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Posted: Fri, 3rd Nov 2006 23:06 Post subject: |
Surray wrote: | Koliblank wrote: |
do i need to be a member of "Shadows Thives of Ann" before i can become one ?? |
yes, it says so in the requirements.
and about the performance, that's all way exaggerated, it's running great here with everything on max even in big battles with 20 characters on screen. |
just because it runs good for you doesnt mean it runs great for everyone else.
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Posted: Fri, 3rd Nov 2006 23:10 Post subject: |
6800 gs and runs just fine at least with the lowest shadows.
Everything else is maxed. Gayass Bloom is off.
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Posted: Fri, 3rd Nov 2006 23:33 Post subject: |
Is anyone else getting problems with the map? The starter village and the swamp's maps seem to be bugged, that is as far as I have got so far.
I enjoyed NWN1 but NWN2 so far seems alot slower and less fluid, and frankly I am suprised they decided to recycle alot of the sounds and music.
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Posts: 334
Location: both dangerously delicious and deliciously dangerous
Posted: Sat, 4th Nov 2006 01:45 Post subject: |
Yo if you want to fix the camera just do this.
edit your nwnplayer.ini
change "CameraFollowAlways=0" to "CameraFollowAlways=1"
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Posted: Sat, 4th Nov 2006 02:39 Post subject: |
Obsidian or what the fuck did much, much better work on this title compared to, let's say Piranha -> Gothic 3. Go fuck a duck if you disagree.
"Make me a sandwich."
"What? No!"
"sudo Make me a sandwich."
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Dr. Strangelove
Posts: 9240
Location: War Room
Posted: Sat, 4th Nov 2006 03:50 Post subject: |
Megahoover wrote: | Mumblingidiot wrote: | Obsidian or what the fuck did much, much better work on this title compared to, let's say Piranha -> Gothic 3. Go fuck a duck if you disagree. |
Sry, don´t like animals that way, like u do...?  |
Comparing 1.01 patch to G3 1.01 patch or 7.04 or what it is, Piranha Bytes did a better job.
I bought both games though cause i'm an RPG fanatic and it's part of my 'work' 
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Posted: Sat, 4th Nov 2006 05:31 Post subject: |
Reloaded version + 1.01 patch + mini image from gcw + procyon loader + pr0t.stop + latest daemon tools with all emulation on = working
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Posted: Sat, 4th Nov 2006 05:52 Post subject: |
this got 5/10 from and they pulled it ha publishers reminded 1up how much money they payed them and editor decided to pull it? LOL
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Posted: Sat, 4th Nov 2006 05:57 Post subject: |
Issy_X wrote: | Reloaded version + 1.01 patch + mini image from gcw + procyon loader + pr0t.stop + latest daemon tools with all emulation on = working |
The "mini" image is 3gigs...
Here is what I do: install PROCYON version, mount image, run YASU (included) and run. No muss, no fuss.
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Posted: Sat, 4th Nov 2006 06:14 Post subject: |
Flowmo wrote: | found this on about death attack:
I don't know if assassin have the "study opponent" option or something? Because after reading this, i figure there should be an option to kill the opponent or paralyze it? or the opponent just has a high saving throw so it doesn't kill them... Try to get some levels and use death attack on lower level enemies, see if that works |
I haven't actually tried it yet. I gave up on leveling my rogue and started over I read that you can only paralzye them. I found the cheats though so I will cheat them up to level 20 and see if they can kill someone. Also anyone know how to make it so your party members stop following you? I want to go stealth around, but with them behind me that would be rather a pain.
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Posts: 334
Location: both dangerously delicious and deliciously dangerous
Posted: Sat, 4th Nov 2006 06:41 Post subject: |
I have a FX 5700, but its not could enough because.
Theres a major DEFECT in how all FXes try to reproduce SM 2 functions without having SM 2 hardware.
nVidia argued with Microsoft (about money) and tried to beat both ATI and Microsoft in one leapfrog gamble. They created a fancy FX shader system with 32-Bit precision, not the mandated Dx9 24-Bit system. And it backfired in their faces.
Read the WikiPedia article. It's an eye-opener.
So im completely fucked.
this is going to sound strange as hell. but i gained about 25 fps by turning off vsync in the game profile page of my nvidia card.
In general with the settings I run: with vsync on, my fps sometimes hits 30 but most often sits at 20. With it off, it barely EVER drops below 30...
I don’t get shearing or anything, just much higher framerates and less choppy gameplay.
here are what give me performance hits and my settings.
in game profile for nvida card in the classic control panel with the Nov2 NVIDIA update I have everything game controlled accept: quality is at highest setting and vsync off.
(all fps are approximate averages across indoor and outdoor in combat and out of combat. -Generally, indoor gives about 10 higher fps and combat drops fps by 5.)
res 1280 by 1024
shadows off: 55 fps.
simple drop: 50 fps
cast character shadows with environment off: 45 fps
all shadows on: 35 (much more variable fps than above settings. indoors this bearly hits fps and looks fantastic, but outdoors it drops it to mid 30s).
point light: drops fps by 3
normal mapped terrain: on drops fps by 15! ~ and does not look any better with it on!
soft shadows: on drops by 5
both water effects: each drops fps by 8 when around water
meduim to high texture: no change
draw distance at max: no real fps effect when I change this.
settings in which i find it most playable (avg fps around 45 with minimal variability) and still looking good.
vsync off in profile of nvidia card.
texture on high.
Cast character shadows with environment off outdoors, full shadows indoors
normal mapped terrain off
soft shadows off
all anisotropic filtering on highest settings.
all shadowmaps on medium settings.
bloom on: bloom off makes NO difference for fps for me.
point light from chars on: perhaps 2 fps hit depending on spells and torch...
water effects off
texmin, texmag, mipmp maxtex all at highest settings.
with the same settings above but having vsync on, I get 20 fps almost constantly, with it occasionaly bumping up to 30. with vsync off, i get 45!
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Last edited by Buddymander on Sat, 4th Nov 2006 07:44; edited 1 time in total
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Posts: 1094
Location: Right behind you!
Posted: Sat, 4th Nov 2006 07:11 Post subject: |
Running great here on a 7600gt, with everything maxed except the texture/shadow maps left on default res.
Really like the feeling of this from the get-go. No empty feeling like I got from the first NWN. Haven't yet started getting into the story, though. Waiting on a crack for that online authorization thing, so I can play multi thru the campaign. And it irks me that I'd hafta buy a copy for each player on the lan, like the original which I purchased(but still had to hassle with cracking...grrr).
Anyways besides that small gripe this looks to be a keeper, maybe even RPG for the year for me if the story is halfway decent...
Core i7 920 @ 3.8Ghz | 6GB OCZ DDR3 8-8-8-24 @ 1600mhz | eVga x58 Mobo | 2 x eVga GTX 460 SLI | Intel X25-M + 3x Seagate + WD Black = 2.75TB | X-Fi Titanium | PCP&C Silencer 750 | G15 KB | G5 Mouse | G35 Headset | Z-5500 Digital | Samsung T260HD
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Posts: 2965
Location: South Korea
Posted: Sat, 4th Nov 2006 07:17 Post subject: |
So again: Does anyone know how the Limited edition content was packaged (NOT the merchant's friend) Was it part of the game, or a separate install?
Intel i5 6500 3.2Ghz, Geforce 970GTX 2GB, 16 GB Ram, Windows 7
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VIP Member
Posts: 34514
Location: Sweden
Posted: Sat, 4th Nov 2006 07:54 Post subject: |
There's was a root folder on the DVD containing the extra feet and classes.
Add this file to your "localvault" folder:
(20 characters)
Add this file to your "Campaigns\Neverwinter Nights 2 Campaign" folder
(New feet - bonus saving throws and new items - you must select the feet for the items)
Last edited by JBeckman on Sat, 4th Nov 2006 08:12; edited 1 time in total
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Posted: Sat, 4th Nov 2006 08:11 Post subject: |
the engine is unoptimised crap. everything maxed and res 1920x1200 on x1900 crossfire. it runs ok,fps are decent but it still moves jerky similar to how KOTOR2 did. game is good though.
X6800 Core Duo wasted within a shite DFI 975x/g,
2GB OCZ PC8000 XTC XE, X1900 Crossfire(have my own powerstation), Audigy 2, Z680 5.1
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Posted: Sat, 4th Nov 2006 08:21 Post subject: |
anyone know how to max out the view distance to get rid of all fog in the game (beyond what's available in the in-game options)?
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VIP Member
Posts: 34514
Location: Sweden
Posted: Sat, 4th Nov 2006 08:36 Post subject: |
C:\Documents and Settings\Username\My documents\Neverwinter Nights 2\
Open the NWN.ini and modify the following line:
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Posted: Sat, 4th Nov 2006 08:37 Post subject: |
rolf those atari guys frogot to disable beta keys!!
i just installed the game with my beta cd-key!!
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Posted: Sat, 4th Nov 2006 09:31 Post subject: |
JBeckman wrote: | C:\Documents and Settings\Username\My documents\Neverwinter Nights 2\
Open the NWN.ini and modify the following line:
FarClipPlaneOverride=300.000000 |
doesn't seem to work no matter value i set.
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Posted: Sat, 4th Nov 2006 11:00 Post subject: |
Is it possible to download the 1.01 patch separate for manual install and not using the ingame-patcher? I dont like these "tools", you dont know exactly what they do (spyware?)... I prefer manual patching....
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VIP Member
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Posted: Sat, 4th Nov 2006 11:05 Post subject: |
Tydirium wrote: | Is it possible to download the 1.01 patch separate for manual install and not using the ingame-patcher? I dont like these "tools", you dont know exactly what they do (spyware?)... I prefer manual patching.... |
The auto-updater is not spyware or anything like it, so just use it, it is PERFECTLY safe.
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