I dropped my case... Big trouble.
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Posts: 365

PostPosted: Sun, 22nd Aug 2004 04:16    Post subject: I dropped my case... Big trouble.
Ok, so I had my case on my table, with my monitors and my keyboard/mouse. The fans in it and the slight vibration and sound they made was annoying me, so I decided to move the case on the floor. Unplug everything lift it, take a step back, kinda slip without totaly losing balance, but just enough for one of my hand to slip.
Result: System failure.
this aint fun. At all.

the damn thing wont boot now, at first, it stayed on for about 20 seconds, and when about to boot it it just stopped. With the front led staying on

So I tought it was a HDD problem (moving parts in those, could very well be damaged by a hit to the floor) so I unplugged it to see how far it would go
it went to the part where it said "BOOT FAILURE blablabla" so that got me pretty convinced.

So i went to eat a litlle something, of course I couldnt so after a short while I went back to the PC
After the accident a fan made a weird noise, so I decided to check which one did. I unplugged the case fan, pressed power. Now the pc only stayed on for 1 seconds, then went back off...
thats the state it is in now..

not booting at all..
so whos fault is it? (mine I know, but what do i need to replace)

Could still be HDD... or the CPU... or the heatsink/fan... Maybe the mobo..
Or on the bright side it MIGHT be the PSU
god please not all of the above Sad


to clear up things:
The CPU Fan wont turn for more than a second when i power it up, then everything stops (as if the comp was closed) and the front leds remain open.

*siigh* thanks for any support..

Last edited by gutyreader on Sun, 22nd Aug 2004 04:30; edited 1 time in total
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Posts: 1622
Location: Green Bay, Wisconsin
PostPosted: Sun, 22nd Aug 2004 04:21    Post subject:
make sure the video card is plugged in all the way. ( and everything else )

does the HD make any bootup sounds?


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Posts: 365

PostPosted: Sun, 22nd Aug 2004 04:44    Post subject:
no boot up sound..

everything seems correctly plugged in.. taking it apart for closer examination

cpu fan makes an awful sound..
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Posts: 12390
Location: England
PostPosted: Sun, 22nd Aug 2004 05:33    Post subject:
It wouldn't matter if the graphics card was plugged in or not, it would still at least boot.

Silmilar thing happed to me, I set the wrong FSB for my processor in the Bios and then the PC would just turn itself off a few seconds after I turned it on. I managed to fix it by reading the motherboard manuel then manually resetting the bios by shortcircuiting some components of the mainboard.

What computer are you using currently? Is it one you could uses to test your components on? You really need to isolate the problem by testing them on another computer.

edit:The cpu fan was probably dislodged from it's mooring slightly so its impacting the guard. I don't think it would stop you computer from booting.

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Posts: 1622
Location: Green Bay, Wisconsin
PostPosted: Sun, 22nd Aug 2004 05:55    Post subject:
(It wouldn't matter if the graphics card was plugged in or not, it would still at least boot.)

wrong, if it is cock-eyed in the slot it will not boot.

I have fix over 200 PCs.


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Posts: 365

PostPosted: Sun, 22nd Aug 2004 06:13    Post subject:
I didnt know a comp needed a video card to boot... figured it'd POST alone or someting... beep like a maniac maybe

Anyways, thats exactly what I did. Used my little brother (who's luckily absent for the weekend's) computer to test the parts

I tested my graphics card in his comp, it was ok.
did the same for the RAM, was OK.
Then I got his Power Supply into my comp with the bare minimum to run and it worked!

Yay! it'll only cost me a Power Supply

god thats a hell of a relief!
2 days away from school... bad timing

Any recomended PSU brands?
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Posts: 3571
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Sun, 22nd Aug 2004 08:28    Post subject:
Antec are really good ones. I got a Antec 480watt Trublue. Very good at keeping the right voltages and it has a very nice blue LED fan at the back.
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Posts: 319
Location: United States of America
PostPosted: Sun, 22nd Aug 2004 14:08    Post subject:
MY PC Won't boot at all without some type of video display... It's a bios feature, it looks in the PCI and AGP slots for a VideoCard if it doesn't find one it hard locks... Kinda sucks really...
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Posts: 1622
Location: Green Bay, Wisconsin
PostPosted: Sun, 22nd Aug 2004 17:09    Post subject:
did you mention that there was zero power? that is important information.

when it comes to power supplies, just get the best deal. 500w with a quite fan.
but if it is a name brand PC, you have to get it from them.


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