downloaded and played the original game through earlier today
great little thoughtful puzzle thingamabob
just fell faaaaaaar from it's potential with it's very few levels and awful(but sufficient for a puzzle) graphics and dodgy and buggy gameplay
i really hope this new game is more puzzle oriented than action as the video looks like
there's so much potential for awesomeness in this that it's hard to comprehend
downloaded and played the original game through earlier today
great little thoughtful puzzle thingamabob
just fell faaaaaaar from it's potential with it's very few levels and awful(but sufficient for a puzzle) graphics and dodgy and buggy gameplay
i really hope this new game is more puzzle oriented than action as the video looks like
there's so much potential for awesomeness in this that it's hard to comprehend
couldnt say that better!
i think so too, its ant alt timeline, i dont know if in the future, after the war, or in the combines planet, before the war, or in the combines planet, during the war, eitherway,
I think the Portaldevice is the "new technology", Dr. Mossman was talking about in the arcticastation when they got infiltrated by Combine forces. You know, the scene when you are returning to Alyx from the core and she shows you a video
Looks amazing, saw the vid for the first time last night!
To the person saying Valve is "ripping off" Prey... Do you *honestly* think Prey was the first to use the idea of portals? Hell man, you're ripping off the dictionary you little son of a bitch! Don't complain about stupid crap like that lol. Or do, and go work for the RIAA or MPAA.
Looks amazing, saw the vid for the first time last night!
To the person saying Valve is "ripping off" Prey... Do you *honestly* think Prey was the first to use the idea of portals? Hell man, you're ripping off the dictionary you little son of a bitch! Don't complain about stupid crap like that lol. Or do, and go work for the RIAA or MPAA.
Preys portal idea was conceived a long time ago, we saw screenshots of it before the original game was scapped and then brought back to life (only with very little of the original concept remaining).
This isn't going to be a new weapon in HL-2 (I think ). This is gonna be a new stand-alone game.
Yeah, it's going to be a stand-alone game.
It has been confirmed that Portal is to be set within the Half-Life universe, though how it will tie in with Half-Life history is at this point entirely unclear
So it might be integrated into HL2 Episode 2 in some way.
"Techniclly speaking, Beta-Manboi didnt inject Burberry_Massi with Benz, he injected him with liquid that had air bubbles in it, which caused benz." - House M.D
"Faith without logic is the same as knowledge without understanding; meaningless"
It has been confirmed that Portal is to be set within the Half-Life universe, though how it will tie in with Half-Life history is at this point entirely unclear
So it might be integrated into HL2 Episode 2 in some way.
It will, if i'm not wrong, and I quite possibly am, VALVe has advertised EP2 as the best Half Life episode to date. With brand new puzzles and shit like that. So I think they're going to use the protal thing.
Also they mentioned that EP2 will have... a new, never before seen, gun.
So this might be it. I dunno. If anything VALVe will want to use this for MP as it will have very limited use in SP. And they paid money for it.
We're just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl, year after year, running over the same old ground. What have we found? The same old fears.Wish you were here.
(...)Also they mentioned that EP2 will have... a new, never before seen, gun.(...)
That gun is going to be Strider Buster (it's confirmed). But they also said, that Gravity Gun will have some new features. So maybe this portal thing will be attached to the GG. That would be kewl
Completely forgot the name. Thnx. Yeah the new feature to the grav gun, now I remember.
We just have to wait and see. Would be cool if it got this shit. Though like HL2 and EP1, it’ll be limited
We're just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl, year after year, running over the same old ground. What have we found? The same old fears.Wish you were here.
this is '98 i think
anything earlier?
it's hilarious when you compare it to what it is now yes i know gameplay above gfx, it's from 1998,; it' wasn't finished, but stil funny to compare where we came from and where we are now
guh, i love valve's ideas and i'd love to work there and i wouldn't have it any different but damn! gabe newell is such a cock. most unispiring guy i've seen in a long time.
steve jobs is admirable, carmack has undeniable skill (and works with rockets, i mean come on! ) and will wright is definetley interesting... but gabe? just some fat nerd. lose some weight, go drive some cars/drink wine/do anything and then maybe i could believe in him. heck even bill gates is loveable in a harmless geek kind of way.
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