Neverwinter Nights 2
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Posts: 49
Location: In the Hole
PostPosted: Tue, 31st Oct 2006 21:19    Post subject:
Sleep hour??
Come on guys let show them we are waiting for the game!
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Location: A Swede in Germany (FaM)
PostPosted: Tue, 31st Oct 2006 21:21    Post subject:
NOOOOOO!!!!! NOT another spam thread...please! "Its done when its done" we used to say in the hack scene Wink

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Posts: 3141
Location: New york
PostPosted: Tue, 31st Oct 2006 21:22    Post subject:
reading up the first impressions from the nwn2 forums.. so far so good! sounds like it really is a trip back to the good old days of fallout/bg2/pst

one guy even said it was the best thing theyve made since pst..

Twisted Evil
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Posts: 2832
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Tue, 31st Oct 2006 21:22    Post subject:
CaptainCox wrote:
NOOOOOO!!!!! NOT another spam thread...please! "Its done when its done" we used to say in the hack scene Wink

used to? what happend ppl started saying: OMG GIVE ME RELEASE OR I DROP A NUKE!

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Posts: 6823
Location: A Swede in Germany (FaM)
PostPosted: Tue, 31st Oct 2006 21:25    Post subject:
Don't do hacks anymore...I was turned away from the Dark Side....LOOK! what you made me do now....SPAM!...god dam %***$%& Sad

And yea, there was a lot of that and "nag nag, when is it out, gimme a release NOW" sounds familiar ? Wink

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PDIP Member

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PostPosted: Tue, 31st Oct 2006 21:39    Post subject:
What if... the game SUCK?? Twisted Evil
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Posts: 6823
Location: A Swede in Germany (FaM)
PostPosted: Tue, 31st Oct 2006 21:40    Post subject:
WHAT! ? Thats not an option!

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Posts: 2832
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Tue, 31st Oct 2006 21:40    Post subject:
Then we make it pwn Very Happy
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Posts: 384
Location: the Netherlands
PostPosted: Tue, 31st Oct 2006 21:41    Post subject:
we will have to kill all of the employes of obsidian Twisted Evil
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Posts: 4484

PostPosted: Tue, 31st Oct 2006 21:41    Post subject:
deelix wrote:
What if... the game SUCK?? Twisted Evil

Then I get more than I bargained for Laughing

It cannot suck for me, no matter how bad it is I'll play. Same thing with Gothic 3, buggy but I still played, and I enjoyed it.
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Dr. Strangelove

Posts: 9240
Location: War Room
PostPosted: Tue, 31st Oct 2006 21:45    Post subject:
CaptainCox wrote:
Don't do hacks anymore...I was turned away from the Dark Side....LOOK! what you made me do now....SPAM!...god dam %***$%& Sad

And yea, there was a lot of that and "nag nag, when is it out, gimme a release NOW" sounds familiar ? Wink

yes Razz annoying you just have to put it aside and do whatever it is you do in your own time and only if you want to.
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Posts: 105
Location: northern sweden
PostPosted: Tue, 31st Oct 2006 22:41    Post subject:
so, does anyone have the game already? a storecopy, that is?

CPU: Athlon 64 3500+ RAM: 2048MB DDR GPU: ATI Radeon X800GT DISKS: 2x200Gb SATA
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Posts: 926

PostPosted: Tue, 31st Oct 2006 22:46    Post subject:
well it seems direct2drive can only be used if u are from the north america which sucks big time
at least israel got it first
tons of rpg fans playing all night for sure:)
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Posts: 154

PostPosted: Tue, 31st Oct 2006 22:49    Post subject:
wait so if your living in europe it doesn't matter if it's released now because we can't play it yet?
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Posts: 813

PostPosted: Tue, 31st Oct 2006 23:12    Post subject:
Yes, for now only the North Americans can use Direct2Drive. Europeans can play it only if they find it in stores.
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Posts: 154

PostPosted: Tue, 31st Oct 2006 23:19    Post subject:
and there is only that direct2drive way?
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Posts: 386

PostPosted: Tue, 31st Oct 2006 23:25    Post subject:
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Posts: 601

PostPosted: Tue, 31st Oct 2006 23:56    Post subject:
Well, my "one-game-per-year" budget has been consumed by Gothic3 - and that was a big mistake, G3 is basically a bug orgy.... I surely wont make the same mistake twice: I dont know how buggy NWN2 is going to be, but this time I will be careful...remembering "Knights Of The Old Republic 2" - by the same developer, also a RPG sequel to a very good and successful game...who knows Twisted Evil
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Posts: 246
Location: Brazil
PostPosted: Tue, 31st Oct 2006 23:59    Post subject:
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Posts: 496

PostPosted: Wed, 1st Nov 2006 00:02    Post subject:
*chant* NWN2 NWN2 NWN2

Sig too big.
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Posts: 13459
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Wed, 1st Nov 2006 00:06    Post subject:
Does anyone know if there's NPC schedules this time around? Would really suck otherwise imo..
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Posts: 386

PostPosted: Wed, 1st Nov 2006 00:09    Post subject:
vurt wrote:
Does anyone know if there's NPC schedules this time around? Would really suck otherwise imo..

i saw this option in toolset ( scripts that depends on the day/night time for NPC ) so i guess - yes
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Posts: 5574

PostPosted: Wed, 1st Nov 2006 00:13    Post subject:
Its going to be a great game....up until the last 30 minutes in at which point the player will be rushed through one glob of mobs after another with no interaction, and then sum up the entire story in a 3 minute generic cutscene no matter what path you chose throughout the game.

Obsidian Entertainment - we make a great beggining and middle, but cut and paste our endings together because the publisher said Ship It Very Happy

I can never be free, because the shackles I wear can't be touched or be seen.
i9-9900k, MSI MPG-Z390 Gaming Pro Carbon, 32GB DDR4 @ 3000, eVGA GTX 1080 DT, Samsung 970 EVO Plus nVME 1TB
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Posts: 10

PostPosted: Wed, 1st Nov 2006 00:21    Post subject:
i don't think there was as much pressure to publish this time. Lucas Arts are famed for pushing games to release, but Atari I think are meant to be patient with game releases. There have been a few delays, which helps support that there was problems, and instead of cutting content, they pushed the date back. Example would be Half-life 2 and Doom3, both huge delays but came out well polished with little sign it was rushed, unlike KotOR2.

Thing is, Obsidian Entertainment is meant to be black isle reborn, same program leaders etc. So this should be the same quailty as other BI games.

This is me being paranoid btw. I REALLY do not want another KotOR2
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Posts: 109

PostPosted: Wed, 1st Nov 2006 00:27    Post subject:
Regardless if the game was rushed and the story is quickly summed up at the end, the game engine for NWNs is great for community developers to make mods that will bring endless stories. That is what is great about the first NWN.. the main story line wasn't that great but the 3rd party mods and the expansions made up for that. There are great mods out there, I still play the original neverwinter to this day.
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Posts: 138
Location: Montreal
PostPosted: Wed, 1st Nov 2006 01:31    Post subject:
brewskybeer wrote:
Regardless if the game was rushed and the story is quickly summed up at the end, the game engine for NWNs is great for community developers to make mods that will bring endless stories. That is what is great about the first NWN.. the main story line wasn't that great but the 3rd party mods and the expansions made up for that. There are great mods out there, I still play the original neverwinter to this day.

Amen to that. Any company that encourages independant development makes a good move.


These came just on top of my head but I tip my hat to these guys.

I just can't wait till they release the Dark Messiah SDK!

About NWN2, getting my copy tommorow, there were none in all the stores we visited today here in Montreal.
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Posts: 2965
Location: South Korea
PostPosted: Wed, 1st Nov 2006 02:11    Post subject:
anti-flag wrote:
Damador wrote:

fuck them nerds

No release..yet supposedly its up on "torrents" says one... my guess is FUD.

Intel i5 6500 3.2Ghz, Geforce 970GTX 2GB, 16 GB Ram, Windows 7
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Posts: 1

PostPosted: Wed, 1st Nov 2006 02:17    Post subject:
pfft, i aint seen it on torrents or news or any release sites.
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Posts: 165

PostPosted: Wed, 1st Nov 2006 02:23    Post subject:
Fangman wrote:
i don't think there was as much pressure to publish this time. Lucas Arts are famed for pushing games to release, but Atari I think are meant to be patient with game releases. There have been a few delays, which helps support that there was problems, and instead of cutting content, they pushed the date back. Example would be Half-life 2 and Doom3, both huge delays but came out well polished with little sign it was rushed, unlike KotOR2.

Thing is, Obsidian Entertainment is meant to be black isle reborn, same program leaders etc. So this should be the same quailty as other BI games.

This is me being paranoid btw. I REALLY do not want another KotOR2

Don't be so sure. Atari is not doing so well. Anyone remember the rash decision to simply cut the premium mod support on the original? And that NWN2 was pushed FORWARD (it went from early 2007 to Sept 2006. Seems like some sense got talked into them later to move it back one math.)

That said, I am very surprised there aren't any fake Torrents yet. With a big game like this I would expect at least 2 variations on the ISO to have popped up 4 days ago. At this point i am getting the game one way or the other tmw. If the scene version isn't out, I am buying it.

i7 - 2500k
AMD XFire 6950s
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Posts: 7

PostPosted: Wed, 1st Nov 2006 03:34    Post subject:
I still remember the days I played NWN 1 and its exp.
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