Favorite game quotes
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Posts: 29
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PostPosted: Mon, 29th May 2006 15:41    Post subject:

Blessed be the path. FOR RAVEN!
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PostPosted: Mon, 29th May 2006 16:31    Post subject:
Random RPG, can't remember which:

"Knowledge is power, but so is an obscene amount of magic!"

Some nice ones here also:

// Maniac_Mailman

nerrd wrote:
Personally I dont care about lesbians. I think that you need a stone hard cock in the mix that can do some damage. Two hot chicks grindin' and suckin' is a waste imo. It's like owning a sportscar and driving under 50.
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Posts: 46

PostPosted: Mon, 29th May 2006 17:01    Post subject:
'I need to use the bathroom' - Agent 47, Hitman: Codename 47.

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Posts: 74
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PostPosted: Mon, 29th May 2006 22:25    Post subject:
it's Payne !!!
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Posts: 31

PostPosted: Mon, 29th May 2006 22:47    Post subject:
"Maxie, Maxie, Maxie" --- Max Payne
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Posts: 576

PostPosted: Mon, 29th May 2006 23:38    Post subject:
maxiepaxie wrote:
These are some sound samples from duke nukem, hilarious Very Happy


That's nothing compared to that: http://www.3drealms.com/duke3d/outtakes.html
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Posts: 2907
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PostPosted: Tue, 30th May 2006 00:04    Post subject:
"Shake it, Baby"


Agent Tanya, Red Alert 2

"Zipfero is the biggest fucking golddigger ever" - Mutantius
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Posts: 12017

PostPosted: Tue, 30th May 2006 01:12    Post subject:
" How do da kiddies the BAD MAN is here " - Caleb ,Blood

and the best quote from a movie is :
"M`kay" South park
those who seen the movie know what that means Razz

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Posts: 22
Location: UK & Sweden
PostPosted: Tue, 30th May 2006 11:02    Post subject:
Ice_ wrote:
war3 wrote:
"We can do this my way or the hard way, they're basicly the same thing." Serious Sam 2

yeah, I laughed pretty much when I heard that in SS2.

Anyway, quote from Blood:

"I love the smell of Napalm in the morning..." - Caleb

That's also in a Dismember song Smile
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Posts: 2965
Location: South Korea
PostPosted: Tue, 30th May 2006 19:56    Post subject:
neXioz wrote:
Ice_ wrote:

yeah, I laughed pretty much when I heard that in SS2.

Anyway, quote from Blood:

"I love the smell of Napalm in the morning..." - Caleb

That's also in a Dismember song Smile

children children children..

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Posts: 104

PostPosted: Tue, 30th May 2006 21:45    Post subject: Re: Favorite game quotes
How many times have you heard the following ?

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Posts: 1732
Location: Belgium
PostPosted: Tue, 30th May 2006 22:30    Post subject:
crossmr wrote:
neXioz wrote:
Ice_ wrote:

yeah, I laughed pretty much when I heard that in SS2.

Anyway, quote from Blood:

"I love the smell of Napalm in the morning..." - Caleb

That's also in a Dismember song Smile

children children children..


Ya I was about to say it came from Apocalypse Now.Great movie Very Happy
And those duke nukem outtakes are kickass!
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Posts: 1746
Location: Internet Express
PostPosted: Wed, 31st May 2006 09:23    Post subject:
"Kirov reporting!" Red Alert 2, always gave me the sound of superiority Wink

Very HappyVery HappyVery Happy

Ἢ τὰν ἢ ἐπὶ τᾶς - Μολὼν λαβέ
Today is a gift. That's why it's called the present.
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Posts: 1732
Location: Belgium
PostPosted: Wed, 31st May 2006 13:26    Post subject:
When Tanya is laughing like "hahaha" before killing everything in her way Very Happy
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Posts: 40

PostPosted: Thu, 1st Jun 2006 19:54    Post subject:
A few I remember: (excuse my memory, I may not remember the exact sentence)

"I capped his ass" JC Denton.

"I am going to hunt you down like a dog" - one of the goons in No one Lives forever.

"Allow me to present, Max Payne, new york's finest, with the biggest mobster body count ever". Something along those lines.

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Posts: 3028

PostPosted: Thu, 1st Jun 2006 22:21    Post subject:

Peace is a lie; there is only passion. Through passion, I gain strength. Through strength, I gain power. Through power, I gain victory. Through victory, my chains are broken. The Force will set me free.

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Posts: 2907
Location: Not from my mouth!
PostPosted: Thu, 1st Jun 2006 23:05    Post subject:
Pizda2 wrote:

Peace is a lie; there is only passion. Through passion, I gain strength. Through strength, I gain power. Through power, I gain victory. Through victory, my chains are broken. The Force will set me free.

That game is gold. Never played a singleplayer "campaign" i enjoyed more.

"Zipfero is the biggest fucking golddigger ever" - Mutantius
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Posts: 77

PostPosted: Fri, 2nd Jun 2006 02:21    Post subject:
"I sense a soul in search of answers" will never leave my head, ever. Along with "Work work!" Laughing

All the quotes from the HL2: Episode One Teaser Trailers are superb too.
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VIP Master Jedi

Posts: 24468
Location: Toronto, Canada
PostPosted: Fri, 2nd Jun 2006 02:24    Post subject:
fraich3 wrote:
Pizda2 wrote:

Peace is a lie; there is only passion. Through passion, I gain strength. Through strength, I gain power. Through power, I gain victory. Through victory, my chains are broken. The Force will set me free.

That game is gold. Never played a singleplayer "campaign" i enjoyed more.

Thats the truth. The game is totally immersive (i think thats the right word Razz )

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Posts: 77

PostPosted: Fri, 2nd Jun 2006 05:58    Post subject:
"I'm gonna bury those motherfuckers." - Kingpin, main character at the game beginning when he gets his ass severely kicked by a couple of thugs.

"Get the fuck out of my foyer!!" - Kingpin, door bouncer response if you choose to say "fuck you" to him when trying to get inside the club.

"Why don't you get a job!?" - Deus Ex, J.D. Denton to chick in Parisian bar after he (you) breaks into the nightclub office and steals the cash she was planning on stealing for herself, after she says "That was my last chance to make some cash! I hope you're happy!". Heh.

A lot of the dialogue in "No One Lives Forever". The implied and overt references to sex with sheep was continually amusing. That game was hilarious.
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Posts: 332

PostPosted: Fri, 2nd Jun 2006 11:39    Post subject:
full throttle!

Ripburger shot the controls to stop the plane without wings and the plane is going to crash into the gorge]
Ben: Ripburger, you're gonna kill us all.
Adrian Ripburger [: Ben, don't ruin the ending.

Maureen: Nice forks. Where'd you get them?
Ben: Right next to the knives and spoons.

Malcolm Corley: What do you know, Ripburger? You've never even been on a bike!
Adrian Ripburger: Oh, you know I'd be on one right now, sir, if not for this... destabilizing inner-ear condition.
Malcolm Corley: Ah, your ears are fine. It's what's between 'em that scares me.
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Posts: 895
Location: Riket
PostPosted: Mon, 10th Jul 2006 22:38    Post subject:
Full Throttle

Ben: When I'm on the road, I'm indestructible. No one can stop me,(sees an enemy biker in view)... but they try.

jenni <3
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Posts: 11
Location: USA
PostPosted: Mon, 10th Jul 2006 23:51    Post subject: Old School Quote - Impossible Mission
"Another Visitor, Stay Awhile, Stay Forever!"

For some reason that is the first quote that pops in my mind even if it's from 1984.
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Posts: 102

PostPosted: Tue, 11th Jul 2006 00:00    Post subject:
exon wrote:
The best game quote ever:

Duke Nukem: "It's time to kick ass and chew bubblegum. And I'm all outta gum."

Simply the best!

that quote is from a john carpenter film called 'they live' spoken by roddy piper.
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Posts: 316
Location: Canada
PostPosted: Tue, 11th Jul 2006 04:57    Post subject:
OK, here's the funniest bunch of dialog from the game, IMO. Includes the comedic greetings from all the family members and the hilarious darkside PC dialog that had me LMAO the first time I played the game as a dark jedi...

Setting: In front of Sandral Estate

Rahasia Sandral: Shen! You're Safe!

Shen Matale: Rahasia! Thank goodness you managed to escape!

Rahasia: It was all thanks to this kind Jedi that we managed to get this far at all. I thank you Jedi, for all that you have done for us.

Me: Shen's father promised me a reward.

Shen: What? You're... you're just doing this for the reward?

Rahasia: How could you! I thought you...

Ahlan Matale: There you are Shen!

Shen: Father!

Rahasia: Mr. Matale!

Nurik Sandral: Rahasia!

Rahasia: Father!

Shen: Mr. Sandral!

Ahlan: Nurik!

Nurik: Ahlan!

Ahlan: I knew this was all your doing! I knew you had captured my son!

Nurik: You had taken my Casus from me long before that! You started it!

Ahlan: I don't want to hear any of your excuses! Now I will get revenge for your transgressions!

Me: Why don't you just shoot each other and get it over with.

Shen: No! Father don't do this!

Rahasia: We don't always need to be fighting like this!

Nurik: It's gone too far for that, Rahasia. Ahlan has crossed the line one too many times!

Ahlan: Ha! For what you've done to me and my family, I will see you dead and rotting in the ground.

Me: The only way either of you will end this is with blood.

Canderous: I'm glad somebody finally said what we've all been thinking!

Bastila: Are you mad? They will slaughter each other!

Shen: No! Don't!

Nurik: This... this has all gone horribly wrong somewhere. Ahlan, what can we be thinking? How could we have let this go this far?

Nurik: We are at each others throats now fighting over our children's lives when they are old enough to live their own.

Ahlan: He is my son! How can he disrespect my wishes like this?

Me: [Lie] You know, Nurik, Ahlan actually did kill Casus.

Nurik: [Success] He... WHAT??

Ahlan: No, no! I never did anything to your son, I...

Nurik: I knew you were lying, you dog! And to think I thought it might not have been you! So I'll take your son from you!

Rahasia: FAther, no! Don't do it!

Nurik: Die!

[Kills Shen]

Ahlan: Shen!

Me: Kill them! Kill them all!

Ahlan: Die!

[Kills Rahasia]

Nurik: NO! Rahaisa! I'll kill you!

[Kills Ahlan]

Matale War Droid: The Master has been injured. Terminate all opposition.

[Kill Nurik]

Sandral War Droid: Destroy the invaders!

[Attack Matale droids and Me, Bastila, Canderous]

LOL! Laughing Please for the love of GOD someone has to know this game....for you people who don't *sigh* KOTOR: Knights Of The Old Republic. =D

Yippie Kia Eh Mother Fuker!
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Posts: 895
Location: Riket
PostPosted: Tue, 11th Jul 2006 05:54    Post subject:
Canderous is hardcore.

jenni <3
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Posts: 2402

PostPosted: Tue, 11th Jul 2006 15:21    Post subject:
whalesick wrote:
exon wrote:
The best game quote ever:

Duke Nukem: "It's time to kick ass and chew bubblegum. And I'm all outta gum."

Simply the best!

that quote is from a john carpenter film called 'they live' spoken by roddy piper.

Yup all duke quotes, while being cool, are plagerised from other cool movies ie: the one mentioned above, few Ash quotes etc etc.

Cant think of a good quote off the top of my head but two mindless grunts in F.E.A.R made me laugh with

Grunt 1 "Did you see that?"
Grunt 2 " SHUT THE FUCK UP!"
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Posts: 102

PostPosted: Thu, 13th Jul 2006 02:06    Post subject:
evilmonkey wrote:
whalesick wrote:
exon wrote:
The best game quote ever:

Duke Nukem: "It's time to kick ass and chew bubblegum. And I'm all outta gum."

Simply the best!

that quote is from a john carpenter film called 'they live' spoken by roddy piper.

Yup all duke quotes, while being cool, are plagerised from other cool movies ie: the one mentioned above, few Ash quotes etc etc.

Cant think of a good quote off the top of my head but two mindless grunts in F.E.A.R made me laugh with

Grunt 1 "Did you see that?"
Grunt 2 " SHUT THE FUCK UP!"

lol yeah, when i first heard that i swear i laughed for about 10 mins. haha
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Posts: 108
Location: 2nd Ring of the 7th Circle
PostPosted: Thu, 13th Jul 2006 18:26    Post subject:
This is gonna be a long post...
I would quote everything congressman Alex Shrub says in GTA: Vice City but that would take up an entire page... I'll pick the favourite parts Smile.

Alex Shrub: My campaign also appealed to the poor... Who are too stupid to understand what I'm saying, so I held up pretty pictures and gave out candy bars to appeal to their most base insticts.

Alex Shrub: Those statistics are interesting, but like all statistics, they are also irrelevant.

Alex Shrub: What does the rest of the world have to tell us about how to do things? Build more trains? Have people elect their leader rather than an elite electoral college? Ride a bike to work like a girl scout or a clown with dietary concerns?

Alex Shrub: Listen Trust Fund Tommy, your ideas are pathetic. It's no wonder that mankind has woken up one day to find me in charge, amigo.
Maurice Chavez: Mr. Shrub, you got elected on a campaign promising to reduce taxes to zero... But under your stewardship, we've seen taxes go up by 20% and ervices decline!
Alex Shrub: No one is interested in your statistics, Chavez.

Alex Shrub: Trouble is caused by unemployment, and unemployment comes from poor, economic performance and lazy people.

Alex Shrub: It's simple. If you don't have a job, starve. Get out of my constituency by force if necessary, and starve.

Alex Shrub: This country needs something to aim for, like being rich and laughing at poor people... Or, being in government and laughing at the electorate.

Alex Shrub: We in government are saving money so that you don't have to. When we spend less money on services, more goes to administration salaries and expenses which helps make lives a lot less difficult for everybody. It's about sharing; Sharing your taxes out amongst the select few. That's why I worked so hard at school, so I can reap the rewards now.

Alex Shrub: I believe in giving people a chance. Not tying them down with lots of needless regulations. The fact is business is run by moral people who won't do anything illegal or try to get rich quickly.
Maurice Chavez: ... But since you got elected, Vice City has been characterized by a government who cut aid to the poor, offered tax breaks to the rich, and paid people to dump toxic waste near schools.
Alex Shrub: Yes, we've made a lot of progress!

Maurice Chavez: So, with people being set such a bad example by big business, how are they supposed to respect each other, to act safely in society,
and how are they policed by a demoralized and under-funded police force.
Alex Shrub: Well... I'm afraid that's apparently quite a difficult question, but my solution is easy. I'm going to talk for a long time about a subject not in anyway related and pretty soon people will forget about it. I'll remind people that I have a great haircut, and under my stewardship Vice City has had, on average, 15% better weather than before, while crime rates only go up if you don't turn the graph upside down. Turn it upside down, and they have halved- HALVED under me, Alex Shrub. Vote Shrub for president and you'll have a friendly face in the White House. A man you can trust. A local man who likes golf, and laughing, and photo opportunities at your store or place of business. Just send me a letter. I'll send you an automated, photocopied response. We call it "democracy" and that's where the money goes.
Maurice: Uh, just a minute-
Alex Shrub: Don't interrupt! Let me finish.
Maurice: But you're not-
Alex Shrub: This man won't let me speak! You, shorty! Shut up and let me speak! I'm taller than him, ladies and gentlemen, by at least three inches, which means I'm a lot more respectable looking. Everyone knows politicians lie and steal and cheat, but at least with me in charge, you know I look good and I have a very supercilious manner. Besides which, I've been abroad and I prefer it here because I'm a man of the people. Vote Shrub! You'll get richer and you won't feel guilty about it!
Maurice: Enough! We're running out of time and you completely failed to answer the question.
Alex Shrub: I'm a professional. That's my job.
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Posts: 199

PostPosted: Thu, 13th Jul 2006 19:48    Post subject:
speaking of Vice City, there was this funny conversation between Tommy and Diaz in one mission:

DIAZ: You doing this to me?
DIAZ: Who do you think you are, you piece of plastic SHIT? Aaarrgh!
DIAZ: It eats my favorite El burro movie, it die!
DIAZ: What else could I do?
TOMMY: It's probably not plugged in.
DIAZ: What?

(taken from gamescript)

it's a lot funnier when you see it on screen but nevertheless
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