directory) and i have 60fps !!!
but why with sound it is so low ????
i don't understand.... it is the cpu ? (but i have athlon 64 3500+...)
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PostPosted: Tue, 27th Jun 2006 18:26    Post subject:
What the fuck is wrong with 20fps? it's not like you can't play it. jesus, quit fucking crying.
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PostPosted: Tue, 27th Jun 2006 18:33    Post subject:
lol !!!
but 20fps it's not good. 25 fps you can play easily ! 20 fps for gameplay not good...

it's funny because i delete sound and if i start the game i have 60 fps.... if i return to dekstop and i launch a sound file (example Battle_06.bin, sound of game....) manually and i back to game i have 60 fps !!!!
i don't understand.....slowdown arrive when he launch sound.... IT'S A BUG !!!! i think......
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PostPosted: Tue, 27th Jun 2006 19:44    Post subject:
Darko hvala za reshenje ovog iritirajuceg problema.
This sound solution helps but without cool music it`s not that feeling anymore..anyway i can enjoy in smooth gameplay....hope for patch soon..
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PostPosted: Tue, 27th Jun 2006 20:17    Post subject:
Dazz99 wrote:
What the fuck is wrong with 20fps? it's not like you can't play it. jesus, quit fucking crying.

Just about any DMC 3 veteran who played the game on PS2 will agree that constant framerate at about 60 FPS is absolutely cruical for playing this title. The game requires pinpoint control accuracy - performing a certain control input during a very limited time window - usually the duration of just a couple of frames. You can't possibly do advanced move cancellation, linking, various evasive manoeuvres that require 'Just Frame' accuracy while 2/3 of frames are being lost... To the untrained eye the game might seem like another one those of brainless button-smashing arcade titles but it's combat system is in fact one of the most fluid and responsive in years, allowing for unprecedented freedom in performing spectacular moves and combos that will leave spectators awe-struck...
Let's not forget the insane difficulty level and near-vertical learning curve... While you could play at 20 FPS you probably wouldn't make it very far... The framerate drops to 17 inside of the Temen-ni-gru tower making the gameplay almost unbearable...
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PostPosted: Tue, 27th Jun 2006 20:26    Post subject:
IcedFreon wrote:
ragnar156 wrote:
all games turn great on my system like graw,prey (demo), titan quest.........
it was the firts time !!!! just this game not all level but when the boss came..... i have low framerat and 60 fps in cinematic

nvidia the way its meant to be played

hahaha Smile

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PostPosted: Tue, 27th Jun 2006 20:27    Post subject:
a lot of people have this problem.....
And the game run great for certain people.... but why ? why he run great on some pc ?
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PostPosted: Tue, 27th Jun 2006 20:28    Post subject:
^ because of graphic card

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PostPosted: Tue, 27th Jun 2006 20:30    Post subject:
no, it's sound..... if you read this post.... i have a x1900xt.....
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PostPosted: Tue, 27th Jun 2006 20:38    Post subject:
^ yeah, and it's an ATI product Wink

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PostPosted: Tue, 27th Jun 2006 20:41    Post subject:
yep, but if you delete sound file no problem. Then what is the link with ati card ?
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PostPosted: Tue, 27th Jun 2006 20:56    Post subject:
ragnar156 wrote:
a lot of people have this problem.....
And the game run great for certain people.... but why ? why he run great on some pc ?

Probably all of them but most don't even notice (especially when there's no FPS counters at hand Smile). Back in the days a friend of mine was insisting that X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter ran perfectly smooth on his machine while his actual framerate was 12 FPS at best Smile.
Unless the game actually does run just fine on certain let's-implement-80-percent-of-it-in-software-to-make-it-cheaper onboard sound solutions? Smile

IcedFreon wrote:
nvidia the way its meant to be played

Maybe we should write a complaint to Creative:

Creative's Marketing Team wrote:
Sound Blaster X-Fi Elite Pro delivers the fastest gaming performance ever!
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PostPosted: Tue, 27th Jun 2006 21:36    Post subject:
you think problem it's the sound card ? (i have a onboard sound solution)
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PostPosted: Tue, 27th Jun 2006 23:08    Post subject:
ragnar156 wrote:
you think problem it's the sound card ? (i have a onboard sound solution)

Nah, don't get me wrong, I'm running the above mentioned X-Fi that promises "superior gaming performance" Smile.
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PostPosted: Tue, 27th Jun 2006 23:18    Post subject:
you have slowdown too ?
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PostPosted: Wed, 28th Jun 2006 20:23    Post subject:
i try a news sound card.... same shit, 20 fps...
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PostPosted: Wed, 28th Jun 2006 20:39    Post subject:
ragnar156 wrote:
i try a news sound card.... same shit, 20 fps...

your comp obviously has a problem then.
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PostPosted: Wed, 28th Jun 2006 20:45    Post subject:
Many ppl have that problem he`s not only one...
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PostPosted: Wed, 28th Jun 2006 20:57    Post subject:
yes a lot of people try to resolve it...
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Posts: 55

PostPosted: Wed, 28th Jun 2006 22:03    Post subject:
some ppl says they're getting solid 60fps with an fx5200 so it's tottaly not a gpu problem...
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PostPosted: Wed, 28th Jun 2006 22:18    Post subject:
I really hope for some kinda patch soon...and I hope RE 4 will be much better port..
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PostPosted: Wed, 28th Jun 2006 22:51    Post subject:
not a cpu too; and not sound card, not ram !!!! lol then what ????
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Posts: 46

PostPosted: Wed, 28th Jun 2006 23:32    Post subject:
Becouse is shity port.... Sad

PES = excelent port
GTA = excelent port
Matrix Path Of Neo = shity port
Onimusha = good port
Devil May Cry 3 = shity port
Resident Evil 4 = who knows?!?!?

Im preying for Prey soon...nothing good to play...Titan Quest is ok but Im overdosed... Smile
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Posts: 1035
PostPosted: Wed, 28th Jun 2006 23:36    Post subject:
|PsYentisT| wrote:
Becouse is shity port.... Sad

PES = excelent port
GTA = excelent port
Matrix Path Of Neo = shity port
Onimusha = good port
Devil May Cry 3 = shity port
Resident Evil 4 = who knows?!?!?

Im preying for Prey soon...nothing good to play...Titan Quest is ok but Im overdosed... Smile

whats shitty about DMC3 port?
ITS NOT EVEN A US RELEASE how can u judge that s being shitty? theres nothign wrogn with the port other than the control issue that doesnt even affect everyone AND is because its the jap version.
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PostPosted: Thu, 29th Jun 2006 01:30    Post subject:
OK we will see US rls...i hope u are right!
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PostPosted: Thu, 29th Jun 2006 14:37    Post subject:
maybe version reloaded has no slowdown but i don't think so...
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PostPosted: Thu, 29th Jun 2006 14:38    Post subject:
maybe version reloaded has no slowdown but i don't think so...
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