FLATOUT 2 Problems here
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Posts: 75

PostPosted: Wed, 12th Jul 2006 06:19    Post subject:
there are 2 post on page 1 of this topic i did one and elislider did the other elislider is more detailed all in all they get you to play the unleashed or the torrent release, three words read read read ,by the way the game is the balls good luck....

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Posts: 28

PostPosted: Wed, 12th Jul 2006 08:33    Post subject:
Can someone give me the Daemon Tools without that add?? Because of that windows wont boot Sad

7. download and install daemon tools latest with driver version 1.25 (same as winxp)

That is a pure lie... i cant find anyone who has gotten DT4 to work Sad Damn.. now i cant play because of this
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Posts: 12

PostPosted: Wed, 12th Jul 2006 18:24    Post subject:
Last really STABLE deamon tools for vista is v3.33. Install, no errors, never, mount & play. Works fine for me with copybase.ch .mds @ build 5384 & 5456. If there is a dx9 error...copy your d3dx9_30.dll in \windows\system32 from xp to vista. If there is a ati/nvidia driver error when running driverinstall.exe....just use .inf instead. If there is a dummy instead of human...uncut patch is out. Use alcohol image instead of the unleashed bw6 one. Enjoy.
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Fire Storm

Posts: 128

PostPosted: Wed, 12th Jul 2006 19:58    Post subject:
Fire Storm wrote:
can i or cant i install this game without usb dvd drive or burning it on the specific media type?

if i cant, what do i need to do? is the game crackble?[means- reloaded or deviance will rls it sooner or later]

i forgot, ON xp.
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Posts: 1035
PostPosted: Wed, 12th Jul 2006 20:00    Post subject:
Fire Storm wrote:
Fire Storm wrote:
can i or cant i install this game without usb dvd drive or burning it on the specific media type?

if i cant, what do i need to do? is the game crackble?[means- reloaded or deviance will rls it sooner or later]

i forgot, ON xp.

you wait till next month for the securom version

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Posts: 24

PostPosted: Thu, 13th Jul 2006 00:48    Post subject:
all daemon tools dont work here in windowns vista =( (40.03 and 3.33)
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Posts: 475

PostPosted: Thu, 13th Jul 2006 01:49    Post subject:
For me the verry latest dtools installed on vista no problems at all
i can play fo2 easy.

You should beable to install the verry newest dtools4 under vista and reboot, wait till it all loads it took a lil long for it to load after puttin dtools on for me then it should continue installation
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Fire Storm

Posts: 128

PostPosted: Thu, 13th Jul 2006 02:32    Post subject:
IcedFreon wrote:
Fire Storm wrote:
Fire Storm wrote:
can i or cant i install this game without usb dvd drive or burning it on the specific media type?

if i cant, what do i need to do? is the game crackble?[means- reloaded or deviance will rls it sooner or later]

i forgot, ON xp.

you wait till next month for the securom version

huh?! why would empire interactive spend the money on paying on two protection systems when the first one[sf] works perfectly fine?! sound strange to me. can u explain it 2 me?
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Posts: 1035
PostPosted: Thu, 13th Jul 2006 03:18    Post subject:
Fire Storm wrote:
IcedFreon wrote:
Fire Storm wrote:

i forgot, ON xp.

you wait till next month for the securom version

huh?! why would empire interactive spend the money on paying on two protection systems when the first one[sf] works perfectly fine?! sound strange to me. can u explain it 2 me?

rofl. do some research. empire isn releasing it here. vivendi is

Intel Core i7-3770K @ 3.50 GHz
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Posts: 475

PostPosted: Thu, 13th Jul 2006 03:46    Post subject:
ya, word on the street is that us is being published via vivendi which apparently uses securom 7, much better then starforce!

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Posts: 24

PostPosted: Thu, 13th Jul 2006 12:42    Post subject:
BlueStar.nf wrote:
For me the verry latest dtools installed on vista no problems at all
i can play fo2 easy.

You should beable to install the verry newest dtools4 under vista and reboot, wait till it all loads it took a lil long for it to load after puttin dtools on for me then it should continue installation

I did it!
But, DT dont works, and Alcohol 120% too..

Only with Alcohol 52% i have success..
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VIP Member

Posts: 4196

PostPosted: Thu, 13th Jul 2006 13:12    Post subject:
I just bought a IDE 2 USB 2.0 cable for 10 euro,burned the image with Blindwrite 6 and now the game works Very Happy
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Posts: 8

PostPosted: Fri, 14th Jul 2006 08:20    Post subject:
Reefke wrote:
IcedFreon wrote:
forsberg_80 wrote:
Is it possible to mount this game and play in windows xp? If so, then how?

nope its not. wait for the US release.

Actually, it IS possible, but you'll need 2 PC's for it. You need to setup iSCSI so that a virtual drive (DT or Alcohol, doesn't matter) is shared, then play on the other PC using this shared drive.
If your image has good DPM (which means NOT the BW6 image) then the game will run.

All needed info to setup iSCSI can be found in Alcohol's Help file.

It works, 10x !
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Posts: 53

PostPosted: Fri, 14th Jul 2006 08:28    Post subject:
wait? what?! i couldnt get it working... can you outline some steps (similar to what i did?) thanks (or just send me a PM and once/if i get it working ill make a guide that everyone can follow)
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Posts: 1

PostPosted: Sat, 15th Jul 2006 02:38    Post subject:
elislider wrote:
omfg how can i explain it more clearly. read this and if you cant figure it out, then you arent worthy to be doing any of this because you are just plain ignorant.


steps 1-4 are in WINXP

1. download the DJ Eclipse iso release from isohunt.com, or the "sfclone-reloaded" one from mininova.org (they are the same thing). edit: (also note its not actually a reloaded release, just labeled as that, hence why i said they are the same thing)
1b. alternatively, download the sfclone-unleashed version

2. mount the game using Daemon tools. if you have the UNLEASHED release, you must go here: http://www.daemon-tools.cc/dtcc/t12166-p2-support-vso-blindwrite-6-updated-plugin-testing-here.html and download the blindwrite 6 plugin for daemon tools otherwise you wont be able to mount the blindwrite image. i cannot verify this because i havent tried it (plugin download wasnt working when i was trying to get the game running)

3. open up alcohol 120% -> image making wizard. select the drive with the mounted image (from daemon tools). do not change any other options. click next. select where you want the images saved. do not change any other options. click next. start the image making. wait for it to finish.

4. download the mds file from copybase.cc -- refer to other posts or whatever to find it if you cant. you want the one with ID1511 (not ID1514 i believe)

5. install vista (or if its already installed, load it up). i used english x86 (32 bit) build 5384


6. download and install your appropriate video and sound drivers for your computer. for nvidia check www.nvidia.com -- for ac97 audio check www.realtek.com.tw -- etc

7. download and install daemon tools latest with driver version 1.25 (same as winxp)

8. go find the mds/mdf you made with alcohol earlier. delete the original flatout2.mds and rename the ID1511flatout_2.mds you downloaded to Flatout2.mds

9. mount the new Flatout2.mds with daemon 4.03

10. run the game!

i think i made all that perfectly clear

copybase.cc? There's no site..(I found copybase.ch site,but no ID1511flatout_2.mds file)
I wanna ID1511flatout_2.mds.
Plz give me download link...
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Posts: 24

PostPosted: Sat, 15th Jul 2006 04:33    Post subject:
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Posts: 2

PostPosted: Sat, 15th Jul 2006 11:31    Post subject:
elislider wrote:
wait? what?! i couldnt get it working... can you outline some steps (similar to what i did?) thanks (or just send me a PM and once/if i get it working ill make a guide that everyone can follow)

I have the game working too under Windows XP with the iSCSI method.

First I have convert my blindwrite image with your method. But i didn't find the 1511 mds so i use the 1520 one.
After what you have to do is to install the iSCSI server on your second computer. To do that the easyest way is to use Alcohol 120%, all the steps are explained with screenshots... your virtual drive will be share on your network, mount your flatout2 image.
After install the iSCSI initiator on the computer you want to play with (always explained in th alcohol help file).

I hope it can help...

PS: At the end i had problem with alcohol, I wasn't able to mount my image with DT... so i uninstall it and use Starwind alone to share my virtual drive. The login and password to make the connection is "test".
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Posts: 53

PostPosted: Sat, 15th Jul 2006 11:57    Post subject:
yeah i guess the mds ID numbers changed on copybase, at any rate i was using the first one listed on the Flatout 2 page on copybase

maybe im incorrectly using the iscsi service or something, because it doesnt ask for a login/pass to connect, i just click "log on" and it is connected. i tried playing the game but it just says "emulation software detected"

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Posts: 14708

PostPosted: Sat, 15th Jul 2006 14:02    Post subject:
elislider wrote:
yeah i guess the mds ID numbers changed on copybase, at any rate i was using the first one listed on the Flatout 2 page on copybase

maybe im incorrectly using the iscsi service or something, because it doesnt ask for a login/pass to connect, i just click "log on" and it is connected. i tried playing the game but it just says "emulation software detected"


Same here, but I didn't even tried it with 2 PC's, VMWare should do the trick too, and then you only need 1 PC for it Very Happy

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Posts: 2

PostPosted: Sat, 15th Jul 2006 14:54    Post subject:
I use the first mds in the list too...
You have to enter a password only if you use starwind alone, alcohol doesn't aks for it so it should be ok for this :s

do you mount your image with alcohol or DT ?
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Posts: 1693
Location: Netherlands
PostPosted: Sat, 15th Jul 2006 16:15    Post subject:
Install VistA? No Way!, its fucking slow !!
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Posts: 14708

PostPosted: Sat, 15th Jul 2006 17:05    Post subject:
kiynoulu wrote:
I use the first mds in the list too...
You have to enter a password only if you use starwind alone, alcohol doesn't aks for it so it should be ok for this :s

do you mount your image with alcohol or DT ?

Alcohol and DT both give emulator detected.

@Shogust, Vista is not slow, its your PC then Very Happy

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Posts: 3004
Location: HEHE
PostPosted: Sat, 15th Jul 2006 17:11    Post subject:
JiGSaW wrote:
I just bought a IDE 2 USB 2.0 cable for 10 euro,burned the image with Blindwrite 6 and now the game works Very Happy

where ze bought ze cable?

I asked here in the local PC shop today but the guy looked at me like I asked for some space station

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Posts: 14708

PostPosted: Sat, 15th Jul 2006 19:03    Post subject:
CRA$HH110011001 wrote:
JiGSaW wrote:
I just bought a IDE 2 USB 2.0 cable for 10 euro,burned the image with Blindwrite 6 and now the game works Very Happy

where ze bought ze cable?

I asked here in the local PC shop today but the guy looked at me like I asked for some space station

LOL, sounds like some n00bs are running that store Very Happy

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VIP Member

Posts: 4196

PostPosted: Mon, 17th Jul 2006 19:29    Post subject:
where ze bought ze cable?

I asked here in the local PC shop today but the guy looked at me like I asked for some space station

Adapter IDE to USB:


Internet stores have much more!!

Nice movie same method Very Happy :


Last edited by JiGSaW on Mon, 17th Jul 2006 19:52; edited 1 time in total
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Posts: 14708

PostPosted: Mon, 17th Jul 2006 19:47    Post subject:
JiGSaW wrote:
where ze bought ze cable?

I asked here in the local PC shop today but the guy looked at me like I asked for some space station


Internet stores have much more!!

Nice movie same method Very Happy :


Are you dutch JiGSaW? Very Happy Never knew it Razz

PC: Yes. Console: No.
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VIP Member

Posts: 4196

PostPosted: Mon, 17th Jul 2006 19:51    Post subject:
Are you dutch JiGSaW? Very Happy Never knew it Razz

Haha yes im dutch Very Happy
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Posts: 1

PostPosted: Tue, 18th Jul 2006 05:15    Post subject:
well, i tried the iscsi method and it worked, in part
now, the protection system dont say "emulation detected" but appears another error

"Failed to identify the disc in the drive. Insert a licensed disc."

i used the 1520 mds, anyone know how to fix that or make a tutorial with the working files?

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Posts: 55

PostPosted: Tue, 18th Jul 2006 12:38    Post subject:
Hope they can make a mini image and spread this around!
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Posts: 53

PostPosted: Wed, 19th Jul 2006 03:55    Post subject:
kiynoulu wrote:
I use the first mds in the list too...
You have to enter a password only if you use starwind alone, alcohol doesn't aks for it so it should be ok for this :s

do you mount your image with alcohol or DT ?

tried both. when i was first trying to get the iSCSI method working, it was doing that (emulation detected) from mounting in either alc or dt4. i gave up and uninstalled everything (dt and alc on 2nd comp, iscsi on main comp, flatout2 in winxp on main comp) and went back to playing it in vista. then i thought i had come to a revelation and reinstalled everything i just said and tried it again, and it was kindof working, but then alcohol started giving me errors in the starwind dlls and sharing in alc wouldnt show the virtual drive, etc. plus whenever i changed virtual drive settings it made me reboot (this all on 2nd comp) so i gave up again, uninstalled all that stuff a 2nd time, and again went back to playing on vista
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