Neverwinter Nights 2
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Posts: 40

PostPosted: Fri, 3rd Nov 2006 17:05    Post subject:
just got the reloaded version. Could i not install the patch on that then use the "tools" to bypass the cd check??

Or is everyone on here saying the patch won't even install on the reloaded version?
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Posts: 46

PostPosted: Fri, 3rd Nov 2006 17:24    Post subject:
Hi All,
Been playing around a little with this game and would like to let you guys know the following:
For the ones that want to burn the game and do not have a DVD9 burner or just wish to burn it to 2 DVD5's because it's cheaper do the following.
1. Unpack the game with ISOBuster.
2. Start Nero Burning ROM and choose: New -> DVD ISO, now drag all files to the right and start removing cab files (start with the last until it fits on a DVD5. Name the DVD NWN2D1 and burn it.
3. Start Nero Burning ROM and choose New -> DVD ISO, now drag the remaining files to that DVD and include on that DVD. Now name the DVD NWN2D2 and burn it and you got NWN2 on 2 DVD5's instead of 1 DVD9 Smile
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Posts: 1234

PostPosted: Fri, 3rd Nov 2006 17:42    Post subject:
but will it ask you to put in dvd2 or just say cant find cab... and at that point u put in other dvd and click retry ?

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PostPosted: Fri, 3rd Nov 2006 17:46    Post subject:
I wondered that also. I would think it will work provided you rename the discs. Have you actually tried this and had success Olger901? Very Happy

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Posts: 1234

PostPosted: Fri, 3rd Nov 2006 17:52    Post subject:
if you rename each dvd a diff name wouldnt it not recognise it?

thought it would be best to keep each dvd named same as what original dvd9 name is

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PostPosted: Fri, 3rd Nov 2006 18:11    Post subject:
Thinking about it I dont think this would work. If the game was never intended to be on more than one disc doesnt the installer need some kind of information about what disc to ask for? Coding or programming or whatever? Not sure I know what Im talking about but I would think someone does Very Happy

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[Moderator] Elitist

Posts: 8374

PostPosted: Fri, 3rd Nov 2006 18:15    Post subject:
If the installer can't find a file during the install it will no doubt error and then ask for the files location.. at which point you could point it at another CD drive which contains the information..
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PostPosted: Fri, 3rd Nov 2006 19:36    Post subject:
Like some one already said "to hardcore". If it would have been a bit more like KOTOR I would have loved it.

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Posts: 225

PostPosted: Fri, 3rd Nov 2006 19:40    Post subject:
CaptainCox wrote:
Like some one already said "to hardcore". If it would have been a bit more like KOTOR I would have loved it.

It's more or less ment to be hardcore ... it's based on D&D Very Happy
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PostPosted: Fri, 3rd Nov 2006 19:46    Post subject:
I know, i know, played both Baldurs Gate and Never Winternight "back then" just...well its sort a to fiddly done now...slow paced or I don't know. To much menu's and pausing etc etc. I am sure its a great game...I just don't feel "involved" enough for it.

Last edited by CaptainCox on Fri, 3rd Nov 2006 19:49; edited 1 time in total
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Posts: 1

PostPosted: Fri, 3rd Nov 2006 19:48    Post subject: difference?
What the difference between PROCYON & RELOADED version? and how i can identify which version i have?
May be someone have checksums for unpacked files for PROCYON & RELOADED? i will grateful Smile
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Posts: 507

PostPosted: Fri, 3rd Nov 2006 19:49    Post subject:
dam this thing runs like crap on a good pc that even manages to run oblivion and gothic 3 on high settings. And it looks quite crap to except the player models that are nice and... sims like Laughing

Hopefully they will fix this or else in my opinion the original NeverWinter Nights looked better than this.

But haven't looked into the gameplay that much yet so I hope that @ least the gameplay and quest are good and interesting like the original. Sure loved newerwinter nights and the exp backs (played them all).

Hopefully theres going to be a patch that solves the performance problems.

PS: if it looks crap and runs like crap (on a good pc) then that sucks. But still I hope the gameplay will save it.

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Posts: 42

PostPosted: Fri, 3rd Nov 2006 19:51    Post subject:
is it just me or does anybody else find nwn 2 boring ?
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PostPosted: Fri, 3rd Nov 2006 19:54    Post subject:
Ur done for now pal Razz

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Posts: 507

PostPosted: Fri, 3rd Nov 2006 20:05    Post subject:
so hows the gameplay ? Compared to the original ?

Like I c that you have to read (yes children you have to learn how to read in this game before you can play it Laughing ) some of the texts and it seemed like the original. And the fight system seemed the same... So is it neverwinter nights or no ?

dam... why the heck they had to fuck up the graphics. At least if it doesn't look good it should run fine on a good pc. Finally I found a new game that is RPG and runs even worse than gothic 3 and oblivion on my pc Crying or Very sad

but really what about the gameplay Rolling Eyes

Last edited by discworld on Fri, 3rd Nov 2006 20:06; edited 1 time in total
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Posts: 2965
Location: South Korea
PostPosted: Fri, 3rd Nov 2006 20:06    Post subject:
I got screwed by after pre-ordering the limited edition they e-mailed me today to tell me it was delayed 4-6 weeks. Which means I can't get a limited edition because of course no one in town has any left.

Does anyone know if the additional in-game content was released as part of the game, or was it just a separate installable file for the unique weapons and blessing?

Intel i5 6500 3.2Ghz, Geforce 970GTX 2GB, 16 GB Ram, Windows 7
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Posts: 386

PostPosted: Fri, 3rd Nov 2006 20:23    Post subject:
cross its is a patch - aviable at GCW
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Posts: 892

PostPosted: Fri, 3rd Nov 2006 20:26    Post subject:
CaptainCox wrote:
Like some one already said "to hardcore". If it would have been a bit more like KOTOR I would have loved it.

It is actually alot like KOTOR, dialogues and such at least - and I swear the music after the first battle is the same as one in kotor, can't remember which though. Recycled shit, just like the npc dialogues "You die this day!" Very Happy I'm really not seeing that as a bad thing right now though, just a great combination of NWN1 and Kotor1 Smile

I know I'm totally sounding like a fanboi here but, meh.. so far the game is everything I'd hope it would be.

Last edited by Radamez on Fri, 3rd Nov 2006 20:27; edited 1 time in total
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Posts: 12390
Location: England
PostPosted: Fri, 3rd Nov 2006 20:27    Post subject:
ZOMGZ! So this isn't the Gothic 3/Oblivion killer you all hyped it to be!? Boo fucking hoo. Razz

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Posts: 5409
Location: Europe
PostPosted: Fri, 3rd Nov 2006 20:34    Post subject:
discworld wrote:
so hows the gameplay ? Compared to the original ?

are you serious?

it's dungeons and dragons, the gameplay is the same as it is in baldur's gate, baldur's gate 2, neverwinter nights, icewind dale, icewind dale 2, temple of elemental evil, pool of radiance,....

a AD&D game can't possibly have any other gameplay, other than maybe beeing turn based instead of letting the turns run in real time in the background with letting you pause the game, in which case it's still basically the same.
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Location: San Diego, CA
PostPosted: Fri, 3rd Nov 2006 20:39    Post subject:
neone know if i can buy a key for this online?
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Posts: 2343
Location: South Sweden
PostPosted: Fri, 3rd Nov 2006 20:41    Post subject:
Lol really oddddddddd, anyways. Manz. I like it alot Smile I'm an elf, and i met this dwarf dude near an inn. And we became friends and the fucking dialogue is SO GREATLY tuned to what race you are. They were all like "whyy dont you and your ELF friend over there go away! *laughter at the irony of a dwarf and elf being friends" Very Happy Omg. I felt like, eh, like gimli and legolas Very Happy Haha, so damn cool!

And you can do really evil stuff now, like a dude praying for help in a burned village. Either "here, i got some herbs that can take care of your wound".
Or [Slit throat] Very Happy Very Happy Twisted Evil

As for the graphics, just set shadows to Medium, so enviromental shadows are turned off, solves all preformance issues for me.

CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo E6600 RAM: 4gb Kingmax DDR2 800mhz Video: Asus GeForce 250GTS 1gb Sound: Asus Xonar.
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Posts: 42

PostPosted: Fri, 3rd Nov 2006 20:49    Post subject:
AnimalMother wrote:
ZOMGZ! So this isn't the Gothic 3/Oblivion killer you all hyped it to be!? Boo fucking hoo. Razz

nope , just another half assed baldurs gate and kotor clone , obsidian disappointed me :/ and nwn 2 didnt live up to my expectations , still good tho but cant be compared to kotor or bg , imo they should have released it as another expansion for nwn Razz
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Posts: 507

PostPosted: Fri, 3rd Nov 2006 21:13    Post subject:
I personally hope its like the good old NeverWinter Nights that I liked.

Going to turn off shadows (dam this thing looks crap even compared to the nwn 1 that way) and c if the gameplay takes me away from the bad frame rate.

Sure hope that a patch will fix these problems.

It's sad to c that the game is getting bad ratings only because of the performance problems. This game should have been in development @ least for a month or two. It would have made a lovely X mas present.

(staring at my pc looking sad asking my self: why why did they have to fuck up the graphics and the performance... why god why.... )

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Posts: 506
Location: Poland
PostPosted: Fri, 3rd Nov 2006 21:24    Post subject:
ok i have a game question what i nedd to to to become a "Shadow Thief of Ann" ??

I got bluff 3,hide 8,Intimidate 3 Mov silenty 3 nd that feat Stealthy so what else do i need to choose this prestige class ??

do i need to be a member of "Shadows Thives of Ann" before i can become one ??

"It's O'Neill, with two L's. There is another Colonel O'Neill with only one L, he has no sense of humor at all" - Jonathan "Jack" O'Neill

Last edited by Koliblank on Fri, 3rd Nov 2006 21:27; edited 2 times in total
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PostPosted: Fri, 3rd Nov 2006 21:25    Post subject:
Radamez wrote:
CaptainCox wrote:
Like some one already said "to hardcore". If it would have been a bit more like KOTOR I would have loved it.

It is actually alot like KOTOR, dialogues and such at least - and I swear the music after the first battle is the same as one in kotor, can't remember which though. Recycled shit, just like the npc dialogues "You die this day!" Very Happy I'm really not seeing that as a bad thing right now though, just a great combination of NWN1 and Kotor1 Smile

I know I'm totally sounding like a fanboi here but, meh.. so far the game is everything I'd hope it would be.

Cool man! I wish I had to get in to it. Like I said you sort a need to gear up for the "quest, dialog, menu, click click thang...I guess i am spoiled by all the "easy interface, lazy games" Razz. Like I said, i am sure its a great game, just don't fell like gearing up for it...Medieval II and SCDA is on the horizon...well you know Wink

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Posts: 1342
Location: Wehrmacht
PostPosted: Fri, 3rd Nov 2006 21:43    Post subject:
So Procyon and Reloaded release are both DVD9?
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Posts: 2965
Location: South Korea
PostPosted: Fri, 3rd Nov 2006 22:07    Post subject:
Damador wrote:
cross its is a patch - aviable at GCW

No its not. The patch at GCW is the merchant's friend pre-sale bonus. Not the bonus material from the Limited Edition, which includes a unique weapon for each class and a feat which gives saving throw bonuses and other doo-dads called Blessing of Waukeen.
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PostPosted: Fri, 3rd Nov 2006 22:20    Post subject:
RazorsEdge wrote:
So Procyon and Reloaded release are both DVD9?

Yep Sad

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Posts: 5409
Location: Europe
PostPosted: Fri, 3rd Nov 2006 22:25    Post subject:
Koliblank wrote:

do i need to be a member of "Shadows Thives of Ann" before i can become one ??

yes, it says so in the requirements.

and about the performance, that's all way exaggerated, it's running great here with everything on max even in big battles with 20 characters on screen.
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