Joowood drops starforce
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Posts: 24

PostPosted: Sun, 9th Jul 2006 15:22    Post subject:
TheDuck wrote:

'Full tages' as you call it was already used 2 times and it was cracked.. after a while... by FLT/old DEV/RLD.

That's possible but what I can recall it was a long time ago, tages have evolved since then. I haven't seen a completely 100% reversed crack on Fahrenheit without that emulator. Im pretty sure new games will have even harder Tages protections.

EDIT: sry there's was a release for Indigo Prophecy (Fahrenheit), hehe... but I still think Tages are way better then Starforce
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Posts: 1528

PostPosted: Sun, 9th Jul 2006 16:14    Post subject:
Indigo Prophecy had Securom 7 but Fahrenheit is still uncracked. But I doubt someone seriously tried to crack Fahrenheit, cause that Tetris emu did its job very well and was easy to use, the crack wasnt very much needed anyway, and Tages is pain to crack
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Posts: 148
Location: Australia
PostPosted: Sun, 9th Jul 2006 22:18    Post subject:
Fahrenheit was an easy tages comparing to games like XIII/update or Asterix1+2 which required cracker to play all over the game. In those 2 tages sdk was used properly. These days developers are sloppy and use the SDK just in the pre-main menu stage or little at the start (Beyond Good and Evil, Desperados, Fahrenheit, Secrets of Lost Cavern, The Secrets of DaVinci and some others) - there are also games that use only the tages packer shield, which is independant to SDK code, but uses same type of validation code and same drivers.

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Posts: 410

PostPosted: Mon, 10th Jul 2006 15:53    Post subject:
TheDuck wrote:
Fahrenheit was an easy tages comparing to games like XIII/update or Asterix1+2 which required cracker to play all over the game. In those 2 tages sdk was used properly. These days developers are sloppy and use the SDK just in the pre-main menu stage or little at the start (Beyond Good and Evil, Desperados, Fahrenheit, Secrets of Lost Cavern, The Secrets of DaVinci and some others) - there are also games that use only the tages packer shield, which is independant to SDK code, but uses same type of validation code and same drivers.

Well either Asterix xxl 2, Fahrenheit, Panzer Elite Action nor secrets of the lost cavern are cracked from what i see. All use a part of SDK but not all possible features. gothic 3 will probably use all features as thats what you can see from jowoods panzer elite action and im sure jowood will add some layer of xprot too as they usaly do that. Im not sure about tages but at least games like fahrenheit, panzer elite action and lost cavern deserve a nice crack.

Dont tell me about that deviance copypaste demo code into a retail dump is a crack for lost cavern btw. it neither pass the demo levels nor does the gcw fix pass several torch checks on the exe like u cant enlight them during game play but gfx gamma can fix that Smile. Maybe Deviance can once fix it as they say "cracking is a deviance" but this probably means cracking some ugly chicks then tages Smile.
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Smurf Stomper

Posts: 391
Location: Texas
PostPosted: Tue, 11th Jul 2006 05:17    Post subject:
hmm arguing on the internet is like running in the special olympics... need I continue.

piracy isn't a hobby, it's a way of life
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Posts: 148
Location: Australia
PostPosted: Tue, 11th Jul 2006 16:55    Post subject:
Smurf Stomper wrote:
hmm arguing on the internet is like running in the special olympics... need I continue.

Simple conversation.

Freakshow, I did not mention Lost Cavern crack-wise, read again:
These days developers are sloppy and use the SDK just in the pre-main menu stage or little at the start (Beyond Good and Evil, Desperados, Fahrenheit, Secrets of Lost Cavern, The Secrets of DaVinci and some others)
I think noone cares about cracking Fahrenheit because Indigo is done and its same game.

The only strong ones which use SDK during entire game are Asterix'es and XIII. SDK hasn't changed since then a bit. Same features, getting some encrypted data from cd and silent cd-check. Panzer Elite Action is not one of them, in fact it's pretty easy and it's a big mystery to me why crack was not released.

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Posts: 12017

PostPosted: Tue, 11th Jul 2006 17:18    Post subject:
TheDuck wrote:
I think noone cares about cracking Fahrenheit because Indigo is done and its same game.

nope your wrong they are not the same :

* Fahrenheit is a uncensored version that has two sex scenes and some hidden extras

* Indigo is the same game but has one scene cut , sex scenes and some ofensive words are cut too

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Posts: 110

PostPosted: Tue, 8th Aug 2006 19:00    Post subject:
do you think gothic 3 will release september 2006 ?
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