Marvel: Ultimate Alliance
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Posts: 337

PostPosted: Tue, 31st Oct 2006 15:15    Post subject:
zerstorer wrote:
fissesvin wrote:
Nightcrawler is not in the PC version.
Im not sure he is any of the other but i know for sure that Xbox360 have 2 other heroes that the PC dont have.

To unlock all heroes type:

Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Left, Left, Space in the Hero Management screen.

damn that cheat won't work i wont all heroes damn !!!!!!!

so play the game and get them lazy bum
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Posts: 334
Location: both dangerously delicious and deliciously dangerous
PostPosted: Wed, 1st Nov 2006 00:48    Post subject:
IronMan is pretty fast, He a melee hero, and a power hero.

You can bash enemies with easy if you get his boost (forgot name), he does good melee damage also, and can take hits before dieing unlike some of the heroes in the game. His team boost is a great help also, being able to take down crowds of enemies without even using half of my power.

His energy attacks are outstanding, when you start out with him thou, the main one you have isn't much, but once you levle it up a few it takes down enemies with one charge. His melee power is below average, does minor damage, but it deals great damage after you level it a few times, and also is a great way to start off a combo.

Once you get to level ten, he will be able to take out groups in a instint with one of his new abilities you get (Forgot name), with little energy cost, it also for me, has a small knockback effect, great way to start out when you get ambushed.

His Uni-beam is just ownage, though im disapointed how it is not the actually "Uni Beam", it still is a group killer, and is incredibly easy to take down bosses with.

Iron man is just averaged out in melee and energy, but with a powerful arsenal of powers, making him a great hero to have.

Spider-Man if used correctly can do ANYTHING, he's easily the most versataille character in the game.

Spidey's web shield ability has a percentage to block out ALL attacks...that's right, not just melee or a specific damage type, but ALL attacks. The web bullets are energy cost efficient and DEADLY, you can take out bosses with this in no time. Web Warrior is PURE PAIN, chargeable against smaller opponents and almost on par with Silver Surfer's molecule rearranger if used on larger ones.

His different outfits give him ridiculously useful bonuses, if you want him to be a melee warrior with damaging web attacks, you slap him in his original costume. If you want a tank with the chance to do critical damage, you put him in the symbiote suit and use web shield or Spider sense. You want to power him up, look no further than the Scarlet Spider for bonus exp. Last, but not least, if you want a monstrous physical attacker with the ability to dodge attacks, the "Iron Spider"/Stark Armor suit is awesome, use web shield....(which by the way lasts 45-70 seconds depending on how powered up) and you have a ridiculously strong tank with about a 75-80% chance to avoid all attacks. Also no matter what costume he's got on, or how you build him up, with specials like "Web Snare" and "Web Throw" he is ALWAYS a great crowd-control character. Spider-Man also has one of the hardest hitting extremes in the game, the only problem with it is that it works only on enemies that he can grab or web-stop, that kind of sucks, but extremes don't really seem to go a long way in this game (Starts drooling at the thought of Nightcrawler's "Master of Chaos")

I can see how it's easy to think that he's only a good support character if you place him on your team and don't switch his powers around. However, if you're good at switching the powers with him and can think on your feet, you've got a character that can't fail you.

Give Spidey the Attuma's Wrath accessory to bolster his defense and his web damage output and you have an absolute monster. He's easily a top-tier character and useful for any situation imaginable. Just vary your play style with him and make good use of his boosts and powers. Going up close? Use Spider-sense or web shield...Need to stay away? swing away and use the web bullets and web warrior attacks, you'll be done in no time. Play to his strengths and you'll be unstoppable.

Dr. Strange cuz of his black magic skill.....turns enemies to boxes and the low mp cost makes it one of the most devestating skills since nightcrawlers teleport frenzy.


Iron man's rapid fire laser pwns in my opinion

Deadpool is freakin' awesome!

Deadpool's gun move not to mention his comedy relief...(play his comic mission disc the beginning paragraph has multiple references to marvel heroes)

Dual Shot is amazingly powerful, Blade Cyclone is good for tearing through a mob of enemies, Grenade Toss has a huge attack radius thanks to the multiple grenades, and Battle Cry is a useful boost (damage and speed up).

I'm being surprised at how much I enjoy using the Thing.
His Handclap power ALWAYS stuns foes, making it easy to lay the smackdown on them.

Spider-Woman is insanely powerful if built correctly. Those full charged venom blasts do a lot of damage.

captain america his spinning shield is awesome

Havent tried a lot out, but currently i just love playing with
Ms. Marvel - she starts out not so great but has some good boost powers and when you get Prism attack WOOHOOO - think prism tank from Red Alert 2. It has good damage and branches off from primary target into 3 other targes hitting anything along the path. in matter of seconds anything is dead, the more the better. Plus she flys wich is the fastest traveling around.
Spider woman - shes nice to have around her venom spit is just insane same as above with more damage but no branching. Her healing buff is great too. Rest of her powers are not realy that great.

Daredevil. His baton throw is devastating. I score tons of one hit kills with it.

Luke cage is by far my best all around character at reaching characters of level 11. His chain whip is a great defensive attack. I wish it was stronger. His ground pounding move is abusive I must admit, but it's the best radial attack I've gotten so far in the game.

caps shield throw is the most damaging projectile in the game. if you can hit bosses with all six directional changes its really destructive. Especially with the potential to get six combos with just one use. then you can just throw it out there and reck shop with his melee damage. And for fun give him items that give a chance for criticals and watch his death shield fly. His ability to reduce damage taken by the team cant be overlooked.

Thor is a damage machine. the auto stun on his hammer attack is ridiculous. Not only does it hit twice for good damage but you can stun enemies before they ever get close. His charged tornado lifts everything but bosses you can have an entire screen lifted in a gust of death. His lighting attack also allows him to deal good damage to bosses without ever getting in harms way. I laughed at grey gargolye as he tried to reach me in the air while a continuously blasted his life away. Oh did I mention that his xtreme attack gives you life back.

deadpool is just the best melee character period. regen, damage, and regen and damage. All you really need is to build his regen and spin attack and no one can beat you simple as that. Oh for you wolverine fans, deadpool has more aoe ability than wolverine and thats what seperates them.

spider-woman is just an everything character. She heals, has melee, can blast. She also has controls, she can hold enemies, and convert them. And its not that she can do all this but you can do all of this really well.

Take everything I say seriously or else
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Posts: 46

PostPosted: Wed, 1st Nov 2006 03:31    Post subject:
this game is fcking of the best games i've ever played.....gets definitely to my games top 5 list.....but if you want to play some shit games, go and blay bug king gothic 3 Wink (just a joke...without the bugs it would be great too)
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Posts: 738
Location: Canada
PostPosted: Wed, 1st Nov 2006 05:09    Post subject:
I use the default team they give us :s lol

Thor is just insane.
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Posts: 10

PostPosted: Wed, 1st Nov 2006 10:04    Post subject:
what is ratation level!It is in level with loki!
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The Notorious

Posts: 224
Location: Montreal, Canada
PostPosted: Sat, 4th Nov 2006 00:05    Post subject:
the game is ok nothing special.... hit buttons and that's it....

[The Notorious]

AMD64 X2 4600+ | Asus M2N SLI Deluxe| Asus 7950GT 512MB SLI | CRUCIAL DDR2 800MHZ 3072MB | Logitech MX700 mouse & keyboard | Creative Audigy 4 | Logitech Z5300e Audio | Logitech G25 Wheel
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Posts: 2722
Location: In Your Illusions
PostPosted: Sat, 4th Nov 2006 09:52    Post subject:
Buddymander wrote:
IronMan is pretty fast, He a melee hero, and a power hero.

You can bash enemies with easy if you get his boost (forgot name), he does good melee damage also, and can take hits before dieing unlike some of the heroes in the game. His team boost is a great help also, being able to take down crowds of enemies without even using half of my power.

His energy attacks are outstanding, when you start out with him thou, the main one you have isn't much, but once you levle it up a few it takes down enemies with one charge. His melee power is below average, does minor damage, but it deals great damage after you level it a few times, and also is a great way to start off a combo.

Once you get to level ten, he will be able to take out groups in a instint with one of his new abilities you get (Forgot name), with little energy cost, it also for me, has a small knockback effect, great way to start out when you get ambushed.

His Uni-beam is just ownage, though im disapointed how it is not the actually "Uni Beam", it still is a group killer, and is incredibly easy to take down bosses with.

Iron man is just averaged out in melee and energy, but with a powerful arsenal of powers, making him a great hero to have.

Spider-Man if used correctly can do ANYTHING, he's easily the most versataille character in the game.

Spidey's web shield ability has a percentage to block out ALL attacks...that's right, not just melee or a specific damage type, but ALL attacks. The web bullets are energy cost efficient and DEADLY, you can take out bosses with this in no time. Web Warrior is PURE PAIN, chargeable against smaller opponents and almost on par with Silver Surfer's molecule rearranger if used on larger ones.

His different outfits give him ridiculously useful bonuses, if you want him to be a melee warrior with damaging web attacks, you slap him in his original costume. If you want a tank with the chance to do critical damage, you put him in the symbiote suit and use web shield or Spider sense. You want to power him up, look no further than the Scarlet Spider for bonus exp. Last, but not least, if you want a monstrous physical attacker with the ability to dodge attacks, the "Iron Spider"/Stark Armor suit is awesome, use web shield....(which by the way lasts 45-70 seconds depending on how powered up) and you have a ridiculously strong tank with about a 75-80% chance to avoid all attacks. Also no matter what costume he's got on, or how you build him up, with specials like "Web Snare" and "Web Throw" he is ALWAYS a great crowd-control character. Spider-Man also has one of the hardest hitting extremes in the game, the only problem with it is that it works only on enemies that he can grab or web-stop, that kind of sucks, but extremes don't really seem to go a long way in this game (Starts drooling at the thought of Nightcrawler's "Master of Chaos")

I can see how it's easy to think that he's only a good support character if you place him on your team and don't switch his powers around. However, if you're good at switching the powers with him and can think on your feet, you've got a character that can't fail you.

Give Spidey the Attuma's Wrath accessory to bolster his defense and his web damage output and you have an absolute monster. He's easily a top-tier character and useful for any situation imaginable. Just vary your play style with him and make good use of his boosts and powers. Going up close? Use Spider-sense or web shield...Need to stay away? swing away and use the web bullets and web warrior attacks, you'll be done in no time. Play to his strengths and you'll be unstoppable.

Dr. Strange cuz of his black magic skill.....turns enemies to boxes and the low mp cost makes it one of the most devestating skills since nightcrawlers teleport frenzy.


Iron man's rapid fire laser pwns in my opinion

Deadpool is freakin' awesome!

Deadpool's gun move not to mention his comedy relief...(play his comic mission disc the beginning paragraph has multiple references to marvel heroes)

Dual Shot is amazingly powerful, Blade Cyclone is good for tearing through a mob of enemies, Grenade Toss has a huge attack radius thanks to the multiple grenades, and Battle Cry is a useful boost (damage and speed up).

I'm being surprised at how much I enjoy using the Thing.
His Handclap power ALWAYS stuns foes, making it easy to lay the smackdown on them.

Spider-Woman is insanely powerful if built correctly. Those full charged venom blasts do a lot of damage.

captain america his spinning shield is awesome

Havent tried a lot out, but currently i just love playing with
Ms. Marvel - she starts out not so great but has some good boost powers and when you get Prism attack WOOHOOO - think prism tank from Red Alert 2. It has good damage and branches off from primary target into 3 other targes hitting anything along the path. in matter of seconds anything is dead, the more the better. Plus she flys wich is the fastest traveling around.
Spider woman - shes nice to have around her venom spit is just insane same as above with more damage but no branching. Her healing buff is great too. Rest of her powers are not realy that great.

Daredevil. His baton throw is devastating. I score tons of one hit kills with it.

Luke cage is by far my best all around character at reaching characters of level 11. His chain whip is a great defensive attack. I wish it was stronger. His ground pounding move is abusive I must admit, but it's the best radial attack I've gotten so far in the game.

caps shield throw is the most damaging projectile in the game. if you can hit bosses with all six directional changes its really destructive. Especially with the potential to get six combos with just one use. then you can just throw it out there and reck shop with his melee damage. And for fun give him items that give a chance for criticals and watch his death shield fly. His ability to reduce damage taken by the team cant be overlooked.

Thor is a damage machine. the auto stun on his hammer attack is ridiculous. Not only does it hit twice for good damage but you can stun enemies before they ever get close. His charged tornado lifts everything but bosses you can have an entire screen lifted in a gust of death. His lighting attack also allows him to deal good damage to bosses without ever getting in harms way. I laughed at grey gargolye as he tried to reach me in the air while a continuously blasted his life away. Oh did I mention that his xtreme attack gives you life back.

deadpool is just the best melee character period. regen, damage, and regen and damage. All you really need is to build his regen and spin attack and no one can beat you simple as that. Oh for you wolverine fans, deadpool has more aoe ability than wolverine and thats what seperates them.

spider-woman is just an everything character. She heals, has melee, can blast. She also has controls, she can hold enemies, and convert them. And its not that she can do all this but you can do all of this really well.

Wow awesome little review there mate! I've actually been thinking about buying the 360 version and you just cemented my opinion! Smile

Daz99 wrote:
Will I get banned for posting a horse and a nakkid black man?

Godlikez* A Proud Muslim Through And Through.
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Posts: 11

PostPosted: Fri, 10th Nov 2006 11:36    Post subject: cant seem to find the right 1
Hello NFOrcians wanted to know if you could tell me the real size of this file seeing I cant get my hands on the correct one!

Thanx in advance!

"I need input"
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Posts: 12017

PostPosted: Fri, 10th Nov 2006 13:28    Post subject: Re: cant seem to find the right 1
harrytorta wrote:
Hello NFOrcians wanted to know if you could tell me the real size of this file seeing I cant get my hands on the correct one!

Thanx in advance!

need input
then do the math 86*50mb

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Posts: 11

PostPosted: Sat, 11th Nov 2006 08:57    Post subject:
hmmm... never thought 86*50 was the size. Good to know!

"I need input"
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Posts: 10

PostPosted: Sat, 11th Nov 2006 17:41    Post subject:
What i must doing against Ice monster?pleazzz Healp me!
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Posts: 1921
Location: Kalmar, Sweden
PostPosted: Sat, 11th Nov 2006 17:47    Post subject:
Haha, QFT

Oddo wrote:
I am sorry, but what i must doing!?After battle with musterios(it is second level). I can't go,the helicopter has destroyed a tower and has filled up a way!

fissesvin wrote:
lol u stuck allready? pull the crate from the upper level and push it over the edge it wil break the glass in the floor.

heckknow wrote:
craps, I thought it was a bug so I uninstalled the game.

Gaming - Intel Quad Q9450 @ 3.2GHZ | Radeon HD 4870 X2 2GB | SB X-Fi | PC6400 8GB | 300GB Velociraptor
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Posts: 744
Location: Land of Bagged Milk
PostPosted: Sun, 12th Nov 2006 01:14    Post subject:

* Spider-Man
o Scarlet Spider
* Spider-Woman
o Arachne
o Spider-Girl

So....I think spiders have been tapped...any other hero ideas, guys?

So I gave this a try...should I be playing with a gamepad cause I don't find keyboard all that intuitive. I don't really understand what I need to do either...I run up to some enemies and my team all auto attacks everything. Am I supposed to be doing anything cause so far the game has played itself...

i can has computar?!
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Posts: 2407
Location: Holland
PostPosted: Thu, 28th Dec 2006 21:48    Post subject:
Well i have an 8800 gts now. I thougd i could run it smooth with advanced lightning on. But it still runs choppy. More people wih this prob?
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Posts: 97

PostPosted: Thu, 28th Dec 2006 23:31    Post subject:
jaapie18 wrote:
Well i have an 8800 gts now. I thougd i could run it smooth with advanced lightning on. But it still runs choppy. More people wih this prob?

let me guess still testing new Nvidia beta shit with out proper drivers ... i wish you luck
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Posts: 680

PostPosted: Thu, 28th Dec 2006 23:32    Post subject:
jaapie18 wrote:
Well i have an 8800 gts now. I thougd i could run it smooth with advanced lightning on. But it still runs choppy. More people wih this prob?

Blame the game not the hardware is the motto these days. If game companies would spend more time optimizing they're soft for existing hardware like they do for consoles we wouldn't need new hardware every 6 months anyway(or a new 8800). Sad
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Posts: 97

PostPosted: Thu, 28th Dec 2006 23:38    Post subject:
Predator_Soul wrote:
jaapie18 wrote:
Well i have an 8800 gts now. I thougd i could run it smooth with advanced lightning on. But it still runs choppy. More people wih this prob?

Blame the game not the hardware is the motto these days. If game companies would spend more time optimizing they're soft for existing hardware like they do for consoles we wouldn't need new hardware every 6 months anyway(or a new 8800). Sad

sorry to burst your bubble but my 7600GT runs this game with a stable 89fps
but hey ... remember like some member here had a sign with "OMG THIS GAME CAN`T RUN WITH 60FPS ON MY 3 YEAR OLD RIG THIS GAME IS UNOPTIMIZED" Laughing

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Posts: 2407
Location: Holland
PostPosted: Fri, 29th Dec 2006 10:05    Post subject:
Slim12345 wrote:
Predator_Soul wrote:
jaapie18 wrote:
Well i have an 8800 gts now. I thougd i could run it smooth with advanced lightning on. But it still runs choppy. More people wih this prob?

Blame the game not the hardware is the motto these days. If game companies would spend more time optimizing they're soft for existing hardware like they do for consoles we wouldn't need new hardware every 6 months anyway(or a new 8800). Sad

sorry to burst your bubble but my 7600GT runs this game with a stable 89fps
but hey ... remember like some member here had a sign with "OMG THIS GAME CAN`T RUN WITH 60FPS ON MY 3 YEAR OLD RIG THIS GAME IS UNOPTIMIZED" Laughing

they game run fine with everthing maxxed on res 1680x1050. But if i turn advanced lightning on it goes choppy. Just like on my geforce 7800gtx
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Posts: 23228
Location: Trelleborg
PostPosted: Fri, 29th Dec 2006 11:04    Post subject:
Just tried this game as I had totally forgotten about it - this game was totally worthless imo. Really boring and shitty steering.

shitloads of new stuff in my pc. Cant keep track of it all.
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Posts: 680

PostPosted: Fri, 29th Dec 2006 22:17    Post subject:
Slim12345 wrote:
Predator_Soul wrote:
jaapie18 wrote:
Well i have an 8800 gts now. I thougd i could run it smooth with advanced lightning on. But it still runs choppy. More people wih this prob?

Blame the game not the hardware is the motto these days. If game companies would spend more time optimizing they're soft for existing hardware like they do for consoles we wouldn't need new hardware every 6 months anyway(or a new 8800). Sad

sorry to burst your bubble but my 7600GT runs this game with a stable 89fps
but hey ... remember like some member here had a sign with "OMG THIS GAME CAN`T RUN WITH 60FPS ON MY 3 YEAR OLD RIG THIS GAME IS UNOPTIMIZED" Laughing

I'm impressed that u know what kind of graphics card u have but the thing is i have a 7900gt so i think that it beats the crap out of your shit. Try turning the advanced lightening on and then start talking shit about members .
I love that you're playing without the option turned on which btw makes the game like something that was made 5 years ago but like I said...the game is unoptimized as with many other games. Most of them don't even properly support my as well as other peoples dual-core systems.
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Posts: 5586
Location: Argentina
PostPosted: Fri, 29th Dec 2006 22:23    Post subject:
lol, i love seeing when noobs are pwned

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Posts: 23710

PostPosted: Sun, 11th May 2008 12:20    Post subject:
so I was reading which version have what hero's since I reinstalled the game and found out it's moddable. Here's a character download DB

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Posts: 2212
Location: Bulgaria
PostPosted: Sun, 11th May 2008 12:37    Post subject:
hm, for some time i think of reinstalling the game- this time with advanced lighning on w00t. The bad thing is that to insert some of the new chars i must start a new game and loose my progres and levels Sad

anyway on the marvelmods there was a nice program for replacing any hero with any of the downloadable..

Per aspera ad astra
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Posts: 23710

PostPosted: Sun, 11th May 2008 12:42    Post subject:
Ya, I was playing on a 7900GS KO and could run it decently on medium with no shadows. I got an 8800GT maxing it out, fuck the game is gorgeous lol

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Posts: 2756

PostPosted: Mon, 8th Sep 2008 17:08    Post subject:
Sooo, sorry for the thread necro, but ive run into somewhat of an issue here.
Yes, thats how the damned menu shows up. Reinstalled the game twice.
Any ideas? Please?

Clown Fiesta
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Posts: 6313

PostPosted: Thu, 21st May 2009 17:46    Post subject:
Anyone had this issue? Weird glitches around particles. Only happens if I have full screen post process turned on. Sad


C2D E6750 @ 3.2Ghz, 4GB 800MHz DDR2 4-4-4-12, GeForce GTX 260 c216 OC 896MB, 3.2TB, Windows 7 Ultimate x64

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Posts: 23710

PostPosted: Thu, 21st May 2009 19:20    Post subject:
Glottis wrote:
Anyone had this issue? Weird glitches around particles. Only happens if I have full screen post process turned on. Sad


gotta be a driver issue, played this game on max with a 7900GS KO and an 8800 GT Superclock and never an issue

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Posts: 6313

PostPosted: Thu, 21st May 2009 20:26    Post subject:
Alright, will try different driver versions later.

C2D E6750 @ 3.2Ghz, 4GB 800MHz DDR2 4-4-4-12, GeForce GTX 260 c216 OC 896MB, 3.2TB, Windows 7 Ultimate x64

Xbox 360 Elite, PS2 Slim, Xbox
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Posts: 382

PostPosted: Fri, 22nd May 2009 18:43    Post subject:
Anyknow know any mods for this game that increase the difficulty? like add more enemies, bigger groups of enemies, etc?
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VIP Member

Posts: 29148
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PostPosted: Tue, 19th Jul 2016 07:22    Post subject:
Marvel Ultimate Alliance 1 and 2 rated for PS4/XBO/PC by PEGI
So Much Win
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