LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy
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Posts: 25
Location: New York, USA
PostPosted: Sat, 9th Sep 2006 05:32    Post subject:
|IcedFreon| wrote:
so you were able to go into rooms that had a screen wipe then go back into the same room you came from?

I believe so, but I've been drinking Spaten for a few hours. I'll try again.
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Posts: 3700
Location: World 8-3
PostPosted: Sat, 9th Sep 2006 05:34    Post subject:
yep just tried it myself. the win2k crack doesnt have that problem. but the other crack is bad.

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Posts: 25
Location: New York, USA
PostPosted: Sat, 9th Sep 2006 05:40    Post subject:
|IcedFreon| wrote:
yep just tried it myself. the win2k crack doesnt have that problem. but the other crack is bad.

Yeah, I just walked in and out the door leading out of the Cantina like 20 times and no crash!!! I rule!!! Beer rules!!! Reloaded Rules!!!!!!!
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Location: World 8-3
PostPosted: Sat, 9th Sep 2006 05:43    Post subject:
it wasnt those doors it was the doors in the levels. the game is damn fun tho. wish it had MP online.

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Posts: 148
Location: Australia
PostPosted: Sat, 9th Sep 2006 06:26    Post subject:
|IcedFreon| you sound like a dumb american, quit bitching about groups and start cracking yourself. As far I know darkstar one was crackfixed and all other recent releases work fine. I even downloaded this lego crap to test what you've said now, it's all fine here. All I see is you bitching around about another bad crack when for example some guy didn't even copy the crack properly etc. You and your "USA>world" is just gold. *newsflash* USA fucking sucks, you too. Get a life boy. Oh and by the way, lego owns construx big time, construx crap doesn't enforce creativity from kids, it's just plain and stupid build-this IKEA manual.

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Posts: 2304
Location: Somewhere
PostPosted: Sat, 9th Sep 2006 06:33    Post subject:
God damn, bad crack. Shit can happen, but whats the deal if they release a proper then? I SEE NO PROBLEM THEN.

Darkstar one, well crashed, crackfixed. Solved. So whats the biggie?

If you're going to bash someone you better be damn sure you can do it better, otherwise you should shut the fuck up.

Give me a good Lego Star Wars crack yourself and I'll accept your bashing. Until then stfu.

people bitch so much about this, remember for you its free. So what would you rather see;
a) no more cracked games from RLD
b) a bad crack every now and then until they get things straight again, may take a crack fix. Well I can live with a crackfix....
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Posts: 364

PostPosted: Sat, 9th Sep 2006 07:13    Post subject:
I'll take A for two hundred, Alex. Thanks.

You asshats seem to be missing the point. If a group is too lazy to test their own fucking cracks, they should be blacklisted back into the stone age. It's not about if I or whoever can do better, or about it being free. It's about these assholes running their collective mouths about how god damn "133t" they are, and then when it comes down to it, they act like a bunch of fucking newbies.

A few bad cracks over the space of several months? Maybe. Three fucked up cracks in a row? Nop. I don't think so. And crackfixes that come a week after they fucked up the first crack, don't even count. Ditto for crackfixes that never come. (Age Of Pirates, anyone?)

I'll stick to the IND, average joe schmoe, who buys the game, brings it home, clones and puts it on the net. At least it works and the shit is released in a timely fashion.

The game scene is dying a slow, agonizing, kicking and screaming death at the hands of fools like RELOADED. I suppose all the busts have left us with just the amateurs, a pity really. You guys who think RELOADED are the best thing since sliced bread, need to pull your head out of your fucking asses and remember what the whole point of the scene is. Or at least was anyway.

Just my opinion though but hey! That's the thing about opinions, there alot like assholes, everyone has one and they all fucking stink.
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Posts: 410

PostPosted: Sat, 9th Sep 2006 08:35    Post subject:
|IcedFreon| wrote:

[NUKED] [GAMES] [Lego.Star.Wars.2.The.Original.Trilogy-RELOADED] [Released 3h 3m 19s] [Nuked 48m 26s] [Reason crack.not.working]

I have no idea as i would never touch a LEGO Smile but crack testing means u need to compare crack to clone and as u said your self you didnt try clone you cant say for sure crack is bad. So if possible test the clone till the same point too and see if it crashes too.

BTW Securom 7.26 has some new updated features to apply for developers that can fuck you at any place in game, even short before finish game outro Smile like in call of juarez where you only see a screen THE End instead of the big outro if you play with no cd or a cd mounted in daemon tools (clone mount) Smile

|IcedFreon| wrote:

[NUKED] [GAMES] [Darkstar.One-RELOADED] [Released 3w 2d 1h 30m 26s] [Nuked 2w 4d 22h 13m 23s] [Reason]

They fixed it and TAGES SDK + TAGES API is incredible hard so that you have to finish the game on more then 1 pc to know all TAGES API checks. If you ever saw a TAGES Protection Tool for publishers/Developers you know how hard it even is to apply TAGES API to the exe so imagine how hard it is to remove the protection properly.

|IcedFreon| wrote:

[NUKED] [GAMES] [Age.of.Pirates.Caribbean.Tales-RELOADED] [Released 5d 23h 25m 7s] [Nuked 5d 9h 47m 32s] [Reason bad]

thats a bs nuke: i can tell you for sure that russian 1.41 patch, polish 1.41 cenega and european 1.41 atari are 100% the same exe. I know who compiled it at playlogic and i know who applied starforce on the files Smile so you have to trust me as i wont tell you more.

Finaly all the other rumors here:
RLD sent greetings to retired cracker in DSO nfo, a german protectdisc crack and a english securom7 crack so i guess they lost their most important cracker for sure.

Also from what rumors in several public channels say its a lag of testing in rld as the group is so small (almost only crackers from china, russia, ukrain, vietnam, australia) that they simple dont have decent game players to test cracks proper.

They have an apply info in their nfo Smile mibi decent gamers that have 10h+ time to play games and test crackers should apply to rld. they are the only group cracking beside razor at the moment so ppl better support them before you there and you behind and me and you in front too wont get any cracked games anymore.
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Posts: 410

PostPosted: Sat, 9th Sep 2006 08:38    Post subject:
TheDuck wrote:
|IcedFreon| you sound like a dumb american, quit bitching about groups and start cracking yourself. As far I know darkstar one was crackfixed and all other recent releases work fine. I even downloaded this lego crap to test what you've said now, it's all fine here. All I see is you bitching around about another bad crack when for example some guy didn't even copy the crack properly etc. You and your "USA>world" is just gold. *newsflash* USA fucking sucks, you too. Get a life boy. Oh and by the way, lego owns construx big time, construx crap doesn't enforce creativity from kids, it's just plain and stupid build-this IKEA manual.

where is your cat pictures? it was always fun cause you had a nice new cat in your screens Smile
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Posts: 410

PostPosted: Sat, 9th Sep 2006 09:01    Post subject:
ExcaliburB wrote:
I'll take A for two hundred, Alex. Thanks.

You asshats seem to be missing the point. If a group is too lazy to test their own fucking cracks, they should be blacklisted back into the stone age. It's not about if I or whoever can do better, or about it being free. It's about these assholes running their collective mouths about how god damn "133t" they are, and then when it comes down to it, they act like a bunch of fucking newbies.

A few bad cracks over the space of several months? Maybe. Three fucked up cracks in a row? Nop. I don't think so. And crackfixes that come a week after they fucked up the first crack, don't even count. Ditto for crackfixes that never come. (Age Of Pirates, anyone?)

I'll stick to the IND, average joe schmoe, who buys the game, brings it home, clones and puts it on the net. At least it works and the shit is released in a timely fashion.

The game scene is dying a slow, agonizing, kicking and screaming death at the hands of fools like RELOADED. I suppose all the busts have left us with just the amateurs, a pity really. You guys who think RELOADED are the best thing since sliced bread, need to pull your head out of your fucking asses and remember what the whole point of the scene is. Or at least was anyway.

Just my opinion though but hey! That's the thing about opinions, there alot like assholes, everyone has one and they all fucking stink.


Fools like RELOADED - i guess you dont count the securom/tages/sf cracks done by other groups that dont work or are demos which is more foolish then reloaded fixes.

1 week for a tages api crackfix. You ever tried to crack it? Smile for sure not otherwise you would know tages sdk/api cracking in 1 week is awesome.

like said before: why fix something that is 100% sure the developer compiled exe for europes publisher atari - dump check oeps, check code ... all is identical

game scene dieing?! yes it is as bs like what you or icedfron or others tell on such sites hit the nets where rld guys idle too im sure and flaming doesnt motivate a cracker to crack in future instead of searching a job.

bad cracks: there are so many never fixed ones by hoodlum/deviance/fairlight/razor/reloaded/nogroup aka *mm***** and whatever groups exist in what you all here call scene. protection is a science these days going with masses against the classes and new sit get developed under high payment every day but no new crackers rise from ground - why deviance/nogroup/rzr ... are close to dead when it comes to securom7 and starforce.

Think about motivating, contributing to the scene instead of flaming. usaly in this world ppl get motivated by money, chicks, fame, ownage and at the moment there is nothing of this in this thread esp from you excaliburb and icedfron and bs nukes of childish sites and p2p networks are lame and yes if your sites dont have the nogroup clone they are lame as from what i hear (cant proof as im not added to any site) all descent scene sites have that clone 1 min after it got pred.
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Posts: 18

PostPosted: Sat, 9th Sep 2006 09:36    Post subject:
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Posts: 3700
Location: World 8-3
PostPosted: Sat, 9th Sep 2006 09:39    Post subject:
Freakshow wrote:
|IcedFreon| wrote:

[NUKED] [GAMES] [Lego.Star.Wars.2.The.Original.Trilogy-RELOADED] [Released 3h 3m 19s] [Nuked 48m 26s] [Reason crack.not.working]

Posted: Sep 08 2006 22:14 Post subject:
just tested the clone and it works flawlessly -clone -cracked

I have no idea as i would never touch a LEGO Smile but crack testing means u need to compare crack to clone and as u said your self you didnt try clone you cant say for sure crack is bad. So if possible test the clone till the same point too and see if it crashes too.

Freakshow wrote:
|IcedFreon| wrote:

[NUKED] [GAMES] [Darkstar.One-RELOADED] [Released 3w 2d 1h 30m 26s] [Nuked 2w 4d 22h 13m 23s] [Reason]

the darkstar one crack problem is well known. they even had to do a fix.

They fixed it

^learn to read and you'd see i said they fixed it ?

and kosmiq i wouldnt care as i prefer clones.

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Posts: 6422
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Sat, 9th Sep 2006 10:39    Post subject:
What a comedy of a topic, on one side you got Reloaded's flubbers, on the other you got the whiners. Laughing

If you prefer clones, why the fuck bother whining IcedFreon?

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Posts: 3091

PostPosted: Sat, 9th Sep 2006 10:50    Post subject:
i don't have time to read, but here's the solution with the game;

when game crashes at the beginning of the installation, then copy all the files in the image file to your hdd. after that rename to something like and go to installation. it says that is missing, click Cancel - rename back to its original name - click NO at the installation where it asks: Cancel the installation? -- then it says again Defaul~1 is missing, BUT then click RETRY and it's going to install just fine.

and the ones with crashes in the first level;

use the cracked LegoStarWarsII_Win2k.exe instead of LegoStarWarsII.exe -- works just fine throughout the game



Last edited by cnZ on Sat, 9th Sep 2006 10:53; edited 1 time in total
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Posts: 18

PostPosted: Sat, 9th Sep 2006 10:52    Post subject:
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PDIP Member

Posts: 32062
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Sat, 9th Sep 2006 10:56    Post subject:
I.Am.Patty wrote:
Strong content

Here ya go Wink

Last edited by deelix on Sat, 9th Sep 2006 10:58; edited 1 time in total
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Posts: 1159
Location: Patras, Greece
PostPosted: Sat, 9th Sep 2006 10:56    Post subject:
I.Am.Patty wrote:

Shut the fuck up already!

The win2k exe from Reloaded's crack is reported to work fine, okay? Learn how to fucking read!


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Posts: 18

PostPosted: Sat, 9th Sep 2006 10:58    Post subject:
DarkLeftos wrote:
I.Am.Patty wrote:

Shut the fuck up already!

The win2k exe from Reloaded's crack is reported to work fine, okay? Learn how to fucking read!


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Posts: 32062
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Sat, 9th Sep 2006 10:59    Post subject:
I.Am.Patty wrote:
DarkLeftos wrote:
I.Am.Patty wrote:

Shut the fuck up already!

The win2k exe from Reloaded's crack is reported to work fine, okay? Learn how to fucking read!


Read the rules dude. This forum is just for discussin issues or the release, not how to get it. Torrent, fxp whatever. Go there: Wink
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Posts: 18

PostPosted: Sat, 9th Sep 2006 11:02    Post subject:
I go the game, but i need a crack. Sad
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Posts: 6422
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Sat, 9th Sep 2006 11:02    Post subject:
I.Am.Patty wrote:

So many assholes... So few bullets...
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Posts: 410

PostPosted: Sat, 9th Sep 2006 11:05    Post subject:
|IcedFreon| wrote:


well how will you know its not a gamebug if you dont test it with clone and crack the same way? games theses days are more bugged then we can count esp since they can proper crack a win2k exe which has the same protection features added compared to the xp one Smile. 1 time they can crack it 1 time not ... and in past they had win2k troubles not winxp so i guess they just appplied xp crack to win2k exe. they are almost ident anyway so i dont know why they did 2 exes.

new anno had 500+ bugs in latest beta
new gothic 3 has more bugs then you and i can count in latest (GC) version
... can be continued

btw yeah i am an idiot because i defend a group i hate more then you and others can imagine for several reasons so that from you is at least right.
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Posts: 18

PostPosted: Sat, 9th Sep 2006 11:08    Post subject:
Parallax_ wrote:
I.Am.Patty wrote:

So many assholes... So few bullets...

Dont blame me, i know that i am stupido on PC, so wahts the problem? there is no working crack?
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Posts: 14717

PostPosted: Sat, 9th Sep 2006 11:12    Post subject:
You know what you are saying Freakshow, you know how it works, and I trust you in that fact. IcedFreon has only shitty comments, and has no idea where he is talking about it seems.

PC: Yes. Console: No.
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Posts: 32

PostPosted: Sat, 9th Sep 2006 11:23    Post subject:
I think |IcedFreon| has a nukereason for every game from Reloaded...he said Call of Juarez is nuked, the Pirate Game is Nuked and now Lego Star Wars 2 is nuked...and only HE knows it...funny Laughing
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Posts: 3700
Location: World 8-3
PostPosted: Sat, 9th Sep 2006 11:37    Post subject:
Freakshow wrote:
|IcedFreon| wrote:


well how will you know its not a gamebug if you dont test it with clone and crack the same way? games theses days are more bugged then we can count esp since they can proper crack a win2k exe which has the same protection features added compared to the xp one Smile. 1 time they can crack it 1 time not ... and in past they had win2k troubles not winxp so i guess they just appplied xp crack to win2k exe. they are almost ident anyway so i dont know why they did 2 exes.

btw yeah i am an idiot because i defend a group i hate more then you and others can imagine for several reasons so that from you is at least right.

......youre an idiot because you keep saying i ddint check the clone vs the cracked when i clearly posted 2 vidoes SHOWING that i DID check the clone vs the crack.....are you fucking blind???? and agin here they fucking are....

Posted: Sep 08 2006 22:14 Post subject:
just tested the clone and it works flawlessly -clone -cracked

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Posts: 141
Location: Skåneland
PostPosted: Sat, 9th Sep 2006 11:46    Post subject:
cnZ wrote:
i don't have time to read, but here's the solution with the game;

when game crashes at the beginning of the installation, then copy all the files in the image file to your hdd. after that rename to something like and go to installation. it says that is missing, click Cancel - rename back to its original name - click NO at the installation where it asks: Cancel the installation? -- then it says again Defaul~1 is missing, BUT then click RETRY and it's going to install just fine.

That didn't work either Crying or Very sad
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Posts: 498

PostPosted: Sat, 9th Sep 2006 11:55    Post subject:
TB666 wrote:
cnZ wrote:
i don't have time to read, but here's the solution with the game;

when game crashes at the beginning of the installation, then copy all the files in the image file to your hdd. after that rename to something like and go to installation. it says that is missing, click Cancel - rename back to its original name - click NO at the installation where it asks: Cancel the installation? -- then it says again Defaul~1 is missing, BUT then click RETRY and it's going to install just fine.

That didn't work either Crying or Very sad

theres a fixed setup file around to solve that issue but im guessing the crack is still fucked from reading thru these posts..but if your having issues with install like me heres the solution but i dont know if its ok to post fixed file...

 ERROR 1330 Solution

copy contents of iso to HD or use app to alter image and replace old LEGO Star Wars II.msi with new aquired file)

or simply wait for repack or crack fix or whatever will come out..
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Posts: 3700
Location: World 8-3
PostPosted: Sat, 9th Sep 2006 11:58    Post subject:
who13 wrote:
theres a fixed setup file around to solve that issue but im guessing the crack is still fucked from reading thru these posts.

|IcedFreon| wrote:
yep just tried it myself. the win2k crack doesnt have that problem. but the other crack is bad.

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Posts: 141
Location: Skåneland
PostPosted: Sat, 9th Sep 2006 12:00    Post subject:
Well I got something about the .cab file right at the start.
Don't know if that will fix it.
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