Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones (C) Ubisoft - Reloaded
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Posts: 7288

PostPosted: Sun, 1st Oct 2006 16:59    Post subject:
Works fine here :/
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PostPosted: Sun, 1st Oct 2006 18:11    Post subject:
Yep.. Works fine here too. Tested the DVD included with the release and the 3 CD version.
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PostPosted: Sun, 1st Oct 2006 18:12    Post subject:
works fien but i refuse to play it censored.

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PostPosted: Sun, 1st Oct 2006 18:14    Post subject:
|IcedFreon| wrote:
works fien but i refuse to play it censored.

I agree, playing a censored game is like watching softporn...totally meaningless Very Happy

to quote Pablo Francisco "they call it softporn cos you dont get hard" pretty much the same with a censored game Smile
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Location: Ramat Gan, Israel 🇮🇱
PostPosted: Sun, 1st Oct 2006 18:20    Post subject:
If I remember correctly, the main EXE had some strings that held the difference of whether it's US or EU. I'm gonna look at the strings of the cracked EXE and the SF infested one of the 3CD version and see if I can somehow change it.
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PostPosted: Sun, 1st Oct 2006 19:00    Post subject:
lnatan25 wrote:
rejer13 wrote:
So... Reloaded = Censored ?
How about readin a few posts back, eh?


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Smurf Stomper

Posts: 391
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PostPosted: Sun, 1st Oct 2006 23:39    Post subject:
lnatan, there might be a cd version released this week with the existing crack modified to include those strings. If not.. good luck to you in making it yourself

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PostPosted: Mon, 2nd Oct 2006 00:07    Post subject:
Well, from a quick glance, I didn't find the right strings... There was talk back when the game was released, and someone posted the strings that set the differences, however every little change had the SF shit either close the game or BSOD. Now I can't find that post (it was on the official forums, maybe deleted?). Another problem back then was that the 2 versions had many files different, so I don't know.
Let's hope Reloaded listens to the community for once, and release a better version of the crack.
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PostPosted: Mon, 2nd Oct 2006 00:56    Post subject:
Smurf Stomper wrote:
lnatan, there might be a cd version released this week with the existing crack modified to include those strings. If not.. good luck to you in making it yourself

Where have you heard that there might be a fixed version? I'm just curious and hoping for a sweet fix Smile
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PostPosted: Mon, 2nd Oct 2006 14:14    Post subject:
I don't see whats up with Ubisoft, why not just have people give the option of what they want instead of fucking it up for em. I have a strong feeling Reloaded won't let us down on this one.
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Smurf Stomper

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PostPosted: Mon, 2nd Oct 2006 16:39    Post subject:
ahh nuts, I couldn't find it either. There's some chat going in the right direction over at clubcdfreaks, but nothing specific about the .exe architecture. I should've taken more programming classes

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PostPosted: Mon, 2nd Oct 2006 17:03    Post subject:
Highlikeamofo wrote:
I don't see whats up with Ubisoft, why not just have people give the option of what they want instead of fucking it up for em. I have a strong feeling Reloaded won't let us down on this one.

That's because Europe doesn't allow body disfigurment in any game (a law that came after POPWW). So, UBI got lazy and cheap, and only made 2 versions for the entire world: US 3 CD and world-wide 1 DVD. DVD is censored, CDs are not (and have more trailers).
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PostPosted: Mon, 2nd Oct 2006 18:38    Post subject:
i remember that gcw had an exe from an ind group that claimed to have used reloadeds tools to crack it. Anybody knows if that worked? Still have it somewhere on a dox-cd i guess, so when the download for the rld-release has finished i ll try that one, if nobody else wants to volunteer before me Very Happy
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Smurf Stomper

Posts: 391
Location: Texas
PostPosted: Mon, 2nd Oct 2006 18:42    Post subject:

I still have it, but it was fake (uploaded on april 1st Wink )

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PostPosted: Mon, 2nd Oct 2006 18:44    Post subject:
Smurf Stomper wrote:

I still have it, but it was fake (uploaded on april 1st Wink )

hahahaha, ok, thanx for the info. Didnt realize that it was meant to be an April 1st Joke Very Happy
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Posts: 7288

PostPosted: Mon, 2nd Oct 2006 19:58    Post subject:
Love this game <3

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Posts: 1506
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PostPosted: Mon, 2nd Oct 2006 20:57    Post subject:
lnatan25 wrote:

That's because Europe doesn't allow body disfigurment in any game (a law that came after POPWW).

Heh yeah right... Rolling Eyes
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Posts: 73193
Location: Ramat Gan, Israel 🇮🇱
PostPosted: Mon, 2nd Oct 2006 21:22    Post subject:
Weedo wrote:
lnatan25 wrote:

That's because Europe doesn't allow body disfigurment in any game (a law that came after POPWW).

Heh yeah right... Rolling Eyes

Check it up...
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PostPosted: Mon, 2nd Oct 2006 21:30    Post subject:
A quick Google revealed... NADA. Can you give us a proper source (not Wikipedia)?

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Posts: 73193
Location: Ramat Gan, Israel 🇮🇱
PostPosted: Tue, 3rd Oct 2006 00:26    Post subject:
Ugh, sorry, couldn't find any info either, lol...

But I remember reading a few articles back when the game was first released. They basically said that UE censores (or was it UK, now I'm not sure) do not allow body disfigurment of any sort (decapitate, cut arm/leg) in games. The main cause was that few handicapped men have sued some company (I think it was the european equivilent of the ESRB). I've read this in links that people have posted in the main forums, when people asked why the game is censored, and UBI decided not to answer (they even tried to deny it with two mods locking every thread and saying it was only gossip).
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Posts: 346

PostPosted: Thu, 5th Oct 2006 17:15    Post subject:
Anyone have any news on an uncensored crack yet?
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Posts: 14717

PostPosted: Thu, 5th Oct 2006 17:20    Post subject:
twoism wrote:
Anyone have any news on an uncensored crack yet?
Can't you see the mainpage? Any notice on uncensored cracks? No? Then there isn't Smile

PC: Yes. Console: No.
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Posts: 346

PostPosted: Thu, 5th Oct 2006 18:46    Post subject:
FnF wrote:
twoism wrote:
Anyone have any news on an uncensored crack yet?
Can't you see the mainpage? Any notice on uncensored cracks? No? Then there isn't Smile

I know this, but.... uhm... one can dream can't they Very Happy
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Posts: 5

PostPosted: Mon, 9th Oct 2006 22:15    Post subject:
Game won't even run at all for me, just minimizes itself after loading. Confused

All my other games work flawlessly, including the Sands of Time and Warrior Within, and I make sure my drivers are up to date (actually I use nVidia 77.77 but they're great for me, never had problems with those, so if it's not broke i'm not going to fix it).

Just been through the readme.

The following drivers are known to be fully compatible with Prince of Persia
The Two Thrones.

NVIDIA : 78.01 Release Date 09/02/2005, Windows XP/2000

Bah, I'll give em a go later, suppose it won't hurt.
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Posts: 46

PostPosted: Fri, 13th Oct 2006 11:57    Post subject:
Will this game install the starforce driver if I install the game and launch the game with the cracked exe from the first install or does this game install the Starforce drivers during installation? As I do not want starforce on my system.
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PostPosted: Fri, 13th Oct 2006 12:00    Post subject:
olger901 wrote:
Will this game install the starforce driver if I install the game and launch the game with the cracked exe from the first install or does this game install the Starforce drivers during installation? As I do not want starforce on my system.

Starforce driver is ONLY installed if you run the original non-cracked exe after installation, just like with all Starforce games afaik.

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Posts: 73193
Location: Ramat Gan, Israel 🇮🇱
PostPosted: Fri, 13th Oct 2006 14:10    Post subject:
Parallax wrote:
Starforce driver is ONLY installed if you run the original non-cracked exe after installation, just like with all Starforce games afaik.

True, all modern SF raped (Sorry, protected) games are like that.

OH AND OMG, GOTHIC 3 WONT RUN AT 60FPS ON MY 1 YEAR OLD RIG!!! ITS NOT OPTIMIZED!!1oneelevenonehundredandeleven!
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