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Posts: 945

PostPosted: Sun, 2nd Jul 2006 11:23    Post subject: City.Life-RELOADED
1. Unrar.
2. Burn or mount with Daemon tools.
3. Install the game.
4. Copy the cracked content located in the \Crack directory on the CD1 to
your installation directory.
5. Play the game

nice RELOADED Smile

check out screenshots
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VIP Member

Posts: 4196

PostPosted: Sun, 2nd Jul 2006 11:24    Post subject:
We want flatout 2 !!! Very Happy
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Posts: 53

PostPosted: Sun, 2nd Jul 2006 11:25    Post subject:
JiGSaW wrote:
We want flatout 2 !!! Very Happy
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Posts: 945

PostPosted: Sun, 2nd Jul 2006 11:25    Post subject:
by the way
PROTECTION .......: Starforce 3.7
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Posts: 4

PostPosted: Sun, 2nd Jul 2006 12:07    Post subject:
Reloaded is on the catch up train Smile
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Posts: 45

PostPosted: Sun, 2nd Jul 2006 12:20    Post subject:
nice thnX RLD now just pop:T2T......

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Posts: 7288

PostPosted: Sun, 2nd Jul 2006 12:21    Post subject:
popww wrote:
nice thnX RLD now just pop:T2T......
Yeah Smile

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Posts: 154

PostPosted: Sun, 2nd Jul 2006 13:02    Post subject:
One can wonder how RLD cracked this game so fast compared to others like TOCA 3...
I'm not an expert but seeing how big was the protected code 15-20 meg... it must have had a ton of pcode!!!
I guess freakshow will analyse the level of protection that starforce more deeper soon Smile

Oh wait that game is on Smile heheh those dev are weird they implement SF like with massive PCODE almost like no one else does and they give out the solution for their game!
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Posts: 289

PostPosted: Sun, 2nd Jul 2006 13:13    Post subject:
the one on has starforce too.
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Posts: 154

PostPosted: Sun, 2nd Jul 2006 13:16    Post subject: belongs to macrovision... I can't really picture MV promotion their competition! Smile
but i could be wrong ...
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Posts: 410

PostPosted: Sun, 2nd Jul 2006 16:10    Post subject:
twingo wrote:
One can wonder how RLD cracked this game so fast compared to others like TOCA 3...
I'm not an expert but seeing how big was the protected code 15-20 meg... it must have had a ton of pcode!!!
I guess freakshow will analyse the level of protection that starforce more deeper soon Smile

Oh wait that game is on Smile heheh those dev are weird they implement SF like with massive PCODE almost like no one else does and they give out the solution for their game!


i need to wait tioll some1 upped the crack to gcw. i dont have access to any scene stuff sorry. im not sure tho if they used trygames as there is no trial version and buying a demand game for 45 euro just to dl it is bad. City life has 8 stolen functions tho in main exe. editor exe i never got which someone here told me is also protected by SF. So probably its also 8 or maybe less stolen functions. So till someone upped the crack to gcw i cant say anything about their crack as i dont have it by now Sad. Just check if the crack is 2 exes that your sure they cracked both exes editor and main exe.
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Posts: 410

PostPosted: Sun, 2nd Jul 2006 16:17    Post subject:
twingo wrote: belongs to macrovision... I can't really picture MV promotion their competition! Smile
but i could be wrong ...

hehe no idea what they use .. not rich enough to buy games there and im a fan of boxes in my shelves. But i think it was told here once that they use safecast or trymedia activemark for their games which makes sense when trygames realy belongs to macrovision company.
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Posts: 398
Location: Greece
PostPosted: Sun, 2nd Jul 2006 16:42    Post subject:
2 cds

Core2duo 6600 / 8800gtx / 2gb ddr2 667
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Posts: 154

PostPosted: Sun, 2nd Jul 2006 17:41    Post subject:
only 8 functions you're sure?
04/11/2006 16:46 22,022,698 protect.exe
that's a fat ass EXE big like SC CT...
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Posts: 2965
Location: South Korea
PostPosted: Sun, 2nd Jul 2006 17:53    Post subject:

Intel i5 6500 3.2Ghz, Geforce 970GTX 2GB, 16 GB Ram, Windows 7
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Posts: 14713

PostPosted: Sun, 2nd Jul 2006 18:49    Post subject:

PC: Yes. Console: No.
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Posts: 14713

PostPosted: Sun, 2nd Jul 2006 19:02    Post subject:
I just checked it, RLD cracked the editor too.

PC: Yes. Console: No.
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Posts: 410

PostPosted: Mon, 3rd Jul 2006 01:29    Post subject:
twingo wrote:
only 8 functions you're sure?
04/11/2006 16:46 22,022,698 protect.exe
that's a fat ass EXE big like SC CT...

2 exes protected each around 8 stolen funcs thatswhy 22mb protect.exe.
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Posts: 4

PostPosted: Mon, 3rd Jul 2006 02:10    Post subject:
What are stolen functions ?
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Posts: 410

PostPosted: Mon, 3rd Jul 2006 08:40    Post subject:
junkies4 wrote:
What are stolen functions ?

reloaded calls them pcodes if you know this.

If not a stolen function is in a short sumrise:

- developer code exe which use different apis, functions (c++) to go forward.
- starforce protects such functions sometimes which means starforce replaces the fnction from developer with an virtual memory jump and then executes the function in virtual machine of starforce
- this can happen in 3 different ways where the hardest way is the way the function is completly done in vm including the return result. they use "NOP (NO OPERATION) holes" for this but this slows the game as much as the function is used
- cracker has to either log the vm or crack the vm to see what happens and then at the VM jump as to replace the vm jump with the code developer had there originally but this is easy if its a windows api (most crackers i guess know every windows api and their result look) or a decompresss function for big files or what ever.
- theoretically every function that is nessesary for a game can be protected but the more you go the more slows the game which is a reason why sf updates or optimizes their vm often (other reason is new vm needs new tools so they prevent generic tool development)

There are some custom ways how you can do that.
1. log and fully rebuild ... best way but most time catching ... result is a good clean exe
2. crack the virtual machine and patch cdcheck ... easiest way ... result is a patched protect.exe/protect.dll that bypass cdcheck and let sf rebuild the exe ... is easy blacklistable in new drivers ... works generic for all games with the same sf versions
3. crack some return script in the virtual machine ... result is a cracked exe which still needs sf drivers installed ... blacklistable in new drivers
4. generate a dump script which automaticaly dumps you the exe at like 10.000 times during you start, bypass cdcheck and play the game and then use the dumps to rebuild 1 function after an other ... prob is starforce protects itself too so it counts cpu operations to prevent that ... also if stolen function is executed in NOP holes this is impossible way

more details needed then google your way through the common forums.
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Posts: 156

PostPosted: Mon, 3rd Jul 2006 09:38    Post subject:
When Reloaded cracked this game?Where is NFO for this game?
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Posts: 945

PostPosted: Mon, 3rd Jul 2006 11:28    Post subject:
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City Life (C) Monte Cristo

07/2006 :..... RELEASE.DATE .. PROTECTION .......: Starforce 3.7
1 :.......... DISC(S) .. GAME.TYPE ........: Racing

        
  ² ²  ² ²    ² ²  ²  
         
Build the city of the 21st century with City Life! From superb villas in
residential areas to imposing sky scrapers in the business district, design,
build, and develop the city of your dreams. Provide your citizens comfort
and satisfaction by proposing adequate leisure activities and distractions
while making sure you are able to generate profits from taxes and duties.
You must manage this city efficiently to ensure its development flourishes
by resolving the thorny issues of pollution and traffic. Likewise, make
sure the different sociocultural groups coexist as harmoniously as possible
so that the city remains peaceful and prosperous. City Life is a
ext-generation City Builder in real-time 3D. Its fully 3D game engine
offers a level of detail unprecedented in the City Builder genre. The game
boasts highly realistic settings, reflection mapping, a tree engine,
dynamic shadowing, and even an immersion mode that enables players to move
about the cities with a first-person perspective. City Life offers a unique
game experience and a new challenge for City Builder's many fans.
In City Life, not only must you take care of your city's infrastructure
and development, you must also bear in mind your population's wants and
needs. As an urban planning guru, your political role is to make these six
socio-professional/social classes coexist as well as possible: The Elite,
the Radical chic, the Suits, the Fringes, the Blue Collars, and the

* City Builder is now fully 3D and has cutting-edge technical effects
* Build your city on any of twenty-two predefined 3D maps and create your
own maps with City Life's 3D editors and scripts
* Two Playing Modes: a country mode and sandbox mode
* Ability to zoom to the heart of your city to observe its inhabitants or
zoom out to monitor your megalopolis
* Over 250 possible buildings and personalizations
* Six different sociocultural groups with distinct aspirations and needs
* Total building freedom: redefined ergonomics that eliminate the
constraints of right-angle grids

   ²  ² ²   ²  
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           

1. Unrar.
2. Burn or mount with Daemon tools.
3. Install the game.
4. Copy the cracked content located in the \Crack directory on the CD1 to
your installation directory.
5. Play the game

   ²     ²  
  ² ²  ²  ²   ²  ²   ²   
         

" Now hiring Talented Crackers: "

this is the full info
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Posts: 4

PostPosted: Mon, 3rd Jul 2006 12:26    Post subject:
Freakshow wrote:
junkies4 wrote:
What are stolen functions ?

reloaded calls them pcodes if you know this.

If not a stolen function is in a short sumrise:

- developer code exe which use different apis, functions (c++) to go forward.
- starforce protects such functions sometimes which means starforce replaces the fnction from developer with an virtual memory jump and then executes the function in virtual machine of starforce
- this can happen in 3 different ways where the hardest way is the way the function is completly done in vm including the return result. they use "NOP (NO OPERATION) holes" for this but this slows the game as much as the function is used
- cracker has to either log the vm or crack the vm to see what happens and then at the VM jump as to replace the vm jump with the code developer had there originally but this is easy if its a windows api (most crackers i guess know every windows api and their result look) or a decompresss function for big files or what ever.
- theoretically every function that is nessesary for a game can be protected but the more you go the more slows the game which is a reason why sf updates or optimizes their vm often (other reason is new vm needs new tools so they prevent generic tool development)

There are some custom ways how you can do that.
1. log and fully rebuild ... best way but most time catching ... result is a good clean exe
2. crack the virtual machine and patch cdcheck ... easiest way ... result is a patched protect.exe/protect.dll that bypass cdcheck and let sf rebuild the exe ... is easy blacklistable in new drivers ... works generic for all games with the same sf versions
3. crack some return script in the virtual machine ... result is a cracked exe which still needs sf drivers installed ... blacklistable in new drivers
4. generate a dump script which automaticaly dumps you the exe at like 10.000 times during you start, bypass cdcheck and play the game and then use the dumps to rebuild 1 function after an other ... prob is starforce protects itself too so it counts cpu operations to prevent that ... also if stolen function is executed in NOP holes this is impossible way

more details needed then google your way through the common forums.

Thank you Freakshow for those explications !
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Posts: 156

PostPosted: Mon, 3rd Jul 2006 20:34    Post subject:
Vladi wrote:
 
²  ² 
°²²  ²
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City Life (C) Monte Cristo

07/2006 :..... RELEASE.DATE .. PROTECTION .......: Starforce 3.7
1 :.......... DISC(S) .. GAME.TYPE ........: Racing

        
  ² ²  ² ²    ² ²  ²  
         
Build the city of the 21st century with City Life! From superb villas in
residential areas to imposing sky scrapers in the business district, design,
build, and develop the city of your dreams. Provide your citizens comfort
and satisfaction by proposing adequate leisure activities and distractions
while making sure you are able to generate profits from taxes and duties.
You must manage this city efficiently to ensure its development flourishes
by resolving the thorny issues of pollution and traffic. Likewise, make
sure the different sociocultural groups coexist as harmoniously as possible
so that the city remains peaceful and prosperous. City Life is a
ext-generation City Builder in real-time 3D. Its fully 3D game engine
offers a level of detail unprecedented in the City Builder genre. The game
boasts highly realistic settings, reflection mapping, a tree engine,
dynamic shadowing, and even an immersion mode that enables players to move
about the cities with a first-person perspective. City Life offers a unique
game experience and a new challenge for City Builder's many fans.
In City Life, not only must you take care of your city's infrastructure
and development, you must also bear in mind your population's wants and
needs. As an urban planning guru, your political role is to make these six
socio-professional/social classes coexist as well as possible: The Elite,
the Radical chic, the Suits, the Fringes, the Blue Collars, and the

* City Builder is now fully 3D and has cutting-edge technical effects
* Build your city on any of twenty-two predefined 3D maps and create your
own maps with City Life's 3D editors and scripts
* Two Playing Modes: a country mode and sandbox mode
* Ability to zoom to the heart of your city to observe its inhabitants or
zoom out to monitor your megalopolis
* Over 250 possible buildings and personalizations
* Six different sociocultural groups with distinct aspirations and needs
* Total building freedom: redefined ergonomics that eliminate the
constraints of right-angle grids

   ²  ² ²   ²  
   ²    ²    ²  ²   ²   
           

1. Unrar.
2. Burn or mount with Daemon tools.
3. Install the game.
4. Copy the cracked content located in the \Crack directory on the CD1 to
your installation directory.
5. Play the game

   ²     ²  
  ² ²  ²  ²   ²  ²   ²   
         

" Now hiring Talented Crackers: "

this is the full info

Thanks Vladi but why this NFO is not in PC Game ISOs?
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Posts: 3

PostPosted: Mon, 3rd Jul 2006 20:40    Post subject:
nellebgd wrote:
When Reloaded cracked this game?Where is NFO for this game?

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Posts: 275

PostPosted: Mon, 3rd Jul 2006 20:45    Post subject:
RACING?? Laughing
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Posts: 156

PostPosted: Thu, 13th Jul 2006 11:39    Post subject:
How many archives contains CD 2?I downloaded 36 but when I start unpacking it says 37. archive missing...?
CD 2 contains more then 37 archives?
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Posts: 1557
Location: Dutch...
PostPosted: Thu, 13th Jul 2006 11:43    Post subject:
CD1/rld-cl1.r44 (9.57 MB)
CD2/rld-cl2.r37 (8.98 MB)

total files in release should be 88 (rar's , sfv, nfo)
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Posts: 156

PostPosted: Thu, 13th Jul 2006 12:21    Post subject:
BRISK#1 wrote:
CD1/rld-cl1.r44 (9.57 MB)
CD2/rld-cl2.r37 (8.98 MB)

total files in release should be 88 (rar's , sfv, nfo)

OK, man.Thanks Smile
Now, I have to find that 37. archive...
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Posts: 490
Location: Old Europe
PostPosted: Thu, 13th Jul 2006 12:31    Post subject:
If you don't have access to newsgroups, your best bet would be incomplete-warez channels on IRC. Just google for them.
ASUS Maximus IV Gene-Z - i5 2500K - Thermalright Silver Arrow - 4x4GB DDR3 G.Skill RipjawsX- ASUS ENGTX570 DCII - Gigabyte M8000X - Logitech G15 v.2/Rumblepad 2 Refresh + Xbox 360 Controller- Iiyama B2403WS + ASUS VW191D - Sennheiser PC350 - Win7 Pro SP1 64-bit
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