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Posts: 2580

PostPosted: Sat, 5th Aug 2006 13:02    Post subject:
Worth the wait then

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Posts: 396

PostPosted: Sat, 5th Aug 2006 13:28    Post subject:
It reminded me of not only Serious Sam, but the original Doom game as well, which in its day was great. about 10 years ago Painkiller would have been regarded as incredible, but todays standard says its old news.
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Posts: 782

PostPosted: Sat, 5th Aug 2006 16:23    Post subject:
I still enjoy Painkiller, haven't had the chance to check out this version yet and probably won't bother but on a good PC the game still looks and sounds pretty sweet - played it on PC at the start of the year and was just as impressed then as I was when I initially played through it years back.

Some of the map design is a little patchy i.e. exceptionally good maps placed alongside pretty poor maps and the same could be said about the level bosses. The ragdoll physics, special powers and weapons more than make up for those failings.

When I play Painkiller though I play through it for an old skool FPS experience in much the same way as I would play through Serious Sam. Story goes by the wayside in favour of just obliterating everything on the level although I would agree that Serious Sam and maybe its sequel had the great humour and the co-op was alot of fun.

Each to their own I guess. Razz
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Posts: 125

PostPosted: Sun, 6th Aug 2006 10:50    Post subject:
fwb73 wrote:
bouli67 wrote:
fwb73 wrote:

thought it was well substandard....reminded me of heretic but no where near as good...average gfx....will only play it if im really really bored....

this game look nice and exellent gfx ( havoc 2 pain engine powered by people cant fly ) and the game is very fun same to the pc version

sorry mate it looks crap....really average gfx....and gameplay is very simplistic not fun....compare it to serious sam or urban chaos or black....or any other fps of last couple of years....this is well below average

wow serious sam i agree is cool ok but urban chaos are very crap GFX and black is beatifull i agree ( but story of black is stupid ) also the problem of this game is not fun and short and gameplay of black is bad ...this 2 games are mediocre mate...otherwise painkiller is only and only for the fan its true. but the gfx of PK are not bad and better to urban chaos its sure Laughing
And many magazine one given a good note has PK ( look the gamespot and team xbox score 7.9 out of 10 its a good game) but this game is only for a fan of run and gun games
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Posts: 396

PostPosted: Sun, 6th Aug 2006 13:33    Post subject:
what a load of a tosh. At least Black has a story. The Gfx on PK but than urban chaos?? Don't think so.

Painkiller From IGN.com:
6.0 = Graphics
Unique character designs, good physics, but bland textures and frequently slowdown bring this score down.

Urban Chaos From IGN.com:
6.0 = Graphics
Bland textures, generic NPCs and enemies, and a general lack of art direction can be rough on the eyes.

Ok, that proves nothing, but I would rather have rough finishing than slowdown anyday.

Urban Chaos overall got 7.9 on ign, Painkiller 5.2 - Which is better?

Can we add a poll to this??
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Posts: 144

PostPosted: Sun, 6th Aug 2006 14:27    Post subject:
Painkiller is so much better than Urban Chaos... the only fun in Urban Chaos was all the blood on the sheld etc.
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Posts: 125

PostPosted: Mon, 7th Aug 2006 08:17    Post subject:
areslinux wrote:
Painkiller is so much better than Urban Chaos... the only fun in Urban Chaos was all the blood on the sheld etc.

Yes i agree also the only fun in urban chaos is the blood on the sheld otherwise crap game and poor GFX and painkiller is much better and very fun its true
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Posts: 125

PostPosted: Mon, 7th Aug 2006 08:27    Post subject:
russ_beer wrote:
what a load of a tosh. At least Black has a story. The Gfx on PK but than urban chaos?? Don't think so.

Painkiller From IGN.com:
6.0 = Graphics
Unique character designs, good physics, but bland textures and frequently slowdown bring this score down.

Urban Chaos From IGN.com:
6.0 = Graphics
Bland textures, generic NPCs and enemies, and a general lack of art direction can be rough on the eyes.

Ok, that proves nothing, but I would rather have rough finishing than slowdown anyday.

Urban Chaos overall got 7.9 on ign, Painkiller 5.2 - Which is better?

Can we add a poll to this??

Lol IGN is not always just you play a game only if IGN noted well if i understand ??...Give confidence has teamxbox or gamespot but not has these idiots..IGN its not the best and look the notes of others magazines some he say a 80 % also..Or Buy and play the other games if you do not like PK ok;)..And SUBJECT CLOSED PLEASE Very Happy
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Posts: 396

PostPosted: Mon, 7th Aug 2006 21:15    Post subject:

I look at gamespot reviews as well as ign, and i make my own mind up about games. I look at reviews to give myself a look at what other people think, it has barely any input into my final decision on whether to play it or not. Run n gun games are old hat, not much playability and no point really. You go from one point to the next blasting ropey looking aliens and there's no mission or anything, just roam around, blast a few goons and look for a funny red gate (in painkillers case.) Just look at the poll thread. No one likes painkiller compared to the other two.

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Posts: 125

PostPosted: Tue, 8th Aug 2006 11:50    Post subject:
russ_beer wrote:

I look at gamespot reviews as well as ign, and i make my own mind up about games. I look at reviews to give myself a look at what other people think, it has barely any input into my final decision on whether to play it or not. Run n gun games are old hat, not much playability and no point really. You go from one point to the next blasting ropey looking aliens and there's no mission or anything, just roam around, blast a few goons and look for a funny red gate (in painkillers case.) Just look at the poll thread. No one likes painkiller compared to the other two.


héhé its simple then if you do not like PK play a other games...END
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Posts: 6015
Location: India
PostPosted: Wed, 26th Jun 2013 16:54    Post subject:
Painkiller Hell And Damnation PS3-ANTiDOTE
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Posts: 8852
Location: England
PostPosted: Wed, 26th Jun 2013 23:55    Post subject:
Wow, I remember the last one being awesome.

Looking forward to hearing how this is...

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