Warhammer: Mark of Chaos
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Posts: 945

PostPosted: Wed, 20th Sep 2006 19:00    Post subject: Warhammer: Mark of Chaos
Warhammer: Mark of Chaos

  • Official web page: LINK
  • Publisher: Namco Bandai
  • Developer: Black Hole Games
  • Genre: Strategy
  • Release date: 17-Oct-2006

  • Story/Description:

    Over a year has passed since the Great War, during which the brutal Chaos armies swept across the Empire lands. Many fierce battles still rage across the Old World. Portions of the defeated Chaos armies have retreated to the distant Northern Wastes, while others have fallen to hostile groups. Among these tribes, new Champions rise up in an effort to reunite the Chaos forces, yet eventually all fail. None can match the power of their fallen leader, Asavar Kul.

    The united Empire and High Elf forces hunt the Chaos hordes from the Empire territories, still alert because danger lurks around them in the form of smaller enemy warbands that loot the settlements of the border lands. Now, four fully playable powerful armies - Empire, Chaos, Skaven and High Elves - as well as additional controllable races (Orcs, Dwarfs, Vampires, and Goblins), clash amidst breathtaking scenery in an epic battle for land and power.

  • Features:
    » MASTER THE ART OF WAR: Warhammer: Mark of Chaos is about WAR, focusing on the armies and battles while de-emphasizing the tedious aspects of base and resource management.

    » EPIC, VISCERAL BATTLES ON A MASSIVE SCALE: Epic sense of both scale and detail where big demons and huge beautifully rendered battalions clash with thousands of characters battling on screens in intricate detail.

    » USE ENVIRONMENTS TO YOUR ADVANTAGE: A variety of buildable features and randomized, destructible terrains such as forests, swamps, plains, and tundra change the shape of the battlefield and add a layer of strategy that provides infinite replayability.

    » COMMAND HEROES AND CHAMPIONS: As armies move from battle to battle in an epic war, Heroes and Champions learn new tactics, unlock new abilities, command larger units, even challenge other Champions in a duel to the death.

    » CUSTOMIZE YOUR ARMY: Warhammer: Mark of Chaos takes customization to a new level by allowing for body part swaps, weapon and armor enhancements, and more powerful controls to paint units and customize banners. Additionally, players can accent armies with mercenaries and "Dogs of War", augmenting the look and play of their army for a unique game experience.

    » VARIETY OF PLAY MODES: Dynamic cooperative campaign mode and a full assortment of multiplayer modes for both casual and competitive gamers.

  • Multiplayer: Yes
  • Protection:

Last edited by Vladi on Wed, 20th Sep 2006 19:19; edited 1 time in total
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Posts: 23710

PostPosted: Wed, 20th Sep 2006 19:12    Post subject:
Ugh, I jsut spurted all over the placel. Thanks alot ya jerk.

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Posts: 1293
Location: Hyberdyne
PostPosted: Wed, 20th Sep 2006 20:18    Post subject:
If the developers dont do much in the beta right now, this game will blow.

The graphics and animation is great but the combat and gameplay is crap and dull to watch, its over in a few seconds.

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Posts: 764
Location: Cardiff
PostPosted: Wed, 20th Sep 2006 21:18    Post subject:
a preview *in french* and some good screenshots Wink
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Posts: 386

PostPosted: Wed, 20th Sep 2006 23:17    Post subject:
relese date could be different - on oficial forum there was few " oficial" words - most of them speaks about october and helloween Smile
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Posts: 11166

PostPosted: Wed, 20th Sep 2006 23:42    Post subject:
Hope it will be like Dark Omen :]

"Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life." ~Berthold Auerbach
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Posts: 23230
Location: Trelleborg
PostPosted: Thu, 12th Oct 2006 22:05    Post subject:
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Posts: 73193
Location: Ramat Gan, Israel 🇮🇱
PostPosted: Thu, 12th Oct 2006 22:55    Post subject:
How come they never released an open beta? There was the shitty paid version, and that's it.
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Posts: 2343
Location: South Sweden
PostPosted: Fri, 13th Oct 2006 00:27    Post subject:
Yeah, extremely shitty. If the full version is anything remotely like the beta was, it will be quickly forgotten in the shadow of Medieval 2

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Posts: 108
Location: 2nd Ring of the 7th Circle
PostPosted: Fri, 13th Oct 2006 10:25    Post subject:
A Warhammer mod for RTW or MTW2 would blow this out of the sky.
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Posts: 66
Location: Japan
PostPosted: Fri, 13th Oct 2006 14:31    Post subject:
Looked good on the ign vids I saw but I prefer the 40K setting. Still will give this a try.
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Posts: 13459
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Fri, 13th Oct 2006 15:59    Post subject:
Narog wrote:
A Warhammer mod for RTW or MTW2 would blow this out of the sky.

I know of at least 1 RTW Warhammer mod, there are probably more..
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Posts: 73193
Location: Ramat Gan, Israel 🇮🇱
PostPosted: Fri, 13th Oct 2006 16:09    Post subject:
vurt wrote:
Narog wrote:
A Warhammer mod for RTW or MTW2 would blow this out of the sky.

I know of at least 1 RTW Warhammer mod, there are probably more..

And it's shit! Plain simple crap.
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Posts: 73193
Location: Ramat Gan, Israel 🇮🇱
PostPosted: Fri, 3rd Nov 2006 20:50    Post subject:
SP demo's out!
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Posts: 2343
Location: South Sweden
PostPosted: Fri, 3rd Nov 2006 20:57    Post subject:
Lol i wonder how crappy it will be Very Happy Maby they completely improved it from the beta? Maby its like a whole new game? Maby its like all, supercool and we will forget about Medieval 2!!
*right.... off to test now*

CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo E6600 RAM: 4gb Kingmax DDR2 800mhz Video: Asus GeForce 250GTS 1gb Sound: Asus Xonar.
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Posts: 386

PostPosted: Fri, 3rd Nov 2006 21:00    Post subject:
lnatan25 wrote:
SP demo's out!

link ?
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Posts: 73193
Location: Ramat Gan, Israel 🇮🇱
PostPosted: Fri, 3rd Nov 2006 21:04    Post subject:
3dgamers? gamershell??
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Posts: 6823
Location: A Swede in Germany (FaM)
PostPosted: Fri, 3rd Nov 2006 21:29    Post subject:
Been looking my self...there is a link but after 15 sec or so it says finished and its obviously not! gonna wait for a gamers hell DL link. Last i checked it was not up yet.
Its pretty big 1.11 GB

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Posts: 1293
Location: Hyberdyne
PostPosted: Fri, 3rd Nov 2006 21:56    Post subject:
The combat is still damn boring compared to W40k and RTW

I mean warhammer is all about combat, and it blows in this game. Dark omen was more fun.

The graphics are cool tho

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Posts: 2343
Location: South Sweden
PostPosted: Fri, 3rd Nov 2006 22:04    Post subject:
Wow im impressed. Compared to the beta that is. Now its actually a playable game with some fun gameplay Smile
Look in the "Create Army" section, pick a race and then click "Customize Army". Oh my god, some of those units are extremely well animated and textured Smile Good job there.
Then if its an actual fun and good game, thats another deal, but at least it aint the unplayable bug-fest that the beta was Smile

CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo E6600 RAM: 4gb Kingmax DDR2 800mhz Video: Asus GeForce 250GTS 1gb Sound: Asus Xonar.
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Posts: 73193
Location: Ramat Gan, Israel 🇮🇱
PostPosted: Fri, 3rd Nov 2006 23:10    Post subject:
Wow, great to hear! I'm downloading it now, I'll see how good it is in a short while.
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Posts: 73193
Location: Ramat Gan, Israel 🇮🇱
PostPosted: Sat, 4th Nov 2006 01:51    Post subject:
This game is great! It kicks Roman and Medievel balls! Infact, it plays soccer with them...
It's just that good. Gameplay, graphics (and the optimization, OMG!), sound, style, everything! Just a great game. Can't wait to try the full one. I wonder, though. What is the protection used in it?
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Posts: 28

PostPosted: Sat, 4th Nov 2006 10:43    Post subject:
There is no flanking though, and heroes still tear through 90% of a full army. Guess the balancing suggestions from the beta testers weren't let through.. Sad
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Posts: 6823
Location: A Swede in Germany (FaM)
PostPosted: Sat, 4th Nov 2006 11:06    Post subject:
lnatan25 wrote:
This game is great! It kicks Roman and Medievel balls! Infact, it plays soccer with them...
It's just that good. Gameplay, graphics (and the optimization, OMG!), sound, style, everything! Just a great game. Can't wait to try the full one. I wonder, though. What is the protection used in it?

I would not go that far...better then Medieval...BAH HUMBUG! its a pretty good game though, loved the voice acting in the tutorial....still. I will hang out for Medieval II.

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Posts: 73193
Location: Ramat Gan, Israel 🇮🇱
PostPosted: Sat, 4th Nov 2006 14:26    Post subject:
I still can't believe how good the engine itself is... I had hundreds of units onscreen fighting with all the settings on max (that's how it defaulted) in 1280*1024 on my crappy GF6600GT! And it looks much much better than Medieval. Kinda liked the gameplay better than Medieval too.
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Posts: 1293
Location: Hyberdyne
PostPosted: Sat, 4th Nov 2006 14:32    Post subject:
Its nothing close to RTW or Medieval

There is no tactics in this just throw your army at the enemy, no flanking nor friendly fire from archers. The dude with the biggest army win.
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Posts: 465
Location: Estonia
PostPosted: Sat, 4th Nov 2006 21:29    Post subject:
comparing THIS poop to Rome TW?? i should hebitchslap you.

i agree on this the most: Warhammer is about BATTLE, COMBAT, WAAAR... this games combat is like Combat light... with a side order of crap.
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Posts: 496

PostPosted: Sat, 4th Nov 2006 21:31    Post subject:
lnatan25 can u send me that clip in ur sign?

Sig too big.
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Posts: 73193
Location: Ramat Gan, Israel 🇮🇱
PostPosted: Sat, 4th Nov 2006 22:23    Post subject:
No, sorry...
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Posts: 55

PostPosted: Mon, 13th Nov 2006 21:17    Post subject:
Any news on this one? Trying to find an official release date.
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