Graphics card problem or hopefully something else?
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Posts: 184
Location: Switzerland
PostPosted: Tue, 25th Jul 2006 04:57    Post subject: Graphics card problem or hopefully something else?
Hey guys, I've been having some strange problem when playing games lately. Everything is fine for a while and then i get these triangular, fractal shadow things appearing all over the screen:

I thought this was just connected with "Prey", but I tried lowering video settings but the problem persisted.Then the other day I started playing Far Cry again (which I have played through before with no problems at all) and these things started appearing there as well. It has been very hot here (Western Europe) for about three weeks or so (90's F 35 C) and I am wondering if my machine is heating up or something- or is that just silly? I have never had this problem untill this month. I have played FEAR, HL2, Far Cry, Riddick on my machine flawlessly on the highest settings. Any help or advice would be much appreciated. My specs are in my signiture below.

Thanks in advance
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Posts: 2304
Location: Somewhere
PostPosted: Tue, 25th Jul 2006 07:37    Post subject:
Probably your gfx overheating. Check if the fan on it is spinning as it should, check if there's a lot of dust on it etc...

If you see no problem that would cause overheating, put a fan blowing on the gfx.
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Posts: 584

PostPosted: Tue, 25th Jul 2006 11:48    Post subject:
1 Try to lower the resolution
3 update the drivers
4 get a new cooler / fan
4 if none of them works buy a new one
5 if you dont have money
6 and if you are a hardcore gamer
7 just like %90 of the nforce kids
8 commit suicide
9 haha
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[Moderator] Elitist

Posts: 8374

PostPosted: Tue, 25th Jul 2006 12:27    Post subject:
kosmiq wrote:
Probably your gfx overheating. Check if the fan on it is spinning as it should, check if there's a lot of dust on it etc...

If you see no problem that would cause overheating, put a fan blowing on the gfx.

Agree. You could also try underclocking the card, or only playing at night. Make sure you check the GFX card heat at idle and while playing games though, let us know and we can tell you if its overheating or not..
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Posts: 184
Location: Switzerland
PostPosted: Tue, 25th Jul 2006 13:35    Post subject:

How do I check card's heat (at idle, etc.)

My machine is about six months old. I've vaccumed out a little dust about three months ago. I will check it now. Stand by guys.
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[Moderator] Elitist

Posts: 8374

PostPosted: Tue, 25th Jul 2006 13:42    Post subject:
You could Google for a program called "SpeedFan" or if you have an Nvidia card there is a temperature monitor in the advanced display options for the card.. not sure about ATI cards, been a while since I owned one.
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Posts: 6422
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PostPosted: Tue, 25th Jul 2006 14:12    Post subject:
I think AtiTrayTool does the job. If not you could always go for the bloated and sluggish CCC.

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Posts: 41

PostPosted: Tue, 25th Jul 2006 18:22    Post subject:
Well, if his sig is right, he has a Geforce 6800GT. So he should be able to check his card's temperature in the Nvidia panel.
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[Moderator] Elitist

Posts: 8374

PostPosted: Tue, 25th Jul 2006 18:45    Post subject:
Reefke wrote:
Well, if his sig is right, he has a Geforce 6800GT. So he should be able to check his card's temperature in the Nvidia panel.

Good thinking batman, I am clearly blind today Neutral
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Posts: 3583

PostPosted: Tue, 25th Jul 2006 19:02    Post subject:
Looks like a driver problem.
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Posts: 184
Location: Switzerland
PostPosted: Wed, 26th Jul 2006 14:01    Post subject:
ok...Been time for the machine at the moment...

A couple of things:

Where is my nvidia panel?? When I right click, I have my NView desktop stuff, but I dont see Temperature settings... I updated my drivers several months back and I deleted my old ones. Maybe I gotta get out the Nvidia CD. By the way, my driver is 77.77 ...gotta check if these are the most up-to-date.

Things have cooled down here in Switzerland today. Gonna see if this has any effect on my gaming performance. Stand By....
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[Moderator] Elitist

Posts: 8374

PostPosted: Wed, 26th Jul 2006 15:11    Post subject:
Your *VERY* behind in drivers.. the latest version is "91.31" .. this is also why you cant see temperature settings I assume, because your current driver does not have that feature. You should upgrade then do what has been said above.

You need to always keep your drivers upto date!

*link below to the latest XP drivers*
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Posts: 1035
PostPosted: Wed, 26th Jul 2006 18:02    Post subject:
trashd wrote:
ok...Been time for the machine at the moment...

A couple of things:

Where is my nvidia panel?? When I right click, I have my NView desktop stuff, but I dont see Temperature settings... I updated my drivers several months back and I deleted my old ones. Maybe I gotta get out the Nvidia CD. By the way, my driver is 77.77 ...gotta check if these are the most up-to-date.

Things have cooled down here in Switzerland today. Gonna see if this has any effect on my gaming performance. Stand By....

get coolbits

Intel Core i7-3770K @ 3.50 GHz
Asrock Z77 Extreme 4
EVGA GeForce GTX 670 FTW 2GB
8GB Corsair Vengeance DDR3
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Posts: 184
Location: Switzerland
PostPosted: Thu, 27th Jul 2006 14:22    Post subject:

I updated nvidia drivers (what was I doing with 77.77!!??) and played a little and things seem to back to normal...I didn't play that long but GPU Temp did not get over 81-83. Thanks for the help guys. Lets see what happens in the long term here. Maybe I'll be back.

Once again, thanks for the help.
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Posts: 184
Location: Switzerland
PostPosted: Thu, 27th Jul 2006 14:30    Post subject:
My idle GPU is 68° at the moment. When I started to play a game for Ten minutes or so GPU went up to 83° and no artifacts. Lets see what happens on a hot night after some long hours of playing...

Thanks for the help, I'll be in touch....
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[Moderator] Elitist

Posts: 8374

PostPosted: Thu, 27th Jul 2006 14:45    Post subject:
Your totally fine at that temp, when its going over 110 you should be getting a little worried, but it *should* be fine up to around 120 which is generally the stated threshold ..

keep us informed.
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Posts: 307
PostPosted: Fri, 28th Jul 2006 00:07    Post subject:
My card busted due to heat (i guess) the other day

i came home at 6am after work and just wanted chill... turned on poot.. everything booted, and would even let me log in (tested thru audio) but the screen remained black...
switched back old gfx, worked... bought new card... GREAT choice... new one pwns

and yes, they do break from HEAT!... ITS EVIL!!... RIP 1.5yr old 6600gt

all hail 6800gs super!

Turn Down That Awful Music!
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Posts: 53

PostPosted: Fri, 28th Jul 2006 22:27    Post subject:
[sYn] wrote:
Your totally fine at that temp, when its going over 110 you should be getting a little worried, but it *should* be fine up to around 120 which is generally the stated threshold ..

keep us informed.

i sure hope you arent talking about celcius
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Posts: 184
Location: Switzerland
PostPosted: Fri, 28th Jul 2006 23:38    Post subject:
Ok, my card is showing 65° at the moment. I am doing nothing graphically heavy. The weather has really cooled down today; it's overcast and about 25°C. Is 65° really too hot for the card at idle? I looked at the fan on the card and I think I can still blow out a bit more dust and whatever is still in there. Havn't really been gaming heavy yet. I havn't experienced artifacts last night (twenty minutes on Prey).....

--> Is 65° really too hot at idle??


My GPU temperature is:

GPU core 66°

ambient temperature 49°C

slowdown threshold 135°C
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Posts: 184
Location: Switzerland
PostPosted: Fri, 28th Jul 2006 23:56    Post subject:

All my temp numbers are in CELCIUS...

My GPU temperature is:

GPU core 66°C

ambient temperature 49°C

slowdown threshold 135°C
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Posts: 1506
Location: Japan
PostPosted: Sat, 29th Jul 2006 13:10    Post subject:
Your temperatures are completely normal.
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[Moderator] Elitist

Posts: 8374

PostPosted: Sat, 29th Jul 2006 13:20    Post subject:
I agree, the guy below is clearly smoking crack Razz You may want to lower the 135 to about 110, would be a safer value.

elislider wrote:
[sYn] wrote:
Your totally fine at that temp, when its going over 110 you should be getting a little worried, but it *should* be fine up to around 120 which is generally the stated threshold ..

keep us informed.

i sure hope you arent talking about celcius

Yes we're talking about Celcius..
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Posts: 156
Location: Wisconsin
PostPosted: Sat, 29th Jul 2006 13:37    Post subject:
erm, shouldn't it idle more around 45, mine does, dont even think it ever goes over 60. I have a 6600GT.

fuck linux.
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Posts: 6422
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Sat, 29th Jul 2006 14:43    Post subject:
My 1900XTX is idle at around 50C and load at 75C. This is completely normal temperatures for this generation of cards and also everything above 6800 for nVIDIA pretty much.

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Posts: 2304
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PostPosted: Sat, 29th Jul 2006 14:53    Post subject:
My 7800GT (overclocked a bit too) idles at 43C, full load is around 60-70C, can't really remember that one. But of course my apartment is always cool no matter how hot its outside (I live in the basement Razz).
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[Moderator] Elitist

Posts: 8374

PostPosted: Sat, 29th Jul 2006 17:37    Post subject:
Mine would idle at 50/60 with the stock cooler in a medium temp room, underload it would hit 90 or higher depending on the heat at the time.. when I changed coolers mine idled far lower, around the 40's.. but anything upto 110 is fine (underload..).
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Posts: 2972

PostPosted: Sat, 29th Jul 2006 17:47    Post subject:
At 110C your card would have been fried syn. I doubt you can hit above 100C for a very long time without damaging the gpu.
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Posts: 6422
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Sat, 29th Jul 2006 18:05    Post subject:
Nah, my brother ran a 6800 card on 110C for hours, you have to go a bit higher for it to take damage.

Upcoming PC games 2009 and onwards
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Posts: 2304
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PostPosted: Sat, 29th Jul 2006 18:35    Post subject:
AFAIK GPU's are not as sensitive to heat as CPU's. Of course I doubt that running it in 100C for a long time is good, but for a while I'm sure it will be able to handle it.
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Posts: 184
Location: Switzerland
PostPosted: Mon, 31st Jul 2006 19:05    Post subject:
Hey Guys...

I've been doing some surfing on the subject lately and I'm convinced that my temperatures are too high. I have installed new drivers and nTune. Right now my temps are as follows:

CPU 40°C System 39°C GPU 68°C

I have my browser open (four windows). My fan (GPU) is set at 100 percent (Control Panel reads 100 percent/68°C) I played Quake4 last night with no problems for one and a half hours, temps did not exceed the 70's....but my GPU at 68° idle is hot right? Do I need to take the card out and blow all the dust out ...ALL THE DUST...I dont know if this would help. Or is my Asus 6800GT just a damn hot card? I only had artifacts problems during the extreme heatwave week (last week)...How can I find out what is a normal temp for my card?

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