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[Moderator] Babysitter
Posts: 7449
Location: USA
Posted: Thu, 26th Oct 2006 19:06 Post subject: |
I played the hell out of Dreamcast version, then played the hell out of Gamecube version (splitscreen with friends, will never pay for online!)
Those broomop and Schtack guys are wicked fags, maybe someone else will emulate a piece of the multiplayer some day, don't hold your breath though.
Will check this out for the SP though. Shame all the splitscreen action is gone, long live my Gamecube version!
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Posts: 2965
Location: South Korea
Posted: Thu, 26th Oct 2006 21:46 Post subject: |
I'm guessing this is simultaneously released on all platforms and the PC version is just a bad console port?
Intel i5 6500 3.2Ghz, Geforce 970GTX 2GB, 16 GB Ram, Windows 7
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Posted: Thu, 26th Oct 2006 22:10 Post subject: |
The gamefaqs boards have their whiners whingin' about how wrong it is to release a game which doesn't require a unique cd key te log on to multiplayer LOL. But since yer still pay the $5 bucks a month fer server access WTF sega have prolly decided usin the woz scene te distribute is cheaper n more efficient than EB games or Walmart. . .of course those of us that think dollars and the internet are like goldfish and bicycles-they just don't go together, won't fall fer it-which isn't to say that joey gamehead in the burbs isn't tossing a hissy fit to get momma's card number
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[Moderator] Babysitter
Posts: 7449
Location: USA
Posted: Thu, 26th Oct 2006 22:11 Post subject: |
crossmr wrote: | I'm guessing this is simultaneously released on all platforms and the PC version is just a bad console port? |
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Posted: Fri, 27th Oct 2006 04:16 Post subject: |
Does this needs Securom or anything to play?..
ASUS X570 TUF GAMING PLUS, 32GB DDR4@2666 ,RYZEN 5800X3D (NO OC),GIGABYTE RTX 4070 Super GAMING OC, Western Digital Blue 4TB 5400RPM + SAMSUNG 860 EVO 500+1TB GB SSDs , OEM SATA DVD 22xNoctua NH-D15 Chromax Black, BenQ XL2420T Case: Be Quiet! DARK BASE PRO 901. PSU CORSAIR RM1200 SHIFT
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Posted: Fri, 27th Oct 2006 09:59 Post subject: |
DV2 wrote: | Does this needs Securom or anything to play?.. |
try to find out yourself by reading the nfo!
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[Moderator] Babysitter
Posts: 7449
Location: USA
Posted: Fri, 27th Oct 2006 14:09 Post subject: |
It should pass the nprotect thing just fine.
No crack needed or anything.
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Posted: Fri, 27th Oct 2006 22:25 Post subject: |
I cant play the game also i get a dns not found after chosing story mode.
is there any login and pass to play???
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Posted: Fri, 27th Oct 2006 23:16 Post subject: |
can you change the controls or control the camera with a mouse in this console port?
nightlith wrote: | lol pirates pretending to be pirates...oh god the irony... |
[quoted from Pirates of the Burning Sea thread]
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Posted: Sat, 28th Oct 2006 22:29 Post subject: |
ok i there a way to look with mouse or to use mouse in this game not only with W,S,A,D ??
"It's O'Neill, with two L's. There is another Colonel O'Neill with only one L, he has no sense of humor at all" - Jonathan "Jack" O'Neill
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Posts: 179
Location: Sweden
Posted: Sat, 28th Oct 2006 23:59 Post subject: |
Koliblank wrote: | ok i there a way to look with mouse or to use mouse in this game not only with W,S,A,D ?? |
I don't think so, I don't even have a clue what the cursor ingame is used for
"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning."
Rick Cook, The Wizardry Compiled
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Posted: Sun, 29th Oct 2006 22:45 Post subject: Gah! |
Long post, but needs to be said...
I legitimately purchased the game the second it came out because I was looking forward to the online play. When I got home and started installing, I saw that there was no CD-Key associated with the game. So essentially, I feel ripped off because I could have just pirated the game and gone online just as easily. This is particularly painful because I wouldn't mind nearly as much if it was a game I actually wanted to help support the developers for... however, I think Sega dropped the ball BIG TIME on PSU.
1. Lack of resolution options.
I hope you don't have a widescreen monitor, because you'll be forced into using PSU's 5 different resolutions and that's it. There is no way to modify it other than what's listed (no registry edits, no .inf edits, nothing.)
2. Antivirus must be disabled to play online.
If you are using NOD32 or any other good anti-virus measure, you have to uninstall it or disable the service in order for PSU to connect to the online servers. This is a big slap to the face for 90% of the people out there. There are several dozens of post on the PSU forums about this and it's unacceptable.
3. No AA orAF options.
It's bad enough to not be able to play in a higher rez than 1280x1024, but there is no option to enable AA or AF. If you have an ATI card, you can't even force AA through the Catalyst Control Panel (or ATITray.) AF mostly works if you force it, but it's not an acceptable solution.
4. Half-assed online play.
For a game that's primarily online, it pales in comparison to PSO. There are only 10 maps available for online play, and while the scenery changes, the level layout is dreadfully boring. There is supposedly additional content coming, but it would have taken them 10 minutes to port over the content that is already available in Japan for the US launch.
All these reasons and more are why I am disappointed in what should have been an awesome game. Sega wowed me with PSO, but now I feel like the dog turd I have bought should have just been left in the front yard.
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Posted: Mon, 30th Oct 2006 00:51 Post subject: |
When I played the last phantasy star game for the PS2, I actually didn't finish it and returned it to EB Games the next week. So I was skeptical when I went to play this release. Surprisingly, I really liked it, played 2 hours after install.
About the anime stuff. The eyes are not as big as what you would find in anime or manga. Most of the people have normal size eyes. The bigger than usual eyes can mostly be found on younger characters as it is trying to exaggerate their youth.
Now for my question: Is there a way to use the heal item on your team members? If possible, how do you do it. Thanks.
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Posts: 179
Location: Sweden
Posted: Mon, 30th Oct 2006 01:11 Post subject: |
ZlleH wrote: | Now for my question: Is there a way to use the heal item on your team members? |
You can't use the regular monomate, dimate etc on your partymembers, the only item that can heal them that I've found is star atomizer (I think it's called that anyways). This heals everyone in proximity to you.
"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning."
Rick Cook, The Wizardry Compiled
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Posted: Mon, 30th Oct 2006 01:57 Post subject: |
Also, force characters can use Resta on other players. Star Atomizers, I believe, are the only real item that heals others.
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Posted: Mon, 30th Oct 2006 08:36 Post subject: |
but you team mater wil autoresurect when die ( after 10 seconds after K.O.)
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Posted: Mon, 30th Oct 2006 09:13 Post subject: |
So is this game worth downloading or is it to consolish? I hate manga anime whatever but if the gameplay is good i dont care.
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Posted: Tue, 31st Oct 2006 01:12 Post subject: Controller |
This game was not meant to be played on a keyboard.
However, if you have a spare Xbox controller laying around (or spend $2 and get a used one from Gamestop) then you have a free PC gamepad.
I did it and it works flawlessly in-game. You do need to remap about 4 buttons on the layout, but if you need, I can post my gamepad layout.
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Posted: Tue, 31st Oct 2006 01:20 Post subject: |
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Posts: 179
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Posted: Tue, 31st Oct 2006 08:22 Post subject: |
Ok this game is gay seriously i thought i could put up with it but i failed... its so gay i mean even the "thugs" are gay they had flippin leatherclothes on and one of them even looked like a teddybear... whats up with that? Why the elf ears? Why the gay monsters they look like floating condoms meh!! NEXT!!!
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Posted: Tue, 31st Oct 2006 09:21 Post subject: |
But this game is like a latex version of anime.
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