[XBOX] Streaming video to the xbox using xbmc?
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Posts: 9526
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PostPosted: Fri, 10th Mar 2006 20:19    Post subject: [XBOX] Streaming video to the xbox using xbmc?
What's the best way to do it?

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PostPosted: Fri, 10th Mar 2006 20:28    Post subject:
Depends.. Are you using a router? , You should be able to share video's using the SMB network share in XBMC.
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Posts: 9526
Location: England.
PostPosted: Fri, 10th Mar 2006 21:51    Post subject:

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PostPosted: Fri, 10th Mar 2006 22:27    Post subject:
The best way to create SMB is to edit the xboxmediacenter.xml. This way, you can add more share folders, like have share musics, movies, roms folders. Detail on how to edit is in the xboxmediacenter.xml.

To have SMB running, you need enabled File and Printer Sharing for Microsoft Networks.

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Posts: 9526
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PostPosted: Sat, 11th Mar 2006 13:06    Post subject:
Uh lost?

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Posts: 293
Location: sheffield, england
PostPosted: Sat, 11th Mar 2006 13:26    Post subject:
smb = samba shares, which is windows simplist network shares... can be a bitch to get working properly and securely (most internet security disables it as standard)... its a while since i set mine up, but its worth it, you will have access to anything you want on your pc... vids, pics, audio...
have a search for xbmc samba shares, try the xbmc site/forums...
i'll try and dig out the tutorials for setting up correctly...
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PostPosted: Sat, 11th Mar 2006 14:02    Post subject:
What don't you understand Jenni? Setting SMB is very easy

I am sharing on XP.
In the root of your XBMC folder, there's a file "XboxMediaCenter.xml" that you need to edit. But before that you need to enabled your sharing folder on your PC. Now if you want to share a folder name "Movie" on your PC, right click on that folder and go to the Sharing tab and check "Share this Folder on the Network".

Now editing your XboxMediaCenter.xml, scroll down to where it say "<!-- My Videos shares !-->".
Here you can edit your xml so you can stream movie from the "Movie" folder.
Example coding,
<!-- You can use one of these following formats: !-->
<!-- smb://domain;user:password@ip/share/directory/ !-->
<!-- smb://user:password@ip/share/ !-->
<!-- Only if guest/public access is enabled: !-->
<!-- smb://ip/share/ !-->
Once done editing the xml, FTP it to your xbox. Restart and under your Movies category, there should be Movie listing.

If you hate it, ignore it.
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Posts: 1038

PostPosted: Sat, 11th Mar 2006 14:36    Post subject:
I had a quick go at setting up XBMC to share my Internet conection from my PC. My setup is a bit basic ... Modem connected to PC via USB as the 1 network connector my PC has is used for a cross-over cable to the XBOX. Every time I tried to enable Internet sharing Windows would change the actual Lan port IP for use with the Internet connection. I couldn't work out how to get round that one as the LAN is connected to the xbox

I probably need to buy some new gear or something.

I looked up "gormless" in the dictionary, it said "without gorm" .... so i looked up "gorm" but it wasn't there ????
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PostPosted: Sat, 11th Mar 2006 15:31    Post subject:
jonels, I don't think you need to enabled "Internet sharing Windows" for SMB.

My setup is just connect a crossover cable from my router to my xbox. In your case, you have a crossover cable from your PC to your xbox, why would you need to enable Internet Sharing? Your PC act like a router.

BTW, to find the IP part, on your PC, go to Network Connections and then right click on the connection that you use, go to Status/Support. It should show your IP. There are other ways.

Enabling File and Printer Sharing for Microsoft Networks is done by going into the properties of the connection you are using.

If you hate it, ignore it.
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Posts: 1038

PostPosted: Sat, 11th Mar 2006 16:23    Post subject:
@mag2005.. thanks I will give that a try the next time I get a quiet day

So just to recap..setup file/printer sharing on my PC and setup SMB in XBMC to use my internet connection IP/gateway.

I looked up "gormless" in the dictionary, it said "without gorm" .... so i looked up "gorm" but it wasn't there ????
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Posts: 293
Location: sheffield, england
PostPosted: Sat, 11th Mar 2006 18:31    Post subject:
mag2005 wrote:
What don't you understand Jenni? Setting SMB is very easy

I am sharing on XP.
In the root of your XBMC folder, there's a file "XboxMediaCenter.xml" that you need to edit. But before that you need to enabled your sharing folder on your PC. Now if you want to share a folder name "Movie" on your PC, right click on that folder and go to the Sharing tab and check "Share this Folder on the Network".

Now editing your XboxMediaCenter.xml, scroll down to where it say "<!-- My Videos shares !-->".
Here you can edit your xml so you can stream movie from the "Movie" folder.
Example coding,
<!-- You can use one of these following formats: !-->
<!-- smb://domain;user:password@ip/share/directory/ !-->
<!-- smb://user:password@ip/share/ !-->
<!-- Only if guest/public access is enabled: !-->
<!-- smb://ip/share/ !-->
Once done editing the xml, FTP it to your xbox. Restart and under your Movies category, there should be Movie listing.

your over simplifing it there mate, and i wouldn't use simple shares as this allows file and printer shares across the net aswell as the the network (you should never have the guest account enabled either!).... for security sake you need to setup an user account for the xbox and then only share to that account, unless you want all your shared files available to the world... if you dont believe it then check www grc com.... very good free online security checks

jonesl - after allowing file & printer sharing xp always tries to assign the network's ip via dhcp... but really needs to have a static ip... which needs to correspond xbmc xml...
you may need to run xp's network setup wizard afterwards if things go a bit screwy... mine tries to connect to net over network not my usb modem... running setup wizard then selecting this pc is gateway for others should sort it out... i know i had big headache after my tcpip settings got screwed by my isp, and they wouldn't help... running the wizard again sorted it out...
internet security can be a problem...norton hates file & printer sharing... i'm using zone alarm security suite which disables f/p shares as default but when allowed works a treat... and they cant be hacked from the net... (f/p sharing is basically setting up a server on ur pc...)

anyone else having probs pm me, i'll try to help.. i know i got very little and had to suss it for myself... but there are some useful tutorials out there...
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Posts: 9526
Location: England.
PostPosted: Sat, 11th Mar 2006 20:17    Post subject:
I got it working thanks. Smile

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Posts: 611
Location: Any place with air
PostPosted: Sat, 11th Mar 2006 21:22    Post subject:
You can follow the secure way/long way here,

BTW fwb73, under my Computer Management/Sytem Tools, I don't know if it's wierd, but I don't have Local users and Groups. Because of that I never get to try the secure way.

If you hate it, ignore it.
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Posts: 293
Location: sheffield, england
PostPosted: Sat, 11th Mar 2006 23:04    Post subject:
mag2005 wrote:
You can follow the secure way/long way here,

BTW fwb73, under my Computer Management/Sytem Tools, I don't know if it's wierd, but I don't have Local users and Groups. Because of that I never get to try the secure way.

that is an odd one, are u using xp home or pro? i would assume that home has it but ive only used pro? it should be there... maybe a windows tweak has it disabled... i think progs like tweakxp etc can disable tabs like this to stop accidental ballups... hmmm
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Posts: 2350
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PostPosted: Fri, 14th Jul 2006 05:34    Post subject:
home only allows simple file sharing.

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Posts: 144

PostPosted: Thu, 10th Aug 2006 11:32    Post subject:
Most easy why is, share a folder in your system, then use XBMC and use WORKGROUP (SMB) Network.... since the new T3CH builds doesnt use the .xml file anymore... this is the most easy way
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